That hubby of mine thought we ought to celebrate all of you and the friendship you and I have – would have been so fun to have you all join us!!! Kind of a celebration of what God has done to heal those words from my dad….so we went to dinner Thursday night at my favorite place in town….Nini’s…..a little Mexican place where you can eat on the back patio….and with all of us it’s the perfect place! We had three orders of nachos {my fav} and some tacos and the weather was absolutely perfect {who’d have guessed it was snowing 2 days previous?}!!!!! 

Liberty Anna

Emma seems to smile a bit more each time you-know-who is at her side….
Emmy and you-know-who {aka Josh – they’ve been dating almost a year}

Jubilee thinks Nini’s is a pretty sweet place..

Something happened earlier in the day….{maybe someday I will blog about it} but Elizabeth really needed to hear how beautiful Daddy thinks she is….so he was reminding her….
Earlier in the day we toured the Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory {that originated here in town}….Isaiah loved the hair net we all had to wear…and so he wore it out to dinner…
Thank you sweet friends for making our celebration possible….
You guys are the best!! xo

Awwwww! I love your family!
You all are so beautiful and always make my day better!
Linny I think I need to go back and read a few of your posts- I am behind a bit.
I wanted to let you know we are fasting for Luke on Tuesday. We would love to have you join us if you can. He has surgery in Israel on Wednesday.
Email me your prayer requests!– if you can! feel free to give the fast a plug on your blog! We are truly asking for a mountain moving miracle from our Lord!
Bless you sweet friend!
Wonderful pictures and what a great thing to celebrate…the friendship of all your bloggy friends. You make it easy for us to love you. Hugs
You have the most beautiful family that is SO obviously God blessed!!!
Thank you for the beautiful inspiration you have been to all of us.
Now that is some artery clogging – mighty good eating food! LOL
Love those smiles on the kids.
I love, love, love seeing family pictures…thank you for sharing!
Love you Linny!
i'm so glad to be part of
the reason you celebrate! It's great to know you!!!
loved the pics of you guys at Nini's…that's my name from my grandkids- they all call me Nini and now our whole church calls me Nini too. 😉
Hey! We went out for Mexican food last night, too…but much too cool to sit outside!!
Looks like you guys had a blast! :))
p.s. please tell little Miss Elizabeth that she is so beautiful and not to ever forget that.
Emma and you know who sure do glow when they are together.
Just think what your celebrations will be like when your kids are all grown up and with kids. No restaurant will be able to accomodate you.
Elizabeth, I so agree with your daddy and mommy – You are BEAUTIFUL and I love your big big smile.
What a wonderful family outing!!!!!
Linny, you are just shining in that pic with Isaiah… beautiful.. and truly the Love of God shines through each of you. I love your example of fearless, crazy love to all of us.
So glad you were able to have a sweet celebration… wish my crew could have been having nachos with your crew:)
Blessings on your Sunday<><
This is very off topic… but I just had to ask. Would you ever be willing to do a post on how you and DW have gone about the whole dating/courting thing with your kids.
I would love to glean some from your wisdom on raising older children…
Mine aren't there yet, but I know that time will be here before we know it. Thanks for considering… Blessings!
Happy celebration sweet friend!
Janet and gang
Love the celebration dinner and all of the pics! : )
sweet elizabeth…she IS so beautiful and i LOVE how isaiah is still wearing his hair net! so cute! looks like you all had a wonderful time! I would have loved to be there!
SO cute! Would you share some of those nachos?! They look awesome! ; )
I wish we all could have been there to celebrate with you! I imagine you have heard this before, but I didn't think I would have "people" either. Not that my dad told me, but my inner voices still tell me to this day that people don't want to be my friend, or be with me. The more we share of ourselves and with each other the more the walls are broken down. Thank you again for your blog and for listening to the heart of the Father. Let the healing continue to flow. amen
What a fun idea, and what a fun place! It looks like you are hanging out at someone's house! I'm so happy for you, and I love Isaiah's hair net. : )
Looks like a whole lot of fun!!! Linny, all your kids are adorable!!!
Cute, cute pictures!!
Linny, I noticed your special friends were approaching 1000 a few days ago. And look at it now…1041!! It's been so fun to see your special friends grow. I think we started following your blog when you had about 30 friends…or maybe less. It's been a blessing to know you and be your friend. {{{hugs}}}
OH OH…it's time to celebrate with a blog button so ALL your 1041 friends can add it to our sidebars. Should I let Alexis know? 🙂
Just gotta say how very encouraging your blog is. You are living a life as mom and wife that is all to the glory of God. You set such an example to me, and I'm so very thankful. We brought our son home this week from China. He's a typical 3 year old, pushing every boundary set up. :0) It was encouraging to me to have read, (and actually remembered!) about how you handled Jubilee's tantrums, and adjustments.
Reading your blog is like a daily does of encouragement and conviction in the here and now.
So, thanks. I may never meet you this side of Heaven, but am so very grateful you are here and are helping other, not so seasoned moms like me.
Thank you for sharing your sweet family with all of us! I especially love the first picture where Jubilee is smiling so big at her big brother, such love!
Home with a 12 yr old who sprained her ankle…your fun post made me smile! Love that Elijah is pure movement!
Sweet Linny, Girl do you realize how much you bless all of us-much more than we could give back to you! Your life and walk are a testimony of His great love and I thank you for this.
Hugs to you today!
Love, Noreen
Oh how fun! 🙂 I love that Isaiah is still wearing the hair net. haha.
Heard "Days of Elijah" as I walked into church this morning. It made me think of your sweet family. 🙂
You toured a chocolate factory?! Now that sounds like my kind of outing!! Love the pics of all your precious babies. ELizabeth is so slapdab gorgeous! You too! Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful thing to celebrate!! And what a celebration your life is to our Heavenly Father. You bless my life daily and the pictures of your family are so adorable. I love Elizabeth's smile and Isaiah's hairnet…too cute!!
Not many people can carry off the hairnet look as well as Isaiah. 🙂
Oh, I just had to tell you when I saw that first picture of Elizabeth, she took my breath away with her beauty! Then further down I read how she needed to be reminded of it and it just brought tears to my eyes.