
Emma and I have just landed in the US.  One more flight and we will be ONLY a four hour drive home.  I just spoke to Dw.  He said that when he walked out of the bedroom today Elizabeth was sitting on the stairs waiting for him.  She looked at him and said most seriously, “Today is the day we go get mom.”  Oh sweet baby girl – yes!  Today is the day!  Finally!  They had paper chains we had made that they were each ripping a link off their chain slowly getting closer to the day we would return.   Yippee Jesus – just one more flight!!
Now on to matters at hand!
The question has been posed:
Why short term missions?
Is short-term missions really good for those it is intended to help?
So here I am on a 9 hour flight from Europe to the States.  Emmy and I sent the team on ahead and enjoyed some mom/daughter time for the last two days.  We enjoyed leading a team together, but needed some time to just be.  
{And we had a blast! We fulfilled a lifelong dream for both of us, as we toured a castle – simply amazing!}
Anyway, first off, let me just remind all, I am not an expert in missions.  I have been on several missions trips personally and my children and husband have been on dozens and dozens {combined}.  
But here are my thoughts:
Scripture must always be our final authority – not modern psychology or man’s thoughts or anything else.  
I have been praying since I read the question. 
Here is what God’s word says:  “Go ye, into all the world, and spread the gospel.”  It also says, “Do to others as you would want them to do to you.”  It also says, “What you’ve done unto the least of these, you’ve done unto me.” 
The entire New Testament is woven with the theme of sharing the love of Christ with all the world and doing to others as we would want done to us.  
There is also another saying I heard once, 
“They don’t care how much you know, 
they know how much you care.” 
Scripture says, “Faith without works is dead.  You say you have faith.  I will show you my faith by my works.”  Indicating that if you are really following Christ you will have to be doing something that requires action!
I suppose one of the things we have to wonder is the motive that sends one to Africa {or anywhere else} to serve.  No doubt, motives are flushed out on a missions trip.  We {combined} have led many, many teams to different parts of the world.  Motives can range from a servant’s heart to a selfish and prideful heart. 
True missionaries are humble in spirit.  They are submissive and obedient.  They will serve at all costs.  They go where they are asked to go. They serve well.  They serve till they are exhausted and then they still keep serving.  They follow directions with a cheerful heart.  Their speech emulates Christ.  They are a blessing to both the team leadership, to the team at large and to those being ministered to!  Any attitudes that do not honor Christ are grievous to the Lord.  
So heart is a huge, huge, huge thing!!
Next to heart, I have to wonder….
If I was living in a third world country what would I want?
If I was a child living in an orphanage what would I want?
Would I rather be loved by someone for a few days or would I rather be ignored because {possibly} by some tiny chance {what are the odds when there are 163 million orphans out there anyway??} that a little one might be adopted?
I have to think that I would rather be loved for a few days then ignored.
Speaking for those on the team I just led, we loved as best we could for the days we were there.  We loved with joy!  We offered hope!  We loved with passion! 
We loved!!
I am convinced that as I loved little Elianah Treasure that I was His hands and feet during a very difficult time for her.  {It has been extremely painful for me since losing her.}  I believe I learned several things from it. {Someday I might share what I learned, but that’s for another day.}
Would the Lord prefer that I have stayed away?
{Because remember HE has to be my final authority!!}
He wants me to do what I would want someone to do for me!! 
If I was dying, I would want to be held, loved, told how much I am needed, begged to fight, sung tender songs to, whispered softly to and prayed over.  
Wouldn’t you?
What about the treasures that we had to say good-bye to?
It has been one of the most painful times in my life.  I am not kidding.  I am 52 years old and I have been wracked with agony about having to say good-bye to Africa this time around. 
The other thing I would want is for you to come back again and tell me again….come again and remind me of His faithfulness.  That is one problem that we have seen…people going on trips and being so enthusiastic, but not returning.  Ever.  
We have established a beautiful relationship with the people of Uganda that we have been ministering to for 3 years now.  Dw or I have been there with some of children a total of 7 times in less than 3 years!  Consistency says, “I wasn’t kidding.  I love you and I will do everything I can to show you His love over and over and over and over.  I come as a representative of Jesus Christ and I am bringing you hope through Him!”  
Another part of it all:
