Karl and Autumn

July 17th, 2011 changed all of our lives forever.
As most of you will remember, 
Autumn’s boyfriend Karl was on his way to 
pick her up for church but on the way Karl was in a 
tragic accident resulting in a traumatic brain injury.
Many of you sprung into action praying round the
 clock for his full recovery!  We will never be able to thank you enough.   The comfort to know that so many were interceding for Karl – words cannot even express!
Karl was not given much hope by the first trauma surgeon…
Karl was med-flighted {for the second time that day}
 to a hospital in neighboring New Mexico and 
underwent immediate brain surgery
 and still hope was very slim.
Everyone waited while Karl lay in a coma.
The prospects of a full recovery got smaller and 
smaller with each day that passed.
Fourteen days into the coma and the 
prospects were even slimmer.
Day fifteen Karl opened his eyes.
The road of recovery with a traumatic brain injury is long. 
He has been so faithful.
Today, Karl and Autumn were running errands.
A police officer pulled them over.
He saw Karl driving and asked him to get out of the car.
He slapped handcuffs on him and arrested him.  
Autumn called Dw and I hysterically crying.
She couldn’t imagine what he had done!
She followed behind the police car carrying him 
to the police station.
They had her go over to a room to wait to 
see what was going on.
Suddenly Karl came out from a side door.
People appeared from everywhere. 
Karl dropped to one knee.
He began to tell her how much he loved her.
How thankful he was that she had stuck by his side after the TBI.
Then he pulled out the most beautiful ring and said,
“Will you marry me Autumn?”
Miracles abounding!
{Karl had called Dw last week and asked for 
Autumn’s hand in marriage.  But I have to tell you, Karl did not tell Dw how he was going to propose…so Dw’s words after the hysterical phone call from Autumny this morning:  
“I’m gonna’ kill him when I see him.”
Our family is celebrating so loudly you probably can open your windows and hear for yourself!



He is the miracle-working, mountain-moving, awe-inspiring, gasp-giving God.
How we praise His precious name!!
Celebrate with us!

We have a wedding coming!
We have a wedding coming!
We have a wedding coming!!

{Memorial Box Monday will just 
have to wait till next week.  
Please forgive any inconvenience.}

If you have not read the miracles surrounding Karl’s story, slide over to the sidebar and read:  Our Holy Ground Part 1-3
You will be stunned at just how miraculous our God is.

105 thoughts on “Karl and Autumn

  1. As soon as I saw the title, I knew this is what it was!!!!!

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all, but especially the beautiful couple!!! And the wedding is soon? How soon is soon?!?!?! That and the baby coming, you've got a busy few weeks! And what a clever proposal!

    YAY YAY YAY! Only God can take a man from the brink of death to engaged to the love of his life in less than seven months. ONLY GOD!

  2. God is so good. I don't know you, Autumn or Karl but have read your blog for ages and prayed for Karl… and I have tears of joy in my eyes (and maybe my cheeks) for you all. God is so good… and I look forward to seeing Karl and Autumns picture together on your sidebar.

  3. Oh my gosh Linny!! I am in tears reading this! I am so so happy for Autumn! But oh man, that guy is a stinker. I'm surprised she didn't kill him! 😉 Did anyone catch it on tape?

    Congratulations Autumn and Karl!!!!!

  4. Giddy Joy!! How incredible!!
    That is a proposal they will never ever forget!! (But as a mom, I have to side with DW)
    So excited for Autumn and Carl!! They are the cutiest couple!! And so strong!
    Congratulations!!Happy Valentines Day!

