True Story Tuesday – Mother’s Day 2009

A couple of months ago on Mother’s Day something happened that I immediately thought of you all…that you would thoroughly get a kick out of what it was. And since everything seems like it has been so serious over here I thought today, being True Story Tuesday, it would be an awesome day to share it all. (True Story Tuesday is brought to you by our friends, Rachel and Mr. Daddy. Join the fun with your own True Story!)

On with my own True Story….

Some of you will remember that for Mother’s Day each year I have mostly made or (occasionally bought) matching outfits for the kids and I – I LOVE being a Mom and want the whole world to know how delighted I am for this privilege.
This year we almost missed the matching except that Liberty had the idea of going to Farmington, NM to shop. We ended up with one of those stretchy topped strapless sundresses. I had bought a sweater to go with it so I would not be strapless. It was a short, short-sleeved sweater, just basically to cover my shoulders.

Well with Isaiah in casts and the wheelchair I have been parking in the wheelchair parking right in front of the door. Some of the men who are greeters are more than gracious and usually come over to the car and help me get the wheelchair out. Often others come and help, too, since I have the babies and Isaiah and the wheelchair and some Sundays my big kids have gone early with daddy because of being on the worship team or teaching a class.
We all matched and I was just so excited to get to church. So once there I had help getting the wheelchair out, but I lifted Isaiah out and put him in his chair. Then Elijah wanted to be carried. I had Elizabeth holding onto the wheelchair as I carried Elijah and pushed Isaiah. When we got inside the building I greeted many people. Many. Did I mention I greeted many people? Most of them were men. I actually thought, “Where are the women this morning?”
In the foyer I usually make a right turn and take the kids to the children’s wing, but Elizabeth said, “I want to see Daddy.” Sure! Why not? So I made a left and greeted a few more folks and once in the sanctuary I saw Daddy over on one of the left aisles greeting people that were already seated. (He is such a good pastor – he loves his flock and walks thru the sanctuary greeting and talking to many before the service ever starts.)
Anyway, he smiled a huge smile when he saw me approaching and when I got closer to him his expression changed a speck. He leaned close to me and said, “Linn your bra is showing.” I am laughing as I type this. Oh my gracious! I said, “Oh, yeah, I know. If my sweater moves away, my bra strap shows.” I quickly looked to my shoulder and sure enough my bra strap was showing. I pulled the shoulder of my sweater over closer to my neck.
He leaned closer and said, “No, YOUR BRA is showing.” And with his eyes he moved down below my neck. I looked down and to my horror and found that my entire bra was exposed! Yes, indeed, somewhere in carrying the babies my stretchy/spandex dress had worked its way down to my upper waist. My entire bra was completely exposed. Completely. Entirely. Everything. All of it.

I grabbed my dress and yanked it up. I almost ran out of the sanctuary. I could not believe it. Once over in the children’s wing I told my girlfriend. She laughed so loud I thought it would disturb the service.

I eventually had the guts to head back into the service. When I got down front to my sweet husband he leaned over and said, “Well I guess this is a Mother’s Day we won’t ever forget, huh?” Yup, I’m thinking the same thing.

52 thoughts on “True Story Tuesday – Mother’s Day 2009

  1. Oh my word! I'm in horror. I don't think I could ever go back to church. Wow. What a story. I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, or both….

  2. I laughed out loud at that one! Remember, we're Foursquare, not Twocircle.

    Yesterday, I listened to your message on prayer online. As someone in a bit of a dry patch, it was so refreshing for me.

  3. Oh my!!!!!!!! I am so sorry to laugh at that but, oh my. Well you look like you have a darling figure, so the men were thinking yea for DW!!!!!Thanks for the laugh today I certainly need it.

  4. Snort, snort…oh my gosh, Linny…this could only happen to you!! 🙂 I just regaled my family recently about your "throwing your arms around the waist of some strange guy in a hotel stairwell that you thought was your hubby" story.


  5. oh, i am CRYING i'm laughing so hard. that is the most hyterical story i've heard in a long time!! almost as funny as being in the grocery store (without my babies) and some lady stopped me to tell my my milk was leaking. i instictively threw my arms across my chest… since i was nursing at the time.
    she gave me the funniest looks and looked at my cart, then back at me, and was like, "ummmm. that milk?"
    sooo embarrassing!

  6. Oh my Linny. You handled it well. 🙂
    I'm praying for your trip to Jublilee. I can't believe that you just found out about immigration…ugh. Hoping to hear good news from you soon. Hugs. He knows.

  7. I read your blog every day, but never comment. But this had me laughing out loud. I just hope you have better taste in undergarments than I do. I would have been showing the world a plain, tannish, old bra. 🙂 Praying for DW…

  8. Oh my goodness. I am dying here. Its kinda sick isnt it when we find such humor and fun at the sake of someone else. I guess Im sick! I keep wondering what were the men that approached you thinking? hee,hee, rolling on the floor, lol.
    Something similar happened to me one time. I was pregnant with my second child at the time. We lived in an apartment complex and I was trying to teach my oldest daughter how to swim. We would go down to the pool every day to practice. One day after coming out of the pool I went over and sat down in one of the loungers, after a few minutes of sitting there, I kept noticing that there was a glare from the corner of my right eye everytime I looked out to the pool. When i looked down I realized it was my whole right boob hanging out of my suit for all the world to see. I quickly looked around and slipped back in hoping that no one had noticed. Talk about embarrassing.
    Thanks for making me laugh today!

  9. OH my goodness! Bless your heart. At least you stayed. I don't know that I could have. But then, we have to stop and think, it happens, it's natural, and even the Lord has a sense of humor. 😉 Blessings to you Linny. Thanks for the giggles this morning.

