Sneaky Sneaky

Hello this is Dwight,

I’m away on a mini retreat and Linny is at a friends band concert. I just wanted to post this by sneaking on her blog. The reason I haven’t posted since the Uganda trip – is because Linn has broken all my fingers… locked me up in a closet – in the crawl space – with mice and spiders so I couldn’t be on her blog. Yep, Scouts honor. Actually, this will be the last time you hear from me, because when she gets home she will laugh – shoot me from afar – and change her password.

Just wanted to let you all know I miss you and if you want to send me any comments send it to the crawl space—- it’s dark and lonely down here!

By the way – Linn is glowing more and more with more kids. How does she do it! Me – I’m plum tuckered out. She’s fantastic – just thought you all should know. Just ask her to let me out of the crawl space! 🙂

Why not make a major decision this year… decide to laugh more – it’s good medicine for the soul. Bless you all, Dwight

PS: This will probably be deleted when she finds this so hurry with the plee to let me go!

43 thoughts on “Sneaky Sneaky

  1. Enjoy your hidey-hole – there’s a wonderful world of kids and laughter and dreams and change awaiting you. That is, if L. lets you out!

  2. Aww Linny… I think DW is having bloggy withdrawals! Why not go easy on him and give him a chance to pay you all those lovely public compliments! 🙂

    I do have to say, those recent pictures surrounded by kids look an awful lot like a contented mommy!

    It’s alright DW, I’ll send Mr. Daddy over to keep you company (and re-set your fingers)!

  3. Oh Linny,
    Please let your husband out of the crawl space(or at least let him have his own blog)! If you can’t let him out, just make sure to throw in some food. FOOD – It seems to solve problems with all of my guys!

    Thanks for the giggle!

  4. Boy do I hear you DW. How is it we men get dubbed with all kinds of descriptives,(controlling,manipulative,sneaky”well you are being that”or mean) but when they get caught in the same vices it’s (sharing, uplifting, glowing,)????I’m so here for you dude!!! So very good to hear from you even if it had to be on the Q.T. It’s alway good to hear from Linny, But I got to say it’s good to hear you sneak, (I mean speak) out LOL

  5. Hey Dwight! I am lovin Linny’s blog! And that pic of your family is just too cute- we just need jubilee and the big kids there, too! You 2 are a joy to follow- keep it going! You are an inspiration to me!

  6. Linn,
    You should really let him out of the crawl space~~~he can help change diapers and wake up in the middle of the night if needed!!!! Plus, he is pretty humorous~~~and laughter is good medicine!!!!!


  7. Linn — Elizabeth is a beauty, and not only in her new jacket! Her facial expressions just kill me.

    But, really … a crawl space??! Let the poor guy out. 🙂

    You and your family are such fun and such a blessing to know about.


  8. Linny, Oh please let Dwight go! A crawl space with mice and spiders, oh my. Then you broke his fingers too??? I cant believe he was able to type all that with his toes! My goodness, you need to let that talented man get a side job typing. Hmmm…. You know, it might pay for another adoption : )
    Jenne in OR Mom to 6

  9. Curt has been asking me about you! Seriously, I think you men might need a virtual men’s group or some kind of bonding thingy! However, that being said, It is sooooo could to see you on here again! Maybe if you really kissed up to the boss, Linn, that is, you could get a few minutes of blog time here or there. Take care in that crawl space of yours!

    Julie….and Curt, my husband who once laughed at how I acted like I really “knew” my bloggy friends, who now on a daily basis, asks for a “Linn and Dw” update!

  10. You are too funny; I get to be the first poster to say I’m laughing. By the way I think you are both glowing. How can a beautiful family like yours with God at the lead not radiate?!!

    Happy Crawl Space Living,
    Mom to 3+3=6

    PS I hope she lets you out soon!

  11. Dwight, You are too funny!! I really needed this chuckle at the end of this very busy day! Thank you for the wonderful humor! And now, allow me to beg & plead on your behalf……….

    Linn, please please please don't change your blog password………..and please let your sweet hubby out of the crawl space. He'd much rather interact with "his" friends in the blog world than with all those spiders and mice! Besides, don't you owe him for blogging so proficiently, consistently, and passionately in your place while you were in Uganda???? Well, will you at least think about it? I trust that you'll make the right decision in the end. (tee hee!!)

