Rejoicing {Literally} Around the World!!

Updates of joyous celebrating!!
Rejoicing around the world – starting in Latvia – – – – it appears that Davids’ family has found him.  Please keep praying that all the details will come together.  And Lord willing, one day, we will hear more, and I will have permission to share it, cause it’s just too amazing of a story NOT to share…. {People around the world praying for one young man to have a family!!  Unbelievable!  Yippee Jesus!!}
Rejoicing again, around the world – this time originating in Africa!!  Many of you have been praying for Davis in Africa.  Well it turns out that he has Malaria Stage 3 {very serious}……and so today Dw went in to transfer him to International Hospital only to find him roll over and whisper in very good English to Dw, “Get me outta here!”  Dw said, “Did you say ‘get me outta here’?”   Dw really laughed!!  Wow.  Yes, indeed, Davis is quickly improving and the doctors and those watching are baffled…a true miralce!!  
Lastly, great rejoicing around the world – but this time originating in Thailand…..a couple of days ago I tweeted about my prayer partners brother {Gabe} who serves with YWAM in Thailand having Dengue Fever{a life-threatening illness}.  Many of you were praying for Gabe.  He is a sweet young man of God.  We love him to pieces!! Gabe appears to have turned a corner – another complete miracle!!  
Oh how faithful God is and oh-my-oh-my how He loves to answer the prayers of believers joined together around the world!!  Oh yes He does!!
If you have not posted a prayer request, please go back to the last post and post it in the comments.  If you have an answered prayer…please feel free to leave it in the comments on this post!!  One for prayer, one for praise!! 
 “I will praise your name for ever and ever.”
Psalm 141:1b

30 thoughts on “Rejoicing {Literally} Around the World!!

  1. Praise the Lord! I am so thankful that He hears and answers prayer!

    I have a praise. I woke up this morning to discouraging news and I prayed that God would have someone send me some sort of encouraging note… and hours and hours later, when the mail came, there was a thank you note from a friend and it was just absolutely full of encouragement. He is so faithful. 🙂

  2. Yippee Jesus! What answers to prayers!

    We have had huge answers to our prayers as God has provided every cent so far for our home study and CIS application! 🙂

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  3. Rejoicing in Massachusetts!!!! Hallelujah He Reigns!!!

    Maybe we should pray for one orphan in need every week or every day to see the Lord move mountains on behalf of these children!

    So happy for the miracles in Thailand and Africa!!! Praise God!

  4. i asked for prayer for a meeting at church where I thought maybe we would vote on starting an Adoption fund for families that want to adopt. Well, we didnt vote tonight, but there was a lot of discussion about it and it was all very positive! Our pastor was very excited about it and hopes that the church will be able to help lots of families through this ministry, financially as well as with paperwork, encouragement and things like that. Its looking very good so far.I will keep you posted!

  5. Praise You Lord! Thank You for hearing our prayers and showing Yourself mighty on behalf of these requests!

    I like Charissa's ideas of choosing a specific orphan every day or week and all gathering to pray that he/she will find a forever family! Maybe you could direct us each time you put up one of your prayer request posts? Just a thought!

  6. Today one of my prayers was for my adoption. I asked for things to move along quickly so we could meet our deadline. Two roadblocks were removed today. I was having a terrible time getting our marriage certificate because they changed the name of the city we got married in. I searched and searched the internet one day and wasn't able to find it. Today I did a search and it popped right up. I was able to apply for our marriage certificate without any problem.
    The other thing I have been praying about was finding the right notary to do our traveling notaries. A friend of mine helped with the last two adoptions, but when I called her she had let her license expire. She said she recently had taken the test again to get her license, but it would take 3 to 5 months to get it because our state is broke. She called me today so excited she got her license in ONLY 2 WEEKS. It never should have happened that soon. God is so amazing!
    This helps me and it helps her too because she can be making money for her services way sooner than she thought.
    What an exciting day to see God work in so many lives! PRAISE GOD!

  7. Today one of my prayers was for my adoption. I asked for things to move along quickly so we could meet our deadline. Two roadblocks were removed today. I was having a terrible time getting our marriage certificate because they changed the name of the city we got married in. I searched and searched the internet one day and wasn't able to find it. Today I did a search and it popped right up. I was able to apply for our marriage certificate without any problem.
    The other thing I have been praying about was finding the right notary to do our traveling notaries. A friend of mine helped with the last two adoptions, but when I called her she had let her license expire. She said she recently had taken the test again to get her license, but it would take 3 to 5 months to get it because our state is broke. She called me today so excited she got her license in ONLY 2 WEEKS. It never should have happened that soon. God is so amazing!
    This helps me and it helps her too because she can be making money for her services way sooner than she thought.
    What an exciting day to see God work in so many lives! PRAISE GOD!

