Memorial Box Monday – The Table!!

Oh my. Wait till you hear this Memorial Box Monday post. It just happened a few days ago and I am still giggling and grinning about it. How faithful God is and, my oh my, how He loves, loves, loves to surprise us!! And sometimes when He is showing us His love He does it in the most crazy-out-of-the-box-are-you-kidding-me{?} kind of ways!! And I just gotta’ think He just loves to show off like that!!

So here ya’ go – our Miracle-working, Mountain-moving, Awe-inspiring, Gasp-giving God was up to something big on my behalf…..and He was moving behind the scenes for a few months – totally unbeknownst to me!! So stinkin’ fun….

The story starts here: We have a kitchen table. It was the table that was used at the cottage for years. It holds many, many wonderful memories. But as wonderful as the memories are…the table is just not very practical. For starters, it is low. Really low. I am 5’3″ and I bang my knees as I pull my chair in most of the time. It has leaves, but they were makeshift leaves and so they are continually and constantly coming apart.

So a few months ago I said to Dw, “I really could use a different kitchen table. Although I love the lake table, I feel like we have a dollhouse table. I always bang my knees…blah, blah, blah.”

He said, “Okay, let’s look for one.” I went to a used furniture store in town and said to the shopkeeper, “If you see a big ol’ farmhouse table call me, will you?” Within weeks she called. I went to see the used table. It was lovely. Very lovely. But it was $800.00. I felt sick at the thought of spending $800. on a table when there are orphans around the world who have so many needs. I told her I would think about it.

I went home and I prayed. I said, “Lord I really like that table, but I just think you can do something far better than that table. I think our $800.00 could be used for the orphan.”

So I passed on the table.

Every now and then I would look at that shop and others….nothing. I waited. And every now and then I would say to the Lord, “Sure would be fun to have a more practical table. hint-hint.” And I waited.

And waited some more.

And a few months passed….and I left on my wild and crazy adventure. Which speaking of my adventure with the kids….I was thinking about it. I always wanted to do a mini-triathlon. Health wise, it’s not a really super duper possibility….so I was thinkin’….doesn’t it just seem that not everyone would drive 4200 miles with 8 kids and 2 dogs alone? I dubbed it my own triathlon. My version. Crazy and wild. It took endurance and perseverance. And I did it. And it was a blast!! And we are all still smiling and will for the rest of our lives…

Anyway, back to the trip…. As the time neared for us to head back to Colorado, Dw and I prayed about whether Dw should rent a truck and drive back with the things he had inherited from his parents. We prayed. We talked. Seemed like the smartest thing to do.

He loaded the truck and we left Western New York together…me in the van with the kids and he in the truck with one of them {rotating the fun to ride with daddy}.

Well, so as the story goes….I have this sweet bloggy friend, Amie. She used to have a blog, but closed it awhile back {miss your blogging, girlfriend!}. Amie and I became friends through our blogs a couple of years ago. {Oh I know!! Some of you probably know of a company she is part owner in?? Wild Olive Tees – sweetest tee-shirts in the land that proclaim Biblical truths – and oh so very, very comfortable! In fact, when you are done reading this, go check out their site…and buy a shirt…tell ’em Linny sent ya’.}

In fact the day before our home burned down, I was talking to Amie on the phone. We were talking about something that was really exciting. But later Amie told me that while we were talking that day, I had said that I felt something was wrong. I can’t remember saying that to her. But she does. And yes, something was dreadfully wrong, and less than 15 hours later our home was gone.

Amie’s one of those friends who hears that there is a problem and offers to help in any way she can {not even kidding}…. She’s just a treasure – and we’d never even met in person!So when she heard that we were traveling maybe through her area, she offered her home to us to stay at. On the way home we knew we would be going through her area so we set it up to get together. The kids could play and we could meet {finally!}.

Well we got to her home and were introducing all of our treasures {she has a boatload and many are adopted from China} and so eventually we went inside her home.

Okay, now are you ready for this? We were barely in her house and Amie turns to me and excitedly said, “”””””” Hey! Do you need a kitchen table?”

HUH? “No one had a clue what I had been praying, except for Dw.

I said, “What do you mean?”

She explained, ” Well I was looking for a kitchen table and found one on Craigslist. I went to see it and when I was looking at it I felt like I was supposed to buy it, but all the while the Lord was saying, ‘You are buying this, but it is not for you. It is for someone else’ ” Amie continued on…” I tried to make it for me, but it’s not for me. The Lord told me as you were driving here that it is for you. After the Lord told me that I thought – what is she going to do, strap it to the top of her van? Then you texted me that Dw is driving a moving truck behind you!! ” By now she was kind of grinning and giggling….”

