Her Journey is Ending…

Dw received a phone call this morning,
he and his three brothers have all been called.  
His mom is dying.
He found a flight and is heading to the airport soon.
We wanted so badly for her to meet our precious Ruby and
 were planning to drive this summer to see her. 
 My mother-in-law had been so excited with
 each of the little ones we have brought home 
and the pictures that I have when she met 
Jubilee are beyond precious.
Tears looking back to that day…
Notice Jubilee’s hand on Grandma’s back as she
 listens to them talking.

We knew Grandma would love our newest little gem as well. 
Dw’s prayer is two-fold:  
First, that he will make it in 
time to see her one last time and then that he would 
be at her side when she steps into eternity and meets Jesus.
I knew you guys would want to know as well.

38 thoughts on “Her Journey is Ending…

  1. Praying, praying, praying that the Abba Father would reach down and honor these prayers. May His peace and presence be with all of you during this time of home going

  2. Tears here too.
    Praying for Dw.
    His mom and uncle Mark have been on my mind in the last week or so believe it or not. How is Mark doing?
    The picture of Grandma talking made me catch my breath. She looks soooo much like my mamaw who passed away a year ago this month.
    Its hard on this side but imagining The Lord hugging her and saying "Well done my good and faithful servant! Welcome!!" takes the sting away.

  3. Ah Linny I'm sorry to hear that. It's never easy to lose someone that you love even when you know they're going to be with Jesus. I will pray for DW, for you and for the kids as well. XO

  4. I will continue to lift DW and his brothers in prayer. (I saw the post on FB.) I know this will be a most difficult time. The loss of a parent is a place I fear. But, knowing that we will all be reunited in Heaven gives me peace. Love to you all. ~ Jo

  5. Praying here in Mo. My mom just died this past April so I know how hard it is.What a comfort to know that she will be in heaven waiting for you all.Praying too that DW is able to be there with her for those last few minutes.

  6. Praying here in Mo. My mom just died this past April so I know how hard it is.What a comfort to know that she will be in heaven waiting for you all.Praying too that DW is able to be there with her for those last few minutes.

  7. We will be praying for all of you and that Dw is holding her hand and is the one to place it into the gentle arms of her Heavenly Father. Tears and prayers. xoxo We have been there.

  8. Oh Thank you for sharing with us!!

    I am praying with you!!

    I was there with my Mom as she passed on and it was wonderful. Of course, sad and happy!

    Grandmas are such a treasure!

    HUGS to all of you!

  9. Oh Thank you for sharing with us!!

    I am praying with you!!

    I was there with my Mom as she passed on and it was wonderful. Of course, sad and happy!

    Grandmas are such a treasure!

    HUGS to all of you!

  10. MY sweet M-I-L (93) went to be with Jesus on 03/15/12 and both my husband and I were with her. Praying the same for DW, and peace and comfort for all of you.

  11. Praying for your sweet family during this time and that God blesses DW with the desires of his heart. My Grandmother passed last summer, but God graciously orchestrated events for me to spend the entire summer with her and be there for her passing. Praying God blesses you all with the sweet memories you have of her and the knowledge that very soon she will be dancing on the streets of glory with HIM!

  12. It is so obvious where Dw gets his sweet nature. His mom seems like such a sweet spirit. I pray for Dw and your family. It's so hard to lose someone we love, BUT such a blessing to know that we will see them again! And of course, she will meet Ruby Grace someday too! Praying for your family and that Dw gets to be with her. I was with both of my parents during their final breath of life on earth and it is a profound experience.

  13. Praying for you all. We recently said good bye to my sweet father in law. He went peacefully in Jesus' arms with his family surrounding him. I pray the same for DW's mother. Surrounded by love into the loving arms of Christ.
    In Christ,

  14. Oh Linny…our family is praying for all of you. Praying for Dwight that he makes it before his mom's homegoing and for all of you today and the days ahead. Your pics of her with the kids are precious! Thanks for sharing!

    Love ya!
    Jodi from Michigan

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