    PS – You guys really crack me up!!

  12. I think it’s unanimous—–GET THAT HUBBY OF YOURS A BLOG!!!!! He has an instant following, that’s for sure 🙂

    Toooo funny Dw!

    Warm hugs from a very snowy part of CO.

  13. Oh, my, if my hubby ever even touched my computer, I think I’d voluntarily put myself in the crawl space drooling uncontrollably and laughing maniacally from shock! He usually just walks as far away from the computer area as possible always looking at it and me like he could possibly catch some disease if he came anywhere near! lol

  14. DWIGHT!!! . . . Welcome Back!

    I’m with the others, you need a blog . . . “A Little Light in The Dark” (messages from the crawl space) by Dwight! Come on, do it! Do it!

    Thanks for sharing your sweet and glowing wife with all of us! We love you guys!

    Blessings ~ (And may the Lord protect you from the bats and the spiders, and Linny– when she sees that you posted by sneaking!)

    Tina . . . who plans to laugh more this year . . . especially if Dwight gets his own blog!

  15. Ok, I’m terrible at commenting (hence the fact I didn’t even get an honorable mention for number of comments while in Africa, surely you know I would have commented if I had the time!)

    BUT, D, this is partly for you, but mostly because I’m the 23rd or so person to comment and I thought it would give you (L) a good laugh. (ummm….cca you know who isn’t going to look lightly upon leaving him in the crawl space) then again the more i think about it i can’t imagine the crawl space getting very good wireless so I’m guessing that was an exaggeration! 🙂 Love you both like crazy, can’t wait till you get here!!!!!!!!!

  16. Oh Linny,
    Mice is the worst thing you could do to your husband and I know you love him too much for that. Please don’t hurt him because we do miss his posts but we love yours too.

    I only wish we could have more laughter in our house this year.

  17. Yeah Dwight! We’ve missed you!!! Hang in there…I think I remember Isaiah being really good with keys…I bet he could help you escape! 😉

  18. Hi Dwight,

    Please start your own blog. I know Larry and I would follow. Both you and Linn have so much life and love to show all us followers. You both are such an inspiration to us all.

    I’m just so happy to reconnect with you both. All your children are just so precious.

  19. You guys are HILARIOUS!!!!! Linny, please have mercy upon DW (although I must say that if he’s locked in a the crawlspace, you most probably had good reason.) Tee hee!

    Have a great day guys,


  20. HOW FUNNY! I’m sure that once Linn see’s the amount of comments on this post, she will let you post more often. I think it spices the blog up a bit, don’t ya think? Hope she lets you out of the crawl space soon to enjoy those beautiful kids!!! God Bless!

  21. It sounds like to me that DW needs to have his own BLOG page. He is missing us all so much. We are so glad to hear from you. We have wondered where you have been. Now we know. Poor DW!!!!! I hope you get out of the crawl space soon.
    I have a feeling when Linn sees this post you may be in a worse place than the crawl space.

    Love you guys,

    Lisa from Ohio

  22. Dw, my husband may be a bit jealous of your time in the crawl space–it’s probably quiet, no obligation to help with the dishes, sleeping through the night…AND able to find that computer–BONUS!!

    Have a great day–Hi Linn!

  23. Welcome back, Dwight! This post is too funny! Linn, have mercy on the poor man. He is having blogging withdrawls (and let him out of the crawl space once in awhile!). Thanks for making me laugh!


  24. Hi Dwight! Good to hear from you again!! I think I will head over to your blog to see if you have a new posting there. I bet its all the comments that you enjoy so much here, though 🙂 Maybe I will post a few comments over there for you as well!!!

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  25. Ok I just have to tell you I have been following you for a while but I just cant hide any longer. Your site is soooooo awsome. My daughter and I originally started because here friend was adopting a sister from china and since we have a cousin that is adopted state side but is from a mixed back ground we got in on the blogging fun. You have the most inspiring down to earth posts I have ever seen. DW you just hang in there buddy some one will come for you soon. When we decide to tell all the men folk what has happened to ya. Anyway. Keep up the all powerful all incourageing job. You are my hourly inspiration. Love those kiddoes too they are precious. Lynne

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