Shoppin’ for the Orphan

Many, many, many of you have written to me 
about fundraisers
 you are doing to bring treasures home…
I was thinkin’. …
 let’s have a 
“Christmas Shopping” 
for the orphan!!
I will do a post that you can link with
{with a picture!}
It has to be a FRESH post
so get your post ready….
explain who you are bringing home
and what you are selling
and then the rest of us can shop ’til we drop
and get our Christmas shopping done {early}
and you will get your kids home!!
Yippee Jesus!!!!!!!!

21 thoughts on “Shoppin’ for the Orphan

  1. This is a great idea because I have a fundraiser ending SUNDAY and I don't get a huge amount of traffic to the blog. I would love to have more people consider helping us by participating!

    Can't wait for the link up!!!

  2. Awesome idea!! I already began a few weeks ago….bought three t-shirts and three candles to help families with adoption expenses. It was a total blessing for me to help them! And it was great to get a jump on my Christmas shopping!!

  3. Thanks so much for coming alongside those of us who are in the process of bringing our kiddos home. Thank you for using your blog to do that.

  4. What a fantastic idea! I have already done a little shopping from a previous fundraiser, but this will provide lots of options for all that I have left to do while sending money where it matters! Thank you!

  5. I am so glad to see you doing this. I have been trying to figure out how to go about shopping with a purpose and encouraging others to do the same. Other than the few blogs I keep up with I didn't know how to get a list of all of those selling things to support. I will certainly link my blog to this; let's bring some more babies home as we celebrate our Saviours birth this year.

  6. Linny,
    I was just thinking this morning that I should email you with this very same idea. We are not fund raising, but I would love to Christmas shop with I purpose. Helping orphans and buying things for my loved ones sounds like a great plan.
    Thank you for doing this.

  7. We are paperchasing to bring home another treasure ASAP and it would be great to do fundraising to help with the expenses. Actually I've been considering trying for a few weeks now. BUT I don't know how to get started with a blog and how to list items. Can someone give me a hand?
    Karen H.

  8. LOVE this idea! Can't wait to see everyone working hard for the orphans of the world. We are traveling early next year to bring home our daughter. I am forever in awe at the perfect provision we've had all along the way. HIS Plans are so much better than ours!
    Blessings and good luck to everyone!!

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