 One of those that I am grieving about leaving was a little boy who would run to me at the baby home.  He would throw up his arms and want me to hold him.  He is a little love.  He seemed to be watching for me.  Because before I could see him, he was banging into my legs with uplifted arms!!  I saw him almost everyday.  I carried him around.  I played with him.  I sang to him.  I chased him.  I giggled with him.  I dressed him.  I brought him food.  I gave him drink.  I loved on him like he was the only person on earth.  My heart was drawn to him.  My chest literally hurts as I think of him.  I would do anything to have him snuggled in the seat with me as I fly home. 
I have prayed for him dozens of times each day since saying ‘good-bye’ to him on Thursday evening.  I miss him terribly.  Each day I would sing to him “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong.”
And every day he would say, “Jesus, Bible, Jesus, Bible.” indicating he wanted me to sing it again.  Some days I probably sang it 20 times over. 
 I also sang, “There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing it’s worth, it sounds like music in my ears, the sweetest name on Earth, Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus, because He first loved me.”  
As I sang in his ears he would sing along and I have to think that the Holy Spirit was depositing a remembrance of God’s deep love for him in his heart.  That in the days to come, he would come to know Jesus as His savior.  I am praying for that as well!!  Over and over and over!
Listen, if it was just about me, I would never go.  I would never go back.  Cause really, truly, when you give yourself to love, it is so terribly painful – a literal ache in my chest.  Physical pain from loving so deeply.   
But I am reminded, of God’s word that says, “What you’ve done unto the least of these, you’ve done unto me. “
At the end of my life, I want to hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant-girl.  You served well Linny with the talents and treasure I deposited in you.  You made a difference.  You honored me.  You loved the least.  You loved them with all you had.  You challenged others to love.  You pursued holiness by honoring and fearing me.  The number of treasures who have been adopted {and subsequently have met Jesus}  surpass anything you could have dreamed up.   You obeyed me.  You answered my call.”  
And so for this ol’ mom, there is no other plan but more missions.  More trips.  More loving the orphan.  More serving the precious people God calls me to serve.  More advocating on behalf of the orphan.  More advocating on behalf of those who are hurting. 
Funny thing.  I am in the midst of reading a book.  It’s called, “God Is That Really You?”  It was written by Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With a Mission.  His words echo my thoughts perfectly.  
This last part is intended for those who have been hearing my heart and listening to my thoughts for a long while….cause I really just must be need flat-out-honest.  
While reading Loren Cunningham’s book a few minutes ago, I was nearly jumping out of my plane seat.  His words seem to have been written precisely for me. 
In chapter five Loren is sharing about a mission trip he took after having a vision from the Lord – this vision was showing him the Youth With a Mission future – tons of people running ashore to share the message of Christ with the countries around the world – {although he had not started the ministry at all}.  His subsequent mission trip after the vision was life-changing.  He took the trip alone and it, indeed, changed his life.
 After returning home a few weeks later,  he is talking with two friends {all three men are in their early twenties.}  They are heading to a local restaurant together and talking about cars.   
Here is what Loren Cunningham writes:
“As they talked about twin cams, dual manifolds, and triple carburetors, I just wasn’t with the conversation. I just couldn’t get that excited about cars anymore. 
When we got to the restaurant….the waitress brought our water and left.   
I lifted my glass.  Cold.  Clean.  No fear of bacteria here.  I looked around me at the other cozy booths filled with people happily devouring mounds of hamburgers and french fries.  Dallas and Larry did not notice my sudden silence.  Everyone in the place seemed to be enclosed in a giant isolation bubble – laughing, having a good time, while the world outside was filled with those crowds with outstretched beggars hands.
It was too much.
Abruptly I changed the conversation.  I began to tell Dallas and Larry about my trip.  It all spilled out.  The beggars.  The sixteen-year-old burning on the funeral pyre.  The hopelessness and the wailing…..they were seeing it all through me.
‘And the really great thing is, guys, there’s so much you can do to make a difference  out there!’ I said.”   
 There you have it sweet friends.  
I have been undone. 
 I cannot go back to ‘life as before’. 
 It was too much.  
I don’t care about ‘cars’ or whatever seems to be the things that 52 year old ladies are talking about these days.  I was passionate about the orphan and the hurting and helpless before, 
but it’s at a different level now.  
I can’t go back.  
Time is short.  
I am compelled to make a difference.  
This trip did me in.  
My life {and yours, if you choose to stick around and visit our Place Called Simplicity} will never be the same again.  

