Our Embassy Appointment

Sweet friends,
Dw arrived last night on schedule – so sweet to see his handsome face come out of the airport into the holding area where we were allowed to stand. It is very wonderful to have him here in Africa with us. Today marks two weeks that we have been gone from home and in many ways it feels like we are a million miles and years away from our little log cabin nestled down our long dirt lane….I miss home sooooo much…I am pathetically such a homebody…..

Anyway, please understand that if we don’t post, it’s not cause we don’t want to ….it’s because the internet system is ridiculously slow OR non-existant and we are also a hike from any internet connection. We miss all of you and can’t wait till we can sign on and find out who is thinking and praying for us – we desperately need the encouraging words – trust me!!!!!

My camera battery is dead and we do not have a connection to power it up, but I was able to get a few photos of my hubby being reunited with our precious baby boy and miracle baby girl….(I will post when we are back home – Lord willing….I have a boatload of stories to tell – many of them Yippee Jesus stories)))) …anyway….Elijah wore his TaTa’s hat, and if you remember the pictures he had proudly worn TaTa’s hat when he met him this past summer. So the minute Dw gave it to him again, he put it on and strutted about smiling ear-to-ear – – – obviously like it was his little engagement ring or something….very cute….”I have a daddy and here is his hat to prove it!”

Elizabeth seemed overwhelmed with TaTa being here. She was very clingy to me and didn’t want us to leave to go get papers signed…I keep telling her we are going for more papers to bring her home, but I think that she is wondering how it all works and why is TaTa here, since originally I have told her that we are taking her to him….all confusing to a little 2-1/2 year old who has lived her life in an orphanage…

Anyway, we headed to the Embassy first thing. Our prayer was that we could get it all processed and have the VISA’s and then just ‘celebrate’ God’s goodness by “relaxing” and playing all day with our babies. Yeah, not so much. Days just don’t turn out like we plan, at least not too often for us it seems….and here we are asking you to please pray – AGAIN!!

We got to the Embassy and went into the little conference room to meet with the ‘counselor’ and waited and waited and waited. We waited for over an hour for the lady that I had met with last week. She eventually popped in to the little conference room and said that she had to process all the VISA applicants that were sitting outside…..hmmmm….oooookay….and that we would need to come back this afternoon…..hmmmm.

So what does a good American do when life doesn’t turn out like planned? They pray lots and head for coffee at one of the two places we have found that is most like Starb*ck’s…. =) I almost always feel better after a good, strong cup of coffee. Ahhhhhh….

Last week Emma and I had found (with the help of Tony – our son here) a dress maker and we both picked out African prints and patterns and had dresses made for both of us….So we went to go to the garment district since we still had time before the next time the lady had told us to be back at the Embassy.

About this time it started to rain and when it rains in Uganda, it pours like I’ve never seen it before. Before long the streets were flooded (some places mid-shin) and we were in the traffic jam of the century. Traffic in Uganda is also not like anything I have ever seen….it is worse than Ch*na by far…it is psycho!!!

Well this traffic jam just wasn’t moving. We were sitting in a van and they turned off the motor and sat and sat and sat. Dw was getting nervous since we were supposed to be back at the Embassy at 1:30 and now it was closing in on 1 and we had not moved one inch in about 20 minutes. Tony decided to get out during this rainstorm to see why the traffic had stopped. He ran to check and walked quite a ways (Tony is just so precious!) to where the traffic was stuck to find the TAXI sitting at the front of the jam empty – except for the driver – who was – are you ready for this?? SOUND ASLEEP…..dozens of cars behind him sitting completely still and he is sitting absolutely sound asleep. Tony banged on his window and woke the guy up and the guy apologized profusely and started his taxi up and left and eventually our Taxi started up and we moved through the flooded streets….and i mean flooded!!

We did get to the Embassy right on time. This time we sat and went over the papers, having to fill some out while there with her help. One more interesting God-thing….Last week the lady had told me what papers we needed to complete the process. We went over the forms numbers several times. I questioned her repeatedly and she confirmed what numbers were needed. Today she asked for the papers and it turns out she had told me the wrong one!! If Dw had just stayed in the States he would have sent the WRONG one….she said, “Oh! I told you the wrong one.” Hmmmm.

