It is a privilege to pray {and fast} with and for those who stop by Our Place Called Simplicity today.


We have seen amazing answers to our needs as we have had many, many days of prayer and fasting over the years.

Please post any prayer needs on this post.  Bloggy friends and lurkers from around the world will be praying.  No many how many prayer requests, they will all be prayed through by some.  Soooo, please post away.

And as I stated in Monday’s post….the Lord clearly showed me that we are to PRAISE Him first and then humbly make our requests.

Please post a PRAISE {at least one} on the other post titled “PRAISE”…..we are going to do what God told the Israelites to do:  PRAISE before the battle, and then go to BATTLE {where we post REQUESTS}.  

If you are discouraged as to whether God answers prayer, please read through the PRAISE post…it will encourage your heart – He is always faithful – no.matter.what.

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
Matt. 18:20

So if you have posted a PRAISE [at least one] on the other post, 
please post PRAYER REQUESTS on this post. 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. 
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
Phil. 4:6 nlt

238 thoughts on “THE BATTLE – {PRAYER REQUESTS}

  1. My family and I recently moved from one part of the country to another. My husband got a job and went to the new city without me and our children. It was pretty hard on my sweet children. While we were apart from my husband we spent time with my mom. When disciplining the kids she is a bit harsh with them. My husband and I are going back to the old house in a couple of weeks to pack up all of our belongings and moving our stuff out, finally. My children are dreading the time apart but also afraid that Grandma is going to be mean. Please pray for peace in their hearts. Pray for my mom to be kinder in her approach to discipline. Please pray for the time to be a blessing for both my mom and my children.

    1. Praying for peaceful children and for grandma to enjoy them as she cares for them. Also that she REMEMBERS that they ARE children & not think of them as small grown-ups 😉

    2. Christy,
      I will be praying for you specifically. We spent 3 long months apart from my husband when he left to work a new job and find us a house. While my mother wasn't mean, it was one of the most difficult situations we had to deal with. I will pray for your mother and your children.

    3. I was in a similar position last summer. God, we praise your name, knowing that you can move the mountains of the heart. Please soften Christy's mother's heart. Impart upon her a spirit of patience and love for those children. Please reveal to her the harshness of her nature. God, I ask for courage and comfort for the children. Give Christy the courage and strength she needs to get through this time away from her husband and away from continuity. Also, give Christy the courage to confront ( in love) her mother, if she fees led to. God I pray for provision, peace and blessings for this family. Amen!

  2. Thank you Lord for always providing for our every need. Praying that God will give me wisdom and direction on what to do with my house the bills and the other obstacles that have been thrown at us. Praying he will keep wrecking my heart for him and in turn I will pour that onto my babies. Praying He will show up big so people will see what a mighty God we serve and that they will see his hand and not us. Pray that my family will be used for his glory and we will only speak what our Father tells us. Pray for me to hear His voice and for His protection over me and my treasures.

  3. Faith is how we have gotten where we are today. We started a adoption 2 years ago TODAY actually. WE have went further than we ever thought possible. IT started one way and is totally different even down the the child. Its even better than we ever dreamed possible. WE met our 12lb 2 year old 17 weeks ago. and LIFE has never been the same. WE are dying with missing him our papers are in RUssia right now they are being submitted to the Judge Clerk some time after 12:01am THursday morning Eastern time. WE have always needed Miracle and this time is no different. I am giving you numbers because they are real. We need 22,000 to finish this adoption and to pay off 2 zero percent loans we got for the adoption. We have 2 more grants out there that we have applied for that we have not heard from one of them being SHOW HOPE for 7000 we so NEED this GRANT. We have applied for so many and only God knows why we didnt get them. But we are trusting HIM in this. WE need the judge to accept the papers as is, we need a QUICK court date Nov 14 or earlier, after court we can go back and get him 30 days. We need a room both trips at St Petersburg Christian University because it is only 37.00 a night. Its affordable and Safe, if my husband is to go with me 3rd trip than pray his boss will pay him or God will provide for trip and lost wages 14 days. WE need to be done and have him home in the states by no later than DEC 31,2012. Thank you in advance for crying out for our PRECIOUS BABY Chance Michael. You are more than welcome to follow the Rest of this Journey at One last request I must ask. We found another one over their that we are in love with we have named her Hope Rosemary she is precious more than words. She has cerebral palsy and she is very close to 4 fixing to age out of baby house. We are qualified for 2 we would take both of them in a heart beat if God provided the money and moved the MOUNTAINS before US, we would have to have it before 2nd trip because that is when we would have to try to add her onto this adoption. When I say Precious she is PRecious. IF God doesn't give her to us please pray for her a family. I have pictures. The thought of leaving her behind is torturous I leave you with that. SO many lives need homes but 2 that could be saved. My heart is bleeding for our LOVES so far away.

    1. Anne, I feel led to focus on your family's prayer request. I've been over to your blog… Praying for the Lord's provision for BOTH treasures to come home! God is faithful!

    2. Lord, I pray for this family that so desperately wants to follow Your will. Lord, You have broken their hearts for these 2 precious children. We ask that you please show them what it is You want them to do for this 2nd child. We trust that You will bring the needed funds to bring home the child or children that You have chosen for them. Please give this family Your peace, guidance, and protection. In Jesus' name!

    3. Thank you Lord that you will supply all of these needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Let the revenue of heaven meet every requirement in Jesus mighty name and grant them that they (parents and children) would be strengthened with might in their inner man through Your Spirit Lord until they are together as a family. Praise you Lord! Amen.

    4. Thank you ladies we have already had a huge PRAISE $2000 come into our Lifesongs tonight. Keep praying ladies GOD is working GOD is MOVing I am PRAISing GOD. We are 1500 from having the agency totally paid off. The rest is last 2 trips and all the rest we pay orphanage fees, visa, medicals, lodging, air and ect…GRATEFUL for ALL the PRAYERS and this BLOG

    5. Praying for peace during this time. Praying the same prayer for you as I pray for myself…that we will see what we can do ourselves…in saving/being thrifty…and that others would hear the call to join us in bringing our precious children home.

  4. I was recently blessed with being pregnant for the first time but lost the pregnancy after just 5 weeks. Since then I've had a very difficult time as my heart aches to being a family of my own. Please pray for my comfort, patience, peace, and strength as we keep trying and also for my health that no complications shall arise this time through.

    1. My heart aches for you. I'm so sorry for your loss. May He comfort your grieving heart and be close in this time of waiting on Him so you feel peace. Praying that the Lord will bless you again soon with a healthy pregnancy and a baby to fill your arms.

    2. God, I pray for peace for Avicile. God, you are the restorer of hope and life in abundance. God I pray for divine peace , comfort and strength. You say, "Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you." God, lead Avicile closer into your presence. Help her to encounter you in a deeper way. May she draw strength and JOY from your presence. God, you are the healer of not just physical affliction, but of the wounded spirit. I pray for healing, in the name of Jesus, for Avicile's spirt. May you wrap her in her arms, and may she feel the comfort of your touch.

    3. Holy Spirit, thank you for your comfort now and Lord I ask that you would restore to her, children and even more children. Thank you for your promise that there would be not one who would birth before their time and not one barren among us. Thank you that the fruit of Avicile's womb is blessed…fearfully and wonderfully made. I speak to the womb now, in Jesus name and say, womb be made whole and reproductive system, function properly. Be fruiful and multiply! And Father, remove all fear from her that this could happen again. Thanks Lord. Amen.

  5. Please pray God would move mountains in my life to open doors and fulfill promises He has spoken over the last 10 years. I won't go into details but I have included the portions of scripture that God has used to speak very specifically to me. Although this combination of scripture may not make much sense to others, they paint a picture of what I believe God has promised to do for me. Please pray that He confirms these in my life (i.e. through circumstances – I believe He has said 'now is the time') and yet even if the time is still many years from now, that I will wait well when impatience often tries to creep in.

    1). "In their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you because of the surpassing grace God has given you." 2 Corinthians 9:14
    2). "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in your weakness…" 2 Corinthians 12:9
    3). "…I have put before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word…" Revelation 3:8
    4). "God builds a home for the lonely…" Psalm 68:6
    5). "His tent is in Salem, His dwelling place in Zion…" Psalm 76:2
    6). "See! Winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come…" Song of Solomon 2:11-12

    Thank you and may God bless each one of you in a way that speaks very intimately to your heart today!

    1. I've prayed for you this day. Lord, would you fulfill Your promises spoken to Nadine. Would you move the mountains and open the doors so that she can live the life You have in mind for her. Please Father in Heaven, give her peace and patience along the way. Comfort her, show Yourself in her life, bless her, fulfill all the words You spoke to her. Build a home for her, give people who love her. Father would You let the flowers grow in her life and make all things true. In the Name of Jesus Amen

  6. Please pray that i will follow Gods call on my life. Would you
    pray with me that He show me the way i have to go in this.
    Pray also for comfort and peace when i have to wait and be
    patient. I want to pray for the son God promised me. My little
    son-to-be Timotheus, waiting in Africa. Pray for his protection,
    pray that he will receive love from the caregivers. Pray that God
    will lead me to him.

    1. Lord even though the world tells us that waiting is wasted time, you promise that 'blessed are those who wait on you.' I pray that yaja would draw near to you during this difficult time. I pray for protection on Timotheus' life as he waits in Africa. I pray that you would go before yaja and remove all the roadblocks that seem to hinder her path. I pray that you would move mountains on her behalf to fulfill the promises you have made to her and that you would give her endurance and patience if the journey is longer than she anticipates.

      I love this quote by Chuck Swindoll: "God never forgets anything He promises. That’s right…never. God’s agenda continues to unfold right on schedule, even when there is not a shred of evidence that He remembers. Even when the most extreme events transpire and 'life just doesn’t seem fair,' God is there, carrying out His providential plan exactly as He pre-arranged it. He keeps His word."

    2. So understand the ache of empty arms while waiting for a child to come home. I remember being so worried in waiting for our precious Raina to come home…and wouldn't you know God came along side of me to comfort me in the most amazing way ever. During worship service in Church a picture popped up of Jesus cuddling a little girl…He clearly spoke to me and said he was literally holding my child while we waited…needless to say I didn't worry after that…who better to be watching over my child than Jesus. Praying that Timotheus will be protected and that you will have perfect peace.

