His Name??

Last year, on May 7th, I wrote a post entitled, “Once Upon a Time”.
…telling the funny story of how Dw came to find out my 
name after he invited me on our first date. 
Since guessing names has been in our family history for over 36 years,
we were talkin’ and gigglin’ that it would be a really delightfully fun way
{for us anyway}
to start our week-end by seeing if any of our bloggy friends would like to try to 
guess what name we have given to our newest treasure.
We put a lot of prayer and thought into the entire process of naming our children.
But yes, he has a name and we are tickled to finally have made that decision.

And as I am typing this post, Isaiah and Liberty have come to snuggle with me.
Isaiah, reading what I’m doing, said to Liberty,
“I doubt anyone will be able to guess his name.”
So I guess that makes the challenge a bit more challenging.
Isaiah doesn’t think anyone can.

So we’re throwing down the gauntlet.
Anyone want to see if they can guess?
The only hint:  
Our kids names have significant meaning or are representative 
of someone in history who we deeply respect and 
pray they will emulate.
Any bloggy friends out there wanna’ give it a shot?
No limit on the number of tries either.  

112 thoughts on “His Name??

  1. I love so much that you and Dw put so much thought and prayer into the names you choose for your children. 🙂 Seems like it would be hard, though, for a sweet treasure who's already this old to have to learn to "be" somebody new? 🙁 And…did his first adoptive family change his name too? Prayers for you all as you continue to walk in this new season!

  2. I think it is Elliot or maybe Samuel or maybe Hudson. Or maybe even Calvin. Hey they all seem like great names and I know what ever you chose to give him will bless him so much!

  3. Linny, he just has the sweetest face. I don't know all that he's experienced thus far, but I see a gentleness in him that I know will flourish in your home. As for names, here are my guesses for first names: Amos, Enoch, Gideon, or Joshua. And I could see you using Hudson or Elliott for any of those. I'm kind of partial to Joshua Hudson or Amos Elliott. Praying for all of you!

  4. I think he looks like a Jonathan, perhaps after John Wesley ??? 🙂
    or maybe Samuel, not sure why, but that one just came to me too!
    Can't wait ot hear who this handsome little man is!

  5. Micah, Jonah, Malachi, Simon, Eli?

    Yes, those are all off my favorite names list but for some reason this little guy looks like he could be one of those names…Don't make us wait till Monday to find out, though…have mercy and tell us tomorrow!

  6. My first thought was Joshua, but that is because I have a certain special Joshua on my mind a lot lately. My official guess is Patrick. Thank you for sharing, I love how it looks like he's always been there.

  7. Karl!

    I(Isaiah), J(Jubilee), K(Karl)…plus Karl (your son n love) has an amazing testimony of faith, prayer and He is a true warrior for Jesus!

    No matter his name. I am sure it perfect for this newest treasure!


  8. I say it again, Linny, you are incorrigible!

    Here is my list of guesses:
    William (as in Billy Graham (though you already have Graham))
    Dwight (as in your hubby and Moody)
    Abraham (as in Lincoln and father of many nations)
    George (as in Muller or Whitefield)
    Martin or Luther (as in Martin Luther)
    Charles (as in preachers Finney & Spurgeon)
    Aiden or Wilson (as in A.W. Tozer)
    Clive (as in C.S. Lewis)
    John or Wesley (as in John Wesley)
    Francis or Chan (as in Francis Chan)

    Those are all I can come up with right now.

  9. I have been DYING to know his name. Personally, I'm sure you all chose the perfect name. I think he looks like an Ezekial and would be cute being called Zeke. How about Dw Jr? I will have to think of some more guesses…

  10. How about Abraham? When Tammy was pregnant with our second daughter, we prayed for the Lord to tell us what we should name this baby. I told Tammy the name the Lord had put in my heart, and Tammy's response was "Jim, we're not Catholic…" Tammy wanted "Madison", or perhaps "Emily", or "Sarah" (I think it was "Sarah" anyway). At our impasse, we asked the Lord if it would be allright to "cast lots." In faith, we wrote each name on little bits of paper, folded them up, and put them in the hat. We prayed and drew. The name the Lord had put on my heart was drawn! Whoo hooo! Tammy was not very happy about it, so we agree to go "two out of three." The name the Lord had given me was drawn again! In fact, I think we did it three times, and it was confirmed. So….can you guess our daughter's name (now 15). 🙂 -Jim (Tammy's husband who wrote Dw earlier today about a Go Team, and will try to write a good follow-up tommorow).

