Crazy Love Challenge #3

We’ve been having so much fun with Crazy Love….infact our church will be doing a series this summer called Crazy Love and the plans are already underway for some Crazy ways to show God’s love to those in our community. It’s gonna’ be a blast!

As I mentioned yesterday, today’s Crazy Love is going to be different than the other two. This one is only for people who are specifically fundraising for an adoption they are in the midst of. I realize that many people out there are doing fundraisers for orphans – and one day we will have a Crazy Love Challenge just for those…but this one is just for people who are in the midst of an adoption and have a fundraiser going on.

There are some ground rules that must be followed…if the rules are not followed, then I will be forced to delete your entry.

Who can post a link?

First off, to post a link you must be a friend of mine {by ‘friend’ I mean you are following along at A Place Called Simplicity and your little picture is under the “follower” portion on the sidebar.} If you have not been a friend before, then today would be a great day to join in with all the friends here. If you wonder why I require you to be a “friend” {aka follower}….well I dunno…I guess cause if someone just wants to link, but they don’t want to call themselves a friend, then it can almost just feel like they are merely “using” our family blog. Just imagine this: You have planned and worked hard and are having a party for your friends and random people happen to be driving down the street and see a bunch of people walking up to your home and decide they want to just come too and walk in to your house, eat your food and leave and don’t say anything to you….and you never saw them before in your life!! Hope that makes sense – at least I’m sure it does to all of my friends.

What is this Crazy Love Challenge for?

This Crazy Love challenge is specifically for people who are in the midst of an adoption {meaning you’ve sent the application and are getting your homestudy going or more} and are doing a FUNDRAISER. That means you are: beading, selling tee-shirts, painting pictures, or anything else you dreamed of to help bring your child/children home.

How Do I Do it?

Post the permalink from your blog below. A permalink is the URL to a specific blog post. In other words, each blog post has an address and the permalink is the street number and the avenue. For example, my blog address is But the permalink to this post is To get the permalink, I simply clicked on the post title and it popped up in the address bar. On your blog you must link back here to this blog and that your post is part of a Crazy Love challenge at A Place Called Simplicity…….

Why Was My Link Deleted?

Probably three possibilities: {1} you’re not a friend *see above* {2} You aren’t in the midst of an adoption and doing a fundraiser or {3} because you linked to your blog rather than the permalink of your post. Sometimes people like to browse through the Crazy Love Challenge posts from my site days or weeks after they’re posted. If you simply link to your blog front page, they will not be able to find your Crazy Love post.

What’s the Crazy Love Challenge?

That’s the funnest part!!! It’s this: Friends from all over the world, knowing how God loves the orphan….stopping and saying to themselves: Hmmmm, I’m not in the midst of trying to bring an orphan home but God’s Crazy Love compels me to do something for someone….so I will click on these links and ask God to move on my heart and show me what I can give or buy from those doing fundraisers to bring their little one{s} home…

Oh my stinkin’ gracious – I am so Crazy excited…there is even a place on this MckLinky to post a picture of what you are selling… come on guys let’s pray together: Move Jesus move on hearts!! Then get goin’ friends…get goin’….how can you help bring an orphan home??

34 thoughts on “Crazy Love Challenge #3

  1. I like this Crazy Love idea a lot. 🙂

    I do have a question: Can this be opened up to people who are asking for things? For example, I make rag quilts, and have in the past donated them to families who are doing online auctions and other fundraisers for their adoptions.
    That way people (like me) who don't have money to give could still participate. Just a thought. 🙂

  2. Your heart is amazing. Though I didn't link to this, finances have been on my heart the last couple days and I wrote about it. Just knowing there is beautiful crazy love…God's love…in my awesome brothers and sisters ROCKS!!! Thank you….

  3. Linny, I love coming over for your parties!!! Thanks for inviting me!
    : ) I think I officially became your "friend" last time, but be sure and let me know if I'm not there for some reason! I promise I'm not here to eat and run!! : )

    I can't wait to see all the fun things people are selling!

    Much love,

  4. Wow! Awesome! We are in the midst of an adoption but we haven't done a fundraiser yet. We plan a huge yard sale in June, but I am going to check these out to get some other creative ideas. Thanks for doing this Linny! You are awesome!!!

  5. Thanks Linny for doing this Crazy Love Challenge! You are awesome girl! Thanks for bringing glory to God and awareness or orphans and adoption!

  6. OK, I know I agreed to take 90 days off of regular blogs for God but I've made it almost 5 weeks and when I saw the title to this post I can't do it anymore.

    Linny, I miss you too much, miss hearing about your family too much and missed being challenged by you.

    I am reading Crazy Love right now and I love this Crazy Love idea you had.

    So, I hope it's OK I'm visitng again. You're AWESOME!!!

    PS I asked Chris tonight if we can start the adoption process for HK and he told me we need insurance so pray we get insurance. =) Satan had me fooled for a little bit but I'm ready to fill this house up!

  7. OH Linny my friend is in the middle of a fundraiser!! She's bringing home a sweet little girl! I e- mailed her to get over here ASAP. Hope she listens!!

