Why Does It Have to Be So Hard? Part 2

Yesterday was kind of a preparing for today’s thoughts. Something heavy on my heart.

I was sharing yesterday some of the reasons I am certain that adoption is so complicated. Your comments were right on the money! Many, many, many of you have encountered incredible opposition…but the faithfulness of God has triumphed and you have seen God’s hand rescue the circumstances that have come against bringing your babies home.

No doubt this blog community has significant power when united. No doubt the Lord knows this and knits hearts together over a computer screen. He is just so faithful. I have heard from many how they have felt so alone in their own community but the blog community draws like-minded folks together and makes the world a much smaller place.


Only God.

That’s how it’s been for me. Face it. Our city is a small one. There are not hundreds of 51 and 55 year olds adopting toddlers! ha. Don’t even think there is one, although I could be wrong!

But you guys have been our encouragers and comrades! You have prayed us through more than one tricky spot in life. I remember when I was in Africa, how Dw was glued to the computer waiting for the comments to come in that many of you were up in the night praying for us on the other side of the world. How sweet to know that!

Well there is a couple that are in a very discouraging place. The husband, James, went to Africa with Dw on the 2009 trip. He found a little girl that he knew he was supposed to bring home. He started the process while there with Dw and the rest of the team. When he returned home to Canada his wife, Cheremi, said, “James, I just think that God has someone else there as well that we are supposed to bring home.”

James contacted the orphanage {same one that we found our Elijah and Elizabeth} and the director said, “There is a boy also needing a home. I will let you take him at the same time as the little girl.”

Well a year ago James and Cheremi headed to Africa to complete the process and court requirements and bring Ezekiel and Kaysia home. But there was a sudden shut down in Canada and all the details get too complicated, suffice it to say, they were denied bringing them home.

Cheremi ended up going back to take care of their three other children in Canada and James stayed on in Africa. They had been told it would be soon and he could bring the kids home with him. Five and a half long months passed with James there in Africa and Cheremi home with the 3 others. And nothing significant happened.

Finally James had to return to Canada. But Ezekiel and Kaysia were not allowed to return with them.

A few weeks ago this precious family drove from Canada down to our home in Colorado and spent 5 days with us. We had a blast. They are the real deal. They are passionate about the Lord, each other and the orphan.

We laughed together, we prayed together and we loved on each other. It was wonderful. We had so much fun we even asked them to stay another day!!

They headed back home to Canada after their visit with us and prepared to go to Africa, because they were told that everything would be ready and they could complete the process and come home with their two treasures.

But it didn’t go like that. Court was closed. The judge didn’t show up. Etc.
James and Cheremi have been fighting a long battle. It is complicated.

Two nights ago I got up in the night to use the restroom and found a text sent from them in Africa. They were discouraged beyond discouraged {understandably so!}. They have been put off and put off. Friday was finally supposed to be the court date and the judge didn’t show up. They were told that the judge had a sick friend in a neighboring village so he wasn’t going to come in.

I seldom ask for prayer friends, but their situation is critical. The enemy’s attacks have been long and relentless. We skyped with them Friday morning {in Colorado} and Cheremi couldn’t even talk. She just sobbed and sobbed. James has to return to Canada on Monday. Cheremi will be left in Africa with no end in sight. It’s ridiculous!! Dw and I both cried as we talked and prayed with them.

I told them that if it was okay with them I would post about their situation and ask people to pray with us. I am even going to be so bold to ask you guys to fast as well.

The enemy, no doubt, wants James and Cheremi to give up. To throw in the towel.

But we, the adoption community, will not allow that to happen. We will hold up the arms of James and Cheremi {just like Aaron and Hur held up Moses arms during the intense battle}and say, “Back off! These kids are no longer yours! Relinquish your grip!! Let my people go!!”

Now, as I have been praying about all this, I know that many of you are having similar roadblocks in your adoption process. Sickness. Governments. Job loss. Financial difficulties. Red tape. Papers lost. Papers needing to be signed, but not the right people where they should be. Bureaucratic stupidity. Deadlines looming.

So I was thinkin’….

