Our Knees

Thank you to each of you who have set aside some time today to pray (and possibly fast) for International Adoption and specifically those still waiting in Uganda to bring their kids home.
Why is it that God sometimes seems to move only after many, many people get involved praying? No clue!! I just know He loves to have Christians united for a common cause! Scripture tells us that “His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts.” No kidding, huh?
This I know: God’s heart is for the orphan. He longs for each to have a forever family. He will move mountains to bring each one home. We continue to do battle on our knees and watch the victory be won by our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God. And then each of these families (and others with complications in their adoption process) will have yet something else to put in their Memorial Box!! (Speaking of Memorial Boxes, I think it’s high time we had another giveaway!! Stay tuned for details!)

“All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”
I Samuel 17:47

10 thoughts on “Our Knees

  1. It's odd Linny, but yesterday when I saw your post, I wasn't alarmed. I mean, I am definitely praying, but I felt like, "Go ahead governments. Do your big, bad, stuff and try to keep God from bringing families together. God will ALWAYS prevail to do His will, and His will is for orphans to have forever families." As a family that is in the middle of a Ch*na adoption, I am always aware that when one country closes all can easily be closed. But I am trusting in Our Lord to prevail.

    I will of course continue to praise the Father for working this all out. 🙂

  2. thank you so much for this verse! I've been trying not to worry about this uganda stuff…but of course I'm human and my heart is in Uganda and I would love to adopt from there …this verse brought tears to my eyes reminding me its the Lord battle!

  3. Linny,

    oh how I love you sweet sister. I believe with all my heart in the prophetic words you are speaking as the Lord has impressed the same thing on my heart. "Christians" have been avoiding their responsibility to the orphan for far to long, and this has given the enemy way too much room to make things even more difficult for those trying to care for the orphan and the widow. I am on my knees with you all day and every day until the government moves to allow these precious treasures in. Fasting too as I have seen countless miracles as a result! To think our nation was founded on the pronciples of Christianity….

    oh I could write another post right here, but I know that you hear my heart without me having to say any of this.

    Thank you for speaking boldly on behalf of the least of these. I love your heart and your ministry as a Mommy and someone who will SPEAK UP!!! xoxo

    ps. I am scheduled to come back to the states to do some much needed fundraising in May, as well as speak at my little brother's high school graduation. As much as I love the thought of seeing my first family, I will not come if Patricia (my baby) cannot come with me. It is way to early in our bonding process and she is too young and newly abandonned for her forever Momma to leave her behind. BEGGING the Lord for the US to allow our visa.

  4. Linny, it has been a busy week…little time for blog reading…as I buzzed around this a.m. I suddenly felt I must catch up with you at APCS…God was leading me to pray today.


  5. Just something I wanted to share after I read your earlier post and started to do some research…the thing that struck me as odd, is learning that Uganda would make people live there for three years in order to adopt their orphaned children. It would seem to me that (excepting the "loophole"), such a policy would make adoptions from that country even less likely. So I've been feeling like maybe it's also important to pray for the softening hearts of the Ugandan officials – that they would let the pending "adoptions/guardanships" go through but they would also feel called to change the policy so that it is easier to adopt a child from Uguanda (provided the prospective parents go through the proper channels so that child trafficing and kidnapping are guarded against).

    In Christ,

  6. We've scheduled a conference call to come to the throne room together for the Ugandan Visa situation tomorrow, Sunday Feb 7th at 5:00-6:00 EST (Yes, I know it's Super Bowl Sunday… but some things are more important than football!)

    Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4850
    Participant Access Code: 244388#


    Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."

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