79 thoughts on “We Said We’d Do Anything

  1. Okay, Missie! If you're adopting an infant, then I'm coming to live with you and be your nanny!! Tell us, Please. Whatever it is, I know everyone will be Blessed! Love You! ~ Jo

  2. Oh PLEASE don't leave us hanging…waiting for the wonderful news! I don't take suspense well! (We just got home with our newest blessing from China a week ago…God was SO evident through the entire process!

  3. that's why I read your blog several times a week. . because you chase hard after our God. . and you are willing to obey no matter what. . .you are an encouragement to me. I am excited to see what is next for ya'll. Don't give up doing good. . don't give up loving and serving our God with abandon.

  4. Praising God for what God has asked you to do…and waiting with anticpation to hear about it!
    Continuing to pray for your team requests…

  5. God just dropped a wonderful blessing for us out of the clear blue sky. Waiting for His beautiful plan to unfold for us as we walk this path. You can read about it if you have a chance to go to my blog:O)

    Looking forward to hearing how your blessing came along. Details please!! So excited for you!!

    Love and prayers,

  6. Oh please! I'm having a crazy busy day and now I have to keep checking your blog to see if you've decided to spill the beans…..Hurry!

  7. That is torture you know..But instead of whining for more info. i will be praying for all the details to come together the way God wants it to be.

  8. You are NOT funny (laughing). That's just mean leaving us hanging (still laughing). Is celebrating already too premature?! 🙂

  9. I think this has to do with Daniella! I hope she gets the chance to come live with your family and get some serious TLC that she needs!

  10. Linny, Linny, Linny….
    Whatever God is up to, GO GOD!!! Now will you please let us in on it. I'm so far behind since returning from China with Kasidi and Kennah…and then going to youth camp with them. C'mon, Sista, do tell!
    Love you!

  11. i was thinking the same thing…baby Daniella! Whoever it is…is sure one blessed chosen loved already baby!! If that's what this was about…which we are all hoping it is! Praying for all the details to this exciting turn of events! This is going to be awesome! Can't wait to hear the news!!! <3

  12. Wow…you know how to tease us!! I was just working on tag blankies, rag quilts and sock monkeys for the "store". Hmmm do I need to be working on one for you also??

    Waiting for you to share your news!!


  13. Going back to the message about baby Daniella, you said you'd do anything, and you meant anything….sssooooooooo….now the details please 🙂

  14. It seems so unfair of you to tease us like this, but I guess it is your blog and you can leave us hanging as long as you please…although I really hope you'll share more details with us soon!

  15. A BABY !!!!!! I'm so excited. Baby Daniella…….Hmmmmmmmmmm – I wonder ??? We can't wait for you to spill the beans !!! Luv ya, Linny xoxoxo

  16. Ok, woman — this is just wrong. THAT post doesn't tell us anything new 'cause we know you'd do anything. So, WHAT are you doing??

    This is painful!!!! ;D

  17. LOVE the new car keys you have there!!! Praying that someone special will be using them soon after all I fully believe you are never to old to get a new set of 'car' keys like those!

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