51 thoughts on “Undone

  1. Oh Linny Linny Linny, I will stick with "A Place Called Simplicity" no matter how much it hurts to read.. PRAISE GOD for you. As a flame lights up the darkness, so may your blog light up the WORLD!!!!!!!!
    Gosh I just have to say I just wrote a post about what God is teaching us through "A Hole in the Gospel" and Matt. 25…so I know this is no coincidence that the Lord led me right over to "your place" afterwards!
    You are a precious Sister. Thank you for calling all of us bloggy friends 'family' and loving us enough to share the hard stuff…

  2. I can't wait to go back. I just can't wait to go back!!

    Now that I've truly seen the heart ache and seen the despair (on the GO team'09)…it truly took God's nudging to bring me to the point where i am now—going back to Uganda in '11 with y'all.

    I completely surrender my selfish ways…to the ONE who i'm going for.

    I can't wait to love his children. Thank you for this opportunity, sweet Saunder family. thank you, thank you. i sit with tears in my eyes when i think about the way that God brought y'all to me.

    Oh HE is so sweet.

    OOOHH. right as i was about to post this comment…my mom brought my passport into my room!! yay! it JUST came in the maiL!! :))) thank you Jesus! i'm going back to UGANDA.

  3. Linny! AMEN! Thank you for writing this so honestly and beautifully. All the while I was reading (and I must have signed in literally as you posted it) I kept thinking about childlike faith. To posses such a faith means trust in God without expectation of how it's meant to be or whether the way it works out should fit into an "acceptable mould". A childlike faith recieves God's love however it is extended toward the reciever and a childlike faith holds onto God's love even when the giver is not necessarily there long term. And I speak from my own child-hood experience not just fany ideas! All the while through the last few posts and comments I keep remembering the verses God sent me via a postcard as a tiny child – I don't know or even remember the person who sent them anymore but the truths remained with me throughout a painful childhood filled with abandonment and hurt- but the truth and my deep knowledge that such Love was real remained and poured into the gaps and began the healing and my knowledge of a healing love. "I will never leave you nor forsake you" "I have called you by your name, you are mine" "I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you" Whenever I share my testimony i will always say that one thing that kept me searching for fullness and didn't settle for less was beacuse I remembered it from childhood. The true love you have given will remain.
    I also have been a firm believer for a long time that true religion is to visit orphans and widows in their time of need because we learn to be broken, humble, we learn to listen, as we see how our hearts are moved for others by God we begin to grasp how God's heart is also moved for us- and we begin to understand even more deeply the adoption we have been welcomed into by our HEavenly Father. It has much to do with what God wants to do in our hearts and lives also.
    Thankyou for sharing, I am sure it was not an easy post to write, especially as you return from a missions trip- and it is wonderful that you have taken the time to reply so openly and sensitively. THANK YOU

  4. Thank you for sharing your heart! I can't wait to go on my own missions trip and I can't wait to see what you have to share with us all in the days and weeks ahead! You are such an inspiration! I also wanted to share my thought on the comment that you posed at the beginning of the trip – I always think that if more people would go on missions trips perhaps there could be servants of Christ serving the orphans and poor LONG-TERM – collectively…if a group could go one after the other. How amazing that would be!!!

  5. I am just getting started in my journey. You are so much further along in your life's journey, in being a mom, in caring for the orphan, etc. but I feel like I am experiencing a smaller version of what you're feeling. It somehow feels wrong to compare it, I know that I have no clue about the things you've seen and the experiences you've had – no clue whatsoever. All I know is that God has truly changed my heart and I cannot go back either. I am different. In my 36 years, this is the biggest transformation in thinking that I have every experienced. My heart has broken for the orphan, I know I need to do something and I know I can't forget. I am waiting here by my computer like a dry sponge ready to soak up everything you are going to share about what you've seen and learned!! Thank you so much for your willingness to share.

  6. Your blog has inspired me in so many ways. Because you challenge people for the orphan, God is moving on their behalf in communities all over the country and beyond! I will continue to follow…always! Even when it hurts! A breaking heart is what inspires us…what makes us move. Thank you!