Faithful God had prompted us (through your prayes) that Dw needed to come because we needed his physical body here so that he could sign the RIGHT papers…Thank you Jesus for providing the airfare through that man at church….and the flights by Jehovah-Of-The-Last-Possible-Second -Of-Over-Time…….

So anyway, we completed all the papers and it turns out that the medicals were not at the Embassy. I got out the receipt and showed the lady how we had had the kids medicals done last Wednesday the 10th….I know they have to come by carrier, as we are not allowed to hand carry them…… We said we would go by and check on them. She said, “NO!” Hmmmm. She said she would check on them and did not want us bothering them. She said they should be here in a few days. We said Dw leaves for the States Tuesday evening and we leave Wednesday evening, we don’t have a few days. Of course we were more than polite and sweet – after all we represent Christ.

Dw said, “I get on a plane tomorrow night and I want to be sure that the papers are complete and the VISAs are done.” She said, “We will not be pressured.” Dw said, “I’m not pressuring you, I am merely asking you when to expect them and if you think there will be any problem with them.”

I did not have any warm fuzzies leaving and am not sure what to think. I know God is always faithful. I believe that at times there are things that we need to pray against….like when Ch*na said ‘no’ to Isaiah, we prayed for the Spirit of pride to be broken….With that being said, please pray with us for anything (God will show you what exactly) that would stand in the way to be broken….

I am weary and tired and reminded that our Son daily lays down his life for our great country….the country we are asking to process our children’s VISAs…..VISA’s that need to process in time for our flights on Wednesday night or the charge just to change them is over $5,000 and that doesn’t include the new flights……

Forgive me for not sounding more cheery: I serve with every breath I have this mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God who has prophetically spoken a dream with Elijah and Elizabeth in it…..I am just weary and ready to go home….and for the record, I will come back and adopt from Uganda AGAIN, but we will know better what needs to be done…this was a ‘way-paving’ experience and I am begging God that some of you will come with me/us and adopt kids like Oscar (he’s deaf), or Godwin (mild brain damage, but oh-so-tender and sweet to the babies)…or Angela (who wimpers and cries and daily reminds me of me when i was little – overwhelmed with the stress – I used to cry daily – stress from the abuse left me overwhelmed and jumpyish as a little tiny girl)….or Ronald (who peed on me but has become my little buddy, longing so bad for someone to love him – he will NOW randomly walks up to me and will say ‘I love you’ because he heard me say it….) and there’s many more that so much need a mommy and daddy to call their own…..

Thank you for standing in the gap with us. We need it desperately!! One can feel very alone in a foreign country – -even at the US Embassy….

28 thoughts on “Our Embassy Appointment

  1. Wow, I don’t even know what to say except that I’m praying for you and I am so glad God put Dw in Africa to be with you.

    You know God is talking to me so I sure hope you do figure out an easier way with things because I simply don’t do well in different countries.

    I also cannot imagine traffic worse than Ch*na.

    Praying, praying, praying!!!

  2. I know God is going to see through what he started but I know you must be weary. I have been praying for you and will keep asking God to give you the strength to do what you need to.
    God Bless
    Melissa in KY

  3. Oh, my friend. I know you never voted yourselves into the “way-paving” business, but you’re handing it well. When you are feeling blue, I’m here grinding my teeth. When you’re feeling weary, I’m here panicking for you! When you’re feeling frustrated, I’m feeling angry. Trust me, my friend. It was YOU who was supposed to go first, certainly not me.

    We’re still here praying for you from afar. And really, you’re not that far. We’re serving the same God that created the skies and stars. Look up. I’m looking that same way.

  4. Linn and DW,

    We are continuing to stand in the gap and pray, pray, pray for you all. As our minister said in yesterday’s sermon, “God said, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9.

    Your weariness and weakness leads to God’s power. We pray that God holds each of you in his mighty hand, renews your strenth, and does yet another mountain-moving miracle to bring those precious babies and you all home safely!

    We also pray that your Emma is feeling better and overcoming the allergic reaction to her medicine. She has been on our minds often since yesterday’s post.

