The Questionnaire

What a beautiful day it was: Praising [loved that!], {Fasting}, Praying for each other….

Doing the He’s Not a Deadbeat Dad series, we finished up with remembering that the primary way the Lord provides for people to bring treasures home is simple:

through orphan-lovin’ people like you and me.

Since the Lord reminded us of that, we took Tuesday, October 23, to be PRAISE, {FAST} and PRAY before moving into our RESPONSE time.

A few posts ago we kind of divided up the people who stop by our Place Called Simplicity into categories:

1.  Those who have identified a child and are in the midst of an adoption.
2.  Those who have identified multiple children and are nearing travel to bring them home. 
3.  Those who have yet to identify a child/children but are in the midst of your paperwork {application/home study/immigration if adopting internationally, etc}.
4.  Those who are intending to adopt, but have not yet begun anything.
5.  Those who hope to someday begin an adoption
{but still are praying or waiting or both}. 
6.  Those who are not in any of the above five categories.
7.  They have already adopted and are willing to help others out.
And a precious bloggy friend, elizabethd, asked for an 8th category:  
those who are adopted and want to help others out.  
So we’ll add that as well:
8.  Those who are adopted and want to help others come home.

So here’s what we’re going to do.  

First let me explain:  
No matter what category you are in, there is a spiritual principle here that works 
for our family 

Here it is:

We share what we have with others and the Lord always meets our needs.   

How does He do it?  



Always, faithfully.  

I am crazy enough to believe that if we see a need, we are to meet it.  

Sharing what we have.  

It’s that Simple.

Now some may say, “Does that mean we are to help every single person who posts an adoption need?”  No, that’s not what I’m saying.   I believe that God will naturally draw some to one and others to another.  By the same token, being perfectly frank, there are many though who *could* help each person in need.   

One of my favorite reminders about our money:

“But keep on storing up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal, because where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”   
Matthew 6:20, 21 isv

I remember a couple of years ago doing this same thing:  Having links for people with needs to link their blogs explaining their needs.  I remember one woman, in the midst of an adoption writing something to the effect:  “We have been having to dig into our savings….”

Ummmm, ma’am let me just be perfectly honest here:  “Bringing kids home is what you should be digging into your savings for.  Remember according to God’s word….treasures that last are the little ones that we can take to eternity with us…..and truthfully, I know, for a fact, that there were people blessing others who were giving “the widow’s mite”….and yet she didn’t think she needed to be dipping into her savings.” {*good grief!*}

So on that note:  If you have a savings account, please don’t link.  Dip into it.  Use it.   That’s probably why God richly blessed you with that money.    

Then there is this verse as well, which is another personal favorite:

“But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?” 
I John 3:17 nasb

So this is kind of where I’m at….if I know that there are friends needing money to go to get their treasures {child/children} and I am have money, then I am thinkin’ that I know what I’m supposed to do with said money.

I remember when we were taking the clothes to the street orphans for the Wedding Feast and a precious young woman named Piper contacted me and asked:  “I was given a gift card for my birthday.  Could I go buy all the necessary things to make boutonniers for the Street Orphans?”  I wrote about her amazing gesture of love here. 

Piper envisioned how special precious Street Orphans would feel wearing classy boutonnieres and decided that that gift card would be perfect for her to spend for the orphan. 

But ya’ know what stood out the most to me?  Was that Piper could have spent her gift card to buy herself something.  After all it was for her birthday.  No one would have faulted her for doing just that – but she  selflessly loved the orphans with her own gift card, her own time and her own energy.  I will never forget Piper’s gesture and I will never forget her generosity.  And God remembers as well.  

So whatever we have, we have the opportunity to bless others with.   Birthday money, Christmas money, ‘fun money’, savings, “foo-foo coffee money”, whatever.

We could actually opt out of “celebrating” stuff like Halloween and use that money to help bring orphans home.  Right?  I mean, we could – –  if we really wanted.  

We could actually decide to buy simple things for Christmas for those we love and instead donate to an orphan coming home and write a little note: 

 In lieu of a gift this year, the money that would have been spent on your gift
 has been donated to help bring a treasure home.    

Or it could read:  
In lieu of a gift this year, your birthday/Christmas money 
has helped feed ___ street orphans.  

Can you imagine if we did that?  

The world would be rocked.  

And I have to think that we would lay our heads down at night and sleep with peace, knowing we are doing EVERYTHING we can to help the orphans.

Ooops,  so stinkin’ easy for me to get side-tracked when I talk about
 the plight of the orphans…..
back to the McLinky post….

Anyway, the next post will have a McLinky on it which will enable you, our bloggy friends, to link up and share your need.   

As I stated the other day, this first McLinky will be for the “2” group.  

The “Rules”:

Folks who are a #2 = Matched with more than one child  
are nearing travel, 
but are in need of finishing up the funds.

