Surprise From Haiti & That ONE comment of Yours

What a delightful surprise from the Lord…..this AM I found in my inbox a letter from a blog lurker {Sara} who came out of the shadows to tell me….

She had been on Facebook and was looking at a video a friend {who is in Haiti right now} had posted….and who should the entire video be of? Yup! That precious best friend of mine!! I was so excited, I could hardly stand it!! Who’d have “thunked” that someone lurking in blogland would know someone on the trip with Dw and find a video to share with me? TOO FUN!!!

I have no idea how to post it, but I can post the link….so if you have a Facebook account, you can view. It is a public video on FB, so you don’t have to be friends with the gentlemen who posted it to view it. How fun is that?? Click here…

No doubt, you will see the tenderness and love that sweet hubby of mine has for the orphan….gracious I love that guy!! And all those kids surrounding him? Oh I can’t wait to go back with him!!

And lastly, it has been really fun reading all your comments about yesterday’s post. So just to add a bit of suspense to the mix…..

More kids for us is a given. What “the Haitian Gladys Aylward” asked though was not what any of us would have imagined. Only one of you {in your comments} were onto it…..

Which one?

Awwwww, come on guys, you know I can’t tell you that….

31 thoughts on “Surprise From Haiti & That ONE comment of Yours

  1. Ok, so I just had to go back and read all of yesterday's comments, just to see if I could figure it out. I think I may know, but I don't want to give away the surprise if I'm right. Please, just stop the torture! Ha!

  2. My heart was broken once again through our adoption mess when I talked to "Hope for Orphans". they were bringing children to the states and needed sponsors. We are paper- ready but its just not the right timing since Ecuador said "in a few days" Three weeks ago. How can we bring one in when we will have to be in Ecuador for 6-8 weeks? The man at Hope for Orphans confirmed what we knew. Wed be perfect but its not a good time. Once again the greif and anger at the "waiting plce" we are in. Ready to serve but STUCK! Trusting God tho'. Trust and Faith.

  3. NO WAY!

    No stinking WAY!

    I followed that link, and can't leave a comment on it.

    But one of the two comments on it is from a REAL LIFE FRIEND OF MINE!

    (A girl I grew up with in church, Sarah Edwards)! Tell me, you actually know her? What a small, small world!

    I am so thrilled you got to see your DW in action – what a sweet, sweet video!

  4. You love to keep us guessing! 🙂 I love following your adventures and it seems another exciting chapter is beginning! Can't wait to check out the link to the video.

  5. I love your hearts! But really, post the question and don't leave me hanging anymore! 🙂 Thank you. God bless you and your children.
    Pray for me and my husband, please, we want to adopt very soon. We have one little baby girl (biological) and are hoping for many more, adopted and from our own womb. Much love in the Lord.

  6. Linny… God has been on me to stop "lurking" and make myself known…so i am Haley Smith. We live in northern Alabama with our 3 young boys. I love your blog…it is inspiring to watch God orchestrate your lives. I pray that our family may be as obedient as yours in the ways that God calls us. OH….my guess for the "Gladys Alward" question is about your whole family moving to Haiti to run the orphanage! Wouldn't that be awesome!

  7. OK, so if the addition of more feet in the home is a given, then it must be something to do with either a) opening an orphanage in Haiti in partnership with this modern Gladys Aylward, or b) mission trips to Haiti to work with orphanages, or c) all of the above. Wow! I am so ready for you to end the suspense. So not fair!

  8. I think it was Jean who said,

    "She is going to partner with you and you will start having mission trips to Haiti."


    "Your church will partner with her and have an ongoing relationship/ ministry."

    because all the other commenters said the same thing, and she was the only one who added this part. And because you said it was something we couldn't have imagined–and we can ALL imagine you expecting more littles soon!

    Excitedly staying tuned, and praying for Dw and Haiti.


  9. Love the video! So precious! The smile on that sweet little face makes my heart happy.
    I went back and read all the comments on the previous post… think I now know (with the hint that one person mentioned it) what the question was! I thought the same – about leading mission trips to Haiti. How awesome!
    One question for you – my husband and I have a strong pull toward missions. Our first trip together we went to Turkey and served in an orphanage there. We have 3 boys now and I cannot WAIT until we can do trips as a family. The oldest is 5. How old were your kids when you started taking them on mission trips with you?
    On the edge of my seat….! 🙂

  10. I'd love to see your family blessed with a Haitian treasure but doesn't Haiti have strict family size limits? Maybe they are one of the ones that doesn't count adopted children in your total number of children? Maybe Gladys Aylward asked you to adopt an orphanage? That would be great too. Whatever it is I'm sure it will be wonderful.

  11. Linny,

    Great hug from Dw… even if he wasn't hugging you, he was certainly hugging something that is close to both of your hearts…the orphan.

    So… how many is he bringing home with him?

    Hoping that you have a blessed weekend. Feel free to spill the beans anytime! We're waiting!


  12. I am not a big fan of cliff hangers:-) I had to go back and read all the messages again. I am thinking that Jean may have been the correct one with her guess about your church partnering with her orphanage. I can't wait to hear the whole story!

  13. I think its the post about taking mission trips to Haiti and/or partnering with your church…..

    I'm so excited for you and your family!

    A few years ago we were seriously looking into adopting from Haiti and had spoken to a few of the orphanages directly. I can't remeber the name of them all but one of them had a woman that ran the orphanage and we spoke to her several times..I wonder if she is the same woman that DW spoke too? I was devastated when we reluctantly decided not to adopt from Haiti due to things we had heard from others (corruption and not liking large families). I pray that all that has changed. We would love to adopt from Haiti.


  14. You and Hubby are such a blessing and you are raising blessings who will be blessings to others. Its what they call genarational blessings Thank you Jesus for this family and for me finding this blog just when I needed to! You are a faithful and generous God, thank you.

  15. oh, you are such a TEASE!! 😉

    I'm hoping Jean is right, too!

    LOVED the video. SO PRECIOUS! DW is just so tender with those little ones… it is no wonder God has called you over and over and over again… you good and faithful servants! <>< The smile on that little one's face after the hug was PRICELESS!!


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