  5. OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!! I dont cry often about blog posts but this one had me weeping, thinking, "please God, give him mercy and a reprieve from all these trials!" My heart hurt for your daughter…and then I read on and only wept all the more for all the thought that Karl put into his proposal. Celebrating with you!!!~Trina

  6. PRAISE GOD!!!!! This is awesome news…ONLY GOD!! You are right…..
    He is so AWESOME….TEARS of Joy for Autumn and Karl…Thank you for sharing and the picture is BEAUTIFUL..
    Love from NC

  7. Yay! I have to say I saw this one coming and was just waiting and waiting for it! Congrats to the very happy couple! So…….. is it safe to assume, the police officer was somehow involved in this proposal? LOL

  8. Congratulations Autumn and Karl!!! Wow! I would be more than a little peeved with my husband if he had proposed to me in that way, but it certainly was untraditional and probably really took Autumn by surprise. Kuddos for creativity? 🙂

    Many, many blessings to the wonderful couple! They are truly going to have a STORY to tell their grandchildren one day.

  9. in tears of joy over here!!! I am a quiet reader of yours… I don't comment often BUT this was too beautiful not to tell you that I am sharing in the joy! I have been praying for Karl since the accident last summer and this is just a wonderful gift from God!!! Congratulations to ALL!!

  10. I have to say, Karl, that was kinda harsh. But brilliant, heh, heh, definitely brilliant and unique. 🙂

    A big, happy, wonderful congrats to Karl and Autumn. May God bless your marriage more than you could ever ask or imagine.

    We sleepyknitters love you.

  11. I was sooo hoping this post was going to be an engagement!

    I still got choked up even though I was expecting it! 🙂 I wish we could all be at the wedding- this is going to be one of the most joyous weddings I could ever imagine!


  12. Oh my sweet Jesus. I was so far off from a proposal. I was so worried. I was thinking he was crazy or a convict or something (sorry Karl, I'm human). Anyway, I couldn't be more thrilled for them!

  13. What a roller-coaster miracle love story they have to tell their grandchildren someday!

    Such HAPPY news, friend!

    The smile on Autumn's face in that pic is priceless. Pure joy!

  14. such happy news. i suspected. 😉 i am in awe of ruby's standing ovation FB post…only God could take 'the least' and make her 'the greatest'- for that incredible moment in time when everything converges and reveals her purpose in life. you guys found a precious gem and the world is seeing her now. 'the treasures of darkness' are shining in the light!

  15. Congratulations to Karl and Autumn! Joy abounds and as I told my dear husband on our wedding day after his recovery from a TBI…we already lived for worse…let us now enjoy for better. May God bless and keep them both and may they always enjoy their "for better"!

  16. Congrats Autumn and Karl! Thank you Lord… only You can take the bad and make it into something for our good.

    I remember not long ago (this summer) reading the posts about you, Autumn, spending every moment you could by his bed side. It touched me dearly- the deep love you've had for him through being hospitalized. I can't forget his tattoo either: "Trust." God drew so many together for you both in prayer and many still will continue to pray for you both daily!! Today is such a happy day and I'm so excited for you both! (Congrats, congrats, congrats!)

  17. Wahoo! That is so exciting! The kids and I were laughing at his clever way to propose… I would have been hysterical just like Autumn… Enjoy this precious planning time:)

  18. Praise BE to GOD WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!! I have to say that I am so happy to hear this wonderful news… so happy I was given the opportunity to pray over Karl…I will have to run outside in the morning to join in on the shouting… CONGRATULATIONS AUTUMN & KARL!!!!

  19. Wow!!! That is a proposal no one will forget. What a turkey!!! Yippee Jesus. When I say their names as the title I was hoping they were engaged but as I read I quickly lost hope! Glad it was the outcome I was hoping for!

    Congratulations to ALL!

    <3 Lisa K.

  20. congrats! I have say I knew it was coming. About a month after the accident, when I was praying for them early in the morning like I was doing every morning, God had spoke to me in those words. Karl will propose to Autumn and a grand wedding will come out of this bittersweet accident. I wrote this down in my journal because it was so exciting! So happy for all of you and give them an extra squeeze for us!

  21. OH MY!!!! BEYOND EXCITED FOR THEM AND YOUR FAMILY! Goose Bumps the whole way through and what a proposal! Wow! I have been out of the loop for awhile, but was so glad I read this today! GOD IS SO SO GOOD!

  22. When I read this I so strongly heard GOD say….see, see what I can do. I had chills.

    Congratulations to all !