  7. Please pray for peace and for me to grow even closer to God. I am struggling with moving forward from my divorce. I saved my body and soul for 35 years for Keith. I prayed, always, for God to bring me the man that He specifically wanted me to be with and I know He answered that prayer when Keith came into my life. I know that Keith accepted Christ into his heart, but he has some anger management/mental health issues that keep him from being able to be the person that God would have him be. Keith chose to end our marriage, rather than trust the Lord to bring us to the place that He wanted us to be, as a couple serving Him. The divorce has been final for just over a year and I still struggle. I believe in my heart that Keith not only "was" the fulfullment of a promise to be from God, but that he still "I" that!! I don't know how to hold that hope in my heart and yet give Keith fully to the Lord at the same time. I need to move forward but I don't know exactly what that looks like and as crazy as it sounds to the world…I believe that God will restore Keith to me someday….healthy and whole….I KNOW that is the desire of our Father's heart!! Please pray for peace and growth for me as I work to trust the Lord completely and give Keith to Him!

    1. God, thank you for revealing to Janet the plan for her marriage. I pray for Janet, as she goes through this difficult situation. I lift her up to you God, knowing that you will keep her in the protection of your love.
      God, I pray for a softening of Keith's heart. For the anger he feels to be replaced with the peace of your name. God, I pray for the healing of His mental health. God, you bring complete restoration to relationships. I pray for the restoration of Janet's marriage and for healing of spiritual and emotional wounds for Keith and Janet. I also pray for increased faith, provision, and blessings for this couple. Amen.

  8. I ask prayer for marital restoration between myself and my husband, closer relationships with God for my children and healing with some health issues I'm having.

    1. God, I come together with Stacy in asking for restoration for her marriage. May you completely restore their relationship, healing them from all emotional and spiritual wounds. God you are the restorer of relationships and we know that we can count on you to heal all divisions, all wounds, and all relationships. God, please guide Stacy into a deeper relationship with you. May she continually seek your presence, may she never cease to call your name. God of Love, I ask that her children be continually reminded of who you are. Bring Godly people into their life, who will be that bright light, that city on the hill. Draw them close to you. God, I believe that you are the Healer. You said that its by your stripes that we are healed. God, I praise you for the authority you have given us so that we can speak healing in your name. I speak healing, in the name of Jesus, over Stacy's health issues. May complete health be restored into her life. Amen.

  9. My prayer requests today are the same as last month:
    1) For my friend’s salvation (her father took his own life several months ago and this has led to many opportunities to share my faith with her)… It is so evident that God’s hand is at work in her life yet at the same time, it seems as though more and more things keep coming between her and a saving knowledge of Jesus. I know a spiritual battle is raging; please pray that God would give me the strength and perseverance to keep fighting and not give up, even when it seems like all the odds are against her giving her life to God. Also, please pray for protection for her from the enemy’s schemes, lies and distractions to keep her from coming to Christ and that the Holy Spirit would give her understanding of the mystery of salvation.
    2) Within the next week or so I need to commit to a country/agency in order to be able to move forward with the adoption process (yes, I am a #3)… The hugeness of this decision and the implications following it are overwhelming and I am praying from clear direction from God that I may follow the path the He has set out for me, whatever that may be.

    1. God, I pray for Andrea's friend. God, I praise you, that you give us all free will to choose to come to you. We are not beaten down, forced to bow down before you. Its your great, amazing love that allows us to come in whatever state we are, boldly, before your throne. For your grace is always enough in our time in need.

      God, I praise you and thank you for Andrea, who loves her friend so much, that she is unwilling to give up on her. May you bless her and her family.

      God, I pray that Andrea's friend's heart will be wide open. There are many seeds planted there. God you said that no word that comes out of your mouth returns void. So, God, we trust in the power of your words and the power of your name. God, we are sent out to plant seeds, but it is you who does the watering. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts. So today, I pray for the watering of those seeds. I pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I pray for the revelation of your love to Andrea's friend. May you whisper to her continually. May she hear the name, "JESUS" all through her day. May she toss and turn at night, hearing the name, Jesus, Jesus.

      God, we know that satan will do anything to deceive Andrea from coming into relationship with you. I praise you God, that satan has no power over our lives. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke satan and his attempts to deceive her. It is true that the spiritual battle rages while in the midst of conversions, yet we know that our King is always Victorious! Oh victorious king, we rebuke satan's schemes and ask for a hedge of protection around Andrea.

      Father God, please give Andrea the patience, strength and perseverance to be there for her friend. Shine your light so bright in her. Let her be that light in the darkness. Let Andrea's friend see that light and find an immense desire to grasp it for herself. Give Andrea simple words to say, so that the cross will be glorified, and give her friend all understanding. Father, I praise you for your love. Please send others who will pour out your love on Andrea's friend. Draw her close to you, God. Amen.

  10. – Healing for my family as we welcome my brother into the fold again after a prison stay. Help him with his continued battle with drugs and mental health.

    – Support and patience for me as I take up foster care again (this time working with The Bair Foundation instead of directly with CPS).

    – Provision for the Deutsches as they work to bring home two beautiful older children from Russia. Their blog can be found here:

    – Provision for Sarah's Covenant Homes in India as they continue their "105 in 105" sponsorship drive:

    – Speed and clarity for Sarah and Shawn as they finalize their adoption of Jethro

    1. Praying that your brother will find the help he needs in the right places.
      Praying for your friends' adoptions…that you would have the necessary strength to provide security and love to foster kids.

    2. Praying for the adoptions, your becoming a foster parent and all the kids that enter your home. Praying that your brother will find all the help/support he needs.

  11. I have one prayer request today (I'm sorry if this is long.) We have an 18 year old who has been living with us for the past 2 years. (She didn't come from the best of situations.) She graduated in June and is working and going to the local community college. She had a boyfriend from before we took her in. He's a good kid, and they are both Christians. They are both very spontaneous and (as most teens are) a bit immature and oblivious. He has decided to go into the air force. They have taken this opportunity as an excuse to get married in 3 months!!! They'll be married early in Jan, and he'll leave early to mid-Feb for basic. He'll be gone 5 months, and then assigned to a base where she will (presumably) follow him. We are against this as we don't think something this serious should be rushed into. We don't have a problem with them getting married, but think they should wait. We've expressed our concerns and tried to persuade them to wait. They have listened, but have chosen to go ahead. His mother (also presumably a Christian) has written me some very venomous messages because she is so angry at our stance on their decision. It got so bad that I've had to sever all ties to her. (Not looking forward to seeing her at the wedding.) Anyway, I'm still praying that they change their minds. This situation is just so far short of ideal that I can't imagine any adult counselling them to go forward right now. I'm not one to worry, but I sure am worried about these guys; being separated for the first 5 months of your marriage is NOT the way to start a strong marriage! (And who knows where he'll get assigned after basic! If it's the middle east, she'll be all alone for at least another year.)
    Please just pray that they will yet decide to change their minds and wait. Please pray that we will know the correct response to this situation and the right things to say (in love.) Please pray that God will protect these 2 and their marriage if they decide to go forward (and it looks like they have NO intentions of changing their minds.) Please pray that his mother will stop being verbally abusive to me and allow us to have a different point of view.
    Thank you for all your prayers. I will be praying over all these requests today, but am unable to completely fast for medical reasons. May God move mountains that seem unmovable today!

    1. Lord, I pray for Amy and her family in this situation. Lord, please prompt them if there are things to and prompt them when it is time for silence. I pray that You would bring peace and reconciliation to their relationships. God, You promise that if we ask for wisdom, You will give it. I pray for wisdom for Amy, for this boy's mother, and for these 2 young adults. I pray that You would draw them to You, for it is only in You that a marriage can really succeed, and if they are walking in You then distance and time will not harm their relationship. Lord, I pray for peace throughout the next couple of months. Please cover them in Your love and show them Your hand. In Jesus' name.

    2. Father in Heaven, what a difficult situation You brought this family in! But i know, when You bring us to it, You will bring us through it. Lord, would You guide this family. Would You guide the parents to say the right words and do the right things. Would You lead this young couple to the right decision. No matter what they will decide, but would You please be the most important One in this relationship. Would You please be with the mother of the boy. Show her how unkind and painfull her words where. Let her see that this is not a christian way to say something. Please forgive her. Would You also lay forgiveness in the heart of Amy. Father i pray Thee, bless this family with Your presence for now and the future. In the Name of Jesus Amen

    3. Praying that everyone involved will put Christ and His love first and that it will be evident to everyone involved. Praying for God's wisdom to fill these young people.

  12. Please pray for my two sons, Isaiah and Kadeem, adopted from Social Services at age 7 and 9.
    – Isaiah is a football player at a junior college, and just had surgery for a torn ACL. Pray for quick and total healing, and that he would have the perseverance and support he needs to stay in school. Most of all, pray that the Lord would bring godly men into his life to mentor and help him grow into a man who loves and follows Christ with all of his heart.

    – My younger son, Kadeem, made a really stupid, impulsive, high school decision that has had HUGE ramifications. He is currently under house arrest with an ankle monitor and about to be expelled from his high school, and placed in a "last chance" high school. I am facing an enormous financial burden (at least until he can get a job) to pay his legal fees. Please pray for God's hand on the school situation– I think I might as well sign his drop out papers if he gets put at the last chance school and that somehow the charges against him would not have lifelong implications. Again, most of all, pray that the Lord would bring godly men into his life to mentor and help him grow into a man who loves and follows Christ with all of his heart.

    – And please pray for me, because I am super tired and super discouraged. I feel like I have prayed and prayed and prayed for my boys, and that God has been completely silent.

    1. Carol..
      I am here and I feel your pain. I will commit to praying for your boys. I know you are discouraged but keep on momma, do the possible and trust God for the impossible. He is faithful.
      In Him,

    2. O LORD, how many are my foes!
      How many rise up against me!
      Many are saying of me,
      “God will not deliver him.”
      But you are a shield around me, O LORD;
      You bestow glory on me and lift us my head.
      To the LORD I cry aloud,
      And he answers me from his holy hill.
      I lie down and sleep;
      I wake again, because the LORD sustains me…
      From the LORD comes deliverance.
      May your blessing be on your people.
      — Psalm 3:1-5, 8

      Lifting you and your family in prayer! — and standing with you in faith!

    3. Lord God, I pray for Carol and her boys. I pray for Isaiah. That You would heal his body quickly and heal his mind and heart completely. Lord, I pray that you would send a Godly man to be an example for him. Please continue to call Isaiah to You. Pursue him and please don't let him go. Please use this time to prepare him for the calling that you have on his life.

      I pray for Kadeem, Lord. Use this time as a time of reflection for him. Pursue him and don't let him go. Cause his heart and mind to be open to the love that You and Carol have for him. Please use this experience to help him choose the right path. Cause him to rest in You. Please refine him during this time that he will be fully prepared to live out Your plan for his life.

      I pray for Carol, Lord. This Momma is so weary from the battle, but she knows these boys were given to her by You. Please reassure her that You are in control. Please wrap her in Your love and remind her that You keep Your promises. Please send wonderful people to help her in her trial with her boys. Please send people to support her and encourage her. As she waits on You, raise her up with wings like eagles. As eagles glide 20,000 feet over the ground, please give her a vision of the big picture. As eagles are able to carry items as heavy as their own body weight, please give Carol strength. As eagles can fly very quickly, please cause her to run her race for You. Help her to give her boys back to You and may You work in all of this for Your glory. In Jesus name!