  7. WOW!!! I love you Linny and you are a true inspiration to me. I have so wanted to be a part of a missions team but that did not help me to get excited about my husband wanting to be a missionary. I continued to pray and asked God to change my heart. My husband is nearing the end of his schooling and I feared that I would hold him back form God's calling out of this unsettled heart about living on the missions field. It just didn't make sense to me that I could long to go on missions but not live on the field. It turns out that the Lord did not change my heart, but he did refine my husband's vision and it is now for leading short term missions teams! I cannot tell you how full of joy I am over what God has planned. The enemy intended to discourage me in my faith over what I saw as disobedience when all along, the Lord was whispering to me His intentions and my husband had just not received clear vision yet! I feel as if this is not making sense, but I just want you to know that your post has only encouraged my spirit more to the calling God has been putting on the heart of myself and my husband. Blessings, Lisa C.

  8. I have been constantly thinking about little Elianah. I experienced the "spiteful worker" giving medicine while visiting the same babies home. It wrecks my heart. I know God has birthed something in my husband's and my heart about the orphans. We have been praying seeking God's direction on it. We know it clearly has to do with missions. Its more than the adoption were in the midst of. We decided to take our 3 kids with us when we do travel to Peru to get our new children. We know it again will be life changing…Uganda was and I think of it daily. I can't get it out of my mind. Praying for you and your family! You are very much a bloggy mentor to me:)

  9. I haven't even been on a mission trip and I have a hard time focusing on the many things of this world that most 36 year old Moms spend their time thinking about. I just really want orphan children to find families and I want more people to truly care about them and help to make this happen. I wish there were people in my neck of the woods who felt the same way so I didn't feel like such an oddball. I am blessed to be able to go on-line and find lots of people of like mind though and I thank God for that! I am really looking forward to hearing more about your time in Uganda.

  10. You know my heart dear friend. I wouldn't live either, for all the tea in China. Keep on writing you heart so that our hearts can be broken for the things that break God's heart. keep on showing us Uganda through your eyes. Oh that we would all get the vision!! Hugs and love

  11. I cannot wait to hear more about what God has done through this in your life. I am so bummed that I could not go, but our adoption will be finalized in a few weeks- couldn't leave. :/

    In response to people not understanding why you would put yourself through this pain let me share this…

    We were trying to adopt 2 little boys last year and it was pretty definite. THE DAY before they were finally placed with us we got word that they were planning to reunite with mom, (this was after months of us loving them as our sons and thinking we could adopt them). We made the decision to keep them as foster sons until they were reunited 2 weeks later, (we thought it would be for months) 🙁 … here is a post from that time which I think you will find very appropriate with your heart as well. 🙂


    "Everyone has told me from the beginning to guard my heart in regards to the boys. Let me tell you, their former foster home and our home may be the only places where they were truly, unconditionally loved. They deserve my whole heart. Not only is it fair to them it is Biblical…

    "Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves." Romans 15:1

    It would be easier for us to guard our hearts, but they deserve to know love."

  12. Love your thoughts and so glad that you are loving others in Jesus' name. I will continue to follow your blog. What an inspiration you are! I have a desire to go to Nicaragua, where our other church is and visit them. I just need funds but it will be there when the time comes. I have that desire to travel and love on others. It's amazing how God works in mysterious ways through the story with Pedro and Maria leaving 3 years ago, not knowing what would unfold for them. Our church has helped build a church down there, where Pedro pastors, with help from another church, in the states as well. What a mighty God we serve! Hallelujah! Hugs! And glad you are almost home! :0)

  13. When I was 18 years old, I went on a short term mission trip to the Bahamas and worked with the orphans. A two-year-old named Beckett captured my heart. I haven't been the same since. We will adopt one day. I can't be a mom to 163 million, but I can love one or two or eight and let them know every night that they have a mom and dad who love and adore them. I never intended to be almost 40 and still not have adopted. I didn't plan to have our own biological child. But God knew exactly what my adult life would be and his timing is perfect. Our little bio one will be here in about 10 weeks. Then, shortly thereafter, my first paperwork pregnancy will FINALLY begin! Thank you for your work and your blog Linny.

  14. Linny dear, you are a sweet-hearted woman who is consistent in turning our hearts to Jesus and His love for the orphan. Why would we want to leave now? You have lit a fire within us and we are blessed because of it. Thank you for being His hands and feet here on this earth.
    Much love,

  15. Linny, your words and heart echo mine. My thoughts were exactly the same when I read this precious lady's comment. My translator for our adoption was one of the children who never had the privilege of being adopted. But a few people in her life came and visited the orphanage and she learned about God. Then she began to talk to Him and ask Him things. Through that, He began answering her prayers, and from that she got saved. She still has no family, but she has Jesus and He lights up her life!! This all happened in a Muslim country. It just goes to show God's power and love for the orphan. He is above everything, and He visits the orphans in their distress. I love Him so much. I am humbled that I get to play a role for His glory.

