What Exactly was In That Box??

I mentioned a bit ago that while we were in Iowa a box was delivered to our home. Upon getting home I noticed the box, but really, with Isaiah and Dw still so sick, I didn’t really notice the box, ya’ know what I mean?

After a few days Dw saw the box and took it over to the couch to open it. I was in the kitchen and he said, “Linny, you are not gonna’ believe what’s in here. You have to come see!” He had started to cry. What in the world was in the box?

I went over and we then gathered as a family and looked. First we opened every note and there were dozens from YOU my sweet bloggy friends! Through tears we read each and every sweet note….And attached to each note was a little piece of material.

Several of you had had an idea right after our house fire. And that idea turned into an invitation from Lori to send a quilt square to another bloggy friend, Chris, who would quilt a quilt for Dw and I.

We are in awe at the beauty. There are all kinds of squares and since my favorite colors are purple, pink and sage green, many are along that theme. Some have special meaning, like the rooster square representing my love for roosters. Or the Chinese little girls representing our Jubilee waiting. Or tea cups for my love of tea cups. Or coffee mugs from my virtual twin who promises that one day she will come and have coffee with me while our little boys who both have Arthrogryposis run and play.

It is breathtakingly beautiful!!! Chris you did an amazing job quilting it…each stitch obviously sewn in love. She even put each of our names and the names of our kids all around the outside edge. Unbelievable!!

We are in awe at your gracious love for us. I tried to take a picture of every angle so you all can see your square. We are actually saving the quilt so that we can put it on our bed in our new home. We will never be able to tell you all what it means to us that you would do something so thoughtful and sweet for us. Thank you all so very, very, very, very much!!!! We will treasure it forever!!

Isn’t it gorgeous??? Oh my gracious!! Unbelievable!! We love you all!! xo

28 thoughts on “What Exactly was In That Box??

  1. Absolutely beautiful! Chris did a fabulous job! I hope you & your family enjoy this special quilt for many years.

    Love you guys!

  2. Hi Linn,

    I never comment but was so happy to see you got your quilt. I have followed your story and when I heard through the grape vine that a quilt was going to be made I was so excited!

    I know you from Irma and her lovely family!

    Your family is always in my prayers.

  3. Absolutly Beautiful! What a wonderful,sweet gesture. I would have loved to join in on the fun. They all sure do deserve a great big ol hug. True Blessings!

  4. Wow…that is gorgeous!! I am bummed that I didn't know Lori then and I missed out.

    What a treasure for you to remember those who love you every time you look at it!! God is so good to give us friends. :))

  5. I think there is a lesson in this. Certainly an object lesson, if not a sermon! 🙂 Who knew that each of those tiny squares of fabric we so lovingly picked out, unaware of what fabric anyone else was picking out, could be turned into such a gorgeous creation?!?!
    Isn't that so like our Heavenly Father, who asks us for what little (in our eyes) we have, to take our small offerings and create beauty beyond belief? Thank you Chris…thank you Lori! How precious to be able to give this gift! I am thrilled!

    Blessings, love, hugs and prayers!

    Nancy in CT

  6. The pictures are incredible but they really don't show how absolutely amazing this quilt is. Most awesome thing I've ever seen! I need to take lessons from this woman!

    You guys deserve it Linn. Enjoy this quilt made with love from all over the world!
    Love you!

  7. Linny,

    I was already fasting for my daughter(she had a tumor on her kidney and they were both removed in June) and I decided to extend my fast for a day for Cindy. Also my friend Laura, fasted for Cindy too.

    My day was mostly good, except that in the afternoon I got the worst headache I've had in a long time and I had to lay down and I fell asleep for 2 1/2 hours. I never, ever, ever do that, even when I'm sick I hardly do that (6 kids at home!). I know that was the enemy. When I woke up I felt better, but headache was still there.

    BTW, love the quilt..beautiful!


  8. How beautiful! There is nothing quite like the gorgeous tactile qualities of a quilt is there? And every time you pass your bed you can be reminded of how much you're esteemed and LOVED
    Aussie Chris
    P.s. I notice you have a lot of Chris's commenting so I'll have to tag myself as above from now on 🙂

  9. I'm so glad that you love the quilt. All credit goes to Chris who is extraordinarily talented…and all glory to Jesus for giving her such a generous heart.

    I hope the quilt brings years and years of warmth and comfort, not only to your physical body but to your tender heart as you recall all that the Lord has done for you through this season in your life. As your bloggy friends, we want nothing more than for you to be covered by God's grace, His peace, His mercy. Hopefully the quilt will bring you some joy as it reminds you of all us gals out here who love you dearly.

    YOU are a treasure and WE are blessed to call you Friend.

  10. The quilt turned out beautiful! I hope it brings your family joy for years to come.

    This past Sunday, we sang Days of Elijah at church. As I sang, I couldn't help but raise your family up in prayer and say Yippee Jesus this is the year of Jubilee!! Jubilee is coming home soon! Guess what, as I am typing the Days of Elijah started playing on your blog. How's that for timing. I love that song; there is no God like Jehovah!

    Robin in Alabama

  11. Thanks for the compliments guys. I enjoyed doing it and too was amazed at how well the quilt "worked" when over 60 people were choosing the fabric. And yes thanks for reminding them Lori all the talent is on loan from God…
    Enjoy it and do let the kids touch it :^)

    Chris from PA

  12. Wow, that made me cry!! What a sweet blessing and what sweet caring blogger friends. Am so sorry to hear about your home burning down and am glad you are all okay, at least hope you are all okay…haven't been coming long enough to know the whole story.
    Couldn't help but think that God blessed you for what you did for Cindy on Monday.
    Hope you get sooooooo much enjoyment and joy from the lovely
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Yippee, we don't have to keep the big secret any longer! Chris did an amazing job, didn't she?! So much love represented in every piece! Love for you Linny, and for your precious family!

    Bless you my friend. What a joy it is to know you.



    Chris – Thank you again for all you did to make the quilt a reality. It's beautiful!

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