What if we had a time of prayer and fasting not just for James and Cheremi, but for others as well? If you’ve never fasted, let me tell you…this is the fast to jump in with! Do it for the orphan. Please, please, please get out of your comfort zone!!

Let’s gather together and ask Almighty God to move heaven and earth to free the orphans. Let’s join together and say, “Enough{!} – to the enemy of our souls.”

Can I be real honest friends at the risk of losing everyone of you? Typically, when I ask people to pray, some will say they will. When I ask people to fast, even fewer commit to that.

Friends. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is where we put our money where our mouth is. Do you want to see God working in your life? Do you want to be used by Him? Well there is nothing more joyful to the Lord then when we battle for the orphan.

God’s heart is for the orphan. He loves them with an immeasurable love and I can’t help but think that there aren’t many prayers that Almighty God considers sweeter than the ones prayed on behalf of the orphan.

He is their advocate. He is their defender. He is their protector. He loves when we come alongside and say, “I want to be their advocate – just like you are! I want to be their defender – just like you are! I want to be their protector – just like you are!” He loves it!! Absolutely loves it!!

So I’m posting a mcklinky for this:

Do you have a prayer need for your adoption? Have things gone crazy while in the midst of your adoption? Has the enemy reared his ugly head against your family as you try to bring home an orphan? Are there obstacles you had not dreamed of?

This is the time to do a blog post and link it below. Your post will be asking bloggy friends, literally around the world, to pray on behalf of your family and your little one{s} you are trying to get home.

Here’s the rules:

1. You must be in the midst of an adoption or starting the process.
2. You must write a post explaining the prayer need.
3. You must mention this Crazy Love Prayer Challenge in the post.
4. You cannot link an old post, it must be fresh.
5. You must link with a permalink, which is explained in this post. If you don’t link with a permalink, I will be forced to delete it and I really, really don’t want to have to do that.

So here’s the challenge:

Will you pray with me for the orphans trying to get home?

Will you fast with me as well?

Please join me and all the others on

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I commit to read every, single one of the prayer links and pray and fast for the needs. I am asking you to do that also.

Now some could say, “But there are a bunch of links to read.”

And all I gotta say is: ” uh-huh?”

When we are praying {and fasting} for the orphan we are right in the center of God’s will. Boldly, let me just say: Nothing you are doing could be more important.

Nothing Linny?



If you can not pray {and fast} on Wednesday,
then please do it another day.

And if you are linking a post, your post doesn’t have to be long. Short will do. Just fresh and clearly explained works great.

And literally, people around the world will be praying!!

We will see break through.

We will see God move.

Ya’ know why?

Cause He is the




Gasp-giving God….and

He absolutely LOVES when the body comes together on behalf of


Will you pray with me?

Will you even fast?

Let’s do it together!!

And really, nothing will encourage those posting needs more, then to see the comments of those joining in…nothing. Promise.

PS…I will do a picture mcklinky so you can place a picture of the treasure{s} you are trying to bring home…the pictures will spur others on to good works – no doubt!

This mcklinky will close on Wednesday the 8th, so you have a couple of days to link up…

45 thoughts on “Why Does It Have to Be So Hard? Part 2

  1. I have checked their blog weekly to get an update since James returned to Canada, they are sooo on my heart. I am glad to join in. I believe that the enemy has gathered his own against canada and Africa, but we serve a RISEN KING and our army was bought by the blood. Jesus will be praised, and the "prayers of the righteous will prevail" we need to dance and sing before Him! come on let the flood gates of the courts open and bring home these precious, precious ones. amen

  2. I'm in! I've never fasted before. Have you ever talked about how to do it? If you could point me in the right direction on that, I'd be so grateful! I feel like it has to be more than what my first thought of it entails!

  3. Thank you for sharing and rallying the troops. I am in!!
    We are not currently in the wait again, but we would sure like to be. We are waiting for a tough situation to be resolved for some kids we hope to adopt, and we are looking for some of our things to sell to finance this adoption. Downsizing stuff to Upsize our family!!!!

