My Day – Ugandan Style the Whole Way Through….

What a day!!

I hurried early this AM to be there when Elizabeth and Elijah woke up. The little stinker Elijah had already climbed out of his crib so I snatched him up and went to find Elizabeth still waiting in hers. I picked her up and then put them both on the side rail of Elizabeth’s crib so as to take the weight off my wimpy arms, still enabling me to snuggle with both of them in my arms. I was whispering to them how much I love them and how happy I was to see them when I felt something warm on my legs. I thought, “that’s weird, what in the world??”

I turned around to find the little bully of the baby home had pulled his pants down and was grinning ear to ear while holding his pee-peer in his hands and with great aim intentionally peeing all over my legs and skirt. He emptied his obviously very full bladder on me. EEEKKKK! He thought it was so funny. I did not think it was remotely funny. (Is it bad to say “I was pissed off”….best to have a laugh out of it, because it was sooo gross)….And no, I haven’t posted a picture of him. If I did, it would be the backside of him with a bulls eye on his bee-hind. There is nothing like standing in some little meanhead’s pee with pee all over the entire bottom of my skirt, totally drenched legs and in a puddle on my sandals. Lovely, really lovely.

I went and took my cold bath and got dressed for the day and headed with Tony, Emma and Graham to the US Embassy. It was a pretty day and the drive was quite sweet through a different part of town then we had been before.

I was so excited. It might sound silly, but being in a very foreign country on the opposite side of the world this flag waving American was pretty tickled to be heading to a “home away from home”. I was feeling mighty proud of our country. I told Tony, “I love your country son, but I love America!”
Having a son that serves our country proudly only makes me love our America that much more. Eventually while driving Tony told us we were almost there and since we had been taking pictures along the way of sights, the second we saw the humongous building come into view Emma said, “There it is!” and snapped a quick picture as we sped past. Right as she took it I saw a sign that said, “No picture taking”. I said to Emmy, “Oh! You can’t take pictures, put my camera away.” Which she did. We parked where we were supposed to park and hiked about a quarter of a mile back to the main gate.
After standing in an outside line a lady came over in her uniform and pulled us aside. She wanted to know what I wanted. I told her I wanted to meet with the counselor. She asked for our passports, which I gave her. Right about then a man walked up and whispered in her ear. She turned to me and said, “You took a picture?”
Being a woman of integrity I said, “Yes we snapped one as we were passing, until we saw the sign and then we put it away. If you would like us to delete it we will.” The man now got involved and said, “There are signs all along the way.” I said, “Well we did not see one until after she took the picture.” He said, “But they are all along the way.” I said, “I understand but we had not seen one until after the picture and then we put it away and if you want I will be happy to delete it.”

At that point I was beginning to feel kind of scared. I realize we had taken a picture, but really, it would mean nothing to delete it. I told them that they could look at the pictures and see there was only one and then we could delete it. The man was stuck on the fact that there were signs posted and we took one anyway. He said, “Wait here.” I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. This was not the warm and fuzzy reception I was hoping for from my country – the country I LOVE so much!! (And B and L – you know whose fault it was?!?!)

After what seemed like forever someone else came and said, “You have to meet with someone before you can talk to the counselor – because you took a picture.” Hmmmm. Now those closest to me know I am a letter of the law type gal, who proudly waves her flag…and above all a woman of integrity – this was turning into really something very big that we absolutely no intention of stirring up.

Eventually a very American looking man headed our way. He was very handsome, tall and probably somewhere in his mid-30’s. He said, “You took a picture?” I was relieved that he spoke perfect English and about that moment my eyes welled again as I explained what had happened. I said, and by now the tears were steadily dripping, “Sir, I love America. My son serves our country in the Special Forces…..I do love Uganda, but I really, really love America and I was just so excited and happy to see my country’s Embassy so far from home….but really we will just delete it, it means nothing to us.” *tears plunking with great volume as I was talking to him*

He was soo nice. (An answer to prayer!)…He went on to say that they are hyper-alert to any type of security issues since ter*orists blew up two of our Embassy’s in East Africa a few years back. He said he was in the military also at one time and so he appreciated how excited I was to see our American Embassy. He was very kind and said it was all good, just please delete the picture. Which at that point Graham was already in the process of doing as he heard him talking.

Whew! What an introduction to the American Embassy. And for the record, next time you are in Uganda, do not snap a picture no matter if you see the signs or not – you have been warned!!

The counselor appointment at the Embassy didn’t happen. They did tell me what we needed to bring back to our counselor appointment Friday morning. (We need the passports – don’t have those yet! and we need the court ruling – don’t have that yet!) Which means BOTH passports and BOTH court rulings need to come tomorrow! PLEASE PRAY FOR FAVOR WITH THESE MATTERS!!

From there we went back to the baby orphanage and changed Elijah and Elizabeth’s clothes and took them to a Medical center for the Immigration physical so they can acquire a VISA and then leave the country and enter America. But that couldn’t happen because we didn’t have photos of the kids. Off we went for photos. But that couldn’t happen because Elijah wouldn’t hold his head up high enough. We then did them again. Then back to the Medical Center. In between we fed my sweet babies their first pizza (Ugandan style). They were in overload with all the sights and sounds, and couldn’t believe that we sat down and people brought us food.

The entire day took 11 hours. Those who know Uganda know that this is normal. Nothing happens quickly. So we wait a lot. It’s all good though. We are one step closer to bringing the babies home.