If you have already traveled, even overseas at this moment, this is not for you…

1. Each person will have the same questions to answer {just copy, paste and answer}. 
2. The questions are to be the body of the post that is linked.  
3. You must link back inside the post to our Place Called Simplicity as well explaining to your bloggy friends what we are doing over here. 
4.  Anyone who uses an old post will be deleted, as will anyone who fails to answer each    question.
5.  PCS reserves the right to delete any link that does not follow the rules set forth.
{I don’t want to delete anyone, so please follow along sweetly.}

Here’s the Questionnaire that must be copied, pasted, answered and posted.  
Each question must be answered honestly.  There is no wrong answer, the only thing that matters is truthfulness.   In the interest of most people reading your post, it would probably be best to be brief with your answers.   I have questions that I feel honor the Lord, promote stewardship responsibilities as well as obedience to scripture allowing those willing to share what resources they have to get to know the folks participating.   

1.   How many children are you adopting?
2.  What names have you chosen and what are their ages? 
      {Please post pictures if able.}
3.  Are any of the children you are adopting considered “Special Needs”?  
4.   If yes, specifically what Special Needs?
5.  What country or geographic area are you adopting from?
6.   Have you adopted before?
7.   How close to travel are you?
8.   Do you attend church regularly?   If so, what type of church is it?
9.    Do you tithe with each pay {at least the scriptural standard of 10%}?
10.  Yesterday, did you participate in any way with the day of Praise, Prayer by giving praise on the link and then posting your request? 
11. How did you hear about the Link up? 
12.  Is there anything, briefly, that you would like to share with our orphan-lovin’, God-honorin’, Jesus worshippin’ bloggy friends reading this?
Finally, understanding that each gift received through this “Response Time” has been entrusted generously for our use from our loving Father, we promise, in the unlikely event that we would be unable to or decide not to adopt the children we are advocating for, we promise to return all of the money gifted to us as a result of this link to International Voice of the Orphan so they can, at their discretion, give to other families adopting.      

{Please place your initials on the line.} 
Yes, I will submit______             No, I am unable to submit to this ________


I will put up the McLinky post up later this today {Pacific time}, so please get your post ready by copying, pasting and answering the questions.  
We will limit the time McLinky is open.   
May God be glorified as we bless one another with the resources He has given us.   

15 thoughts on “The Questionnaire

  1. A few Christmases ago, I found myself struggling to make a Christmas list.

    I finally decided that there was no point in me trying super hard to come up with things (I clearly didn't want) so that family could spend money on me.

    Instead I made a list of my favorite charities and asked for donations in lieu of gifts.

    I even stated that if the giver didn't like any of those charities they were free to choose one that was close to their hearts and make a donation there instead.

    Rock the world indeed.

    My immediate family had no issue, thought it was cool and got me some amazing gifts (a gift basket for a soldier, a goat for a poor family, etc).

    Anyone further out than that thought I was making a statement about everyone else being shallow. I was part of an extended family gift exchange and got a gift card to a book store with a mumbled "I already donate to charity".

    It's funny because the only person indicted by my request was me (after all, I had spent weeks trying to make a list of what I wanted before I ever thought of others) but someone other people took it personally.

    I can only imagine what would happen if you told them that in lieu of a gift to THEM you were donating to charity. Heehee.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful!

    I guess I'm in a stage where I'm figuring out the category I go in right now. After hosting our sweet Misha, from Ukraine, several times over the past three years; after making plans and getting our home study done and checking off several of the required clearances to adopt this wonderful child . . . disaster struck our family and changed everything for us.

    At this point, I'm advocating for Misha's forever family. He's eligible for hosting and for adoption, and if that doesn't happen within the next two years, he will turn 16 and be put on the streets of Ukraine to live on his own. He will not survive this fate; he is too gentle and precious to ever live in that kind of life.

    God began a good work in Misha before he was born, before he was abandoned to an orphanage, and before He called our family to love Misha personally. He knew then what would happen in Misha's life and whom He would call to work His magic in lives. I will never give up hope, never stop loving this child, never stop advocating for him, never stop looking for the forever family God is calling to Misha. I grow tired and afraid, but I have maintained my focus. So far.

  3. So true. I was so disappointed in so many Christians going through adoption at the same time I did. They would blog about their financial need in adopting but had these huge homes or then they would buy a bigger home or go on expensive vacations. I would say to myself, what in the world are they thinking. I am sorry to say I shied away from giving after those experiences and I pray more about it now which is probably what I needed to be doing all along.