  4. A few days ago I felt the need to add James and Cheremi to my daily prayer list remembering you blogging about their story previously. I just felt that they needed prayer and obviously they did. I will continue to pray for them and look forward to participating Wednesday.

  5. tears streaming as i read this i can not even imagine what they are going through… simply horrific!! & I LOVE LOVE your idea! 🙂 My husband and i will be fasting and praying for the orphan and specifically all the needs that are posted on Thursday the 9th 🙂 God will move here, HE always does in big ways! i cant wait to see it happen! Praying SO hard right now that james and cheremi will feel his loving arms around them right now!!!! ill be writing a little somthing tom. afternoon to link up as well…

  6. Linny, I believe that in the past you wrote about fasting. I was thinking that may be it would be a good idea to direct people to that post. After thinking about this I saw Erin's comments where she asked you how to fast.
    Anyways, I will be joining the fast on Wednesday. And just as I was having my quiet time with God I read Matthew 5:4 and instantly thought about James & Cheremi and all these people that will post about their prayer needs: BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO MOURN, FOR THEY WILL BE COMFORTED.

  7. Tell me what to do and for how long and I am in! We want to start, but just don't see how (financially) it would work right now. But I'm all for praying someone else through their adoption.

  8. Hi Linny,
    On the CAFEKids yahoo group several of us do a united weekly Wednesday fast for our adoption processes, and now (starting this past wed) we do a united fast on the first Wed of the month for Adoption in general, orphans, the needy… whatever God puts on our hearts – really, just praying and fasting for God to defeat the enemy in his attacks against adoption. I don't really know how many people participate – only a couple have stated they are doing it, but I hope it is more than a few…

    So, thank you for doing this, and maybe you would consider posting a monthly united fast on your blog. Like you said, fasting is incredible and what a way for all of us to come together for these children.
    Love your blog.

  9. Count me in! I will be praying until then and fasting and praying with you on Wednesday! I am thankful to be allowed to be part of God's work in the lives of this family. I am excited because I was planning on meeting with a prayer partner on Wed. to fast and pray for Orphans in general and specific needs of people we know! Until then, I will pray that this message touches the hearts of the readers in a way that can't be denied and that many will come along side them. Thank you for the invitation.

  10. Count me in! I would love to pray and fast for all those orphans to come home to their FOREVER FAMILIIES.

    It will be a sweet balm for my spirit as we have hit yet another road block ourselves when my husband last week had his second heart attack. I feel so helpless and useless. But I can still fast and pray for others!

  11. I will pray on Wednesday, due to blood sugar issues I won't fast the entire day but I will fast from an early breakfast to a late dinner. We are in the process and of course prayers are always welcome but we don't have a specific obstacle – just waiting. I will link to your site though.

  12. Linny, I am committed to fasting and praying for James and Cheremy (and others!) this Wednesday! For the first time ever, last September my husband and I did an extended fast, and God moved mountains and literally brought the $21,000 (yes, you read that right) we needed within weeks to bring our 2 children home. Now we are praying for the same kind of provision as we journey for our next Treasure. Thank you for the opportunity to lift others up and to express our need as well. He is faithful!

  13. I really prayed for this dear couple this morning in church, especially with him going back to Canada today and her there in Africa. 🙁 And praying for all the adoptions that seem stuck. After fighting two yrars to get my girl home, I know how hard it is and how determined you have to be to not give up.

  14. Miss Linn, I write this comment through my tears and burdened to pray for the orphan. This is definately a spiritual war that needs to be fought. I will join you in fasting and praying. I wanted to tell you what a joy it was to teach Elizabeth and Jubilee today in their class. They are a reminder to me of God's unfailing love. As we danced and sang "I am not Forgotten" and "One Way Jesus" I almost had to stop worshiping because I was crying. I wondered what Elizabeth's life might have been had you and Dw not scooped her out of Africa and Jubilee's life mighe have been had you not rescued and pursued her in China. God LOVES the orphan. I was reminded of that today. I will pray and fast for all your linked up bloggers. These little lives are too important and God is excited to hear our prayers and petitions for the orphan. Love you girlfriend, Jen

  15. i love you & cheremi & james & ezekiel & kaysia. i love the orphan.
    i'll be forever grateful to you for encouraging fasting. no one had even mentioned it to me before. i've been fasting once every 2 weeks now. i will undoubtedly join you on wednesday for all those linked up and all orphans. set these children free, Lord. may it be soon!