  8. Today one of my prayers was for my adoption. I asked for things to move along quickly so we could meet our deadline. Two roadblocks were removed today. I was having a terrible time getting our marriage certificate because they changed the name of the city we got married in. I searched and searched the internet one day and wasn't able to find it. Today I did a search and it popped right up. I was able to apply for our marriage certificate without any problem.
    The other thing I have been praying about was finding the right notary to do our traveling notaries. A friend of mine helped with the last two adoptions, but when I called her she had let her license expire. She said she recently had taken the test again to get her license, but it would take 3 to 5 months to get it because our state is broke. She called me today so excited she got her license in ONLY 2 WEEKS. It never should have happened that soon. God is so amazing!
    This helps me and it helps her too because she can be making money for her services way sooner than she thought.
    What an exciting day to see God work in so many lives! PRAISE GOD!

  9. Only God! Praise You, Father!
    Our request was also answered yesterday. After 6 weeks of prayer, the Lord clearly spoke, specifically thru His Truth, John 15:4-7. We are moving forward to bring 2 children home from China. Praising Him for answering the prayers of His children!

  10. Another answered prayers! I asked for prayer that the GO team in Uganda would be able to visit a little girl that God has placed on my heart at an orphanage in Uganda. I thought they were going Friday, but Alison (my good friend on the trip) texted me while we were praying and fasting yesterday and she met her!!!!! She said that she has her singing some songs on video (she has a great voice:-)) and got tons of pictures and even met her teacher. Also, the best part is that she loves Jesus! Still waiting and praying to see what will happen next in this amazing story that he is writing, but thrilled that I was able to send her a gift and to get pics and video. Thanks for praying!

  11. Praise God for answered prayers! When I saw yesterday on another blog that Davids had a family, I was once again awed at the power of prayer, and God's amazing heart for the orphan.

    Please pray for my dad and the rest of his family. One of his sisters (he has 3 sisters and 3 brothers) died unexpectedly last Friday. It's been shocking for all of us. We just saw her at Christmas, thank you Jesus, but as they gather together to celebrate her life, there is a heaviness of heart.

    Pray also for me. I am not able to go to her funeral because we just returned home at Christmas from China with our new son and I just can't leave him right now. He's too anxious (he's almost 7 yrs old). I want to be with my family in NJ but I need to be at home with my family.

    Thank you for your prayers!!!

  12. Still PRAISING the wonderful response to Davids' situation! Just since yesterday morning when we began a fund to help his family, who DID find him, fundraise, we are already at $9,500! $9,500!!! That is INCREDIBLE. I am in touch with his family now and they are amazed at this provision from God! Besides our fund, they had already raised close to $4000 previously and another adoptive family is raising funds for him as well. I was also told that someone in his orphanage was going to pray with him TODAY and share the news that he does INDEED have a FAMILY! Praises!

  13. Thank you so much to all who joined in prayer. It is amazing the power of corporate prayer. I just love sharing the proof of the power with my husband. He has a hard time understanding things that can't been seen.

    Praise the Lord, my husband received the job he interviewed for on Tuesday. It is a wonderful opportunity that he has been looking for since June. He was so amazed by it all and then when I shared with him that he had people all around the blog world praying for him he was absolutely amazed. He couldn't believe after all this time this came through. Only through the power of prayer and the grace of Jesus.

    I look forward to reading about more praise and answered prayers. Thank you so much Linny for getting us all to link arms and come together.

  14. Hooray!! We hear from our agency!! I know it might seem small, but to me it is such an answered prayer!! We didn't actually speak with them but now we are playing phone tag!

  15. I have been homeschooling a little boy along with my children one day a week. I became concerned that this child was not far behind since his mama had started working full time. (I just can't imagine being able to school and work fulltime! I would be bald!) I told God that I would know I was to say something if mama brought it up. Well, she did and I confirmed her concerns. This week, she was able to enroll him in the school of her choice, teacher of her choice, and even able to ride the bus since he was out of district. She said God provided all and a cherry on the top.

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