He’s NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 2}

I was up just after 4am today.   The first thought on my mind was, “Oh Lord, I need to write Part 2, so please whisper your thoughts to me.”  I got my Bible out and dug in.  And do you know what He did?  He spoke so clearly what to write for part 2 and part 3, I was stinkin’ giddy.
Seriously friends, isn’t is amazingly mind-boggling that the God of the entire universe wants to intimately whisper {Psalm 25:14} to each one of us right where we are?  I truly can’t get my head around it, so I pretty much just revel in His majesty and let Him whisper away….and then I always throw a little party each time I hear His whispers because it is the most spectacular thing {personally} in my life.   
First off, let me say, that many of you are in the midst of the adoption process and have found the going rough, especially financially.  Others long to begin the adoption process but the question looms in your mind:  How would we ever have enough money to bring one treasure{or more} home?  
If I were able, I would love to sit and have coffee with anyone who is in the adoption process and has found the going rough, so I could encourage your heart with the truths of God’s word. 
For those who long to adopt, but the money aspect makes adoption seem out-of-reach and frankly scares the hooey out of you, well, I would love to have coffee with you also. I would share our stories of God’s provision and how we have brought our last six treasures home while Dw was a senior pastor and our most recent while serving {by faith and no real paycheck} International Voice of the Orphan.    
Because friends, I cannot implore you enough to understand – 
His heart is for the orphan and when anyone purposes in their heart to bring a treasure home, He will provide, above and beyond anything you can think or ask, to accomplish His plan for that little orphan treasure.  
Let me ask you….hypothetically speaking {and truly ONLY hypothetically speaking} if I were alone with you and I were to say, “We believe the Lord wants us to bring home a sibling group of 5 from who-knows-where but I am scared about the finances….”  
What would you say?
I know that almost every single one of my bloggy friends would say, “Do it!!  He WILL provide!”  And, no doubt, you would mean it with all your heart.
So why is it that when you look at your OWN situation, your faith waivers?  
Because we have such great faith for someone else, don’t we?  But it is hard to “see the trees for the forest” when we are looking at our own situation.  
Yet, God doesn’t change.  He doesn’t change ever.  His promises are true for me.  And His promise are true for you.  

It doesn’t matter who, where, what, why, when….
if He is directing…
He’s got it covered.   
His word does not change and in Him “there are no exceptions.”  
Somehow we think that He only has enough money for ‘her’ or “their adoption” or “that person over there”…yet
His promises never fail.
In fact scripture says, 
“He owns the cattle on a thousand hills”
 Psalm 50:10
I have often joked, “His word says He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and He might just have to sell the whole herd for this situation, but He can and will if need be!”
Do you get it friends?  
He has it all.   

He owns every single resource available.

He is not limited to 453 adoptions in the world and you happen to be the 454 person/family adopting.  
Not a chance!

His wealth is limitless!!  
It knows no bounds!
But HOW Linny?  
How do we raise enough money to afford to adopt?  
Where do we start??
And that is precisely what we will answer tomorrow.  
Cause I have a secret He wants me to tell you.  
The secret is for all of you in the midst of adopting and those thinking about adopting.
Next:  He’s NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 3}. 
                    aka:  How’s He Gonna’ Do It? 

14 thoughts on “He’s NOT a Deadbeat Dad {Part 2}

  1. Thank you for writing this! As a mommy of four and a heart to adopt in the future I have always wondered how in the world we would ever come up with enough money to bring a treasure home that needs a family! It's much need encouragement to take that leap of faith and just trust him!

  2. I cannot believe you're posting this today. Just yesterday. I was finally at my wits ends saying, "Why? WHY would you press my heart so heavily for adoption since the time I was a little girl, only to tell me no? We don't have the money, God. We don't have the money, Hubby would take 10 if we just had the money, and I feel like you've taken me this far just to tell me "no". And what kind of God does that? It doesn't make sense!"
    So this is incredibly well-timed for me. Thank you. This is not, by the way, the first time your posts have come at the perfect time for me. God is good. All the time.

  3. I am so hooked on your blog and can hardly wait for my husband to get home and read todays and can hardly wait for tomorrows! 🙂 Thank you so much (your words are so encouraging, just because we have been through it twice it is never any easier)!

  4. I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for the next post!
    We are currently awaiting a referral for a child (up to 7 years old) from Ethiopia.