    4. Carol,
      Every time you ask for prayers for your boys, my heart cries out to Jesus for them. Please don't stop asking and don't stop praying! God is going to use this! Thank you for sharing this need with us and thank you for your faithfulness to your boys. Praying for your mama heart!!

    5. Carol,
      If God be for you, who can be against you? I speak the resurrection power of Jesus Christ over Kadeem and his life now. Lord, I thank you that you are able to redeem his life from this destruction. I thank you Lord that you will never leave him nor forsake him and that you are his everpresent help in this time of need. Father, we call upon your mercy and your grace right now and ask for a turn around. Jesus, your blood was shed for this incident. Make all things new for him Lord. Strengthen Carol. Let grace and peace be multiplied to her now, in Jesus name. Amen..

    6. Oh Carol, I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time with your sons. I am sorry they are going through it as well. Sometimes, we have to lose it all before we realize what we are missing. This might be the case with Kadeem. It must still be difficult to watch. My prayers are for you that you continue to have the strength and courage to face this and that the boys will find their way and make decisions and choices that lead to positive implications. Don't think God is silent. He knows the end result and He also knows what is right and good and just. I pray that you hear Him during this time as confirmation that He is there for you and your boys.

    7. I can only imagine how your heart must ache and that is exhausting. Praying for you and your sons. I was encouraged this morning when I read the words "draw near to God and He will draw near to you"…I know sometimes it may not feel like He is near or that He even cares…but he does!

  13. Looking to the Father for His supply as we grow our family. We are very close to finishing up all the costs of our upcoming adoption, but we are not all the way there yet. Bad job news for 2013 has been thrown our way, and we need wisdom on how to walk through that. This job news seems like bad timing, but we know He is faithful.

    1. I will be praying for you. Yes God is faithful and even when times are of lack. With faith there is always risk. We have found out in our adoption we have never known the end result we have just walked blindly with no resources set aside. Where He leads He provides. If you find my blog on prayer post you can be encouraged How God did amazing things and provided so much. We still need so much more to end but we are walking by faith. Praying for you all.

  14. I have 2 prayer requests.
    1. We are in leadership @ our church. My husband is our worship pastor/assistant pastor. Our senior pastor was diagnosed with a large tumor in his brain – glioblastoma multiforme – cancerous tumor crossing his midline, the size of an egg in his frontal lobe. Praise The Lord, he is still teaching on Sundays. However, he's been off treatment for a couple months and we are noticing some of his discernment an personality issues from the tumor affecting his brain are returning. His diagnosis was July 2011, so we are thankful that The Lord and modern medicine have carried him this far. The original prognosis was 18 month survival and it has been 15. Please pray for future treatment options, wisdom for him, his family and doctors, and of course if The Lord wills, his healing and restoration of his mind.

    2. We are adopting from Ethiopia. Our paperwork was submitted in March and we are requesting a 0-7 year old boy. We are not funded to accept his referral when it comes. We are currently fundraising over at and slowly the funds are trickling in. I KNOW my God is faithful to provide for this adoption – He has provided all our fees so far often in 'the 11th hour.' We are praying for our son, his birth family, our agency who is advocating for us there in ET, and for the Lord's provision to fund us for our referral.

    Love you all and praying with you!

    1. Michelle, I am praying with you for both of your requests this morning. I'm lifting up your pastor, praying for God's will in the situation – that He would be completely healed if that is what God wills. I'm praying for wisdom for the doctors treating him, and for comfort and peace for him and his family and your church family. I'm praying that, no matter what, God would be glorified and others would be drawn to Him through your pastor and this situation.

      I'm also praying for your adoption. I'm thanking God for his provision so far, and fully believing with you that He will continue to provide! When He calls, He makes a way! I'm praying that the funds will continue to come in. I'm also praying for your precious boy, his birth family, those taking care of him, and your agency.

  15. It's hard to formulate my prayer, because what I want to pray for is SPEED in completing this adoption process that has drug out for what seems like forever. But I look back and see all the GOOD that has come from the time that we've waited…not the least of which is that we've gone from wanting to bring home not one, but TWO, children if He allows it! That move was facillitated by the length of TIME we've waited….He had us stew and percolate over months, gently leading us and changing us, until we came to this decision, and THESE children….so how can I pray that this HURRY UP!?!? when He's used all this time to stretch and grow us? So I'll ask instead that you pray for patience for us, and obedience, and submission to His will. We need it! 🙂

  16. Praying for our girl's general health status. Last update was a bit concerning for our docs, regarding her growth numbers from the first round of data we had rec'd. With her health needs, dropping off the curve like it appears she may have done can be a real sign of other issues.

    Praying for her health to stay stable or improve over the long cold winter of her province. She needs to stay free of infections, viruses, and other things so that her immune system can be able to handle surgeries when she comes home.

    Praying for wisdom on what health providers to use for our daughter's needs once she gets here. Could make a huge difference and we need to inform ourselves but also need clarity and discernment as we do so.

    Praying for the transition for Li'l Empress from youngest to big sister. She struggles with transitions and with "sharing" momma and daddy and we're asking God to open her heart and help us address and ease her anxieties with an eye toward healing and wholeness.

    Praying for Mei Mei 's heart and mind to be prepared for being part of this big ol' Gang. That she be ready to receive the love we all have for her and allow us to be used by God to fill her heart and heal her.

    Praying for further financial provision. We've asked for a medical expedite in light of some of our girl's health needs and if that happens, we'll need the remainder of our travel expenses rather quickly.

    1. Praying your litle one will remain healthy. Cling to God's promise that all things work together for good to those that love Him…you do…so it will all work out!

  17. My 16 year old son is the burden of my heart. He's walking the fence constantly, not ready to reject the Lord (thankfully), and yet so independent and angry & impulsive (terrible combination). He was abandoned by his birth mother and raised by his father for 5 years. I married his dad almost 11 years ago and adopted him. Yesterday he announced his countdown and intention to leave as soon as he is 18. I so want him to finish high school. Such a hard journey…

    1. Lord, please soften this young man's heart. Place people in his path that will show him your love and truth. Help his parents to shine your light brightly to him and reflect your love to him. Comfort their hearts and give them great wisdom as they parent this young man in a way that points to you. Amen

    2. Dawn, my 18 year old was heavy on my heart as well. While he never got into legal problems and was a good student, his words towards me were so hurtful at times. This was for many years. He was also leaving when he turned 18 and really, I might have strongly encouraged it I was so hurt. Low and behold, he turned 18 and has been a wonderful ever since. May your son mature and realize the love you have for him. May the burdens of your heart lighten. May we all get through those trying teenage years with our sanity.

    3. Praying that your son will seek and find the counsel/support system he needs at the moment. I'm certain you are doing everything you can, but sometimes our kids need someone else to step up to the plate…not because we're not willing and able, but because that is what they need at the moment…hope that makes sense…

  18. I started working in child protective services a few months ago and held to the hope that it would get better/easier, but the truth is that it has only gotten harder. I don't have the support that I need as a new worker to feel confident in what I am doing and the weight of the job is hard. Specifically, I investigate child abuse and neglect. For the past two weeks I have broken down crying almost everyday, sometimes because of what the kids are going through and sometimes because I am so overwhelmed with how much I am expected to be able to do without really being taught how to do it. My husband has been great about listening and just letting me cry, but I know it is hard on him to see me so upset every day. He has told be multiple times that I can quit, and has pointed out that this was not the job that I wanted or applied for but simply the job that they had available and I needed a job.

    My husband and I have talked about me quitting and we could easily live on his salary, but with one salary we would not be able to pay off our debt as quickly and I was raised not to quit a job without something else lined up so it's hard for me to let go of the wordly expectations.

    Please pray for direction, if this is a time where I should resign from this job and purely trust in God to provide another job in his timing or if I should try to stick with my current job until another one opens up. I know that God can easily have me another job tomorrow if that is His will!

    1. Heather – I, too, worked for CPS for two years after finishing my MSW. It is hard, hard work with very little training and much expectation. The families are what enabled me to get up every am and I prayed each day for the Lord to provide protection in my decision making and that I would be assigned cases in which I could minister. I will pray the same for you and know that the depth of the responsibility is understood. Hugs to you!!

    2. Heather – I, too, worked for CPS for two years after finishing my MSW. It is hard, hard work with very little training and much expectation. The families are what enabled me to get up every am and I prayed each day for the Lord to provide protection in my decision making and that I would be assigned cases in which I could minister. I will pray the same for you and know that the depth of the responsibility is understood. Hugs to you!!

    3. Heather – Although I definitely enjoy my job (nurse) I too find myself in very stressful situations at work on a regular basis. Before each shift as I'm walking into the hospital I recite Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." I have prayed the same thing for you as I pray for myself….Lord, thank you that you are a refuge for Heather. Thank you that when she bows before You, You will always meet her there and speak truth into her life. Lord, thank you that You are also a strength for Heather. Each day as she heads to work, and throughout the day, You will give her the strength and wisdom she needs to complete the tasks You have assigned her. Lastly Lord, thank you that You promise to be an ever present help in trouble. When situations arise that are out of Heather's control, or she finds herself overwhelmed and unsure of what to do, You will be her helper…Blessings!

    4. Heather, I work in the NICU and have also worked in child psych. I have seen abuse and it really is hard to take. With no help and little resources, it must be especially hard. Maybe God put you in this job for a reason. Quite possibly, you are making a difference in the life of a child and you do not even realize it. These children need a person who is compassionate and who gets it. Sounds like you are just that person. Whether you stay or quit, know you have made a difference.

    5. Your story breaks my heart! What a difficult job. Have you read Kisses From Katie? It is a wonderful story and I think you may be inspired…I know I sure was…hang in there… you are making a difference! Praying that you will find the strenght to do what you can and give the rest to God… the Great Healer and Problem Solver.

  19. Praying for my Husband's health and well being, that the skin imperfection he is having removed tomorrow is not what we both fear it could be, for him to come out of his depression over the loss of his mother, and become an active participant in his own healing in losing weight and healing his back , and get back to work and life as soon as possible.

    Praying for strength to continue our fight to get our daughter the special accommodations she needs in school, and for her to feel the weight of her own struggles lifted off her shoulders.

    Praying for peace to replace the anxiety and worries that we all feel everyday, knowing that an all knowing and all loving God is with us throughout all of our battles.

  20. Prayer request for our daughter, Josie, adopted in Feb. from China as she is in surgery as I type for her left hip and right eye to be "fixed" She is trooper and we have gone through this hip surgery in June for the right hip. But recovery is emotional for her and trying on the family! Prayers appreciate for a complete and infection free healing and to have grace for the "up hill" battle to get strong again. But HE will see us through. Thanks!