  10. Isn't it great to have funny memories to mix in with all the others? I have had embarassing moments, but never anything quite like this! Glad you are such a good sport that you can share this with us so we can get a chuckle, too.

  11. Thanks for the belly laugh! Oh my that had to be quite a day!
    We are praying for your hubby's healing and favor with paperwork for Miss Jubilee.

    The Chrisman's

  12. Oh my gosh, as I read I could just see where that was heading 🙂 I can't stop laughing. Thank you so much, Linny–I sooooo needed to laugh today. So much happening, so many challenges as we move forward to adopt Hailee. The enemy will NOT get a foothold!

  13. My Aunt had a similar moment at my cousins wedding. The back of her dress got caught in her panthose and when she got up for communion she mooned the entire congregation.

  14. Linny,

    I laughed so hard at your Mother's Day story, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Thanks for the chuckle. I can just picture it and how you must have felt!!

    I so identified with you. Years ago we went to the Outer Banks for a family vacation. I wear one piece bathing suits and am very modest and a little embarrassed about even being in a bathing suit. Well, I got out a little too far in the ocean and upon fighting the waves coming back into shore, I was tossed and turned by waves – so much so that I thought I was going to drown! When I finally surfaced, I was so glad to be alive, but suddenly out of nowhere my husband comes over and throws me back under the water! I was thinking, "What is he doing?" It turns out my entire bathing suit top had come down to my waist and was exposing (well, you know)!! Kevin was trying to protect my modesty even if it meant drowning me in the process!

    Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day in spite of the beginning! Ha, ha!

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for Eli

  15. Oh gosh, at first I thought you were going to say you weren't wearing a bra since the dress was strapless. Thank goodness you were! But man oh man, I would have been so embarrassed too. Why the heck didn't anyone say anything? Too funny, glad you shared!

  16. Praise God that you can still find humor amidst all of the trials you are experiencing!

    Thank you for the laugh! So funny! It's great to laugh at ourselves, isn't it? It reminds me how small I am and how BIG our Lord is!

    When I was in high school, my skirt got tooked under my backpack exposing my huge granny panties. I walked all the way from the parking lot, across the school to my locker before I noticed. They printed it in the yearbook for the whole school under "Senior Memories!" No erasing that memory! 🙂

    Many blessings to your sweet family!

  17. AAaaWWWwwwww Linny, You almost persuade me to start going back to church…. LOL

    And no, not to see any woman's undergarments but to be around people that love life and enjoy living it…

    Glad to hear that DW is doing better.

  18. I can't stop laughing. Oh, that was good! 🙂 I am so THERE with you. You're livin' my life! 🙂

    Praying for Whitey…hmm, do you think we need to change the name? Let's see…Amber? No, THAT won't work. And Yellowy just doesn't roll off the tongue well. have to think on these things and get back to ya! 🙂

    Love and hugs in CT


  19. Ahh, tears in my eyes laughing! I am totally laughing WITH you – Lily almost had my swim suit top off this morning at a hotel we were swimming at. Toddlers keep us humble – haha! 🙂

  20. Oh my stars. Well, I will go ahead and tell you what I KNOW K-man will say once he reads this post…
    "Linn, it's not breast awareness month YET!"

  21. Oh Linny, you sure made me laugh this morning! Oh dear, how you must have blushed when he pointed it out to you. OH DEAR! I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh now, although I can just imagine how embarassed you were at the time.

    You hubby remains in my thoughts. I do hope he is making steady improvement every day.

  22. Oh yea, busting out in laughter myself!!!! Oh wow…..well…you know those pastor's wives….oh that takes guts to share- thank you for the laughs. Praise God I am not the only one who has embarrassing things happen to them.

  23. Ohmygoodnessgracious! That is too funny!

    So glad I found your link before Mr. Linky crashed. Thanks for sharing… I'm still totally giggling. You know, WITH you, not AT you 🙂

  24. Love it! I once borrowed a slip from a friend and it didn't fit perfect – but okay. I was standing in a buffet line at a huge office party of Alan's (1500 people or so) and my slip fell right to the ground. All I could do was step out of it and pick it up and put it in my purse! Pretty embarrassing – but hilarious none the less. I never have been a very good "executive" wife!

  25. I just saw your twitter about DW's rash…a boy from our school had a "bad" liver forget from what, but he had a horrible rash and the only thing that tamed it was Crisco, yeah the vegetable shortening. Better yet would be one of God's miracles, but until then…

  26. That is so funny! I can just picture the look on his face!! Your whole bra- hahahahahahahahaha

    Our Lord certainly does humble us in a variety of ways!!

    Thanks for the great story!!

    BTW- I thought you all looked adorable on Mothers Day!

  27. Oh, Linn, I am giggling. That is just too funny (and that's what happens to us mommies with kiddos to keep up with and herd to their proper SS classes)
    It's good to hear a funny comment from Dw. We're praying.
    Hoping he is continuing to improve!

  28. poor mommy!!! let's just say, you're in good company….
    Remember, it mortifies you, because you DON'T dress showy! your heart is in the right place, well… even if your bra wasn't! hehe.

  29. That is the funniest story! All I could think about was if that was my husband he probably would not of even said anything until I noticed and then said, "Oh, I thought there was something wrong!" Praying for Jubilee to come home soon!!

  30. Okay, it must be the church! First sunday we were there, I looked down at the end of worship and my wrap dress was unwrapped exposing bra, tummy and slip! Whew, glad the lights were low!

  31. OH MY STARS!!!!!!

    Linny – I am laughing SO hard – sorry, sorry, sorry! How EMBARRASSING!!!!!! sorry, sorry, sorry! I chortled so loud at reading that, my son came running into the room to see if I was ok!!!!!

    Happy to see the updates on sweet Jubilee!

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