    Janet and Kevin

  5. (i have no idea when/if you will get this since the internet isn’t so great, but just in case…)

    hopefully, something to pep your spirits…
    you are doing such AMAZING work! God has called you to open the floodgates of adoption in Uguanda, to brings attention to the fight for the orphans! you are paving the way for so many of us. planting seeds in our hearts. building faith in prayer. saving so many children. i have watched over the past 2 weeks how your “followers” have grown in number. your story and your fight for the orphans in contagious and growing in our hearts.
    i know you are weary and tired. and you should be. you have been fighting for these children with your whole heart for so long, and now your body is fighting for them too.
    continue leaning on jesus. He will continue to carry you. you have a blanket of prayer covering you in africa.
    you are an AMAZING woman of God.

  6. Even though I know you may not read this for some time, know, know, know that you are not there alone and that we are all praying for this to end well and without delay. Our love for what Jesus is doing for these children and our love for your willingness to step out in faith as you do EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE as I have witnessed over and over again for far smaller concerns than this but with no less passion or trust! As you are sleeping, I will be praying. Thank you, Lord for what you are about to do! I love you two, Linny and Dwight! My prayers are with you now and always. Lori Luhrs

  7. We are with you in prayers and checking the blog hourly for updates! I had a sense, while reading this latest blog, that crazy things happen to the Saunders family because you allow God to work through you and you give Him all the glory. You are a testimony over and over again of his faithfulness, especially at the last second, and His love for each of his children. I will pray for your weariness. I can only imagine how draining it is to be so far away in a strange land doing lots of errands and paperwork. You are a trooper Linn and I’m so proud of you. I’m not sure my attitude would be as good. Thank you for your example of grace and trust. You’re awesome and we are so excited to see you on Thursday with those two gorgeous babies! We love you!

  8. Still praying for you Linn and Dw…Have you read Gracie’s mom’s blog lately? Her last one was entitled “Abide.” She said that “hanging in there” is like a cat hanging on for dear life, ready to fall, but abiding is like curling up on God’s big lap, purring contentedly. So, don’t hang in there. Curl right up on our dear Savior’s lap and wait on Him.


  9. Linn and Dwight,

    S0 happy to know that Dwight made it safe and sound and has been reunited with all of you, and the babes! Praying for your babies back home . . . And for the God of Details to work out the remaining complications!

    Do you ever watch Extr*me Home Makeover? God just gave me the coolest picture . . . You know how on the show, when it’s time for the big reveal, the family shouts “MOVE THAT BUS” ? Well I just saw the prayers of all who are following and praying, go up in a shout, “MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN!”

    MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN, Lord! It’s time for the big reveal. Your glory SHINES in the mighty way You have moved in Uganda . . .lining up saints all over the world to SHOUT! MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN! Thank You Father for hearing our prayers, thank you Father that these precious little birds of Yours will fly free! Soon Lord, very soon!

    We praise You! In Jesus MIGHTY name, Amen!

    Praying in Texas~



  10. I can just hear your weariness coming through in your e-mail—what a tiring time. I sooooo understand your frustration—there is nothing quite like ‘Africa time’, where you can wait forever for the simplest things and nothing is ever done in a hurry. NOTHING! Uugggg, so frustrating. I had to laugh about the taxi driver–toooooo typical 🙂
    PLEASE know that you are covered in prayer. The Father WILL come through for you—yes, even if it is at the very last second. Thank you for doing this—you really are paving the way for others to adopt from Uganda. You will have so much knowledge about the process after this. Thank you for pioneering this new and unchartered territory for MANY to follow after you. Thank you for being His hands and feet to the MANY children who will be placed in loving homes—all because you were obedient to the call. Oh how God trusts you to do the ridiculous. I wish it didn’t have to be so hard—but the fruit it going to be BEAUTIFUL!
    You guys are amazing. Hang in there—just a few more days and you will be on your way home, just in time to spend the best Christmas ever with your family.

  11. I’m praying,Linny that God will continue to move those mountains…and HE will. Get your sleep and take care of yourself. Hang in there! Won’t be long! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength!!

  12. Linn and Dwight,
    We are certainly lifting you up in prayer. Praying for strength and endurance for all of you. Praying those sweet babies home and for those still in the orphanage – praying them home as well. Praying that hearts will be moved and softened at the Embassy. Thanks for paving the way for others who want to adopt a sweet baby from Uganda. Would love to hear more about Oscar 🙂 Can’t wait for more yippee Jesus stories and sweet pictures of the babies!