    1. Praying for you and your family this morning, Lynnea!

      I'm praying for your daughter's surgery, thanking God for how He has seen you through before, and knowing that He will do so again. Praying for her to remain free of infection, and for comfort and grace during the healing process (physically and emotionally).

  21. Please pray for Kervens & Withji…that God would continue to comfort them as they wait to be untied with a forever family. These boys have been in the orphanage in Haiti for almost 4 years! For Withji this is almost his entire life. I believe it's time for them to have a FOREVER HOME & FAMILY! Pray for our family as we wait to meet them for the first time. We have been in IBESR for almost 6 months and as soon as we get out of there we'll travel for court and get to meet the boys! As hard as it is to wait we know that God's timing is always perfect. Pray for the changes that will take place when they do come home! It's going to be an adjustment for all of us. And last…pray for the finacnial needs we still have. We have raised about $15,000 and still have $14,000 to go! Once we receive the email that we are out of IBESR we have to mail $14,000…this is the balance we owe the orphanage. Praying & Trusting God in all of this!

    1. Haiti has had a special place in my heart and the kids even more so. I have been praying for over a year…actually since the earthquake, that the Haitian adoption process would once again run efficiently and quickly.

  22. For continued provision for our adoption in both funding and timing. We are praying specifically to get submitted for our final judgement in November with no mistakes on our paperwork. To do this we need our certificate of no appeal to come in in the next week or so.

    1. Praying the same prayer for you as for myself and others…that our financial needs would be met…that we would see where we need to cut back/save to do our part to pay for our adoptions and that others would come along side us.

  23. Prayers for a new work position. The current one has become emotionally uhealthy and a drain on our family time. Prayers for God's direction and a path that he wills for our family.

  24. We are in need of a provision of $1000 this week, so my husband can go to travel to meet the boy who God pointed out to us. Praying, also, that as my husband goes to spend a week with orphans his heart will be forever changed and his life revolutionized, that his heart will break for the orphan, that he will be willing to do whatever it takes to help some of Gods little's, that he will become an orphan advocate. Praying that he hears God's call, catches the vision, and allows God to work in him. Also praying for an instant connection between our potential son and my husband.

  25. Thank you for this opportunity to offer our prayer requests. I have a few, please bear with me. My first request is for a precious couple in my church. They have been through much in the past several years regarding the husband's health. In the past 2 weeks, they have suffered much. Joyce's sister passed away unexpectedly, and following that, their son was murdered. My heart breaks for them. I know only God can get them through all of the pain and suffering. Please lift them up.

    The Lord has blessed my husband and I with 4 children (2 bio/2 treasures from China). My heart still aches for another child. I would like to ask for prayer that God would bring my husband and I into agreement on whether it is God's will for us to bring another child into our home. And if it is, for God's provisions so that we may be able to be obedient. Thank you.

    1. Praying that your friends will literally feel God's arms around them.

      I know what it's like to be on a different page than your husband…difficult, frustrating. Praying that you will be like minded and that there will be no resentment/anger towards each other…that you're relationship will remain strong.

  26. Praying that God would open doors for us so that we could adopt again…….praying that God would once again open my sweet hubby's heart to another child….praying that God would open our hearts to the child He has picked out for us already, no matter what. Praying and fasting along with all of you! thank you Linny for doing this!

  27. "If faith can move the mountains, let the mountains move! We come with expectation, waiting here for You."

    Praying for God's will regarding His call for me to adopt. Praying that I am hearing His voice and not my own. Praying that if it is His voice, He will continue to confirm that, and open doors and make a way – I am absolutely saying yes so I will follow where He leads! HUGE prayer for a new job so that I can start the process. My heart is anxious to move forward – praying for peace, patience, and wisdom. Thanking Him for the support of my family and friends, and thanking Him for how He has orchestrated things so far!

    Praying and fasting along with all of you! I am just so thankful and so in awe of God, and how He has brought every single one of us together for such a time as this! He is so good!

    1. Friends, I'm sorry to post twice! But as I am praying, I just got a call for a phone interview for a few positions I had applied for yesterday! I was literally freaking out with excitement! Then she asked me about salary requirements. I was given a very specific number from the adoption agency for what my salary would need to be in order for me to be approved, and the salary for these jobs was not close enough to that number. So that's when the phone interview ended. Talk about a let-down. Please pray with me for wisdom, and for that salary number! Thank you, friends!

    2. I love that song! Lord I pray for Erin during this waiting phase. Waiting is so hard, but you promise to walk with her every step of the way. I pray you would confirm and enlarge your will to Erin. I pray she would have the confidence that during this wait, even when you seem silent, you have not forgotten her and are still working out your will in her life.

      "But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day." Proverbs 4:18 – God's answer/will become clearer over time and He will complete the work He has started in you!

  28. Our family would love to bring home a “sick heart” baby from China.
    We are praying for the LORD’s will, way and timing!
    -His Will – We want to seek Him and Follow HIM with abandoned trust!
    -His way – We have NO money (after 10 adoptions and many dr bills, still not payed off); we just can’t do this alone!
    -His timing – Oh, how badly I want to follow Him where He leads, and when!

    I will also be praying and fasting with you each!

  29. Please pray for a good friend of ours. He is in his early 20's with a young wife and 3 beautiful boys. He is going through his 2nd round of cancer. His options are running out. This is such a beautiful, Godly family and it breaks our heart to see them go through this. Please pray specifically that God would heal him outright and completely. Please also pray that he would not lose his job as he is expected to do.
    I ask that you would also pray for God to be completely clear in our adoption. That He would give us wisdom and clear direction. That He would also provide the provisions for this adoption.
    Thank you and God Bless You.
    Praise the Lord.

    1. I am praying for your friend. My husband had two rounds of cancer in his late 20's years ago. We know the power of prayer and God's healing. Praying that for your friend. Praying for clear direction from the Lord in your adoption and for His provision.

      janet and gang

  30. My family ( has a little one waiting for them in Ethiopia Africa. Just upon returning from Colombia South America 4 years ago, the Lord told me that we would also be adopting from Africa. I have patiently waited and just last month my husband and I feel we have been nudged to begin the newest journey of adopting from Africa ( – not public yet until we tell our families). However, due to some medical issues with our kids etc, we have deleted all of our savings. We have zero money for this adoption. HOWEVER I know the Lord will provide. I am praying for a miricle in a big way. We will walk in faith. I read your blog everyday. Although I don't tend to comment, I do read and pray for you and your family daily. My 16 year old loves Emma's heart and follows her blog as well. Thank you for being open to God's voice. You bless me each and every day!

  31. To all, I am fasting and praying with you, I will be holding all of you and your requests up to Jesus, thank you for that privilege.

    My only request is that my husband and I are starting an orphanage/school in Nepal and our first trip is in Feb. So much comes with that, but we are trusting in the ONE that called us.


  32. I'm so happy to be able to join this day and to pray for all of you. I can't fast today, but I am reading through these requests and praying as I can while chasing toddlers. I'm keeping praise music and hymns playing to remind me to keep my focus on the Lord.

    My precious little friend, Zachie, lives with and battles the same disease that I lost two little brothers to many years ago. He is facing more and new complications in addition to constant pain. Please pray for him and for strength and encouragement for his mom and dad as they walk with him. He's their only son.

  33. Please add my dear friend Chris to the prayer list. She has just been diagnosed as having breast cancer, thankfully not aggresive, but still needing an operation in two weeks time.

  34. My Prayer need is we are (were) in our third International adoption and just found out that we were turned down. The Country we are (were) adopting from had a new Lady (Aire) take over and she has turned down 5 families (including ours) since April of this year. We love our little girl already and have not given up on getting her home. It is not only hurting me it is hurting our two daughters (age 6 and 12 adopted from same Country as this one) because it is hard for them to understand why we are not getting baby sister home (as it is hard for me to understand)! She is making up lies to turn the families down and our agency told us to Pray, Pray, Pray to get Aire replaced so these children will have a chance to be in a family. Our agency is the only agency that adopts through this Country (Estonia, beautiful Country)! She (Aire) told us that Our little ones legal guardian wants her to be adopted in Estonia, no one in Estonia will adopt her with her medical issues (FAS,HepB and possible HIV)! I have been so torn up about this and want to cry daily! Thank you so very much for the Prayers (and fastings)!

    1. Carla,

      I am praying specifically for this request. Praying that the Aire is brought to the salvation knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praying that her heart is broken for the orphan, praying that God sends her dreams about your daughter and disturbs her sleep until she must reverse that decision. I am praying that without you doing another are contacted to be told that the information was incorrect. Our God is ABLE and WILLING to put orphans into homes and satan loves to mess things up. I am praying that God gets the glory in all of this and that HIS will is done.


    2. Thank you so much Sherri. Our Heavenly Father is what is getting me through all of this because I have let him take over and I feel it is his will(and timing) for us to get her home!

    3. I am praying for you Carla, as an adoptive mpother of a SN little boy who was on a WC list and as a mom in waiting for a new little girl , also a WC and HIV +- i know that deep love you already feel for them. I hope the hearts and minds of those in power in Estonia are moved to do the right thing for this little girl and grant her freedom to be part of your family

    4. Carla, I am praying for your situation. The words that come to mind and that I have prayed for you are from Ezra 1:1 "In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah, the Lord moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia…" Lord thank you that your will will stand. Thank you that you even use adversaries to accomplish your purposes. I pray Carla and her family are reminded of this and have peace that you are still in control despite the circumstances and working to accomplish your purposes for them in your way/time.

    1. You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. Psalm 77:14

      Praying with you — and standing with you in faith!

  35. -Please join me in praying for salvation for my beloved son, Ethan – soon to be 23. He is a kind, fun, compassionate, very loving, respectful young man who graduated from college with highest honors and plans to go to medical school. He is a HUGE blessing to me. But he is not saved.
    -Please pray for a safe delivery for my daughter in law (37 weeks pregnant)
    She is the wife of my older son.

    I will be praying for the other requests as well.

    1. Lord I pray for the salvation of Ethan. I pray that you would stir in his heart a desire to know you and have a relationship with you. I pray that you would continue to place people (like his mom) in his life who will be willing to share their faith and the reason for their hope.

      Lord I pray for your hand of protection on Sue's daughter-in-law and unborn grandchild. I pray for safety now during the last weeks of pregnancy and also during the delivery.

  36. Good morning everyone, I will be praying with you for these requests. My requests are the same as last month's…

    1. My brother who has turned away from the Lord.

    2. The referral of the kids God has for us. We have been been on the waiting list for 9 – 10 months now for siblings from DR Congo. I am longing to know the kiddos who we have been praying and hoping for for so long.

