Ruby’s Friend, Miss A.

Miss A came today for Ruby’s therapy and was she ever surprised!
When Miss A first came to our home {a few months ago} she was smitten with our 
little Ruby Grace.  She liked her so much she said fell in love with little Ruby
 she said she was going to request being able to do therapy with her weekly 
{which she did}.  
Miss A acknowledges the power of Christ first hand to heal and 
has been tickled to be part of the process.
Today, Miss A arrived and heard what Miss Ruby has been doing and 
after seeing it herself she actually said, “If any one had told me that Ruby would
 be doing so well rolling 
in this short amount of time, I probably wouldn’t have believed it!”
 But yes, indeed, Miss Ruby is rolling just about anywhere she wants to go
 {as long as she’s not too tired, and she does tire easily, but hey, 
Ruby will tell you right up front, rolling is definitely hard work!}.
Yesterday she rolled across the room to the computer where Emma was talking on Skype. 
How amazing is that?
As a family we work with Ruby almost every day, helping her improve her “tuck her arm” skills…
and thankfully, the hard work is making a difference.  
We are rejoicing, because there is no doubt that Miss Ruby Grace’s progress 
is dumbfounding those who’ve seen her CT scans.  

The kids “helped” Miss A measure Ruby for her upcoming 
Ruby loves when Miss A comes, she just might be Ruby’s favorite friend!

Yippee Jesus at the progress!
She’s doing unbelievable and we are so thankful for Miss A’s weekly work 
with our precious treasure!

17 thoughts on “Ruby’s Friend, Miss A.

  1. God is the exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think of God, isn't He? I love seeing her break every limitation put on her by medicine and man! Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. Precious girl and the other littles helping with her therapy just made my heart smile. God is so good and as somebody above said, Ruby is the perfect picture of His grace.

  3. Love love love this! Thank you for sharing the blessings with us! I love hearing good new and God news. It is why I check your blog all the time. There is so much other stuff out there, and this kind of thing does the heart a world of good. So glad that we serve such a good and loving God. Praying for your new little one, too!

  4. I was singing a phrase yesterday that I had on my heart with you and your family in mind: "God will make a way, when there seems to be no way" 🙂 Praying for your family and sending love to you my friend.

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