Memorial Box Monday – The Ziploc Bags

I am diligently working on Part 3 of How to Hear God Speak, which should be posted in the next day or two. But since time is limited I got to thinking about this. I have been doing Memorial Box Monday posts about 18 months. Yes, I missed some weeks, but that still is alot of stories of God’s faithfulness to our family. I have repeated one or two of the stories.

But the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “The point of the Memorial Box is to tell the stories over and over and over so as not to forget what I’ve done.” Yes, that’s exactly what scripture says. God told the Isrealites to build a stone memorial and when their children asked what those pile of stones were for, to go ahead and tell them the story of His faithfulness, His rescue, His provision. Each time they asked they were to tell their children and their children’s children. Over and over.

So here is one of my favorite stories of God’s provision. In these economic times, we need to be reminded of the stories of God’s faithful provision….evidencing His deep care and love for each of us. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can take it to the bank. =) He never changes and He works the night shift on our behalf. He always, always, always has our back.

So even if you’ve read this story before, it’s ok to read it again {it’s short!}O. To remember. To give thanks. To apply it to your situation. Such a simple story, but with profound implications. So here goes, it first “aired” in March 2009:

I was talking recently to some new friends. The wife mentioned an illustration I had used that had greatly impacted her thoughts when I spoke a couple of years ago at our church. I said, “That’s exactly the story I thought about telling this Memorial Box Monday.”

Many, many years ago, when Dw and I were first married he was in law school. I worked as a secretary/bookkeeper to “put hubby through”. I got paid a $150.00 per week, which even many years ago was not exactly rolling in the dough. We faithfully tithed. We gave away secretly. Amazingly God took that $150.00 a week and stretched it like spandex. We paid all his tuition without ONE student loan – Yippee Jesus!! We even were able to take a trip to visit family by air. It was something only God could do – BUT we were faithfully tithing and giving away.

On a sidenote…Dw and I continually want God’s best for people. We are perplexed when people feel “they can’t afford to tithe”. We say, “You can’t afford NOT to tithe.” We have been without income (when we planted a church) and yet God always provided above and beyond all that we could think or ask. If you are struggling with finances and aren’t tithing – then start tithing and watch what God does. Even when your income may be small and your 10% insignifcant from that small amount – do NOT rob God! He sees, He watches and He waits. He will provide – because His word promises to – WHEN you tithe. He is not obligated if you are not tithing.

Anyway, back to the story. On our limited income many things were not part of the budget. I got $15.00 a week for groceries. I was so careful as to what I bought. We s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it all. One thing I really felt I could use were some quart size Ziploc Freezer Bags. They would be so handy for leftovers, etc. I thought about it, then finally I splurged and bought some. As I was putting them in the cupboard I felt like the Lord said, “Do not look in the box, do not count them as you use them. I will make these stretch like you can’t imagine.” So I put them in a high cupboard above the stove. This was going to be fun!!

As a need arose, I would reach up in that cupboard (which was well up over my head) and reach into that box. Months passed and each time I reached into the box there was another one. I would laugh. I was getting a stinkin’ kick out of this endless supply of Zipl*c Bags. Over a year passed.

Now, mind you, I was a good steward. I would recycle the used bags: washing them and using them again. But each time I needed a new one, I would reach in and there was always one more. *giggle* It was just too fun!!

One day as it neared the time that Dw would graduate I reached in and pulled out the last one. I could tell the box was empty and the supply was gone. My best guess is that for a box of 30 there had been 100 (or more) – at least! I still smile as I see a box of Ziplocs reminded each time of our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God!

There is a single Zipl*c in our Memorial Box to remind us of God’s complete provision. And for the record, after losing our home to fire and now dealing with the insurance adjustor it is easy to grow concerned what will happen (which is another story for another time)…but I am reminded of even the little Zipl*c freezer bags that God multiplied to provide for us. He will not be leaving us high and dry (or in Colorado – snowy and cold)…He WILL provide a home – just because He loves us so and He, who was faithful with the Zipl*c bags will be faithful now!! Yippee Jesus!!

If I did not have our Memorial Box filled with symbols of His faithfulness during these difficult days I would have to wrack my brain to remember what God has done. The Memorial Box is the most important part of our home, next to our Bibles.

So I wrote all that March 2009. Here is it almost May 2010. The Lord did provide for a home, which we now have lived in for 3+ months. It is feeling a bit more homey each day, we are so thankful for His constant care of each of our needs. He is truly our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God. A Memorial Box is better explained here.

I would love for each of you to share your Memorial Box stories as well – and I am loving reading them. Please link below – others will visit and read as well – and please feel free to use the Memorial Box picture on the sidebar; it is especially fun to see our little log home on all your blogs……..

9 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – The Ziploc Bags

  1. God is so great. Thank you for reminding me of God's providing as we gather funds for the last part of our adoptive journey. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you yet again.

  2. Linny!!!!! This story made me smile so big! God is doing just this with us right now! Our cupboards are bulging even though I by very sparingly at the store. When I go to make the kids lunches…there is always just enough! Isn't He so fun and so amazing and SO incredibly loving down to the very last detail?????
    Thanks again for this awesome idea!

  3. I have an honest question for you. First of all, I adore your blog and find it really inspiring. But I am wondering, what about those that God is not providing for? The ones starving. The families that can't feed their children. If He always provides, then why? Do these families suffer because they don't tithe? I am being serious, not mocking you. It's something that I just can't wrap my mind around.

  4. Love it Linny!! I am so glad to hear we aren't the only ones that wash and reuse our ziploc baggies. Years ago a friend of mine could not believe I'd wash my bags out when they only cost pennies a piece to buy. To this day she often kids me about it. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing…

  5. His provision of ziplock bags got me smiling 🙂 thank you for sharing, I love hearing about your Memorial Box Monday stories! And thank you for sharing about tithing.

  6. Thanks for repeating this story. I had completely forgotten about it. A few weeks ago I was searching and searching the Bible about the widow whose oil and flour didn't run out until she didn't need it anymore.
    I had been praying for this in regards to our savings and building our home. The Lord knows our taste is not expensive and I am just praying that there will always be what we need in our savings until our house is finished.
    This story is just a reminder that I need to keep praying about this. If God can do it with ziplocks, surely He can do it with my savings. Ha!!

  7. what a wonderful story of GOD's faithfulness with the ziploc bags!!! :)) I just posted my memorial box monday, which is technically on a tuesday, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tell of GOD's faithfulness too! :))

  8. Hey Linny,
    I have not posted in quite some time but still here and following along…praying as you post requests and participating in CRAZY love opportunities, etc.
    I love this post as I had just told my friend the other day that I felt like God was giving me a continual supply of laundry detergent!(just like the continual supply of oil in scripture) We do 20 loads of laundry a week(only 3 kids (1 on the way) but my husband coaches and 2 boys play LOTS of ball 🙂 ) And my little jug of laundry detergent just seemed to never run out! I do love how God provides! We are awaiting our 2nd court date in Ethiopia. We hope to pass court on Friday the 30th. Hopefully you can see our precious daughter on friday at

    Will be praying for your sweet family as they travel !


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