A Day of Prayer for Our World Economic System

Lately it seems that many of my posts have been so heavy-hearted. My dear friend, Lori, said the same thing as she was posting to her blog yesterday. But as you know sweet friends there is so much at stake these days. I met with my prayer partner, Chelsea, this morning and we were talking about these perilous times we are living in.

Chelsea was saying that she is reading through the book of Jeremiah at the moment and she is seeing such a parallel between the Isrealites and the church of today. The Isrealites would repent when it was their last ditch effort to get God to move and then before long it would be back to “business as usual”. Chelsea and I were wondering together this morning if God does move for America next Tuesday, will we remember? Or before long will we go back to life as usual? Will we stay repentent and digging into His word, praying and fasting to know Him more? Or will we get wrapped up in all the “stuff” again becoming complacent and apathetic?

About 10 days ago I had a dream. Actually it could be more appropriately called a terrifying nightmare. It was so very real and I was even reasoning and trying to gain understanding during my dream about different aspects of what was going on in the dream. It was extremely vivid and specific. I awoke knowing that it was a dream of spiritual significance and that God was trying to show me something. I have never had a dream like it before. Thankfully when I awoke it was Dw’s day off and we headed right out for our breakfast date and I was able to share with him about the dream. He prayed with me and he had some insight, but we are continuing to pray for a clear interpretation or deeper understanding of precisely what it meant. It has been on my heart since that day.

Between the dream, the election and the economy I would say I am in a heavy-hearted funk. I do have some extremely exciting news to share soon!! It’s a story of God’s amazing surprises in our lives – but I can’t start telling it for a few days. Once I start to tell it, I will share it off and on over the next few weeks. In the meantime, please bear with me….

I subscribe to a prophetic newsletter that comes in my ebox each morning. There are some modern day prophets who have been prophesying for several years all the events that are happening today (economic, political, etc.). A couple of weeks ago they sent an email asking people to fast and pray for the World Economic System on October 29th (tomorrow). There are people around the world joining in this very significant day. Here are little snippets of the letter:

Dear Intercessors,
October 29th marks the anniversary of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, after which the great depression ensued. Earlier this year, the Lord reminded me of this……We must be proactive through prayer! For this reason, I am issuing a worldwide prophetic call to a Day of Prayer for the World’s Economies on October 29, 2008. ….to intercede for the economic systems of our nation and the nations of the world.

“For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake Heaven and Earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple [house] with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of Hosts.” Haggai 2:6-8
At the beginning of the 2008, intercessors began to hear from the Lord that without divine intervention, a major shaking was coming to Wall Street. This would spread until there were food shortages. In fact, we heard that 2009 would be worse than 2008! Of course, it goes without saying that this would affect markets around the world……… We are also going to intercede at the site of the statue of the bull on Wall Street to ask God to begin a shift from the bull and bear markets to what we feel will be the “Lion’s Market” or God’s control over the economic systems. While we do not have the full revelation of all this will entail, we do know that without intercession, economies will crumble…..
They then listed the following prayer points….

Urgent Prayer Points
Here are a few suggested prayer points for the day:
1. Repent for any personal greed. Ask God to show you any personal connection that you have with mammon.
2. Repent for the economic sins of your nation. Ask God to forgive the greed, avarice, participation in mammon, etc., that has taken place in your nation’s economic system.
3. Repent for any excessive participation in debt. Ask God to give a strategy both to you, personally, and to your country to heal your economies.
4. Repent for a lack of love for the poor. Ask God to forgive any way in which you and your nation have not addressed the needs of the poor, either in the workforce or through racism.
5. Cry out to God for mercy for your nation. Plead with Him according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and pray that your nation will turn from any wicked ways.
6. Pray for wisdom for the leaders of your nation on how to deal with the current financial crisis.
7. Ask God to stabilize the nation’s economy.
8. Begin to intercede and ask God to establish righteousness in the stock exchange, expose corruption, and bring to justice those who have sinned against God and the nation. Ask God to heal the economy.
9. Pray that God will raise up an economy based upon biblical principles.
10. Intercede that a great revival will break out in the marketplace as a result of the shaking. Pray that God will begin to give wisdom in the midst of the shaking – to shift the wealth of nations into the hands of the righteous.
Dwight and I will be joining in this, and maybe you would want to also. Don’t get me wrong, fasting is definitely not my favorite thing to do. I get hungry. Sometimes I get a headache. My stomach growls. Sometimes I feel nauseous. I want to think about what I will eat when I am able to stop the fast —- yes, I am very, very human!! BUT I am convinced that God wants to know how serious we are about struggles, trials, burdens, etc.. I sometimes wonder at times like this things like….if there is a famine and life as we know it is not ever again the same, would I wish I had fasted before it all fell apart?? So on that premise and because I love America – this great land that allows me to bring babies home from other countries —-and allows me to worship freely——and for a zillion other reasons…I will fast while there is still time for God to hear our prayers and move from Heaven.

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