1:00 am Mountain Standard Time

Tesney, Kirill’s mommy posted this comment below just a 
{little while ago} in a FB group dedicated to 
“Saving Kirill” 
{you can join the group, I’m sure, just look for it!}
“IMPORTANT!!! Our appeal was filed today. I just found out from our agency that our judge *can* overturn her own ruling simply based on the appeal WITHOUT us going to the Supreme Court. Our agency says that would be a “miracle” but there is a chance. Good thing God works miracles! SO….START. PRAYING. NOW!”

In approximately 2 hours from when I posting this {1:00am MST 3/31/11} Evan’s mama and daddy will be standing before the same judge.  
I will be setting my alarm to wake up and pray……
Anyone else still up and getting this message and want to join me?

23 thoughts on “1:00 am Mountain Standard Time

  1. I will be praying!!! I have been praying since I read about this…I even prayed through a funeral. This is too important! Thanks Linny for the update!

  2. Linny – felt compelled to pray for this Judge. That her life would be transformed by our fasting and prayers. Not just for these children who have families waiting for them, but for JESUS to be real to HER. Because He loves her every bit as much.

    Wanting God to do this work in her heart – to absolutely change her from the inside out and give her a heart for the orphan.

    Continuing to pray.

  3. My church prayed for the judge and this precious little man tonight. During prayer I opened my Bible and it opened to these verses in Jeremiah 31.
    Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears, for there is a reward for your work, declares the Lord, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy.
    There is hope for your future, declares the Lord, and your children shall come back to their own country.

  4. Praying with you. Also, a sweetheart with Down Syndrome is in danger of being sent to an institution…and she is only four years old! If you know anyone looking to adopt, please let me know. Anyway, praying with you tonight. 🙂

  5. Just got up to find your note! I was up alot last night too. At about 2:30 I seriously heard the Lord say "the judge CAN change her mind" Not kidding. I figured that meant she could rule favorably for Evan but, WOW! How about if she just says Kirill can go home too!!! Wow!! I immediately changed the way I was praying!! WOW!! Olivia and I were talking about this whole thing this morning and she said "maybe the judge should live at the asylum for awhile to find out what its like" Hmm. out of the mouths of babes. That might cause a change in thinking in quite a few areas if a few judges spent a week or so living like the residents… Sheri

  6. I am praying now…but I wanted to share what a blessing it is to see how God woke people up to pray for this boy and his forever family…and the judge. It has humbled me, instructed me, and empowered me at the same time…

  7. @Dawn.


    The opening prayer at mass today was on the transformative power of fasting.It was meant for lent. . . and, I think, the beautiful Downs babies in Russia.

    Thanks, as ever, Linny, for always helping us to really focus our prayer.

  8. I just got the MOST amazing news of a miracle today that happened to a friend. Here is the verse we were claiming and I will continue to claim the same one for these sweet babies: Psalm 60:12
    We WILL win the victory and He WILL trample down the enemies.
    Praying fervently

  9. Last night my baby woke to eat at 3:15 eastern time, so 15 minutes into the hearing. She was having trouble going back to sleep so I had to sit in her nursery and rock her. At first I was a perturbed at not being able to go back to bed, but then I heard the Lord say he was keeping me up because the case needed extra prayers! How cool to be used like that!
    Also, yesterday I fasted lunch for the situation. To some that may not be a big deal, but to me it was huge because I have never. fasted. ever! Always been pregnant or nursing so that's been my "excuse". But I felt I had God's grace to fast lunch even though I am still nursing. 🙂 It was awesome, I really felt in tune with the spirit!

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