Oh Yes They Have!

Yes Indeed!!
Oh Yes They Have!!
I am just bursting!!
The first TWO packages {from Victoria in MO and Sarah in KS} have arrived for the wedding feast!!
Dw brought them in the door last night…
and my eyes keep welling with tears.
You guys are lovin’ the “least.”
Reminds me of a verse:
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, 
when you did it to one 
of the least of these my brothers and sisters, 
you were doing it to me!’
Matthew 25:40
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Some questions:
There are a few little girls part of the ministry of A Perfect Injustice.  Mostly under the age of 8.  Is you have a beautiful dress that is begging you to send it to Africa for an African princess, then you are welcome to send it.  Please stick a love letter in with that as well.  
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  
I am soooo excited!!

24 thoughts on “Oh Yes They Have!

  1. I've been keeping a box of dresses I just couldn't part with – mostly dresses I've sewn for my girls when they were small. I read your post and ran to the storeroom, all excited. There are 12 suitable dresses. A couple are not hand made. I happened to check the tag on one – when I saw the brand was Little Princess, I knew it was going to Africa. 🙂

  2. oh Linny now you've got me crying. i have an adorable dress I bought for Bella but it was too small. It's been hanging in my house since the summer, I just didn't have the heart to take it back to the store. It's coming to you!!!!

  3. Hey Linny!

    Between Walmart and Burlington Coat Factory, I did good shopping! I have 2 outfits coming your way soon!

    All I have to do is write the Love Letters!

    If you need more dresses than the 12 that was mentioned above, I'm sure I can put my hands on some! Let me know.

    So happy to be a part.

  4. Hi Linny!

    I am so excited that I get to come to Uganda with you and the rest of the Go group! If you need an extra address to mail any packages to, let me know! I am so thrilled for this project and can't wait to witness this firsthand!

  5. I have had a beautiful dress in my laundry room that I have been looking to give a special little girl. Now I know why it is still there. It it light weight but has long sleeves so I will alter it to make it short sleeved and send it your way. I am so excited!! My 16 year old wore this dress for her first piano rectial years ago and it was too precious to me to donate to the thrift store – like I said it needed to be handed down to a special little girl!!!!

    We should be licensed for foster care by the end of the month!! YIPPEE JESUS – we all can't wait for little ones to LOVE one.

    Lisa, WA

  6. Mine is on it's way! Just waiting for my mom to send her letter and then I can box it all up! 🙂 So excited about this project! Thanks for letting us be apart of serving the least of these in Africa 🙂

  7. God is so very faithful! I ride the city bus and told some of the regulars about The Wedding Feast Project! A man is donating 10 ties for me to send! Janet

  8. Hi Linny. I'm Sarah from KS. 🙂 I just had to tell you how excited I am to be a part of this. We involved our 3 and 5 year old children in praying for the little boy who will receive the shirt and tie we sent for him. We read them the letter we enclosed and they prayed for him as well. There is NOTHING more satisfying on this earth than giving in the name of Jesus.

  9. I'm an economics master student. Last night in my development economics class we watched a video on Africa and the need for vitamins and especially iron. Should I send a couple bottles along with my shirts?

  10. Hi Linny, I've been lurking on your blog for a few months now, and when I started reading posts about the wedding I just had to get in on it! I went shopping today and got a shirt and tie, just need some shorts now. I live in Australia so it may take a little bit to get to you but it'll be on its way to you very soon!

    This is so exciting and I can't wait to hear about the wedding! I wish I could come with you to Uganda but seeing as where I live it would be too hard. I'm praying though! 🙂

    Much love in Christ. xx

  11. Sent off 2 outfits today. Had a God thing happen when shopping for them. I had everything but ties – could not find boys ties anywhere!! As last resort went to a kids resale shop, walked to the back and there on a table lay 2, and only 2, boys ties, both with blue in them to match the 2 blue dress shirts I had purchased an earlier in the day! Thank you God!
    My husband even got in on the fun and he is not a shopper.

  12. Linny…our box is getting full…so exciting!!! i have like 6 perfect button down collar short sleeve shirts in various prints and colors…but they are XL…i would love to send them…but will they be too big??? i don't want to laden you down with excess shirts you can't use…but they will top the box perfectly if you can use them! Any way you can let me know? They are yours…! Also, i have beautiful rhinestone headbands that we would love to send for the princess dresses…do you want those as well? Oh the storehouses are opening and pouring out upon these precious lambs! Thank you for this sweet privilege! <3

  13. Sent ours today – it's only some shorts and a tie – hoping someone else has a shirt that will go with it . . . thanks, Linny. It feels good to do something even so small.

  14. Mine went into the mail last night. It's coming from southern ontario so I don't know if it will take longer. Cierra is so excited that although she isn't old enough to actually go with you guys she was able to participate in a small way. We are praying for the boy who will receive our love offering…


  15. Hi Linny,

    I sent our box out today. The UPS man told me that it should arrive next Wednesday. I sent some shirts and extra ties. I hope they will match up with some of the shorts that others have sent. Like you said before, God has it all planned out and the boys will each have a "wedding outfit" of their own. We can't wait to follow your blog while you are on the mission.

  16. Linny, I have not read your blog (or any) for a while because we still, still, still don't have electricity, or a finished boy's quarter, at our new orphanage! And I am very, very behind in all my internet correspondence! But I am in town catching up today, and was reading your blog during my lunch. I have a friend in Oregon who is making adorable little girls dresses that she wants to send to Africa. (She's already given us dozens!) If I could send her your address, I know she would love to send a box!

    After I catch up on some really urgent stuff (adoptions, Ugandan gov't. stuff, land purchase issues), I am going to be writing to you with some info you need. Love you and pray for you! So excited about the women coming to Uganda to love on these precious kids!!!!

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