  13. Hello Linn and DW-
    Sending some encouraging words your way. Is 35: 1-10 (Message Trans.)

    Wilderness and desert will sing joyously, the badlands will celebrate and flower-
    Like the crocus in spring, bursting into blossom, a symphony of song and color.
    Mountain glories of Lebanon- a gift.
    Awesome Carmel, stunning Sharon- gifts.
    God’s resplendent glory, fully on display.
    God’s awesome, GOD majestic.

    Energize the limp hands, strengthen the rubbery knees.
    Tell fearful souls, “Courage! Take heart! God is hear, right here, on his way to put things right
    And redress all wrongs.
    He’s on his way! He’ll save you!”
    Blind eyes will be opened,
    deaf ears unstopped.
    Lame men and women will leap like deer, the voiceless break into song.
    Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.
    Hot sands will become a cool oasis, thirsty ground a splashing fountain.
    Even lowly jackals will have water to drink, and barren grasslands flourish richly.

    There will be a highway called
    the Holy Road.
    No one rude or rebellious is permitted on this road.
    It’s for God’s people exclusively-
    impossible to get lost on this road.
    Not even fools can get lost on it.
    No lions on this road,,
    no dangerous wild animals-
    Nothing and no one dangerous or threatening,
    Only the redeemed will walk on it.
    The people God has ransomed will come back on this road.
    They’ll sing as they make their way home to Zion,
    unfading halos of joy encircling their heads,
    Welcomed home with gifts of joy and gladness as all sorrows and sighs scurry into the night.
    Vicki here. Out of lurkville. May you both be blessed and encouraged by the Word of God this day!
    Blessings and Prayer your way. Holy hands lifted here in Praise of our Precious Lord Jesus Christ-

  14. We are praying for you here in Ohio, praying for whatever you need, in an open-ended way so as to cover as much as possible! Keep up that joyful heart … God is working it all out with you and for you. We have faith that you will all be home on time, safe, and oh-so-happy. Just know that we are praying for you all, and for all the babies who will not be going home, yet. Thanks for sharing this amazing journey with us!

    All the best,
    Nicole A. in Ohio

  15. Hello Linn & DW-
    Sending some encouraging words your way! Be Blessed
    Is 35:1-10 (Message Trans.)

    Wilderness and desert will sing joyously, the badlands will celebrate and flower-
    Like the crocus in spring, bursting into bloosom, a symphony of song and color.
    Mountain glories of Lebanon- a gift
    Awesome Carmel, stunning Sharon– gifts-.
    God's resplendent glory, fully on display.
    God awesome, GOD majestic.

    Energize the limp hands, strengthen the rubbery knees.
    Tell fearful souls,
    "Courage! Take heart!
    God is here, right here,
    on his way to put things right
    And redress all wrongs.
    He's on his way! He'll save you!"

    Blind eyes will be opened,
    deaf ears unstopped,
    Lame men and women will leap like deer, the voiceless break into song.
    Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.
    Hot sands will become a cool oasis, thirsty ground a splashing fountain.
    Even lowly jackals will have water to drink, and barren grasslands flourish richly.

    There will be a highway
    called the Holy Road.
    No one rude or rebellious
    is permitted on this road.
    It's for God's people exclusively-
    impossible to get lost on this road.
    Not even fools can get lost on it.
    No lions on this road,
    no dangerous wild animals-
    Nothing and no one dangerous or threatening.
    Only the redeeemed will walk on it.
    The people God has ransomed
    will come back on this road.
    They'll sing as they make their way home to Zion,
    unfading halos of joy encircling their heads,
    Welcomed home with gifts of joy and gladness
    as all sorrows and sighs scurry into the night.

    Vicki here, out of lurkville. My prayer is that you both are blessed and encouraged it is with holy hands raised that I praise our precious Lord Jesus Christ, with you both. Blessings

  16. Hello Linn & DW-
    Sending some encouraging words your way! Be Blessed
    Is 35:1-10 (Message Trans.)

    Wilderness and desert will sing joyously, the badlands will celebrate and flower-
    Like the crocus in spring, bursting into bloosom, a symphony of song and color.
    Mountain glories of Lebanon- a gift
    Awesome Carmel, stunning Sharon– gifts-.
    God's resplendent glory, fully on display.
    God awesome, GOD majestic.

    Energize the limp hands, strengthen the rubbery knees.
    Tell fearful souls,
    "Courage! Take heart!
    God is here, right here,
    on his way to put things right
    And redress all wrongs.
    He's on his way! He'll save you!"