    Tomorrow I speak at a MOPS meeting and the title of my message is adoption and redemption. It is their Easter Brunch and one of the few times that they share the Salvation message. Even at this moment, I can sense the Spirit moving in my heart. I feel undone, and so very humbled that He has even given me a story to share. I'm praying that people will be encouraged and called to action. I pray that some will come to know Christ.

    I love Loren Cunningham's book, and it was the first required reading I had when I went to my DTS. It was life changing. Going overseas was life changing, and adopting was life changing. I am completely undone and completely unwilling to live a "normal" life ever again!

    I love your stories Linny. They encourage me. They convict me. They make me want to get up and go. Keep writing girl….God IS Glorified through you!!

    Lots of love,

  16. I love your honesty. I pray we all get "undone". My husband and I are going to talk with our church about launching an orphan ministy. Oh how I pray God opens their eyes. What a blessing you are.

  17. I love your stories too. They touch my heart deep inside…they make me want to do more and remind me of the saying, "Use me Lord until I am all used up!" They pull me out of my complacity, they move me away from my health worries and limitations, and put my focus where it belongs..on Jesus and obeying His will for us.
    Oh, Linny, you are a true model of what God wants from us…our ALL…
    sending hugs to you friend….and many prayers.

  18. Oh Linny, I know just what you're talking about.. I took the trip that did me in when I was 19. I came back and I just couldn't live in the US anymore.. I knew God was calling me somewhere else, He was calling me to the orphans of the Philippines…Now at 21, I'm living in the Philippines. Continue on dear Linny in your radical faith for Christ, it is encouraging me always! ~ To God Be the Glory!

  19. Oh Linny, I know just what you're talking about.. I took the trip that did me in when I was 19. I came back and I just couldn't live in the US anymore.. I knew God was calling me somewhere else, He was calling me to the orphans of the Philippines…Now at 21, I'm living in the Philippines. Continue on dear Linny in your radical faith for Christ, it is encouraging me always! ~ To God Be the Glory!

  20. Dear Linny, your post was so beautiful. I just loved it. You are amazing, that you can articulate so clearly when your heart is breaking, shows us all you have the strength of the Holy Spirit guiding you. I will keep coming back and one day, God willing I will GO to Africa to serve the orphan. God Bless you and your sweet radical family.

  21. Sounds like you and I will have some great conservations dear friend! I hate talking about much of anything except Jesus and His tender care for widows and orphans. Please, continue sharing! (Helps me not feel so alone in this crazy passion…)

    Hey, welcome back!

    hugs and lotsa love,

  22. This post amazes me in so many ways! I have a bit of testimony that I've shared on my blog about my desire, since childhood to "go on mission" short term to work in orphanages. God gave me a heart for orphans, even when I was a little girl. I've searched and found mission trips, but one situation or another has always blocked me from going. Ultimately, God revealed to me that my mission right now is at home, where my husband and I parent four children, two bio and two adopted, and where he has since sent us a fifth child, Misha! Misha lives in an orphanage in Ukraine — but he will not be an orphan for long, as we will be bringing him home to us, the family who loves him unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Praise God!

    I also want to say that your photos of the corsages blesses my heart! May Piper and her sweet friends be richly rewarded for their love!

  23. God Bless you for speaking openly and candidly. I have been to Uganda 7 times and I am always broken when there. But, I know that it is for HIS good. Never, ever underestimate the Ministry of Presence. It is so powerful and you never know how the seeds you sow will bear fruit down the line.

    Praises to you for sharing what we all need to hear. I still get tears in my eyes when I read about your story of little Elianah. God surely knew you needed to be IN Uganda at that exact time and day to love on her. Thank you for being such a faithful servant.

  24. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this subject! I agree that short term trips are important (obviously) and that God uses them. But I also believe that there are the odd places/times that short term trips do more harm then good (Thankfully those situations are only the odd times!).

    I hope you got home OK.
    Love from Canada,

  25. Linny – children need love and attention. I am convinced that some love and attention is definately better than none. Children need touch to develop – some is better than none. As I said before, when my dd was in China, ill and then hospitalized, I hope/wish someone was there in the orphanage, that her later foster mother was there, to give her the comfort she needed. She survived, and with each new realization as to her condition, she improves and grows stronger, healthier, happier. For all those who will and those who won't, touch and encouragement is everything.