    Carol – who normally lurks. But had to come out for this.

  23. I'm so happy for her! Congratulations to them! It felt like he was already part of the family! I know he's the perfect choice for her and will be an awesome son-in-law!

  24. The whole time we prayed and fasted for Karl I kept telling my husband…I can't wait for the wedding! It is going to happen! CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you Jesus!

  25. Yahoo! Congratulations Karl and Autumn!!! I had a feeling this announcement might be coming soon! 🙂 What a mighty God we serve! To think that we were all united in prayer begging God to spare Karl's life, and now he's doing well enough to be such a sneaky and creative prangster! I love it! If we could have known those days after his accident that this would be happening now…..! 🙂 Just wonderful! Have fun planning!!

  26. I heard it! I heard it! I had my windows open and I heard the celebrating!

    Celebrating with you! Rejoicing in His goodness!

    Blessings to Autumn and Karl (who had better watch out next time he sees his father-in-love to be)!

    Love you guys~


  27. Congratulations to Karl and Autumn, and all of you!! I, too, when I read the title, said to myself, "They're getting married!" So excited for all of you, and so thankful for all that God has done. Let the festivities begin!!!

  28. I knew it! That is great news, and a VERY unique proposal! I LOVE Autumn's expression in that picture. Just perfect. And I can just imagine how much fun your family will have getting ready for that wedding and being all in one place again. Praising the Lord!

  29. Congratulations Autumn, you're marrying a felon! (Yikes. I would cry too!)

    No seriously, my heart is overjoyed for both of you…ALL of you! Just look what the Lord has done!

    I seriously expected this at Christmas! 😉

  30. Only. God. Congratulations Karl and Autumn!!! I have been praying for you since last July and am in awe of God's miracles in your lives. Praying for you and seeing a glimpse of the beauty He has brought out of ashes will forever be a part of my faith journey. Wishing you MUCH joy and happiness??

    -Jennifer in PA

  31. Congrats to Autumn and Karl!!!

    I think if I were Autumn I'd kill him!! HEE Tell him he has used up his "scaring to death the one who loves you" points for an entire lifetime!! Sheri

  32. Whoo-hoo! Congratulations Karl and Autumn! So excited for your new journey in life together! Thankful that I could pray for you all during these past several months! Can't wait to hear more about how "soon"!

  33. Oh Linny!!!!
    am jumping up and down here in Lower Alabama!
    How funny that when i saw the title of your post, i knew they were going to get married! 🙂
    Hooray, hooray and a big ol' YIPPEE JESUS!!!!

    Love you,

  34. That Stinker…oh my word…I do not even have words for the emotions that post brought up…
    And then when I read the punchline…tears…
    Congratulations to Karl and Autumn…

    Had heard through the Pagosa grapevine, but LOVED reading your post! JOY, JOY, JOY! Please know that Autumn and Karl have great support here in Pagosa… we love them dearly! Congrats!

  36. Congratulations!!!! Love the time he spent on planning the proposal! I so love a good sense of humor and I believe God has one as well. 🙂


    Lori Lee

  37. So I can't figure out if this is an inappropriate comment or not so if it is don't publish it… but its what I thought when I read this post so… I don't know what he was thinking with that proposal idea but I guess that could be blamed on the TBI don't be to hard on him Dwight, don't kill him! :0) So thankful for the happiness in their faces! Let them know that even though its been a while since the prayer vigil has been updated its pretty routine by now to pray for Karl every morning so I'll just continue to pray God's protection and blessings on their lives…. CONGRATULATIONS AUTUMN!!!

  38. Okay – so let me punch your soon to be son-in-love in the shoulder first before congratulating the beautiful couple! 🙂 Sneaky stinky thing to do – getting her to cry before making her so happy!

    Thrilled for your good news. Thrilled for the amazing work God has done in both of their lives. Thrilled for the way that He has brought GOOD out of what the enemy intended for harm. Thankful for His protection, His healing, and the way He has sewn two hearts together.


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