ABC – News 15

While Dw and Emmy and the GO Team were in Africa
 I received a phone call.
“Would you be willing to have a news crew come to your home and interview and tell your story about the impact the Phoenix Children’s Hospital has had on your lives?” 
We are always eager to give God the credit and glory as we share Ruby’s story with anyone who will listen.
So this morning, ABC News 15’s anchor woman
Susan Casper
Chencho Flores
came to our home.
They stayed for just about TWO hours.
Later Susan told us that as they stood at the door ringing our bell they could hear the kids laughing, giggling and running to the door and to greet them.  Hearing the commotion inside,  Chencho turned to Susan and said, “This is going to be fun!”
They stayed just over two hours – 
they must have been having fun!
They loved our Ruby.
They loved our kids.
They loved Ruby’s story.
They can’t wait to share it. 
We pray that hearts will be touched for the 
163,000,000 orphans 
It will air in the next couple of weeks.
We are humbled, honored and grateful for the opportunity
 Ruby’s story continues to touch lives.

 And part way through their time in our home, 
Chenchou said, “Guess who else home schooled?” 
 That’s right!  He had grown up home schooling!  
How cool is that?

“To God be the Glory – Great Things HE has done.”

49 thoughts on “ABC – News 15

  1. Cool Linny! That's really great. I hope we get to see it somehow!!
    Sorry I haven't commented in a while – I've been away with work and away with the hubby and just plain crazy for a bit there but I haven't missed a post as I get them on my phone – it's just hard to comment. 🙂

  2. God is setting them down and lining them up!! (Them) being people(s) He has prepared to be a part of the bigger picture. Such an amazing blessing to be able to see this all unfold and know just how great and awesome is our King!

  3. Wonderful, wonderful!!! Beautiful photos…beautiful story…God is certainly bringing your passion into the forefront…right where He can use it to help the orphans and glorify Him…YahoO!!!

  4. Linny you and DW are amazing! Thank you for opening up your home and your lives to God and the orphans!

    Ruby has grown so much since being here. To be so loved….she is blessed!

  5. Wow! What a great opportunity to plant seeds in people, for Jesus, for adoption, and for helping orphans! That is very cool! Incidentally, we were on Channel 15 when we had our baby Ivy in the car a couple of years ago. Kind of embarrassing.

    ps. Your house is beautiful!

    Love Megan

  6. That is awesome!! I can't wait to see it, keep us updated as to when it will air! Oh, and we LOVE your choice of Ruby's dress for her very first television appearance.

  7. oh how wonderful!!

    if you find out the date and time of it airing, will you let us know? would LOVE to watch it!! (we live in the Valley too. 🙂 ).

  8. Linny, can you post a link of the video if/when it's posted on the news' website? Your story would then surely be shared with hundreds or thousands!

  9. What a wonderful opportunity to share God's glory and mercy. I can only imagine what fun they had – I would take any opportunity to come visit your wonderful family! The pictures of Isaiah and Jubilee with the mic and also Elizabeth are just adorable. What happy children – who could ask for more?

  10. Hi Miss Linny! I'm one of those lurkers you talk about! I've been reading for years and am only now leaving a comment for one of the first times. I just had to say how incredibly beautiful and healthy Ruby looks in that last picture! My mind flashed back to that first picture of her weighing only 6 pounds, and it's unbelievable to see her now!
    You guys inspired a post last week, thanks again for your godly influence!

  11. Our God wants your story shared…through tv, through a book (which I am anxiously awaiting) through your blog…and the list goes on. Please post a link when it airs! I would love to watch it!!


  12. That is SO awesome! Please post a link when the story airs! Praying God will use this to touch lives and turn hearts toward orphans! Praying for Karl too….how is he?

  13. How fantastically f.u.n.!!! The Rubster is only beginning the journey of what God has planned. I'm privileged and excited to watch " from the web". Thanks for being willing to share your life. Hugs from PA!

  14. Yippee Jesus! Cannot wait to see what God does with this story! Praying peoples hearts are touched! Watched in delight as a man learned who his child he adopted in prayer is today! Janet

  15. This is so exciting, and so cool! Is there anyway that we, your out of town friends, will be able to see it after it airs?!?!? SO pumped that God is going to get even more glory through your inspiring family!

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