    E.V.E.R.Y. step of the way, God has provided miraculously. I KNOW He is able.

    I confess my doubts on this next bit of fees that are due upon referral. I sense that there is not much time to raise the funds we will need to accept our referral & pay for travel. The amount is 10X more than anything we've needed all at one time so far.

    So, I anxiously await your next post!

    Much love to the Saunders Family!!!


  5. Such good, faith challenging info. I feel like we are struggling on a different aspect. I have seen over and over how God funds adoption. However we don't make enough money to qualify for adoption. Family of 6 and make just under $25k year. I'm struggling to trust that God can increase our income to qualify. Please keep the encouragement coming!

  6. this was perfect timing for us- we just turned in our paperwork and 1/3 of our agency fees yesterday and were a bit overwhelmed with how much it depleted the savings account knowing full well that there will be many more payments/expenses to be made in the near future. doubt and fear are hard to overcome but i believe that the Lord showed me that He is in control (gonna be my MBM story) but long story short is i went to deposit money in the bank yesterday and had counted the money at home but then used $5 to send our paper work to our agency (adopting a little girl 7 and younger from Ethiopia) and i recounted the money at the bank- i thought i had miscounted cause it seemed to be $20 more than i had originally counted and then i used $5 so i expected the teller to tell me i miscounted by $20 over- yet he told me ma'am there is $5 extra here do you want me to deposit that too? seriously most of the cash were $20's and only three $5 bills and a few $1's… i just chuckled that HE is in control and i fully believe that that $25 was "extra" to remind me of HIS FAITHFULNESS!!!

  7. Your line about God selling a cow runs through my mind pretty often. This week He sold a cow for us…we were about $3000 short for our travel and incountry fees. We had to step out of our comfort zone and admit that we needed help…I made pocketbooks and a bunch of people bought them. No I didn't make $3000 on the pocketbooks, but some people gave donations…they were just waiting for us to acknowledge that we needed some help…

  8. Just a note of encouragement for those in the process or wanting to start but have no idea where the money will come from. We were in your shoes just last year! We had 3 kiddos and wanted to add a sweet little treasure from china, but y'all know most of us don't have $30,000 just laying around! We had $5000 saved for our adoption journey…and our prayer was for the Lord to allow us to adopt and not incurr any debt! That's a big prayer request! But HE is sooooo faithful and 10 months from beginning the adoption process we brought our little one home….DEBT FREE!! Did we sacrifice…you betcha! Did we sell all that we could…Yeppers! Did our faith look just like doubt at times…you I know it!!! But did HE provide…You betcha!!! My challenge to anyone jumping in to an adoption….don't even worry one minute for the money…I promise you it will come! And I can promise that because HE has promised to take care of all our needs! And HE is trustworthy!!!

  9. It is easy to say I believe all this…but more difficult to do it. We are in the process of our third adoption from China and have only come up with about $1200 so far. Next week is a week of purging/selling stuff. It so scary to not know how we will pay for this adoption even though we know with all our hearts that it is the right thing to do…that it is what God has called us and has reaffirmed time and time again. Would love to have more people praying for us…thanks!

    1. Marie – praying for you and yours!! God is SO good! We're just getting our feet wet as well and it's a daunting task. I'll pray for you and ask you do the same for us. God will provide!

  10. I just wanted to say I'm anxiously awaiting #3. Between this blog, a friend's blog, and God working on me in a mighty way my DH and I are ready to "take the plunge". It's something we keep saying "we want to adopt, but can't afford it". We save for everything; we don't use credit or credit cards. DH just couldn't see us going into this without the money in an account. I (ok, the honor goes to God for this) have him convinced we'll never do this if we keep waiting. SO… we're waiting to hear back from an agency about a little girl from China on their waiting list. We have no extra money at this point and I don't feel like I need to worry about it! I don't feel this will be easy – I'm not naive, but I'm stepping out in faith that God will provide what we need when we need it. So very excited! Thank you so much for sharing and encouraging us all when we need it so desperately.

    1. Whoops. So sorry kristi, I just realized I wrote "Tomorrow" for part 3. Surely didn't realize it until now. Will edit it. I am a woman of my word, and didn't even see that that's what it said. So please forgive! Will post it, Lord willing, tomorrow.

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