15 Months & God Moves the Mountain

It happened, sweet friends, it happened!!!

Almighty God, maker of Heaven and Earth, saw the fasting, He heard the prayers and He moved!

Ezekiel and Kaysia were adopted!!

 Their mom acknowledges that ONLY God moved that Judge!


It is a miracle!!

People around the world prayed.

People around the world fasted.

God heard the cries.

He saw the fasting.

Why did He move?

Because God’s heart is for the orphan and He will not allow anything to stop an orphan from coming home….

red tape,
obstinate Judges,
uncooperative authorities,
and every power on Earth
bow to the matchless name of





Gasp-giving God…

Can anyone else shout Yippee Jesus?

He alone is worthy of praise….

and on behalf of  Ezekiel and Kaysia,

Thank you from the bottom of all hearts involved….

92 thoughts on “15 Months & God Moves the Mountain

  1. YIPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! God is so great. We just found out that our 171-H will be in the mail tomorrow and a family member has a check for a $10,000 loan waiting to be mailed to us.

  2. Yippeeeeee Jesus!!! I was just getting ready to blog because I need to outlet this excitment!!!! Praise God! Those babies will get to be in a family, finally! Home in a bed of their own! Loved by a mommy and a daddy….oh, I just can not take it! I am so happy! [I do not think I was even this happy about our own! lol! I guess this has been such a trial there is cause for EXTRA joy and celebration!] Love you and love them and I even love that judge right now!

  3. There are no words! I am sitting at my desk, a blubbering, teary mess! I am so stinking excited!

    I cannot wait to see photos of them back home with their family. Learning what it means to be loved by a mom and a dad. Learning the joy of a family full of siblings.

    Our God moved another government to bring His babies home! Thank you Lord!

  4. I have been checking James and Cheremi's blog every day to see if there was news. I just looked at their blog and there wasn't a new post. I felt so badly for them. I came to your blog next, saw your title and knew it must be about them. My arms are covered in goosebumps, my eyes are filled with tears, and my heart is full of love for them. What wonderful news. There is power in prayer!

  5. I have been checking and praying, checking and praying. It was such a blessing to me to be a part of this prayer movement on behalf of these and other orphans. Praising and thanking God with you that He has chosen that this is the time to allow these children to finally come home.

  6. Yes, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Praise God! Thank you for passing on the situation so we could fast and pray with you, and then we can celebrate with you when God answered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I saw the announcement on FB this morning…..I was in tears sitting in my office, realizing the power of prayer, and praising God for moving in such a mighty way!!!

    I kept checking your blog ALL.DAY.LONG.WAITING.FOR.YOUR.POST. I couldn't wait to hear more. I am beyond thrilled!! And, yes, I can indeed shout YIPPEE JESUS!!!

  8. YIPPEE JESUS, shoutin' it from Texas!

    Oh thank you Father for answering the prayers of a mama and daddy who refused to give up! Thank you Father that Kasia and Ezekiel will be orphans NO more!

    Thank you Lord, for being the Defender of the weak!

    Oh how we praise You!!

    Thank you Linny for sharing the news!

    Tina . . . rejoicing in Texas!

  9. Praise the Lord! I am so excited for their family and so grateful for women of God who mentor and encourage us to stand for what God desires–Thank you Linny! Thank you for allowing us to be part of this exciting journey of James and Cheremia and their precious children!

  10. Praise the Lord! I am so excited for their family and so grateful for women of God who mentor and encourage us to stand for what God desires–Thank you Linny! Thank you for allowing us to be part of this exciting journey of James and Cheremia and their precious children!

  11. oh Linny….there are no words that adequately express the amazing awe, the thankfulness…the beauty of this moment….He Moved… heaven & earth for these precious lambs… and they are coming home! Coming Home to their forever family!!! Thank you, Jesus! I am praising Him with all my heart! so happy…so ready for the next call to pray and fast…can't wait to see what He will do next…praying unceasingly in the meantime! Thank you for posting this huge praise report!!! He is faithful! Beyond words faithful! oh Yippee Jesus<3

  12. that's awesome news!!! praise YHWH! 🙂 🙂 He is so good! 🙂

    p.s. I went to see my regular dr for a follow up on my colonoscopy… while the dr who actually did the colonoscopy, Dr S, said that everything is ok with me, I kept asking if there's any minor things that needs looking into it, but he said no… so anyway, he said to see my regular dr, so I did a few days ago… she basically said the same thing what Dr S said, everything's fine, but I looked over her shoulder to read Dr S' report on her computer, and noticed this sentence which he wrote (which he and my dr for some reason, chose not to inform me) "she does have a tortorous colon" so I asked my regular dr what does that mean? she said it means my colon is not normal like others, it's more twisted in many places, and because of the twists, it's longer than normal… I think it is our Saviour guiding my eyes to see what I needed to see… so that I may be aware of the unusual formation of my colon and care of it better by drinking more water, eat more fibre, etc. Praise YHWH. Thank you, Linny, for encouraging us to check if something's not wrong. 🙂

  13. Again – praising God for this wonderful miracle!

    Update on Philip Hayden's Shepherd's Field Children's Village – they are still needing about $20,000 out of the $70,000! Please still pray for this amazing orphanage deep in the heart of Ch*na!

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah

  14. Linn,
    OK first… YIPPEE JESUS! Secondly, when I heard this news from Dw in our meeting yesterday I was beside myself with excitement. Thank you thank you for asking us to pray and fast. God is so powerful. This one needs to go in a memorial box somewhere. God is so good. So so good. Love you friend! – Jen

  15. I am beyond THRILLED and so happy for them. WOW I can't even imagine how happy they are going to be when they are all home together. I am saying "Yippee Jesus" big time.

  16. I knew it would happen. : ) I knew we did not need to beg, but only pray (and fasting is great too) believing. God has whispered to me that we really never have to worry about anything, and so I knew that He would grant this request. He is so good. Praise the Lord!

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