  16. I'll join in the call to pray and fast. Excited to see what God has in store. Can't wait to see God's hand move as we pray together.

    As we encountered difficulties in our adoption process, it reminded me of how difficult the process was for God to adopt us into His forever family.

  17. Thank you – THANK YOU so much for this. I have posted our link up top and will be fasting and praying on Wed for James & Cheremi and all of the others.

  18. Oh Linny… You have no idea (or maybe you do!) how in Awe I am of our Father! For you to ask others to do this on THIS date! I have been so anxious about THIS date for too long now. So many things could happen with our little one on THIS date! To know that others will be praying for us on THIS date brings me so. much. peace. I love how the Father loves us!! No matter what happens on the 8th, I know that He is with us.

    Count me in on praying and fasting for all these other sweet families! We are all standing together!

  19. I LOVE how God knows the needs of hearts and how He stirs others to pray and fast for the needs of others. This special day was not an accident, but purposely planned by God to happen!

    Reading the posts and hearing the stories of people (including our story) is amazing! I CAN NOT WAIT to see what God is going to do in ALL the families who linked up with you. He is such an AMAZING GOD!

  20. Been out of town and am just catching up on reading your last few posts. I'd be honored to fast & pray for the orphan on Wednesday. Thanks for doing this.

  21. Been out of town and am just catching up on reading your last few posts. I'd be honored to fast & pray for the orphan on Wednesday. Thanks for doing this.

  22. I am fasting and praying for breakthroughs today. I just don't feel like I can link up. I have my reasons but Father knows.
    Praying today is a day filled with victories!! HE ALWAYS PROVIDES.
    Holly- Purpose Driven Familyi

  23. Hi Linny

    got your comment on my blog and I am trying to redo my link but I'm having trouble getting it to work this time. Something wtih the blog address. I'm copying and pasting it, but it isn't liking it.

    Blessings to you!

  24. What an honor to pray and fast. My heart breaks for the orphan and I long to bring many home…but so far the answer from my husband is no. (We have 4 children already and they go to an expensive private school). My husband is a wonderful, God-honoring man. Will you pray with me that God will change His heart, if it is indeed His will that we adopt. We do currently provide for the orphan through Compassion, CCF and an adoption ministry at our church.

  25. I have been reading through, fasting, and praying for all of the people who have linked (and many others who haven't.) I am also praying for finacial provision and for other 'common' obstacles in the adoption process. I can't wait to hear about how God chooses to move through this!!!

  26. So I only read this post today, and I am fasting and praying today.

    On Sept 8th, a family from Nova Scotia finally got their dossier back from the Rwandan Embassy in Canada after crossing many obstacles. Your prayers worked for that family! They are now last in line to adopt from Rwanda!

    I and James would appreciate prayer for birth mother. Our agency approached us to ask if we would put our profile forward. We were bent on adopting from Rwanda, but we felt this was from God. So we did. My heart is with her today as she is having trouble making decisions about whether or not to place the child for adoption. I am praying that God would move mountains for her and that He would show Himself to her.

    Thank you for this call out Linny. This whole process has certainly turned us into advocates for the worlds orphans. We do plan on putting together some solid advocacy work that we will bring to the UN! Parents should not have to wait 4 years when there are 140 million children who need homes!!


  27. Hi Linny,

    Thanks for your post and for your heart. Although I've never fasted before, I'm totally in. I just read this post today, so I wasn't able to link up. But if you or anyone else reads this before Wednesday, we would SO appreciate your prayers for a court date in Uganda so we can go get our two boys. All paperwork is complete and the court date is all we need. We are trusting in His timing, but also know that the Lord loves to give good and perfect gifts to His children, if only they would ask.
    Praying with all of you, with His joy…Colleen

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