  37. After reading all of those praises and prayers I am so blessed that I can't contain myself.
    I’m going to keep this as short as I can…
    1. For God to be uplifted in every move we make individually and as a family unit.
    2. I am the Youth Leader at a very small church, we don't have a lot of help and I am BURNT OUT. I need fresh ideas and God's blessing so that I can carry them out and stick with it.
    3. Please pray for 3 friends/family members battling cancer.
    4. Please pray for our financial decisions. Just being real here we have not tithed the way we should. God has spoken to us over and over and we can't seem to get it right. Please pray that we can be good stewards, take the tithe first and refuse to do anything else.
    5. Warning this last one is UGLY. Please pray that God would change my heart toward adoption. I know most ladies are praying God would change their husbands, I was even one of those ladies who prayed and God changed my husband so much that he CANNOT WAIT to adopt. For a short season we were both on track and then “let’s wait a few months” turned into we've waited 5 years…and, well I feel like the timing stinks. My kids are pre-teens and the thought of dealing with hormones and crying infants under the same roof makes me want to punch myself in the face. At one point my heart was COMPLETELY broken for the orphan and I wanted to bring every one of them home. Truth is at this point I am more concerned with my own comfort than I should be. Like I said it's ugly but it's true. I know God's voice and I CLEARLY heard Him tell us to adopt. NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. It's just that I really need to get myself out of the way. Please help me pray about it…

    1. Lord Jesus, I stand with Sherri and agree with all of her requests. Please bring healing where needed. Please bring wisdom and direction and unity. Lord, most of all, I pray for Sherri's heart. You know it is so hard for us to get out of our own way at times. Please keep pursuing her with Your will until her heart desires line up with Yours. Lord, we thank You for Your grace and mercy. And we thank You for Your perfect timing. Please work all of this out for Your glory and honor and praise. In Jesus' name.

    2. Praying that God would carry your burdens and give you peace. Joyful peace. He is trustworthy and able to care for your every little need and care on a daily basis and multiply your strength and your love. And may He renew your burden and ache for the orphan and make your heart swell with love.

  38. Please pray for a friend, Lisa. She has scheduled an abortion for tomorrow, the 24th. I have talked with her, prayed over her, pleaded with her, begged her to NOT DO THIS. I have offered to adopt the child, always giving Lisa a place in her child's life. I have a group of friends that has been interceding for her the past week. I feel God's heartbreak over her. Please pray for God to reveal his love for her unborn child to her. Please pray for God to reveal Himself to her, through dreams and other people. Please pray for the LIFE of this unborn child. Please pray for Lisa to repent and come back to Jesus.

    1. Lord, we pray for Lisa. Lord, only You know the hurt and trouble that she has seen to lead her to this decision. Please stay with her. Show her Your love. Surround her with your peace. Remove her fear. Please let her see the support she has. Please remove any feeling of inconvenience that she would feel about this pregnancy. Please bring her to see that this life inside of her is precious. Please be with Alicia. Give her peace as she tries to counsel Lisa. Please work in this situation for your praise and glory. In Jesus' name.

    2. Oh dear heavenly Father I pray the Power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead will hold that baby in LIsa belly. Holy Spirit speak to Lisa and save this precious baby. Here the cries of your children as we intercede for this precious one with no voice. Lord we are the voice of the voiceless. Lord I pray you will surround that mill tomorrow with Christian side walk counselors and even a mobile ultra sound vehicle. I pray she will not resist the desire to see her baby that she carries in her womb. LOrd I pray as she goes through the night Lord that you would speak to her tonight with visions and dreams of the baby inside her. Give her a face and a name. Lord I know you can soften her heart and I pray you will not let her be taken captive to do satans will any longer. Oh God I pray if she doesnt want the baby there is so many out there that would.I bind every spirit if selfishness that would want her to keep from giving this baby the best gift ever life and a home that will love the precious baby. Lord I I giving you this hurting heart. In Jesus NAME AMEN

    1. Lord I pray for your hand of protection on Jill and her baby now and during delivery. I thank you for the blessing of new life! I pray for wisdom for Jill and her family as they seek your plan for them regarding adoption. I pray that they would draw upon your strength and comfort during the difficult waiting period. I thank you for the tenacity you have given them to continue to walk with you in light of the loss they have already experienced on this journey.

  39. Please pray for my family as we near the second waiting phase of our adoption- waiting for a court date! We are sending our dossier, her placement agreement and immigration forms all out this week. She is a dear little girl who is HIV + and has other special needs. Please pray for her continued health and well-being as she was just moved to the transition home. Two weeks ago, as we prepared our dossier my husband was informed that his company will be shutting down his branch by December. Please pray that he is able to find another job- he applied for many, many positions over the last two weeks. I was also informed that the non-profit I work for will be expanding (thank you Lord). I intend to apply for one of the full-time positions ( I am a part time GA) and am so overjoyed that this could be a great opportunity. I truly believe I am destined to work here, it is an amazing place.
    I make it a point to never pray for extravagance- just pray for *enough* provisions to help my family and have enough stability to serve others.

  40. My prayer requests today are for my children and husband – my two older ones are making college and life decisions and need to hear from God and feel peace about their decisions.

    My two middle ones are still struggling to get settled in after our cross country move last December. They still haven't really met any good friends and seeing pictures on FB of what their "old" friends are doing together is really hard on my 14 year old. They love it here where we live now and really want to find their niche, but they were at hard ages to move.

    My ten year old acts out his frustration by being very difficult to school and very difficult period – which causes stress in our home. I put on the "praise" board that I am thanking God for these daily trials because I feel great peace about where He has us right now. I am thanking Him, but would also love for it to be covered it prayer.

    My two year old is just a bright spot in the home – he has NO worries!! I would love prayer for him though for some physical issues we are having looked at. Specifically, he has HUGE tonsils (no infection, just huge) and he possibly has a lazy eye or some other eye issue. We have some appointments coming up to look deeper into these issues.

    Finally, my dear husband. He is such a godly man and amazing provider. He loves that I am home with the kids and he never begrudges us any of the fun we get to have while he works. We moved a year ago and he knew he would have challenges with his new position – it has turned out quite a bit more complicated than he expected and he is working 14-15 hours a day most days. This is a place we have been before, when our priorities were not in order. Now that they are, it is a place we do NOT want to be again, but right now it simply can't be helped right now. Please pray that he gets things to the point at work that these crazy hours can stop and for his stamina and patience when he comes home to our wild household.

    1. Lord, I ask that you would surround this mom with your peace. Wrap her in your warm embrace and encourage her heart. Faithful God, please help her kids to find good friends and to see that you care even about this part of their lives. Help them to be good friends as well. Help her older kids to make wise decisions and to trust you with them. Help her husband in his job. Lord provide the strength that is needed. Thank you for the love you have poured out on this family, and let them give you glory in all their ways!

  41. Joining in lifting up the requests to our gracious God.

    Please pray for
    –one year old Levi, with kidney problems
    –Edith, needing healing from severe infections, among other things
    –myself, facing surgery a week from today to remove my thyroid, praying lump is contained

    God bless you all.

    1. Yes Lord we pray all these request and we pray for this thyroid Lord that you will give the doctors wisdom and that everything will be totally clean that it is just an enlarged Thyroid in Jesus Name.Amen

    2. Dear sister in Christ – I pray for you during this time. I have had thyroid cancer and undergone a total thyroidectomy (removal of thyroid) and also removal of some lymph nodes. The recovery was not as bad as I had anticipated (if that is any consolation). The worst part for me was difficulty swallowing and chewing – so I would advice having 'easy to eat' foods (soft foods – mashed potatoes, milkshakes, oatmeal, and esp those things with protein, vit C) available for at least a few days……Lord I pray for this upcoming surgery. I pray for your hand of protection upon our sister in Christ. I pray you would flood her soul with peace. I pray for wisdom for all medical personnel involved in her care, especially those directly involved with her surgery. I pray for no post-surgical complications and that she would be able to get adequate rest to recover. Lord I also pray for Levi and his family that you would resolve his kidney issues and also enable Edith to heal.

  42. Please be praying for the last stage of our adoption process.

    – protection over our children waiting (Daisy 3 and Oliver 3 in just a month)
    – healing for our son's heart (he is in heart failure)
    – expedite speed for our cable & PDF document to be emailed (hopefully this happens this week), Art. 5 (agency is asking for an expedite) and TA
    – we really would like to have our Family Day on Oliver's 3rd Birthday. For this to happen we need to leave Nov. 22 or 23
    – funds for the rest of the process
    – prepare our's, our daughter's (4 & 5) and Daisy's and Oliver's hearts to bond as a family
    – traveling mercies – we will have 4 kids under the age of 6 when we travel and it is just my husband and me
    – Our insurance is horrible and we are going to have 2 MRI's, 2 EEGs, tons of blood work, heart surgery etc. done right after we are home and will need to pay our $5,500 deductible on both kids that we are sure to exceed right away.
    – protection from evil through the rest of this journey

    1. praying praying and praying.. Lord provide for there every need in Jesus Name. We know you are faithful and you will some how some way we are trusting you in blind faith. THank you Lord in advance for you awesomeness. IN Jesus name Amen

  43. Please pray that the complications in our adoption process will be resolved quickly and that God's plan for these kids will be revealed to everyone involved. Thank you!

  44. Our prayer requests:

    For hearts to feel lead to help us match our grant award. (See praise post. 🙂 )
    For the next steps to be revealed clearly by God to us on wether we "raffle" our house to fund our non profit, and when my last day of work should be.
    For my son's teeth. He is 3/12 and he has A LOT of cavities…Crazy. Prayer for his comfort as we figure out the next steps and for our daughter's eyes as we believe she needs different glasses…and for God to provide the funding for all of this.
    Thank you ALL!

  45. Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32:17

    Heavenly Father, I am in awe of Who You are! Thank you that nothing is too hard for You! Father, even though I am overwhelmed by my neediness, You are not. God, please grow my faith! Please help me not to be overwhelmed by the mountains, but by YOU!! Thank you God, for how you have been providing the money we have needed for the adoption of our newest treasures – You are so faithful!! Our Faithful Provider God, I ask that you move the remaining financial mountain – the money needed for the airline tickets to bring our newest miracles home soon. Thank you that you are not bound by money or anything else! God, I thank you for the family of believers that is lifting our family in prayer! Please encourage them and strengthen them in their walks with You, God. God, thank you for the many treasured children that are represented on this day of prayer and fasting. God, I pray for other families that are waiting for mountains to be moved so that they can bring treasures home. I pray that You would be glorified in each our lives and in our families! We wait in anticipation for the miracles you will do!! We honor You and give you praise!! In Jesus’ name I pray…

  46. Oh God, my heart is breaking over so many hurting, searching hearts. Please come and bring Your peace, please give wisdom and clarity where it is needed. Please provide finances where Your children are in need. Please draw to Yourself those who are walking far from You. Please fill Your children with peace and rest and confidence in Your provision for them.

