Some Treasures Tucked Away by The Lord Just for Us

Today a couple of my dearest girlfriends (Carie and Irma) came to help me slowly go through some of the last remaining things. Lots of talking and tears – they are such good listeners -as I showed them the things we have treasured. It was therapeutic and these friends are true friends….getting sitters for their kids and sitting with me – unbelievable! Sara, who has also been helping a ton was not able to come, but we went to dinner at Steve and Sara’s tonight. Steaks! It was really special and Sara and I shared my first hearty laugh since the fire – I can’t tell you what we were laughing about – but trust me -you would have laughed too – so therapeutic again!
Last night we were invited to Terry and Tavi’s and we had such a sweet time with these precious friends. They have ministered to us and been so constant. The day after the fire Terry went over to the house looking for things for me. He would call and say, “What else can I look for?” I would think of something else and he would search and search to see if it was there. Such true friends.
After everyone left Dw and I spent quite a bit of time combing thru the ashes on the front lawn. Although it just looks like ashes, if you look closely you can see some wonderful little parts of things that were special to us. We are keeping them to, Lord willing, someday put in a shadow box to not only remember the treasures but also to remember how God rescued us with just 5 minutes to spare!
Here is a picture of the little bits of treasures…and from the 12 o’clock position going around clockwise:
12: piece of a Little House on the Prarie dress I made for Abigail when she was little, all the girls loved it. We looked forward to Jubilee and Elizabeth playing with it one day.
1: gorgeous glass piece but I can’t figure out what it’s from
2: antique handmade doily by Dw’s grandma
3: outfit Elizabeth wore home from Africa as she entered the airport for all to meet her (she only wore it that once)
4: Boyd bear
5: Elizabeth’s special jammies
6 Piece of a perpetual calendar Dw’s dad made me
7: Elizabeth’s special tights – she looked so adorable in them
8: old wooden button, but can’t remember what it was on
9: embroidered dresser scarf (antique)
10: piece of a plate that was from a tea set our church in VA gave me since I love tea parties
11: piece of a bowl from a pitcher w/bowl set – it was beautiful – antiquey blue

I am posting this and will head over to the Police Station. I will do another ride-a-long starting at 9:30pm. I am continuing my Chaplaincy Program, pray for me if you think about it. I will not let fear win!! I actually have a graduation in May! Sweet stuff – God is always faithful!! Pray that I will minister God’s faithfulness and love to all I encounter.

10 thoughts on “Some Treasures Tucked Away by The Lord Just for Us

  1. So glad you had a good laugh, been praying for that for you and DW. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. I know it’s so hard to be that way in times of stress and tribulation, but so therapeutic when it happens:o)

  2. Praise God for good friends and healing laughter! I’ll be praying for you while you’re riding along with the police…you are one gutsy chica!!!

    May God continue to use you for His glory!!!

  3. I’m glad you have good friends to lean on. During the dark days after losing my sons, my girlfriends were so invaluable. This may not be “Thankful Thursday,” but I’ll say, Thank you, Lord, for sending friends at times of need. They are truly the hands of Jesus.

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