
While Liberty made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
{which were scrumptious} 

Emma attempted to make a homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte
with the Espresso machine bought for $1.00 at a yard sale
{delightfully yummy}
and Jubilee watched her three younger brothers wrestle
with daddy again today
{Our newest little guy is lovin’ the wrestlin’ with Daddy stuff…}

{Not every punch feels quite so wonderful to daddy though}
and Elizabeth hung out on the bunks listening 
to Graham and his friend Michael practicing worship songs….
and Ruby giggled and squealed enjoying the entire commotion….
An all around beautiful day to celebrate all that God has done…
On that note…
Soon we will have the 3,000,000th hit!
Who will it be?
Who will it be?
Who will it be?
So excited to finally see!
{hey, that rhymes}
Don’t forget, tomorrow will be another Memorial Box Monday,
so pray about adding yours to the fun!
What has your Sunday been like?
I pray your day ministered to your soul.

15 thoughts on “Pictures

  1. Linny, I had the funniest dream that I ran into DW with a few of the kids and little Elizabeth had gotten separated from them. I recognized her and told her it was okay, I read her Mommy's blog and that I promised we would find her Dad, which we quickly did. Then I ran into Elizabeth AGAIN in another store off by herself. I woke up after that and prayed for SJ because I always know God is prompting me to pray, but I realize now it may have actually been for this newest treasure because of the timing. 🙂

    1. It would def be a dream that she got separated TWICE…we are hawks with the kids…I can't grasp parents who pay no attention…it would freak me out! Thank you for praying for SJ…we long for the day that it is HER turn…she knows she's part of our family, although at this time, it is not possible…we continue to contend for the day! Thank you for faithfully praying for her. And if our newest little guy {whose name we still haven't quite figured out} comes to mind, pray for his heart and wisdom for us as he fully acclimates to being HOME. xo

  2. Pray for my sons heart! My husband is in China right now bringing home our two newest blessings and our daughter has been with him since last Monday but our son only overnight and the little guy is having a difficult adjustment. Pray for his little heart as he grieves. He doesn't understand what forever means, yet!

    Also, pray for my other sons heart…my little man here at home struggles with anxiety and he's having a very hard time with this 3 week trip of daddy's and adding two more to the family.

    Such fragile little hearts to lift up!

  3. Jolene,
    We will pray…and I know that blog friends around the world, as they read your comment/request, will pray too. Such fragile little hearts that have already endured so much. No doubt God will comfort as we pray! And on a side note, so thankful YOU are at home {wink, wink} praying for that as well. xo

  4. Sweet pictures!!! Miss you guys!! Can't wait to see more pictures of your newest addition! (Hmm…. makes him sound less special… HE'S VERY SPECIAL! Newest little treasure :)) Literally laughed out loud when I saw that picture of the boys wrestling, Lol

    1. Yeah, I'm such a crumb, huh? Soon we will show his adorable face!! Remember the neighbor of Tim the Toolman show on Home Improvement? I can't remember his name, but we only ever saw his eyes? Dw just remembered: Wilson! Anyway, maybe that's what we'll do for forever..haha. Miss you too. Come visit again.

  5. What a happy day at your house. We played at Grandma's today, and big brother is having an overnight with us. Tomorrow we go on a picnic with our team who served at Shepherd's field this past June and the other two teams from different cities! Can you believe out of those three teams, four families are now going to adopt! 🙂

    love you,
    janet and gang

    1. Big brother? Yay! And your picnic sounds like lots of fun…Yippee Jesus that FOUR are in the process of adopting – how God breaks people's hearts for the orphan when they serve them…

      Can I just say? You and Kevin rock! You are heroes and we LOVE you!! xo

  6. Awesome pictures! I love that Dw gets down on the floor and plays with his boys! So precious!!!!! YOU are one BLESSED woman! I know you know that though…. Praying for you all and can't wait for the big public reveal and to hear what awesome name you have selected for your newest treasure. xoxo

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