Okay, like are you serious Lord?

We went out to her garage to look and of course I found the most beautiful kitchen table….stunning – absolutely perfect! Just exactly what I had been looking for. I was completely dumbfounded.

They wanted us to have it. Amie and her husband, Jeff, were so excited that we were to be the recipients of the table that they had bought “for someone else”. Can you believe it?

Seriously. I am still grinning and giggling. Isn’t it beautiful? We are sooo thankful for the gracious generosity of Amie and Jeff. Unbelievable!!

And to think – we don’t bang our knees on the table as we sit there. Seriously. Is God totally and completely amazing? Who would have guessed? He was moving behind the scenes, in a state on the other side of the country, just because He loves us that much.

Here’s the kids playing together:

Her little J-man
Dw loved playing with this little guy…

I am continually amazed at God’s active involvement in our lives. Really, friends, if you don’t do a Memorial Box – you must! In the tough times, you can go to your box and look at all the symbols and remember. Remember His faithfulness. Remember His protection. Remember His provision. Remember His miracles. Remember the mountains He has moved. Remember His surprises!

Please share a story from your life. And please link back here with a permalink.{A permalink is explained here.} And hey, I am gonna be down right shameless today – give an ol’ lady a thrill – use the Memorial Box at the top of the sidebar …{the code is below it}….

And lastly, I have to ask….last week…..did you happen to read Renee’s story? Wow. My heart raced as I read it. And talk about heart racing….did you read the one Lesya wrote? Whooa. Your heart will be encouraged if you take the time to read the stories people post. Seriously. And God will use some of them to meet you right where you need to be met. Promise.

If you are new to this Place Called Simplicity a Memorial Box is explained here.

14 thoughts on “Memorial Box Monday – The Table!!

  1. Whoa! That is so amazing!!!!

    How does Amie hear the Lord? Did He speak to her? How? I wish she could share more details…. I'm currently trying to hear Him and sometimes I think, is that just me, or could that be You? I don't know if it's what I want, or if if that's Him leading.

    I guess I will find out soon… and if it's Him speaking, I will definitely share in my Memorial Box Monday story! 🙂

    p.s. thank you for sharing, Linny, and I loved the photos 🙂 Praise YHWH for working behind the scenes just for you, because He loves you! 🙂

  2. if i had hair on my legs it would've stood up there too. wow. God is soooo amazing and faithful. even in the little things. He doesn't have to be, but He is. and down to the exact things. oh yes. :))

    oh!! and i don't know if you got a chance to read it or not, but i wrote a MBM post a couple of weeks ago. and it involved you, something you said and then something God did. oh yes. He is faithful. oh so faithful.

  3. Love it! Seriously, I love reading what God does in your life & the lives of others. And He definitely used y'all's insurance issues this weekend to remind me of His faithfulness.

    I am about to post my MBM post. And I am so stinking excited, because one of my best friends wrote her first MBM post today! Hopefully, she'll link it up. 🙂

  4. LOVE this!! Love to hear how God works to give us the desires of our heart 🙂 Now I gotta get my rear over to Amie's house to get a dose of her… I miss her blog TOO!! Love seeing BOTH your babies together

  5. One of the best things of this post…I have been wondering if Amie is OK…we waited together for daughters back in 2005 ate chocolate and drank from shoes…I was getting a little worried when she didn't update since Samuel came home..
    Thanks so much for answering a prayer Linny.
    Love your story…I NEED to sit down and write our Memorials

  6. How unbelievably awesome! A specific request and prayer answered by a God who's concerned about all the details of our lives. The table looks perfect! The color of the wood is so rich and warm. I'm just awed at how God moved on another's heart to fulfill a need for someone else…way across the country. Yes, yes, our God is involved in the details.

    I must say, I am always blessed when you tell stories on how there's a need in your life that you could humanly fulfill, but instead choose to consult with God and wait for His answer and perfect timing…for Him to move, for Him to guide, for Him to speak, etc. Waiting is not at all easy, but I believe God is pleased when we remain steadfast during periods of waiting; He's honored and our faith is ever increased.

  7. Such a testimony of walking by faith and not getting ahead of God's blessings. So much cooler when we stay out of the way so He can do His perfect, amazing, abundant thing! 🙂

  8. So, I am absolutely tickled that you thought of me while on your trip. And I am SO sad you didn't have my number to "bug" me. That would've been too fun! Next time y'all drive through this area, if I'm at school, I'll be sure you have my number. 😉

    Thanks for the ideas for what to put in my Memorial Box. 🙂

    Praying for you, sweet friend! 🙂

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