Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to all you friends in bloggy land! We are off to Liberty’s basketball game. Daddy is the coach and they are having a ball (pun intended) with that!

Tomorrow, February 15, 2009, Dw and I will be team preaching at both of our church services. The church council graciously gave him a month off, so it will be his first time back in the pulpit since the fire. Please pray for us as we have been preparing. We will be sharing about the fire and how we are continuing to learn how to praise Him even in the midst of great loss, struggle and sorrow. If you should want to join in the service, click here.

It will be broadcast live at our 10:45AM Mountain Standard Time. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to get up and running, so if there is nothing at 10:45 hang on – it’s coming! If you are joining in, please drop a comment – it will be encouraging to know that so many are supporting us!!

By the way, Dw has a blog: One Life, One Legacy. He wrote a bit the other night, and since he doesn’t post all that often, I thought you might want to know.

I have some exciting news to share about something many of you prayed for when I was in Africa….but I have to go get these cherubs ready to get out of here in 40 minutes and since I haven’t even gotten out of my nightie, I better get a move on….I will attempt to write later. Happy Valentines Day!! xo

15 thoughts on “Happy Valentines Day!

  1. That is SO not fair! I think I will have to go buy an iPhone today so i can get on the internet anytime I want just to keep up with when you do this to me 🙂

    Blessings, Lisa C.

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day! Can’t wait to hear your news!! Any word on that beautiful little girl (Martha, I think) who you posted about? I hope she and the others are well.

    All the best!
    Nicole A. in OH

  3. What a blessing you are to those walking through the valley. As I listened with tears in my eyes and dw said “Who am I?” …a Christ follower. Wow those words spoke so deeply to me. We has a family want to be like you both do….when we wake up in the morning, the enemy says “oh crap there up”.. Thank you for sharing your heart, for being YOU, for allowing God to use your vulnerability at such as time as this. Our family has gone through many valleys and like you we can say “He reigns, He is Lord”. Yes there were many questions when going through the valleys, yet we know w/o a shadow of a doubt He is in Control. hugs and love ~carol

  4. Dear Linn and DW,

    God is so good! I was able to see and hear your service today, and I am so very grateful for this blessing.

    I love you guys so much. I love your honesty and transparency. I love that you have shared your fears and questioning. I believe with all my heart that your truthfulness has and will continue to lead many to Christ. You ARE the “Real McCoys.”

    I do believe, Linn, that the Angel of the Lord was with you the night of the fire. And Dw, your epiphany during the service this morning made me shiver and it made me cry because it makes so much sense. The unease that Linn felt WAS the spiritual battle raging for your family’s survival. Oh my goodness, Linn, it’s not that you didn’t hear God. You are in fact so very much in tune with the Holy Spirit…that is why you were able to feel the unease, and that unease WAS your warning. You WERE prepared because of the relationship you had built with God…even though it must surely be so easy to slip into doubt and guilt about what you “could have done,” that questioning is planted by Satan, trying to gain the upper hand. He won’t!

    Not being wrapped in your “smoking jackets,” it is very easy for me to make pronouncements from afar. If any of this seems insensitive or far-reaching, I apologize…and please know my misstep comes purely from ignorance of what it is to be in your shoes, not from a lack of love and admiration. If I may, these are my own humble observations and I hope that you receive them with the Love that they are offerred.

    Dw, you ask who you (and Linn) are REALLY…after all has been stripped away. I see two individuals who, though they are walking through a valley of shadow, are bathed in the Light and Love of Christ. He is all over you…in your words, your deeds, and even in your questioning. I see two individuals who ARE moving from the Why to the What, and I am amazed. It is still so early, and yet you are so earnest in your desire to do this…to find glory and to honor Him.

    My prayer is that “The Lord IS close to the brokenhearted…”, that you and your family may feel the Love of so many friends all over the world who wish they could be with you in person, but can only do their best to lift you up from afar. That you and those around you allow you the time to grieve and to heal your hearts. Only God knows how long that will take, but may He bless you with tender daily mercies that are signs to you that all WILL be well and right in His time.

    With Much Love and with Prayers Unending, Amy in CT

  5. I think we should start a new Club:
    "O Crap Club – Giving Satan &*(&*("

    (Yes, I edited on purposed)

    One thing I have learned: My daughter is not a victim – she is a Survivor! So are you!

    Oh, Let's get Shirts – Soul Survivor!!!!! Mark can design us something cool!

    Love you

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