Africa Update

**ALL these pictures are from Dw and Emma’s FIRST trip to Africa {2008} 2 years ago, but I couldn’t resist showing you some of the beautiful faces of Africa**
These are some of the kids in Ssenge Village…

Thank you sooooo much to all who have been praying for Dw and the team. I was able to talk to him as he was heading to bed in Africa on their Sunday night. He said that for dinner he had actually gone to dinner at the guest house with the team and ate a little bit of food. (Yippee Jesus!!) Not much – but hey, it’s a start!! He said for the first time he was feeling a tiny bit better. Please, please, please do not stop praying!!

He preached in the Ssenge church this AM….in between runs to the restroom….and he said thre was tons of ministry by the team as about 100 came forward to the altar after the service. The team prayed with people who had AIDS, are sick, hurting….and Graham and Dylan (another high schooler) actually led one person to Christ!!

First Annual Pastor’s Conference Dw did 2 years ago

Tomorrow starts his third in Ssenge Village…many of these precious pastors and their wives walk for hours to be there…..we raise the money to pay for their accomodations and the conference books, food, any expenses they will have….etc……

Please continue to pray….tomorrow starts the pastors conference. It will last two days and many, many pastors are walking for hours to be there for it. This will be the third pastor’s conference in Ssenge Village that Dw has done. He is calling pastors to purity, holiness, loving their wives and calling on the power of God to heal – broken lives, broken hearts and broken bodies!!
First Pastor’s Conference 2008

I talked to Emma for just a second earlier and she was telling me about the babies at Sanyu babies home. She was able to love on several she has met in past trips….Kaysia – J and C’s little girl heard Emma’s name and kept calling her, “Emma! Emma! Emma!” I know J and C will be tickled with that. Soon all the babies in their cribs will calling, “Emma! Emma! Emma!” And sweet Emma couldn’t have been happier….she loves being with the babies…

Kids from Ssenge village….many of them will come to the VBS…

Tomorrow the team will either be helping with the pastor’s conference, putting on a VBS for the Ssenge village children, or working at the African Hearts boys home on the further construction of a building they started last year. Please keep them all in your prayers!! Thank you!!

20 thoughts on “Africa Update

  1. Good to hear that Dw is feeling better. Thanks for updating and for the photos and what Dw is doing there. That is great that these people are hungering for God's word. I will keep praying! Hugs!

  2. we had the african children's choir at our church this morning..the African children are just so beautiful.I would have loved to have gone on the trip!

  3. Oh, praise God, that Dw is starting to feel better. We'll keep praying for healing–God has so much for him to do. I also just love hearing how Emma and Graham are serving. Such a blessing to hear how two so young have such a passion to serve God and care for others.

    Much Love,

  4. Linny,
    Praising Jesus that your sweet man is feeling a bit better! Praying that he will be strengthened and healed for tomorrow's conference, in Jesus' name!
    We will be praying for the pastors and wives that attend this conference. What a blessing for Dw to be involved in such a big way.
    Praying for you all.

  5. I will pray for your husband. I came across your blog from Shauna Vaughan's blog. My daughter is at Sanyu also. We are waiting for our court date. What a beautiful family you have!

  6. I was praying for DW while out on my run today. So glad to hear that he is doing a little bit better. I will keep praying for his complete healing.

  7. Praying for the team. I plan on fasting and praying for them tomorrow. I do hope that DW is feeling good before too long.

    Many prayers for all of you!!

  8. So glad to hear DW is a bit better – have been concerned for his health since your last post and have been praying – will continue to do so – – – My hubby and I are planning a first trip to Uganda in October…we also have a passion to help orphans.

    Love from New Zealand,

  9. Hey Linny,
    Have been out of town and just catching up…so very sorry to hear Dw has been sick! And your news at the doctor. Yes, the enemy is at work but He is a defeated foe!!!Standing firm in prayer for you and your family as GOD fights these Battle's FOR you!!!!
    Much love,

  10. DW was on my heart all day yesterday. what a blessing to see he's doing a little better. He and the rest of your family will continue to be in my prayers.

  11. Sick on the other side of the world…yep, I know that feeling. We were in Vietnam for a Pastor's Conference. I was completely humbled by those people. Will be praying….so close to my heart!

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