    Praying and fasting with all of you and for you today. My heart's deepest desire is to be a stay-at-home mom. I've prayed since before my daughter was born (she's 12 now) that God would make a way. It's just not feasible without His miraculous intervention. My heart aches to be at home. It's hard for me to even concentrate at work because I don't want to be here. It's so difficult to "do my work as unto the Lord" when my heart's desire is to be at home making a place of sanctuary for my family. I am really struggling with this.

    I am also asking God to move on my husband's heart – to give him a passion and a purpose beyond just going to work, coming home, and repeating again tomorrow. I'm praying Jen Hatmaker's prayer, "Lord, light in (us) a holy passion!" Thank you, everyone, for praying with me!

    1. Lord, I know how Valerie feels, and I pray for her situation today. Lord, you answered our prayer that I could be home. I pray that you would also bless Valerie in this way. Lord, move the mountains that keep her from this. As she waits, please help her to focus on the work at hand and to keep working for You. In Jesus' name.

    2. Valerie I am praying for you and for your husband. If you can go to I now Nancy and Colin Campell personally. They have a free quarterly Mommas magazine you will be very encouraged. Dear Lord this precious lady has a momma heart and she desperately wants to raise her child. Lord I am believing you for a miracle in Jesus Name. God I know the miracles you have did for my husband and I know you can do the same for Valerie. Lord I pray you will show her husband you are their provider and you can take care of them. I pray for Valeries heart Lord I pray she will continue to submit and surrender to her husband and trust you and keep yielding in this hard situation. IN Jesus name. Amen

  47. Father, I pray that You would draw my mom, Sandy, close to you and beckon her heart to salvation. Only You can save her, and I pray that You would meet her where she is and that she would respond in obedience. And when You have done that, Father, I pray for people in and out of the family to disciple her. Oh God, I thank You and praise You for what You are going to do. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

  48. My husband and I are requesting prayer for a fully funded adoption. We started the process of adoption about a year ago and are still in the paperwork gathering stage. I would also like prayer that God would soften the hearts of some of our family members who are not really on board with our decision to adopt. My husband and I feel very strongly that this is what God has called us to do. I know our family is just worried for us but it's difficult to go through this process without your closest family members there to support us.

    1. Alicia I can completely relate and I will be praying for your family it is very hard to be rejected by the ones you wanted to be the most happy for you. The pain is one you needs God grace to get through and the loneliness of the Journey can be long if you dont surrender it to God, forgive and trust him in it. WE have lost so many family and friends. Still speak but not talking about exciting journey. It has been a real reality check to follow God no matter what. When you are in the will of God its the only place to be no matter what comes against you God will protect you. Praying for you.

  49. I have two prayers.

    First is for clarity on what to do. I am trying to decide if I should continue to volunteer with a particular organization or if the season has come to make a change. I want to change but I also want to do what God wants me to do. The stress from this volunteer position though is beyond overwhelming.

    And second is for my future. I was finally getting to a good place in accepting that I would potentially be alone forever. And then I met and dated someone over the summer who changed all of that. Sadly, the relationship ended and I am just crushed. Mostly because I let myself hope and believe I too could reach that dream of a family. And I am so mad at myself for letting those dreams come back to my life. At nearly 35, I have NO single friends. None. But my time is running out. And having to start back at square one to accept a solo life is breaking my heart. I want that family life with every fiber of my being. But I want to learn to be happy with MY life and not my fantasy life. Not everyone gets to have a family and kids. And if they are happy, I want to learn that too. And if God does have a family plan for me, oh how I pray that He will show this to me. This living in limbo is miserable.


    1. KK,
      I am your age and really struggled with being alone and not having single friends. it's hard to watch friend after friend find that special person and start a family and I just pray God will draw you closer to HIM and will give you the friendships and support you need. I will be praying for you.
      Janet in MO

    2. Oh my sweet KK I will be praying you, I just found a wonderful article last night in this blog about adopting and being single it was a wonderful blog you for sure need to find it. I am praying for you my sweet friend. Praying

    3. Dear KK,
      The Lord gave me Isaiah 54 "" for the Lord your God(Maker)is your Husband"", He gives the best who leave the choice to Him, met and married my DH when I was 35, you are not on the shelf ok!! A rare and precious item (a royal princess of the King of Kings!!), a collectors item, very expensive and true gem, priviledged the man who wooes you and captures your heart. Praying that God will be your friend whilst you wait for His prince and timing. Lord God please carry KK's heart and bless her with your presence as she waits on you.

    4. Single ladies!! Does anyone remember that I was a counselor for 20 years? Point being, that I wish you could each have been a fly on my wall and heard the stories from married women. Trust me, marriage is not all it's cracked up to be! For reals. That being said, I will pray that God will open up families around you to embrace you – we have many singles that are part of our lives, simple dinners, hanging out, game nights…

      And what you said anne, it's true, I have a post about single's adopting. Don't let being single scare you away from being a mom. It is hard work, but many of the readers at over here are single moms. They are some of my dearest bloggy friends. Some single by widowhood, some single because Mr. Right never showed up. Don't waste your days – make them count! Become a foster parent and see the joys of motherhood or adopt out and out…

      If God can provide for a family to adopt, He no doubt has enough for singles to adopt – and honestly, if you want to talk to a single who has adopted, email me, and I will ask some to correspond with you. Put in the subject something about this conversation. Okay?

    5. I just felt a prompting to make one more comment to KK. I pray this comment does not come across negatively to anyone (it is so difficult to decipher intent and tone of written word on the internet).

      I can relate to what KK has written. It does seem easier to dampen the desire for marriage/family if it doesn't seem likely to happen to you. It is a coping mechanism I have struggled with for years. Others often reinforce it by minimizing the desire in your heart, although I don't think that is necessarily their intent. For example, "The grass is always greener on the other side" comment. I think to some extent we all struggle with envy. Someone else's life always seems more ideal or better from our limited vantage point. BUT, in Genesis before the fall….God created man, stated that it was not good for man to be alone, then created woman, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. We have been created with an ingrained desire for marriage and family. Don't be ashamed of it or apologize for it! Unfortunately we live in a fallen world where heartache abounds, meaning we will all have struggles in this life. I know that it's hard to hope and dream for something that isn't happening. It seems much easier to dull the pain so as not to set yourself up for more heartache. But, let God meet you there, in the midst of that pain. I am praying for you.

      Lord, I pray that KK would continue to hope despite the fact that we live in a fallen world. You will use this desire for good. I pray that she would not be ashamed or let herself, or anyone else, minimize this desire in her heart. Lord you use these desires to transform us and help us recognize our need to continually depend upon you. I pray that she would give this desire to you each day trusting you to either fulfill it or to comfort the ache/pain in her heart during this time of limbo. Lord, help her to desire above all else your will for her life, in whatever form that may come, understanding that it has been given to her as a gift from your loving hands. I pray she focuses on one day at a time so as not to be overwhelmed. Thank you that you have promised when we call to you Lord you are faithful to meet us right in the midst of our hurt and trials.

  50. Please pray for the salvation of my family. My heart breaks for my parents, siblings, and nieces who do not know God. Also, pray for our adoption as we submit our immigration paperwork this week and our dossier will go out next month. Pray that we are matched with the children that God has placed on our hearts and that God will receive all glory and praise for this.

  51. Also need prayer for my son. He is very difficult. Has not been adopted, but has high anxiety that keeps him in a fight-or-flight state nearly all the time. Some days is overwhelmingly difficult to parent, and my instincts don't seem to be good. Praying for wisdom and outpouring of love for me, and for healing of his frayed nerves.

    1. The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11

      God, I thank you that you are our Strength and our Peace. God, I pray that your peace would reign in Carmen's heart and home. Please give her your wisdom and strength as she cares for her son. God, I ask for your healing touch on her son's mind and body. Please help him to rest in you! Thank you for how you will work in this family, God! In Jesus' name I pray…

  52. Asking for prayers for my daughter, Tirzah as she prepares for mission work at orphanages in Haiti~
    1)Spiritual preparation as the spiritual warfare there is intense
    2)Maturity and Strength to deal with the overwhelming poverty and disease
    3)Courage to do what she will have to do…ready or not.
    4)Direction as she is unclear what to do after graduation and her time in Haiti
    also for our family as we are stepping our toes in the adoption waters: the country we initially looked into adopting from is currently on hold due to adopting the hague rules:
    1) prayers for patience (not my strong suit)
    2) guidance: when we start the process we will need to find an independent homestudy provider, a local lawyer, doctor, psychologist, etc.
    Thank you. AS a pastor's wife it is often hard to ask for prayers rather than being the one praying for others. Again. Thank you.

  53. Please pray for me and my family. 2 months ago our little Joanna passed away and tomorrow is her 2nd birthday. Please pray for us to have the strength to get through the day.

    1. Lord I lift Cindy and her family before you today. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain in their hearts from the loss of their beloved daughter. I pray that you would surround them with your love at this time. I thank you Lord that you will meet them right where they are at and I pray that they feel your comfort and draw near to you so that you can refresh their souls in the midst of all the grief and unanswered questions.

  54. Please pray for me that the finances will work out right and i will have enough money to live on. Also, my best friend is in a hard place with her marriage right now. She is in so much pain at this point. Please pray that she and her husband will work out this. They have 4 children who need both mom and dad.


  55. Lord, there are so many requests here today. I stand together with each person and ask You to move. Please be with them all. Work in each situation so that Your perfect will happens. Show Your love and bring Your peace.

    Lord, I pray for Renee and Neil as they have court this Thursday in Ethiopia. Please be with them and cause everything to go smoothly. Please bless their time with their precious treasure.

    Lord, I pray that You continue to show my family Your provision now that I am a stay-at-home mom. I pray for our daughter. That you would show us whether she is to be in school or to be homeschooled like her brothers. Please relieve her stress and bring her true friends. Please heal her mind and spirit so that she doesn't feel the need to yell and scream at me. I pray for our sons. Please help them to put forth their best effort in school. Please show me how to help them learn.

    Lord, most of all, I pray for Chris and Michelle. Chris has been in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator for almost a week. Lord, please show the doctors what is wrong and show them the correct treatment. Please surprise the doctors by healing him completely. Please use this situation to bring Yourself glory.

    In Jesus' name I ask.

    1. Lord I pray for Mindy and her family. I praise you that you have worked a way for Mindy to be a stay-at-home mom. I pray that you would give them wisdom to determine the best method of schooling for each of their children. I pray for Chris and Michelle. I pray that you would give the doctors wisdom in making an accurate diagnosis and that Chris' body would respond to appropriate treatment. I pray for peace for Chris' family as they walk this difficult journey.