  11. Aaron, Benjamin, Issac, Joshua, Caleb, Timothy, Emmanuel, Paul, Thomas (Bible Names)


    Patrick, William, Elliot, Allen, John, Walter, Nicholas, Leung, Hudson, or Taylor!! (Missionaries)

  12. I'm going with Stuart or Michael. I chose those names because they were two of the men who helped during Karl's accident and you have mentioned Stuart several times in previous posts so I'm going with one of those.

  13. Are you naming him after the man you mentioned in your previous blog post? "I wanted to post it again today, because lately I have been thinking a lot about this particular story. We are actually considering naming our son the same name as the man in this story." Love this precious treasures smile..praying for all of you

  14. May not be able to guess his name because Isaiah said he doubt anyone will be able to guess his name so it must be unusual name but I will try…Jonah? Joses? Josiah? I love your funny story "Once Upon a Time".

  15. rumplestiltskin. :} that's who this post made me think of! lol i know that's not it. :} did you name him after the african pastor in your story about the lost pocket calendar??

  16. mm, i've thought about it and there came a
    few names in my mind:
    Hudson (from James Hudson Taylor, the founder
    of the China Inland Mission)

    may God bless you and your family including your new son

  17. Ok I to like to be a detective!!! First stop look through the memorial box posts to see if you named the man who owned the dropped wallet the first time you posted the story!!! Alas no.
    So i sat down and pondered and 2 names came to me that sounded good George Hudson Saunders! George after George Muller and Hudson after Hudson Taylor.
    Now off to read comments on facebook!!! Roll on Monday hopefully you will be kind and post early morning your time which is afternoon my time! (otherwise will have to wait till Tuesday!!!! arghhhhh!!!) I can picture you sitting reading all these comments and smilimg and giggling!!!! Love, hugs and prayers to you all XXX XOX XXX

  18. Hi Linny, I know you moderate your comments so that is why I am posting this here, because you can read it and decide if it gets posted or not. That way if you don't want it on here you can take it off.

    I have been debating all night if I should bring this to you, but I figured it is better to ask you and let you make the decision.

    Anyway, their is a family who has adopted 3 beautiful kids from Uganda, two of which have severe special needs. Their little girl was born with no arms or legs. Anyway, a friend of theirs is trying to raise funds for them to get a wheel chair accessible van.

    Truth be told, I don't know them at all, but I felt a huge urge to help so I threw together a give a way/fund raiser on my bog for them. I don't see stuff on your blog like this (at all maybe?) so if you have a policy of not doing stuff like this I understand, but I thought I would give you the links if you would like to share their story with your readers. And if you don't I will have NO hard feelings. I just wanted to let YOU decide instead of me decide for you.

    here is the give a way: http://mamafoster.blogspot.com/2012/09/please.html

    the original story is linked at the end of this post. Thanks Linny.

    Also, I have no idea what you could have possibly named your newest treasure. But he surely looks like he is right where he belongs now. So happy for you all! 🙂

  19. I'm thinking he looks like a Hudson. (Hudson Taylor)
    No matter the name, he's a hansome little guy and praying for his heart and transition into your amamzing family.

  20. Hi Linny, this is the first time I've posted, but I've been loving on your family through laughter, tears, and prayer for a few months. I'm actually working my way through your bloggy and find the story of your family quite comforting in many ways.:) We have two grown sons and one daughter that completed our family when she joined us from China in 2005, at the tender age of 1 year.
    So excited to follow with your daily lives and especially prayerful as your family makes it's way with the journey of bringing another precious Treasure into your hearts and home.
    In thinking of your new son's name, the Lord brought to mind the name of Luke with the great hope that Jesus will heal his heart as Luke of the Bible was a doctor and a healer.
    Take care and please know that I am praying for your family.
    God Bless you all,

  21. I'm gonna say Joseph. In the Bible, Joseph overcame many difficulties (I guess God overcame them, huh?) Since this young man has had such a tough road, I'd say Joseph. 🙂

  22. Ohmygosh. His picture almost makes me cry. He is so beautiful! And I really had to do a double-take that it wasn't Isaiah!

    I have no guess for his name. The only thing that comes to mind with significant meaning is this doozy of a name that I heard about, though I'm hoping you didn't re-use it: "If-Christ-had-not-saved-thee-thou-wouldst-have-been-damned" Maybe they called him "Good News" for short.

  23. My guesses are Solomon, Samuel, Nate, or Hudson. Whatever his name is, he looks so precious, and he really does look like he fits right in! Congratulations and prayers for your family!

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