Sweet Surprises of the Very Sweetest Kind!!

Every now and then life seems to have little surprises that just make our day! The other day I had one such surprise. My new bloggy friend, Tina aka Waitingfaithfully (of One Blessed Nest – is that a cute name or what?) sent me a little comment that she had a surprise for me at her nest….so I flew (haha – get it?) on over and found this little bloggy award waiting for me. Tina has a heart for adoption, has grown kids and still is bringing home more (Yippee Jesus for old people adopting!) and even has a son in the military! In other words, we have alot in common! Thank you Tina – I am truly honored!! xo
Yes indeed, I was abundantly touched. Not only was it special to be honored – I LOVE pink and I love teacups and I love flowers – so it looks like it was made just for me! She mentioned that if she knew how to make it more manly because of Dw’s blogging for me while I was in Africa, she would do it. I assured her that he would be just fine (he actually has a pink shirt that he looks oh-so-hot in) – so we’re all good!
Speaking of Dw: the other day one of you posted a comment and mentioned him blogging again sometime – gracious be! You would think it was his blog or something – he got all excited and said, “come on, read the comment to me again – Linny – come on – read it again.”
And while I’m mentioning Mr. Dw (yes, my sweet hubby) I totally forgot to tell y’all but remember how he wrote his first ever post on MY blog asking you guys to wish me a Happy Big 5-0 Birthday? Yeah, well then a bunch of you made the mistake of mentioning just how wonderful he was to do such a kind thing for me….cause then when we were reading the comments at night he would say to me, “Read the comments that mention me honey again, come on!” You would have to know him to hear his little ‘baby’ voice, but he was half kidding/half serious and actually probably more than half serious cause he would truly sit still while I read them again, and being A.D.D. his attention span is not usually that long!! Then he would say, “Boy she’s really nice or I really like her.” (Such a big baby!)

So if you ever want to mention him again, feel free – it will make his doggy day….BUT just so you remember – he is definitely NOT perfect (darn near though – for a man I mean!)……..

Well the other day he was totally bugging me and I told him I was going to get online and write a blog and I was seriously going to have to tell everyone what he’s really like – lol!! He still didn’t stop!! He probably was guessing that you guys wouldn’t believe me! ugh

9 thoughts on “Sweet Surprises of the Very Sweetest Kind!!

  1. Just a quick note…

    I’m gonna make me a shirt that says “watch out or you’ll wind up on my blog!” 🙂 Think we both need them..!

    Seriously, Mr. Daddy was just a TAD bit gleeful when his first post got more response then my previous year of blogging.

    Would you believe he has a little kid mope if no one comments on his posts?

    I’m really loving this creative outlet for him… even if it does come at my expense sometimes, LOL!

  2. And oh yeah… I just got to say… your man kept us sane while you were out-of-tech-touch in Uganda. We were waiting with bated breath for the next update and at that point, DW was our nearest link!
    So… we are grateful for his willingness to keep all your prayer buddies posted on your sweet babies!

    Besides, you hold the real power, right? I mean, my husband still laughs about that comment you made to DW while on speakerphone during church! 🙂

  3. O Linny, This post couldn’t have come at a worst time. Here I am right in the middle of Wild at Heart (Discovering the secret of a Man’s Soul) by John Eldredge, and you put the disclaimer in here *for a man I mean* OUCH!! DW I feel your pain buddy :o) I too like the comment love that is shared on Rach’s posts, and admit to sneaking back to check out the comments. LOL use that baby voice with pride, throw your head back and howl at the moon. Hope you’re having a great big doggy day DW. Carpi Diem Baby Carpe Diem

    P.S. Rach just told me I had to put in here how I mope around waiting for some comments when I post :o( Like I said DW I feel your pain

  4. So happy you flew on over to accept your award–I had no idea it was tailor made for you, but God did! Sweetness! Happy to hear that the pink was suitable for Dwight as well. Speaking of Dwight . . . A.D.D.? I knew there was a reason I could really identify with your man in pink . . . other than the fact that he is pretty darn funny. Looking forward to a “guest blogger post” . . .

    Blessings ~


  5. Well, well, well. I'm glad you finally mentioned Dw cause I was actually putting together a search and rescue team to come find him. Poor guy…he did such a fabulous job blogging..making us laugh & cry and kept us on the edges of our seats. Then you come home and hog the computer..probably even changed the password on him! 🙂

    You didn't get all those followers on your own Linny! Dw has a fan base in there as well!! Don't be threatened by his mega-blogging abilities…let the man speak!!

    **Ok Dw, was that good enough?? I'll be watching for my check in the mail. Thanks buddy!

  6. Miss Linny,
    You are so lucky to have a man like Dw. He is a keeper for sure! **AND Dw is so lucky to have a “good woman” like you! I stumbled on to your blog quite a while ago, and have become hooked on reading about you and that ever growing family of yours. God is definitely looking at you with favor!

    Linny, keep doin’ whatcha do on this blog, and let Dw blog once in a while to keep his ego strong.
    Thanks for letting some of us “lurk” here.

  7. Yeah, well, something that DW said on his message to you “tag” when you were on the way home and so was he…got my “Net Nanny in a twist and I have to enter my password everytime to read your blog :^) That’s OK this way I won’t forget my password.

  8. Congrats on your blog award—I LOVE that God blessed you with a girly, pink award. Doesn’t He just LOVE the things we love.
    Too funny about your hubby! Thank for the giggle.
    I’m going to catch up on yesterdays post….

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