    Blind eyes will be opened,
    deaf ears unstopped,
    Lame men and women will leap like deer, the voiceless break into song.
    Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.
    Hot sands will become a cool oasis, thirsty ground a splashing fountain.
    Even lowly jackals will have water to drink, and barren grasslands flourish richly.

    There will be a highway
    called the Holy Road.
    No one rude or rebellious
    is permitted on this road.
    It's for God's people exclusively-
    impossible to get lost on this road.
    Not even fools can get lost on it.
    No lions on this road,
    no dangerous wild animals-
    Nothing and no one dangerous or threatening.
    Only the redeeemed will walk on it.
    The people God has ransomed
    will come back on this road.
    They'll sing as they make their way home to Zion,
    unfading halos of joy encircling their heads,
    Welcomed home with gifts of joy and gladness
    as all sorrows and sighs scurry into the night.

    Vicki here, out of lurkville. My prayer is that you both are blessed and encouraged it is with holy hands raised that I praise our precious Lord Jesus Christ, with you both. Blessings

  17. Miss Linn…. we miss you so much! We continue to pray for you and your journey. I am so glad Dw made it safely and you are together to get your babies. Just know that all is well on the home front. Isaiah and Liberty had a blast in the Christmas Pageant. I was down one wise man… so Isaiah decided he would wear the crown with pride and fill in for me. They had lots of fun. He even got a candy cane with a jingle bell on it! We are loving your babes here while you are in Africa. Before you know it you will be home with ALL of them! i’ll say it for you.. (YIPPEE JESUS!) 🙂 I know this last lag of the trip must be difficult. I will pray that you have endurance and strength and anything that needs to be broken be done so in the name of Jesus Christ. 🙂 lv, jen

  18. PRAYERS ARE STILL GOING UP, UP, UP IN NORTH CAROLINA!!! I find myself checking your site a ba-zillion times a day to see if there are any changes. My heart is telling me that you’ll be coming home VERY SOON with your 2 BEAUTIFUL children.
    “…we know that in all things God works for the good…” — Romans 8:28
    ((hugs)) to you,
    Jen D.

  19. Praying for strength, stamina, restful sleep, protection, provision, wisdom and favor. Blessings on you as you patiently wade through the details in Uganda. Love & prayers to you from snowy Durango!

  20. Dear Linn and Dw, I am not sure if you were able to see my last comment so if this story is a repeat please forgive me! I just wanted to encourage you with something that happened in our home yesterday. My husband and I hold our bathroom hostage and it is only to be used by others in extreme emergencies as there are two other bathrooms to choose from. So yesterday as I was brushing my teeth my sweet little three year old (home only ten months) came through our bedroom and back to our bathroom. He walked through with confidence as he sought me out. He wrapped his arms around my legs and as I turned to look at him he had a smile that stretched from ear to ear. He sought me out to ensure that I was there. We have that same opportunity with the Father. We can pass through His private chambers and as we seek Him we learn that He is indeed there for us to wrap our arms around.

    I know that you know this but I felt like I needed to leave you with that picture image.

    Blessings, Lisa C. coxfamilyupdates.blogspot.com

  21. What excitement – watching (well reading) Dw, Linn and family building the bridge on God's foundation between the Uganda children and America. When you guys return you will look over your shoulder and see many more wonderful things come out of this.

    Our prayers are constantly with you.

    Keith & family

  22. You always challenge me to believe for more. I am praying for you guys and so excited to see your family together when we are back in Colorado in mid January. You are such a precious family. We love you.

  23. May God be your strength and your song during this extremely wearying time. May He give the joy that only He can give. May there be peace, rest and joy deep within your souls. May God be glorified in and through you at this very moment.
    Blessings to you,

  24. As I walk further into this life on earth, I often look back and see the footprints of God despite the doubt, fear, tears etc.. at the time.

    I know that this will be the case for your family as well. Your faith, your steadfast prayer, your commitment to follow Him…

    May God continue to hold you close.

  25. I’ve been following along every day. I’m so glad that God is showing all how Powerful He is! I cry every time I read these beautiful things that you write about these children. I hope that someday I will be able to be a mama to many of them!

  26. One more “check in” for today in hopes of an update! I’m praying and trusting it’ll all come together in time for all of you to make your scheduled flights back home. You’re in the home stretch. You are truly amazing.

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