What Can We Do?

I have been moved to tears by your deep concern, overwhelming shock at the circumstances and all the tenderhearted comments you have made sweet friends for these two little brothers.
You are sharing the burden with me.
No doubt – you care immensely!
{Thank you!!}
My heart is overwhelmed by your passion for 
these two precious little guys.
I sincerely wish you could have been there with me.
So many have asked, 
“What can we do?”  
We have some ideas…
But first I want to tell you a couple more stories….
The stories will take a few days 
then I will unveil what we are going to do
and I am praying that many of you will want to join us….
{Please stay tuned.} 

25 thoughts on “What Can We Do?

  1. I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!!!! Oh Linny, I already want to shout YES and I don't even know what it is that you're going to say! I'm looking forward to more stories and I'll be praying about what God would have us do. 🙂

  2. I will join you, whatever it is. I have felt the Lord telling me all day to take action. I am just watiting for some direction! I can not wait. Until then I will continue praying for those little boys and the hundreds of others like them.

  3. I SO cannot wait to hear what we will be doing!!! These little ones keep me up at night. I pray and pray – for them and for what I'm supposed to do to bring Jesus to them and somehow change their situation.
    God is ready to move and I'm beyond excited to be a part of it!

  4. Linney, I have felt God telling me for quite some time now, that you and your family are being "CALLED" by God the Father, to GO….move there and care for these orphans in Uganda! And from the response of all these faithful and wonderful bloggy friends….we, the faithful are your monthly support system!!! So….when can I set up the program for monthly support for living expenses for the Saunders family in Uganda?!?! :-))) Whatcha say there girlfriend???


  5. I showed the picture of the boys to some friends at work today. Telling the story you told and they looked in disbelief, that this really does happen. That nobody cares for these babies of God.
    Who shall care for them? My heart breaks. I blurted out, I would bring them home in a minute! Oh how I wish, one day. I can't wait to hear what you have planned. Praying for these babes.
    God Bless.

  6. Linny-
    Honestly, I can't wait for you to slowly unveil what is going to be done…can't you just tell us?!?! 🙂 Go ahead and tell us with the stories!! I know this sounds weird, because don't get me wrong, the situation there is heavy, the burden for those little boys is heavy…but I have been giddy all day long to see what God is going to do and BEGGING Him to allow me to go! May He bring you sweet sleep tonight as you continue to walk in such beautiful obedience to Him! I pray sweet God dreams for you…and a sense of His goodness so tangible and thick that you feel like you reach out and touch it. Blessings!

  7. love those little boys.
    and i've seen so many, too. people really can't fathom it, but it is true….tiny ones & bigger ones [that need love JUST as much] wandering around aimlessly with seemingly no one that cares about their well-being. it is devastating.

    you know i'm on board with you anytime! =)

  8. After reading yesterday's post, I kept thinking over and over, "What can I do?" It really became a prayer all day. I'm excited to read more and hear your ideas.

  9. Hi Linny,
    Can't wait to see where God is leading you on this. I had better stock up on tissues as i know the stories will have me in tears and i won't be able to see the screen.
    I agree with the other girls the answer is yes what ever it is.
    You have made such a huge difference in my life. Through your example i've been able to teach my children how to be the hands and feet of Jesus. That's priceless. They get prayer now on a level they never did before. It doesn't matter that they are four. They tell who ever we meet about "our street boys" or Jubilee hearing again soon or praying for over time for daddy. I can't wait to watch their walk with God grow as they get older and what He has for their lives. I'm so hoping that your idea is something that families can do. I so what to be able to do it with my kids.
    Many blessings,

  10. These stories just break my heart. I just want to scoop them up and bring them home. Boys are so wonderful and such a blessing. I can't wait to hear what you have planned. I'm in!

    Amy P.

  11. I'm in. I don't know what the plan is yet, but I'm in. Lysa TerKeurst says faith is saying Yes to God before you know what the question is. For 2 years God has been whispering to me "Do something. Do something." And I've been saying, "What do I do?" Can't wait to find out what it is I've already said yes to!

    Thank you, Linny, from the bottom of my heart, for giving us direction and a place and a way to help the least of these. Yes, definitely, we care, and we're in!

  12. Hi Linn (and friends!)

    For the past several months, during the prayer and fasting days, I have been asking for prayer for a group of precious orphans in Eastern Europe who were waiting to be listed for adoption… Well, God answered our prayers and moved every mountain that was standing in their way and last week these beloved treasures were listed on Reece's Rainbow! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who joined me in battling in prayer for these kids and to give you all a chance to see the sweet faces of the precious kids you've been praying for (you can see them here: http://reecesrainbow.org/category/waitingbycountry/ee-1/orphanage-14 and here: http://reecesrainbow.org/category/waitingbycountry/ee-1/orphanage-63). They really are such precious treasures and I would love some help spreading the word about them as we continue to pray for families to come forward.

    Thanks again and I look forward to hearing more about the new project(s) that God has been placing on your heart!

  13. I too cant wait to see what it is that I am already saying yes to. I have been begging God for the better part of a year to show me what to DO and I am excited to find out just what its going to be…..tell those stories girl!! Break our hearts over and over again for what breaks His and then lead us into action…

  14. Can't wait to hear…the answer is YES! We have learned so much from you what the devotion below states!Thank you Thank you Thank you!!<3

    Streams in the Desert today:May 11
    Faith Triumphs
    "Under hopeless circumstances he hopefully believed" (Rom. 4:18). (Weymouth)

    Abraham's faith seemed to be in a thorough correspondence with the power and constant faithfulness of Jehovah. In the outward circumstances in which he was placed, he had not the greatest cause to expect the fulfillment of the promise. Yet he believed the Word of the Lord, and looked forward to the time when his seed should be as the stars of heaven for multitude.

    O my soul, thou hast not one single promise only, like Abraham, but a thousand promises, and many patterns of faithful believers before thee: it behooves thee, therefore, to rely with confidence upon the Word of God. And though He delayeth His help, and the evil seemeth to grow worse and worse, be not weak, but rather strong, and rejoice, since the most glorious promises of God are generally fulfilled in such a wondrous manner that He steps forth to save us at a time when there is the least appearance of it.

    He commonly brings His help in our greatest extremity, that His finger may plainly appear in our deliverance. And this method He chooses that we may not trust upon anything that we see or feel, as we are always apt to do, but only upon His bare Word, which we may depend upon in every state.–C. H. Von Bogatzky
    ***Remember it is the very time for faith to work when sight ceases. The greater the difficulties, the easier for faith; as long as there remain certain natural prospects, faith does not get on even as easily as where natural prospects fail.
    –George Mueller

  15. Can you tell me what happened to Kirill? I can't seem to find your follow up on him. All children deserve a family. I am touched at your advocating for the orphans!
    Stephanie in NC
    Mother to Two Guatemalan Princes

  16. I really do care the brothers appear to be about 3and5 years of age, The same age as my Grandboys the day before I spent time with my precious Grand Boys and they had fun playing in the mud! Broke my heart to see the picture of those precious boys!! So in honor of my Grand boys I have named them Miguel Angel and Santiago Abdiel , Abdiel is hebrew and means servant of the Lord! Janet

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