    2. Praise! They took Chris off the ventilator yesterday morning, and he is breathing with only the assistance of a CPAP! He is awake, sore, and a bit confused. But Michelle rejoices in being able to talk to him! Thank you, Jesus!

  56. Please pray for me and my family. 2 months ago our little Joanna passed away and tomorrow is her 2nd birthday. Please pray for us to have the strength to get through the day.

    1. So do not fear, for I am with you;
      Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
      I will strengthen you and help you;
      I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
       Isaiah 41:10
      For I am the LORD, your God,
      Who takes hold of your right hand
      And says to you, Do not fear;
      I will help you.
       Isaiah 41:13

      I am so sorry for your loss…

      God, thank you that you are our Comforter. I ask that you bring comfort and strength to this precious family. Thank you that you will never leave them. Please fill their hearts with your hope. In Jesus' name I pray…

  57. Please pray that God helps us to sell our house and shows us the one that is right for our family to buy. I pray that He provides good friends for my sons' as they will transition to a new school. I pray that He leads my husband to be the spiritual leader of our family. If He changed Saul to Paul, I have hope that my husband will be gifted with an increase in faith! I pray that my husband clearly hears God's voice if we should adopt and is able to trust in Him. If we are not called to adopt/foster, I pray I find peace and that the light shine brightly on the path He has for me. Help us to know and do His will!

  58. Praying that God would speak clearly to us about an upcoming move for my husband's job. We believe that God clearly spoke to us earlier this year and said "GO!", but so, so many roadblocks have been placed in our way in the process. We are now wondering if our timing is not His timing (even though it may mean unemployment for my husband if we do not go as planned.) Praying for the details to fall into place if it be God's will that we move this year (fast sale of our home, finding a new home, finding a new church home, and for His provision).
    Praying for knowledge, calm, and clarity for my husband as he takes a very important exam this Friday for his career, and that he will succeed.
    Praying for my husband's healing after his upcoming surgery.
    Praying for my mother's health as she is having heart problems.
    Praying for the other prayers that are posted today, and to remember that my "problems" always have a purpose in His kingdom!

    1. Dear Sister in Christ – Praying for you….I find myself at a similar spot although with different surrounding circumstances (i.e. I believe God said "Now is the time" and yet all I continue to see are roadblocks). Lord, I pray for this family that you would grant them wisdom in making these decisions. I pray that you would step in and remove the roadblocks in a way that only you can do. Lord, waiting hurts. I pray you would give them the strength and faith to continue to follow you despite any opposition. I pray that they would draw near to you every day. "Let none that wait on thee be ashamed." Psalm 25:3

  59. Some day soon it will be my son Austin's last attempt to pass his run and become a sailor in the Navy. He has been at boot camp for almost 13 weeks. He has experienced pulled muscles and shin splints. I'm asking that God's mighty Will prevail. If he is supposed to be in the Navy, then give him strength to make his run, if not, then give him strength to deal with this loss of a dream. Thanks to our heavenly father who knows the perfect plan for my son's life.

    1. Ben and Julie, my son is in basic for marines. I feel your concerns as I am concerned for my son's ability to pass. He is doing well but if he gets hurt, anything can happen. He was already diagnosed with shin splints but negative for a fracture…praise God. Anyhow, not to ramble about me but know that you are in my prayers as is your son. If it is God's will Austin will graduate and be a Sailor. Let me know.

  60. I am praying for my friend E's husband R — he has brain cancer and is suffering. I pray for a miraculous healing of his body, and for his 8 year old son's heart through this difficult time.

    I pray for wisdom as my dh and I decide what to do with IVF and the timing of this with our adoption. Is it Your will?? Please be clear because my muddled head is not good with subtlety!!

    Please pray that dh's liver is healthy and that he has a long healthy life ahead of him. We love him so.

    Praying for the children in Pleven — that they find homes and that their little souls and bodies can endure the horrors of the asylums in which they live. I pray specifically for Adeye's children who are waiting.

    Praying for little Ivy's heart and that she recovers fully from her heart surgery

    Praying that my little Elijah gets listed on the Shared Waiting list and that my agency is able to snag his file. Praying that we get matched with our little boy — already my son in my heart. I pray for his heart and that he is at peace and happy as he waits for a family.

    I pray, most of all, that I can be drawn closer to You and know You better. Open up my heart, Lord. I want to follow You.

    Thy will be done!

  61. I have a cold that I thought was over but stil getting head aches and sinus pressure. Praying I don't have and infection and that God heals whatever is going on…. Also praying for my gums and teeth the last few days they have been sore, I think it's related to the cold. Just want to feel better and no lasting side affects of this. The other thing is God seems to be bringing me up to a new level of faith….. I just want to be able to do what HE is showing me and with no questions if it is HIM, no wondering if I can…. I need to step out in faith…… I know HE loves me and will show me and will lead me in the right direction.

  62. I am asking for prayer for our church. I started to type out a long, drawn out description of specifics, but God knows. We just need prayer for all of the things that stand in the way of God receiving all the glory and being magnified to be demolished!

    I am also asking for personal prayer for grace to wait. God has told us very clearly that He has a son for us, but we are to wait. He will tell us when the time is right. I am afraid of missing it when He does finally tell us! Ha!!

  63. Please pray for our winter host child from Ukraine, Anna. We want to host her over Christmas and show her love, take her to church for maybe the first time in her life. These older kids can say yes or no to adoption, and without being hosted first many of them are afraid and say no. We would love to adopt if it's in God's plan for her to be ours forever. We're still $1,261 away from being fully funded for winter hosting and the money is due Oct. 31st. We're trying to trust that we'll get the money if she's meant to be here with us. I feel like I've been praying about it every second of every day. We would love to have the prayers of many others too. Please also pray that our families become supportive. They don't even want to hear about her, or orphans in general.

  64. Please pray for our 15 year old son, who has yet to make a profession of faith. Pray that the Holy Spirit will captivate his heart and seal his life for His purposes. I also ask pray for supernatural provision as we have completed two emergent adoptions in the last year and are headed back to bring home two more precious older boys who God has laid on our hearts. Pray that I would "get out of the way" and let God move! As a "doer", I am struggling between the feeling of responsibility in fundraising and the complete and utter trust that God deserves. Thank you! I covet your prayers so much!

  65. I don't know where to start, the past 5 1/2 yrs has been a rough path, my husband was diagnosed with cancer, so far they won't say remission, they say the cancer is quiet, so I always worry that it's on the move and it scares me. He's 43 yrs old. We lost our home, our vehicle and his job due to the cancer, but GOD has gotten us through it all, even now he has many health problems due to the cancer, he recently was diagnosed with diabetes, I keep thinking that if I hear one more thing with health, I'm gonna lose it, but continue to try and stay strong. It is hard at times. I myself have heart problems as well as a few other health issues (I'm 52). We are blessed with 3 children and a beautiful granddaughter. Our middle son will be 20 this Saturday, but we haven't seen him in 2 yrs, he left once he turned 18 and never looked back, so he's been on my mind alot lately, I don't even know if he graduated high school and that makes me sad. I also found out some bad news yesterday, my 82 yr old Aunt Mary isn't doing well and the drs have given her two weeks at best, I really wish I could be there for her right now and my family, but they are out in California/AZ and I'm back in Virginia. I feel so helpless right now. I am asking that you please pray for my family as well as myself, I really appreciate it so very much. Thank you.

  66. Please pray for me to get pregnant. I had a miscarriage a year ago, and haven't gotten pregnant since. Its been very difficult as I want another baby (I have one little girl, yay!) and it seems as though everyone around me gets pregnant and has babies. I do think we'll do adoption (eventually) as we're still young and hubby is warming up to the idea. But in the meantime, I want a sibling for my little one. Pray that I have patience in the period of waiting and that I can rejoice with those around me that are pregnant.

  67. Please pray for all the people on the Knee Team and their many prayer requests. May God wrap His arms around you and fill your heart with peace throughout these difficult times.

  68. I request prayer for My tubaligation Reversal consultation on Thursday that the Doc be open to the surgery and it be scheduled soon so we can open my womb back up for the LORD. For complete healing for my husband who has battled chronic pain for 10 years and had 7 surgeries in that time, that he can get off of all of his medications. For a friend to be healed from Cancer. For my Sons mind and voice to be open to learning, despite his disabilities. I pray for all of the families here in the various stages of adoption that mountains be moved and miracles be made on their behalf.

    1. Praying that your Dr will be filled with God's wisdom…that your husband will be healed…that your son will learn all God has for him to learn…for your friend.
      Thanks for praying for those of us in the process of adoption…every prayer is felt and appreciated.

  69. Pray for our Girl Talk girls- they have such a rough home situation and an absentee father that they have no idea what God's love looks like. They are so hungry for love and attention and when they get it, they don't even know what to do with it. Pray that God will work through us to such an extent that they will seek God and find a beautiful relationship with him. Annalisa

  70. My good friend exhorted me to come post here. My dad died a year and a half ago of cancerous tumors which had nearly completely consumed his liver. I had a check up last week and the blood work came back with "elevated" liver functions. My doctor has ordered an abdominal ultrasound just to check my liver and make sure everything is functioning etc.

    So far I am okay. I'm refusing to play "what if" which is good. I'm also telling myself/believing that the elevation will be a combination of no galbladder and some acetaminophen usage last week, not excessive though, just some.

    Prayer that all turns out healthy and well and nothing for concern are deeply appreciated.

    1. So understand losing a parent to liver cancer. It is a nasty cancer. My dad was diagnosed with liver cancer and passed away 2 weeks later. The day before his diagnosis he was at our home, walked up the stairs. He quickly went from using a walker to being flat in bed. Praying for your health.

  71. Please pray for me. We were the home to an older child for over a year. It was a very hard and bad experience for my entire family. We did all that we possibly knew to do.She didn't like being here and didn't like us. It was something we felt very led to do. She has a new family now, but I still battle guilt, fear and even anger. I can't question why God placed her with us and I believe there was a purpose. Please also pray for her to find love and trust in her heart for her new family and for her new family as they complete her adoption.

    1. So very sorry to hear of your lose! Praying that all things will work together for good…that you will not hang on to any quilt, fear, anger and what ifs.

  72. Continuing to ask all you wonderful prayer warriors to stand with me in believing in the reunion of me and my boy BROCK. It has now been 3 years and 1 month since I've heard his voice, since I've hugged him, since I've told him in person that I love him to the moon and back.

    Our home phone number and my cell number have been blocked from his phone. My sister called him last week to tell him that his mama loved him and missed him and when he asked who it was and she told him aunt Jamee, he hung up on her. One of my besties has seen him twice recently and both times he has acted like he does not even know her. Even though he grew up with her, we were pregnant with our boys together.