    1. Big houses and vacations aren't always a sign of having money to spend for an adoption, though. We have a large house with what I consider to be a hefty mortgage, and yet, if we rented or tried to find something smaller to fit our family's needs, there is nothing to be had – renting would cost more than our mortgage, and for a house that meets our family's needs, the difference in mortgage would be negligible. Also, we take vacations a few times a year. But what most people don't know is that my husband's employer pays for most everything. And if we go to visit family, we don't pay for food, and so the cost evens out for us. So it looks like we are in great financial shape, and maybe even spending frivilousluy, but the truth is that we live on a tight budget. We rarely go out to eat, we drive to the nearest US city every few weeks to stock up on groceries so we can save a couple hundred dollars, we don't put our kids in team sports because of cost, we build much of our own furniture, we buy clothes second-hand almost always and only at good bargains, we mend clothes, we try to only buy what we need and use… We don't even have cable. I think the point is not what someone's lifestyle looks like on the outside, but whether or not you are obedient when God lays it on your heart to give.

    2. Carmen I am sorry to have stepped on your toes. I am sure your case is different but I do know about the ones I am talking about. And you are so right about being obedient to God. I have learned to pray about giving rather than relying on emotions which can be so easily manipulated. Blessings to you.

    3. Not at all! I wasn't the least offended. Just pointing out that things aren't always what they appear – and I type fast, so always end up saying more than intended. It's good that you've learned to pray about it first! It's so hard sometimes to slow down and pray it through, but much wiser, I think. And, by the way, it's fun to find someone else named Carmen. Not too often that happens! Blessings-

  4. I have done this donation-for-gift idea, Linny. I think it helps a lot when you find something that is important to that person. For instance, I donated to a group in India who helps women get out of slavery and be self-sufficient. She really liked that – it gave purpose to her receiving a gift, rather than being just another thing she really didn't need. I would love this, personally, if someone said, "I donated to so-and-so's adoption fund for you." I'd be dizzy with delight! But dropping it on someone who isn't of the same mindset isn't something I recommend.

  5. Hi Linny 🙂

    First of all, this entire deal is awesome. I wish that I would have known it was going on all along, so I'd have been praying along with all of you! Though I've read your blog for a couple years, I haven't read it lately (until today) due to some health issues (not caused by your blog–HA!)

    I had a few spare minutes, and thought I'd hop on here today to see what you've been up to. Interestingly, I've been praying and praying regarding financing for our adoption, and have been very discouraged lately, yet still having HOPE because I know my Father loves our child(ren) across the world and owns the cattle on a thousand hills!! Pretty sure God led me right here, right now; you know how He's like that.

    I want to share a bit of my situation, in response to your paragraph about the woman who felt distressed over "dipping into her savings." I want you to know that I am in COMPLETE agreement with you regarding using saved money for adoption. I believe everything we have is God's, and that He has given us stewardship over it. Why wouldn't He want us to use it for bringing home a true treasure?! This said, I also felt a twinge of hurt as I read your response.

    I'm a #3. We need $3000 more for our next step, the big dossier fee to agency. We have a savings. My husband is adamant we do not use it for anything other than a true emergency. He is not yet saved. I love my Jesus with all my heart and hope expectantly for the day of my husband's salvation. We are in two completely different places spiritually, yet we both love the orphan, feel God has called us to this (yes both of us!) and believe that God does some wild & crazy things when it comes to adoption. All this said, my husband is still in authority over me (God says so.) Though I'd be overjoyed to use our savings in our adoption journey, the answer right now is "no." I have to abide by that. It's painful to have that money there and not be able to use it for our adoption, when we need it now and it feels so urgent.

    I share all this, only to shed light that there are so many details to every person's journey. I am praying like crazy for the $3000 we need. I'm praying that God uses our adoption to draw my husband irresistibly near to Him. I'm praying God will speak to my husband's heart to use our saved emergency fund for our adoption. I expect great and good things, because I serve a great and good God. He's already done a huge overhaul on us with regard to finances, bringing us to debt-freedom.

    Love to you, Linny. I sure hope to meet you someday.

  6. I don't know if I fit any category. My Grandmother who played a big role in raising me, was adopted at a young age because her father died and her mother couldn't raise her in the Great Depression era. Her Grandmother and Step-grandfather adopted her and gave her a good life. However, if her grandmother hadn't taken her, she likely would have went to the orphanage in Dallas, Texas. She raised me with a heart for orphans. She always supported children's homes through church and taught me to pray for and support the orphanages. Due to health circumstances, I cannot adopt. I would have never passed the medical qualifications. I pray for orphans all the time, especially my friends who have both adopted and are in the process right now. I donate when I can and advocate all the time. God knows my heart and he puts me in the right place at the right time all the time to speak up for "the least of these."

  7. For Christmas we've always given 3 small gifts to each of our children, and last year we started something new that will stick: something you want; something you need and something to give someone else. Several of our 10 children donated to adoption funds! I can't wait to see who they want to give to this year.

  8. I love this idea. This year I've decided to do exactly what so many here are doing – giving a card with a note that says something along the lines of "the money I would have spent for your gift went toward ….". I'm really looking forward to it!

    My husband and I are attending our first class for the Foster/Adopt system in Texas on Nov. 1st. We can hardly wait to start this journey. God is definitely leading us down this path.

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