  26. Definately sticking in there…i have had such a stirring the last few weeks, for the orphan, the least of these, and that God wants my family to do something huge even in the midst of trying to raise funds for our next adoption! I feel somehow there is a reason I am sticking with you right now, besides my love for your precious family…
    God bless

  27. Hi Linny,
    You are such and inspiration!! Reading your blog helps me want draw closer to God and lay down the ways of the world!
    I just wanted to let you know that they $ I told you about was returned to me ( I must have had the wrong address). Can you email me you address again so I can send it to you. I know that it is to be yours for whatever you have planned!


  28. Linny, thank you so much for this post. I have felt for a long time that God has been calling me to short term missions. Last fall, I signed up to go on my first mission trip (this summer – to Uganda). Almost immediately after signing up, I read a blog post by a long-term missionary in Haiti about how harmful short-term missions are because of the people/children who are "abandoned" again when you leave. I was heartbroken and so confused after reading that. But now, several months later, I have to say that I agree with you.

    Jesus DID call us to GO into all the world. He said pure and undefiled religion is to VISIT widows and orphans. He said, "When I was sick you VISITED ME, when I was in prison you CAME to Me," not "you sent me money." I read another blog post somewhere that said what if Jesus had done that? What if He just sent us money (or whatever) instead of coming to us Himself? Emmanuel – God with us. He has called us to be His hands and feet, not only just His checkbook. Whatever we do for one of the least of His brothers, we do for Him.

    Thank you so much, Linny. I am still working through this in my heart and mind, but I have to believe that it is so much better for a little one to be loved on in person, even if just for a little while. That the singing, whisperings of love, the holding, embracing, loving – can write in the recesses of their hearts that there is a God who made them and who loves them – far better than just a check in the mail.

    Thank you, Linny, for helping a "newbie" like me learn.

  29. Linny,

    From a long term missionary…

    Short term missions teams can be amazing, if its ALL about Jesus and sharing HIS word.

    Just my "two-cents."

    I could go and and on, but that one sentence is enough 🙂

    Blessings and love,

  30. Thank you so much for sharing. This is what I've been in the process of for a couple of years now, and then it was sealed when we went to Jinja in January to bring home our little one: investing in His eternal kingdom is the only thing that matters. And once you settle that between you and the Father, the things of the world seem to fade away and a freedom to serve comes and you don't miss the 'stuff' like you thought you would. Amazing.

    Blessings to you and I look so forward to reading more.

  31. All I can say after reading this post is AMEN! Am seriously thinking about joining y'all on a mission trip! Thank You Jesus for people with a heart to share your love to the world and to orphans! Janet

  32. With you 100%.
    There's more to that statement – but I can't put it all together just yet. Let's just say, following your trip, reading "Radical" by David Platt and "stumbling upon" the 60 Feet website all at the same time has my brain (and heart) reeling.
    Can't wait to hear more from you once you have processed a little (and slept, and smooched your kiddies!!!)

  33. My tears are flowing as you have so eloquently spoken my heart. My husband and I just returned from working with orphans in Uganda 4 weeks ago, and my heart still hurts. I am going back – co-leading a trip that leaves in 68 days… (can you tell I am counting??) We spent days with so many children – most of which were orphans. I so agree with every word you have written – how can we turn our backs? My husband's exact words – "I feel like I don't have permission to return to my old life"! EXACTLY!! God calls each of us to SO MUCH MORE… faith in ACTION. Thank you for putting into words what is aching in my heart! I can't wait to hold them again… soon… soon!

  34. Linny, I love following your blog! I'm not sure what God has planned for me in order to help the orphans around the world but I do know He has a plan. He wouldn't be placing this on my heart so much if He did not have a plan. I just keep praying He would reveal His plan and soon. Thank you for being the Hands and Feet of Christ so many times already! I'm so thankful for all of your encouraging words and your brutal honesty about the things on your heart. MY heart broke for Elianah Treasure as well. I started bawling, my husband couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, I couldn't talk. Then he read the post. His heart isn't breaking as quickly as mine is but I know that whatever God calls us to He'll call us together and I'll just keep trusting in that. Thank you for posting. Please keep doing the will of the Father. He is using you so much in my life!

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