And It Snowed Some More…..

Friday morning is our date morning. It had snowed all evening yesterday. By bedtime it started raining a bit. But by this morning it was snowing again. Hard. My lunatic husband thought it would be fun to go to town for coffee, since it was our date morning. But I was game.
We couldn’t see our long lane as he tried to pull out. We were laughing and laughing. Yes, it appeared we were out of our minds. By the time we got to town it was hardly snowing at all. I thought it would be fun to walk Main Street in the snow with our coffees. Business after business was closed, but Starbucks was not. =)

Our home…

Below is a shot of Main Street….the snow in the foreground is a bank of snow from the plows clearing Main Street and yes, that is Starbucks in the center….. There is something about fences lining a country road – love them!!
Headin’ home….
So I asked Dw to take a picture of the mountains as we were heading home. He said, “What mountains? You can’t see them.” I said, “Precisely. I want my friends to see what it looks like when there is a storm in them and when there is not…” Here’s the picture from my first blog post ever….640 posts ago…and right below is a picture in the exact same spot…
Them thar’ mountains are buried in a snowstorm….

I wonder if these horses are saying….why did I have to grow up here??

This little blue house is probably about my most favorite in the area…
and doesn’t it look gorgeous in the snow?

Here’s another favorite farmhouse (below)….said to have been ordered from the
Sears Catalog in the 1920’s for $125.00!! Can you imagine??

And here is my wise-guy husband laughing his head off
asking if I work for the newspaper cause of all the times I screamed,
“Stop the car so I can take a picture of that for my bloggy friends!!”

PS And it is STILL snowing out…..the kids were going to have a party tonight, but cancelled….don’t think anyone can get down our long lane, or get home for that matter!!

35 thoughts on “And It Snowed Some More…..

  1. We live up here on the mesa too… Cross Bar X. I LOVE that Sears house too! I always want to slow way down when I pass it! I've always wanted to live in a house like that… but I praise God for the great house we have here at the camp… it is beyond our imagination. Too much room in fact. I'd like to fill it up a bit more…

    Stay warm!

    My 4yo dd is counting your children and said, "10 kids, that is a lot… that boy looks like fun!" (about Isaiah). 😀

  2. I loooove the pictures!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share them. I will have to show my little girls in the morning. They will get a kick out of them =)


  3. You live in a beautiful part of the country. I love seeing the mountains in the background. We flew into Durango once, many years ago. I think we went skiing at a resort called "Pergatory"? Our snow has diminished this week and now we're expecting rain this weekend. Very unusual for this time of year. NOT good for the tourism industry in our town. . .snowmobiling.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. And it's here too. It's coming down like crazy. Heh we are sharing the same storm. Now I get to use my new scarf – woohoo!! Love the pictures. Hopefully I'll get some taken tomorrow and post them too. Hugs and love

  5. Wow! The snow sure is beautiful (especially from my warm, toasty FL living room!) I love how you are able to find the beauty in life. There are so many others who miss it becuse they are too busy griping about having to shovel the snow…

  6. WOWZA!!!

    i totally love that you guys went on your date anyway. 🙂 🙂

    AND i totally love that you take lots of photos for us!!! 🙂

    have fun in the snow, and stay safe!!
    -erin vega

  7. Oh, Linny…those pictures of the snow are great…..I was born in Upper Michigan along the Big Lake(Superior) and there was snow in much abundance there….then to Wisconsin and there was snow in abundance there, too, but even colder than Upper MI. Now in NC and there is no where near that amount of snow…Thanks, though for the pictures…
    Sandy in NC

  8. I live in Evanston Wyoming, right in the Uinta Mountains. Usually our house looks like yours, but this year we have got barely any snow (And by barely any, I mean around 2 feet). 🙁 We are big into snowboarding and skiing and keep praying for snow, besides the ranches and our water reserve need it. Send some snow our way. 🙂 Your drive home is so pretty!

  9. At our house, although I take pics for our blog of what we're doing, my husband ambushes us frequently for his photoblog. The kids have named him the "PAPA -razzi." I guess you can be the Mama-razzi.

  10. Viewing your pictures makes me want to start a fire in the fireplace (even if it is 50 degrees outside) and snuggle up with a cup of coffee/hot chocolate and a good book. Thanks for sharing your winter. 🙂

  11. Loved, loved, loved the pictures….loved the thought that somewhere someone is having a "date morning" getting Starbucks in the snow and laughing!

    Good stuff. The whole earth is filled with bits of God.

  12. Hi Linny…My name is Nancy and I'm a "lurker". My heart began to pound as I saw this post sooo I felt it was time to step up and let you know how much I love to visit! This post was such a sweet blessing to me. You see…my mom was born and raised in Durango and when I was a wee child I lived there for a short time. My dad worked on Main Street and I would once in a while get to go to work with him. We would often walk down Main Street hand in hand. My dad is now walking the golden streets of heaven. So I wanted to thank you for jogging a sweet memory for me. Enjoy all the snow…and now that I have confessed to "lurking" know that I will be stopping buy again 😉
    Nancy in MI

  13. Oh how I long for snow! Thanks for thinking about us and sharing your wonderful photos! How beautiful. It is amazing knowing God is the creator of it all!

    Here in our portion of SC we rarely get snow but often get teased with the hope of it. You know 34degrees and pouring buckets of rain but I will not complain I will praise the Lord as just over a year ago we were in an extreme drought! Thankfully we have had an abundance of rain this past year! I can still hope for some snow as winter isn't over yet 🙂

    Have a great day!

  14. Hahaha…Starbucks. Yep, when Tropical Storm Fay came and sat and rained and rained and rained, dumping FEET of water on my poor town, we lost power and my DH went stir-crazy so we headed out in it…and yep, Starbucks was open! So of course that's where we went…a man has his priorities donchano. 😉 Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. In my 25 years I have never once seen snow in person, so it is fascinating to get these glimpses. (Of course, if I was actually IN IT I'd be crying for Mommy and another three blankets and some hot chocolate, LOL.) Hope the kids can reschedule their party. I'm sure you all will have a blast just snowed in together.


  15. That is outstanding. (Cold but beautiful) I have lived in the South my Entire married life- 16.5 years now and haven't seen that much snow since I was a kid growing up in IL!!
    Do you hear Virginia calling you back? Linny…come to me…mild winters, warm springs, balmy summers…beauty abounding… Linny…..bring those sweet African beauties down South!
    LOL okay, it IS beautiful up where you are. But cold and old don't go together for me. The older I get the thinner my blood gets!
    Love how you find beauty in all things!

  16. Linny, I thought that if you had not heard, 6 Haitian orphans are in Knoxville, Tn. The church that supports them got them out. They are working on getting the other 11 out. They had to do around Robin's barn on their flightS out … but they are now safe!

    God Bless the orphans and the homeless.

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