    Continuing to praise GOD for the reunion he is planning for us!


    1. praying that you and Brock will be reunited soon, we are going through the same thing with our son Matthew, he will be 20 on Saturday and we haven't seen him in two yrs. God Bless ((HUGS))

    2. Love the name Brock…almost named one of my boys that.

      Praying that he will forgive and overcome all real and perceived grudges…also praying for his mama…that God will comfort you.

  73. I have been reading everyone's prayer requests, it's hard to answer individually due to my fibromyalgia, but wanted to say that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Bekka thank you so much for your prayers. I will be praying for your and Matthew. Brock will be 20 on November 12. Last year his birthday check and Christmas check we mailed to him were never cashed. Yet his graduation checks we sent the same year were. It makes me think his father or father's wife confiscate his mail before he has a chance to see it. What kid wouldn't want $$?

      Take care and I'll be covering you in prayer. I cannot wait to share when our reunion happens!


  74. Father in Heaven, I pray for each and every one of these requests today. You know the hearts and the needs. So many are crying out to you for funding for adoption and you never disappoint. Give peace and calm to these hearts Lord and let them rest in you. For the physical issues, surgeries and illnesses, Lord lay your hand of healing on each of these individuals. For financial situations and issues with children Lord grant peace and calm. Finally, for the marital issues Lord – these situations are dear to my heart and I lift them up to you. The enemy hates godly marriages and he prowls, seeking to drive a wedge between a husband and wife. God, children need to see the stability that a solid marriage brings, our world needs to see godly marriages in action. Please Father, bless the marriages represented here and let each and every one of them look to you as their Comfort, their Peace, and their Strength. In the name of Jesus, our Savior I pray. Amen.

  75. While I praise God that my shunt for my hydrocephaly is working fine, I ask for prayer about some blood test results that will be coming back in a few days. I was in an ER local to my university campus last week for a stomach virus, and today my mom got a letter saying that the blood they drew last Monday grew a MRSA staph infection. I am a carrier of MRSA, which I already long knew, but I didn't know that I had an active infection now. The doctors said because they only took one blood sample, it could have been contaminated in the lab, so the doctors today at Duke (where I go for my shunt) drew two blood samples and will be holding them in the lab to see if they grow MRSA over the next few days. Please pray for NO INFECTION!!! I want and need to stay on campus at school because this is a very busy time of the semester. Thank you!

  76. My heart cries for each person posting a prayer request. I will come back to these prayer requests in the next weeks to continue to pray through each prayer request.
    My request is that the community in which I live will have compassionate hearts and be willing to take action to stand up for the less fortunate…kids in foster care, orphans, widows, etc. We desperately need a revival.

  77. We are super grateful to have a cozy suite to call home in a shared house with a landlord who allows us to plant things in his yard and use it freely. But we long for a base to call home – a place with land for a garden and for my husband to use for his outdoor education business/ministry. And a place large enough to qualify to take in other children. The area in which we live is very expensive, and it will take real provision from the One who loves us most for us to ever own a place of our own. But we trust the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills to give us what we need when we need it. Right now, we're pretty sure He keeps us here for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is getting our marriage in a healthy place. But we do wonder if, when, and how He will provide what was prophesied over us so many years ago.

  78. I hope it's not to late to post my prayer request. Next week, my husband and I will head back to court for Emily Hope( our current foster daughter). We've only had her 6 months, but are so completely in love with her.
    Specific prayer:
    1. That God moves mountains and the termination process starts moving forward sooner than expected.
    2. That the birth mother does get some help that she needs. She's been very strange for the last 2 weeks and they might want to admit her to the hospital. She already has bipolar and is in some very controlling relationships that are not good for her.
    3. Also, that the house we are looking to close on moves along and we can move in asap! Only if this is the house God has in mind for us.
    4. That our other "failed adoption" doesn't leave us Jaded. I pray that a relationship with the birth mother continues to grow and that she will be led to Christ.

    Thanks to anyone who read this and prays. I will be praying for everyone else!

    1. You certainly have a lot on your plate at the moment. Praying that your adoption will be finalized soon, that bmom will find the help she needs, and that you will heal from the "failed adoption".

  79. Oh the Lord is good to me! Oh the Lord is good to me!
    As we embark on another adoption, this time of 2 children, we are seeking first to follow Him and not get caught up in details as we know He is in the details. We have exhausted our savings and used what we can get from retirement funds…. we are really seeking God as to how to fund the adoption. We believe that God is going to provide for all of our needs financially and otherwise. There are so many ways to fundraise and we have a special young girl in our lives that is spearheading a fundraiser for us. We are humbled, yet again, at her heart to help not only us, but to help the boys to come home! We ask for prayer for the financial end of this adoption. It has been very clear to us that God is putting all of the pieces of this journey together and we have no doubt that He will continue to do just that. Sometimes we can get stuck in thinking…. we have to know right now…. we have to start right now… So we ask for prayer that our trust and faith would increase in this area of money. We ask for prayer that we humbly accept the gifts and blessings of those who God chooses to use in the salvation of our boys. We ask that God would lay His directions clearly on our hearts… and that they be melted as one with Him!
    Jeremiah 32:38-40
    They will be my people, and I will be their God. And I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me.

    thank you for this opportunity to join in prayer with so many others whose dependance is on the Lord!
    laurie hebbe

    1. Love those verses! I hear your hearts prayer…so much like ours…praying God will fill you with peace and that all thing will come together as you need them.

  80. The last days I couldn't read the blog but yesterday, when I was driving I was thinking, it would be very helpful if Linny had a prayer and fasting day. Once I got home, I checked the blog and here we go.
    To make a long story short – I have messed up my life, my husband messed up his, so our life, our marriage is messed up right now. And only God and prayer can fix it and bring the miracle we need – we is my husband, me and our two kids. Please pray with us, that God will turn the biggest mess, the biggest problems into the biggest miracle – for HIS glory!

    1. Tanja,
      Maria put it so perfectly, God is more than willing to turn ashes into beauty. He is completely faithful. I pray, in Jesus name, for repentant hearts that would seek help to work through the situations that started the entire mess to begin with…

      Remember – nothing is too difficult for God and no mess is too BIG. That's a promise from Him!

  81. Praying for His timing and for our family to trust in Him that the finances will come together to bring our son home from China. We just came home in July with our daughter who is deaf and from China also, but we felt called to go back for this special boy who had our hearts for over a year and who was still waiting for a family. After two adoptions for three children in 2.5 years, our accounts are empty.

  82. We are a young family in Chennai India. We love the Lord and we want to bring Him glory in all that we do. Praying for His guidance for our future. That God will lead us into all that He wants us to do for Him. My husband is a beautiful musician totally anointed by God to do his work. Praying that God will give us wisdom to choose the right paths. Courage to obey him when He tells us what to do. My husband and i want to hear clearly what it is that God wants us to do with our family….It feels like we have been waiting for a long time for a change… Kavitha

    1. Kavitha,

      What a blessing to read your prayer request. Back in 2006 our daughter Autumn spent 6 weeks in India ministering. She loved it!! She wants to return one day. Anyway, I know that the Lord is working behind the scenes on your behalf at this very moment. He is faithful to bring to pass everything He has in mind for you, in His perfect timing. Sometimes it seems like it takes sooooo long, but He is never late. He is always right on time. And sometimes, in my own personal life I have found that in the 'wait' He is refining me and making me more like Him, which seems for me that He was not able to move to the "final phase" until I walked through the 'preparing stage".

      I promise I will pray for you, my faraway India friend, as the Lord brings you to mind! Bless you.

  83. Prayers for my husband. Prayers that God through His Holy Spirit would redeem Him and soften my husbands heart. Pray that God would reveal to him where his "dry spot" is currently and the "oasis".
    Pray for the Lord's spiritual covering over my family. Praying for many of the above.

  84. Praying for 2 children entangled in the world and having left their faith. Praying that they would see God's great love for them and the foolishness of what the world has to offer and return to Him – sooner rather than later.

  85. Praying for a court date for our adoption so we can travel. Praying for the funds needed for our plane ticket. Praying for our daughter's heart as we prepare to bring her home. Praying for God's perfect will and timing. And praying for all those who have posted here.

    1. What an exciting time! Praying that all the funds will be there when you need them…that your daughter will adjust and grieve in a healthy manner.

  86. I am praying for guidance and wisdom in the direction for our adoption. In my praise I spoke of my husband finally hearing the call to adopt. Now that we have had set back after setback, struggles to raise money, a pregnancy that halted our adoption and another little one on the way, my husband is feeling like it's just not "right now" for us. That we will adopt "in the future." I don't believe this has been the word from God, but I do believe we must do whatever we are doing in unity.

  87. Praying today for strength to maintain a Christian attitude in a very difficult job situation. I have spent months in prayer and tears trying to deal with this and it is really taking a toll on my health. I am generally a very happy person who smiles all the time. I am having a hard time smiling about things lately. My grandchildren still make me smile (of course), but I feel like I have changed and I am just treading water each day to get through it. My heart aches because I feel like God put me in this job to be a good example to people in need and I feel like I need to stay there for this reason. I am so unhappy anymore and it is carrying over into other parts of my life sometimes and I don't like that at all. I want to be happy and bubbly again and shine for the Lord. I am in a great place to make a difference for others but right now, I feel like I am just bringing them down with me. Please pray for me! Also, due to recent decreases in my husband's hours at work, we are struggling financially just to pay bills. It is scary. I have prayed many times for a financial blessing to come our way because we are desperate. It is just not our time yet. I get frustrated and discouraged and find myself feeling depressed about these things and I just need prayers of other Christian women who have probably been through similar things in their lives. Prayers would be so appreciated. Please pray for my daughter, too. She has health problems and she also needs a job. Thank you!!!! I am praying for all of you, too!

  88. Praying for all the funds we need to leave next month to bring our two boys home. We have worked, saved, skimped, fundraised, fundraised, did I say fundraise… and we have been BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED. I know God who called us when we had no savings, will conitnue to provide ALL the funds we NEED. We are just getting closer and closer to travel, and praying they come thru soon. Please pray we will hear good news about the Show Hope grant we applied for in June. And that, plus all the fundraisers we have going on will be enough to leave next month. Our boys have waited a LONG time and we don't want them to wait any longer because of us not having the funds to bring them home. We have paid all the fees and expenses so far, including TWO orphanage donation fees. We just need travel and in country fees and expenses. Thank you God for your provisions and thank you everyone for your prayers, help and support. To God be the glory, in Jesus name, amen. – Sherry

  89. I have been so incredibly blessed to be able to pray for each one of you! I can not explain what is happening…it's like God is filling me up…completely! I feel energized, excited, motivated to advocate and do what I can. Thanks for being brave enough to share your prayer requests.

    PS: I gave up trying to post for each one…computer cliches…arg!

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