It Worked! It Worked! It Worked!!

Dw & I have been married for 31-1/2 years. We have lots of fun. But over the years I have heard of husbands who cook. Niiiiice. What woman, after a hard day of work (whether in the home or outside) wouldn’t like her husband to cook for her every once in a while too?

I got to thinkin’ ….this man of mine might like to join in the fun. After all, he used to cook when he was in college and law school. He had to cook, or he would have starved to death. He even had some specialties way back then… like fish sticks and french fries….and they were mighty tasty – cause he would make dinner for me every now and then.

As an added incentive I bought him an apron for Christmas this year. =) He didn’t know what it was when he opened it. (j/k)

Yesteday we had a snowstorm and so the church offices were closed at noon. We spent the afternoon unpacking and trying to settle stuff around here. As it neared dinner time I asked him if he would like to come cook dinner with me. He agreed!! He put that apron on and BAM! he swung into gear…..chopping this and cutting that – as we made fajitas together.

Gracious be!! If I’d only known all this time that he just needed his own apron!! AND although I did not get a picture of it….when the kids started clapping for the first time in history that man of mine stood up on his chair and I stood on mine…..and the kids loved it….

29 thoughts on “It Worked! It Worked! It Worked!!

  1. Hi Linny,
    what a cute post. My hubby and I had a discussion about that a few months before Christmas and he said I would if I had a chef's hat, and I said I was gonna get him one and my daughter said don't waste your money, but I was gonna see if I could find one as a Christmas present and just now remembered.
    Valentines day is just around the corner!! You have started something now! Actually he does cook breakfast and will help chop
    things, but I am looking for you know……….a whole meal………that would work for me. lol
    Is he cooking in your new kitchen,
    in your new home?? Cause you are in your new home right?? So when do we get to see some pictures??
    Hope you are beginning to feel at home there by now.
    Well have a good day and and Tell Chef DW good work!!
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. LOVE it!

    My sweet man is awesome in the kitchen. But … we can't cook together. Either he cooks … or I cook. We do things too differently in the kitchen to do it "together".

    Love the apron. I think my man needs one, too.

    mama of many

  3. Oh my gosh! You two are so funny! I am guessing he consented because he got a good taste of what you do every day while you were in China. I think I will start planning a trip out of the country.

  4. HI Linny, Love this post-I've been married the same amount of time and let me tell you that my man can cook-in fact he's a better cook than I am. When I used to work and he got home early he would always make dinner…got to love it. DW looks like he really loves being in the kitchen with you…should I pray for more snow in your area?LOL.
    Hugs to you.

  5. Mine cooks!! love it!! if it where up to me we wouldn't be eatin dinner!! He cooks cuz he's hungry and thank goodness he likes it too!

    We have run into a slight problem- the grocery store is very close soooooo sometimes the grocery store does the cookin!

    Oh well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

    Good job Dw- love the apron and the happy wife!!

  6. I am buying my hubby an apron. LOL! In all fairness, he can throw some chicken nuggets and fries on a baking sheet, he's excellent with Ramen noodles, and he can scramble some good eggs. But boy, sometimes I wish he'd be able to throw together a stew or make a meal that doesn't involve frozen stick food. Oh well, he spoils me in other ways and is really the best husband with helping out with the kids, so I should not complain. And, I do like to cook.

    Loved this story. Especially loved that you have been married nearly 32 years. Hooray for you!!!

  7. Where did you get that apron?
    Actually my hubby cooks sometimes, but I need to stay out of the kitchen

    BTW I have a blog!

    check it out

  8. Aprons, oven mitts, dish towels, laundry baskets are all accessories I like my husband to wear. Forget the cologne! Those others will work everytime for me!

    I LOVE being snowed in!

  9. Oh, we have adopted your standing on the chair as well! When the kids help-they love to get to stand in their chairs! Who knew it would make them smile SO big!

  10. I LOVE it! I love the clapping thing! We've been trying to get it started at our house, but the kids always forget to clap. (Or maybe the food's not that good!) lol

  11. Like the apron! Dinner looks good. What is DW cooking?

    Kevin is the dinner chef at our home. Thought I would take it over since I am now home, but Kevin still wanted to cook dinner! What could I do but let him?? Hee, hee. Works for me.

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and soon to be home Eli

  12. Yep – think I need to purchase an apron also!!
    So pleased you could find new furniture that makes your new place feel more like home!
    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    God bless you
    Renata 🙂

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