  8. Linny, Thank you for helping all of us in our fund raising efforts! Can't wait to see all these precious faces come home to their forever families!

  9. Hi there, I've been following secretly for a while, I don't know why secretly! My linky is on there twice, you need to delete the first one, I need to link it just to the blog because we are doing and auction and its many posts long!

  10. oh gosh! i must say it has blessed me just to give to someone :)) I know I'm in the midst of fundraising to move to Mali for a year, but I KNEW I had to give to "10% in, 90% to go… Crazy Love" link. I'm loving Crazy Love.
    I'm telling you, it sure does bless you when you give :))

  11. Love this!!! And I love your heart for spreading CRAZY LOVE!! I was blessed enough to be helped with your very first Crazy Love Challenge and it was humbling and inspiring at the same time to see brothers and sisters in Christ coming together! My husband is now back at work and I am SO excited to spread some love with these wonderful families in the process of fundraising!!!

  12. Linny-

    Thanks for hosting this Crazy Love Party. Thanks for coming along us in our adoptions. I accidentally linked twice: Custom Paintings for Your Home. Will you delete the first one for me. . I can't seem to do it from my end. I was getting a little excited over the picture links!! I am off to check out the other links. Thanks for sharing your blog with us.


  13. thanks so much for doing this post friend! We have around 30 t-shirts left that we are really needing to sell to get our birth mother expenses saved up before we get matched! :0) We also have Ugandan-beaded necklaces that we had a friend over in Uganda get for us! We only have 11 left but I am hoping to order more! I might go ahead and link for those too and if we can only have one, go ahead and take it off! THanks! Love, april

  14. oh, linny!!! i adore you. you know that? God is using you in mighty ways and you are listening and obeying him. i know we don't "know" each other, but you are my friend and i am so thankful for you.

    we are in our final days of fundraising to pay for the attorney fees to finalize Clay's adoption. maybe God will use this to help our last re-usable coffee sleeves to sell out! THANK YOU. so very much.

    i'm also so excited to look through these and bookmark them. i love buying these things for presents! thank you, sweet friend!

  15. I just found your blog through Shannon's blog and am so happy to become your friend! Thank you so much for your Crazy love for Jesus and for helping all of us bring our babies home!
    Your family is beautiful!
    Can't wait to list our fundraisers and go and visit other families too!
    God's Speed to all the little ones around the world, waiting on their forever families…. Thank You Jesus for your faithfulness and for Your CRAZY LOVE for us!

    God Bless You,

  16. Oh, I messed up! lol
    It is late and my fundraising Mommy brain is scattered!
    You will have to delete my first two links for our fundraisers as I used the link to my sites not to the specific post about your Crazy Love Challenge… I am so sorry to be high maintenance…. good thing we are now FRIENDS…. hehee
    Thank you again and I am so sorry to be a pain!

  17. What a wonderful challenge! I found you through Daleea. I will do a post soon and hope that you will allow our Color Me Home fundraiser to be linked and I can't wait to see what others are doing.
    I am happy to become on of your followers and looking forward to reading more about your family!


  18. My first link didn't work, so I just tried to redo it. Tried to see how to delete the first one, but couldn't.

    New to your blog, and really enjoying reading back through past posts! Glad someone sent me over!

  19. Hi! This is such a wonderful neat idea! And very generous! I made a mistake on the first entry – Our Little Noodles. I linked the incorrect blog post. I redid another one immediately after – also Our Little Noodles with a different picture (beach picture) that is linked to the correct blog post. Can you delete the first for me? We are the Stever Family adopting from the Ukraine. Thank you so much and I apologize for my error! I can be reached at:
    Blessings! Kelli

  20. Oh, Linny! I am so excited! I went to Gathering Peeps and they were offering prints of the Chinese character, Righteousness. Here is what I wrote on her comments:

    Wow! I did a Bible study in Fall '04 and we used the book, "Experiencing Christ Within" by Dwight Edwards. On page 100, he writes:


    In the Chinese language, the word for "righteousness" is the combination of two pictures. On the top is the figure of a lamb; directly beneath is a picture of a person.
    What a perfect image of the righteousness that Christ alone provides! Whenever the Father looks down at you, He first sees the perfect Lamb of God, "hiding" you.
    Certainly God is aware of any sin in our lives, but that isn't what He's primarily aware of in any believer. What he sees first and foremost is the beauty of His Son enveloping us."

    Earlier on that page he had written about Zephaniah 3:17 (one of my favorite verses, anyway) about God rejoicing over us with singing. He then writes:

    "Why is this true? Because when God looks at you, He sees Jesus first. "Your life," after all, "is *hidden* with Christ in God." Colossians 3:3

    This hit me like nothing I had read before. I am such a visual person and that picture in my mind was so beautiful! I have wanted a print of that Chinese character for almost six years!!

    So, I am considering this Memorial Box worthy. I am looking for a box and I will put a little lamb in there. I would have been happy to find the print anyway, but to find it and have it help an adoption is a super bonus! It was worth waiting almost six years. Also, my 28 year old daughter did missions in China for a year, so I am buying her one, too. She will be so, so excited. You and your blog just bless my socks off! Thank you so much!

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