It was really, really fun having the little ones with us. We have to bring the social worker from the orphanage for some odd reason. I will ask the director when we can take them off on our own, but am beginning to think that it probably won’t be until we actually leave for home. Either way we snuggled alot and Elijah loves his Mama so much he doesn’t want to let go of me *grinning* – yeah, such a problem! Elizabeth is lovin’ having Emmy and Gray-Gray with us…and she snuggled with me a good part of the day when Elijah finally fell asleep with Emmy.

Thank you for all your encouraging comments, emails and prayers! We couldn’t be doing it without you. Almost every moment I think to myself, “okay, this is so not you Linn – you are such a homebody…give me grace Lord and strength.” I am shocking myself!!
Thank you also to our sweet friends who lives near us. So many of you have brought meals to Dw and Liberty and Isaiah.. Others of you have had them over – that is soooo nice for them to have a break and do something that makes the days pass quicker. Some of you have even invited them along to do some really fun things – and thank you for that – they are seeming to have lots of fun even though they miss us terribly. Thank you Abber-Dabbers for being such a wonderful big sis and mailing them the box of delightfully fun things to play with – they decided you really are their favorite! LOL – You friends and family TOTALLY rock and we love you all!
Carie thank you for looking for some clothes for the little ones now that I know about what size they are….And Laura – I am craving a cup of your delightfully, yummy coffee in the worst way -I am not joking one bit – so be ready I am coming for one soon after I come home!! And please Frank forgive JoJo for gazing at the babies pictures – she is addicted and you certainly must have a clue as to what that is gonna’ mean – And JoJo I can’t wait to see you in Denver’s airport on the way home – and for you to meet my sweet new babies – you are so gonna’ love them!! And then you are so gonna’ want to come and find one for yourself -hehehe – Yippee Jesus – playmates for Elijah and Elizabeth!!!
PS I cannot upload any pictures at all. Even though I have made them all way smaller and less KB or whatever it all means. PLease pray that problem will be resolved cause I really want you to see the babies here….so you want to come and find one for your forever family. So pray!! xo

13 thoughts on “My Day – Ugandan Style the Whole Way Through….

  1. You are too much! Frank got a kick out of your comment! One thing’s for sure, you ALWAYS know how to make an excursion VERY memorable!!! Can’t wait to hear that the passports and court rulings arrived just in time. I’ll keep praying. God is sooo faithful. Sending much love over many miles….Jojo

  2. Linn – we were honored to be able to have Dw & the kids come over last night! You all bless so many people, all the time (us included) that it was a treat to be able to return the favor! And just know, he's doing really well "parenting" while you're gone! You are all amazing! Miss you!

  3. Ugh, what a bummer of a start to the day! Although, I have to admit, it’s pretty funny from this end 🙂 Little stinker…
    I just cannot get little Martha out of my mind and I just thought of something you said earlier. That kids are moved to the big kids orphanage soon after turning two. They aren’t going to move her yet are they? There is no way she would survive if she were having to fight for her place with big kids.
    Is there any way that you could find out when they were going to move her?
    Does she have someone to help her when you aren’t there? Does anyone help her at mealtimes? Is there a way to sponsor her?
    I would love to help her in any way that I can!

  4. I am thinking and praying for you daily. I know that God is good and has answered so many prayers before. I am praying for the rest of the paperwork situation to all go smoothly!

    I am so passionate about these dear children in Uganda. I can’t go in June, since we will have our new China baby, but our 20 year old, Cassandra is serious about learning more about the trip. Can’t wait to hear more details. I am desperately praying for Martha.

  5. I LOVED your comment about being “peed off”—okay, you say it soooo much better 🙂 Thanks for the laugh, hilarious!
    What a day, my goodness, nothing like a little bit of an adventure down in Africa. Paying that EVERYTHING you need for the babies will be take care of in record time, NOT Africa time 🙂

  6. As someone who grew up in foster homes and once live on the streets of LA I know a little bit about the emotions these young children are experiencing. I am so grateful that you are following Gods plan and your heart my loving on this children for God’s Kingdom. As a person who has often struggled to find the true meaning of my life. I have often fallen short looking for a way to give back what God has so graciously given back to mean. It seems that there is always a problem or some struggle that prevents me from finding the right time, place, mission etc. However as I head about you and your precious children I am beginning to realize that the reason things never came to pass, yet, is because God had yet to fully prepare me for what needs to come. Everyday I will continue to pray for you and the children knowing that God’s plan will be carried out and someday I will be there to help. God Bless.


  7. Hey Linny,
    The post about Martha has changed me. Last night we were watching a new show about millionairs and I told my husband that if we had that kind of money I would be on a plane to Uganda right now to be with Martha. I cried (I cry every time I think of her)and Chris looked at me and said “Sarah, she is a lucky one because she was found”. I made him promise me that if we ever hit money there will be a lot less starving children in Africa. I told him we didn’t have to bring them all home but we would take care of a lot of them.
    I have also been wondering like redthread if there is something this group of people that are following your blog can do to help her. Is there someone there we could pay to come in and be with her until she gains some strength?

  8. Only YOU with the Pee… well, unless it were me there, I am certain it would have happenned to me too!

    Sorry picture man made you cry… and do not take pics of the embassy…noted. 😉

    Love to you!

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