Little S…

We were more than relieved to find S still alive when 
we arrived to check in this morning.
Jody and I knew that it was only the prayers of God’s people 
that had sustained
sweet S through the night.
We took off their clothes and put the twins against each other…
immediately the bigger S grasped the littler S’s hand.
We gasped!  
Clearly it was saying, “I need you to survive with me.”
We took the suggestion in the comments on the last post
 of bloggy friend you only live once
and asked the nurse if the twins could please swaddle together?
The nurse was very intrigued by this idea and soon 
we were showing the other mamas this concept.
They were all very willing.
Jody and I weighed them as well.
1.34 kilos {2.95 pounds}
 and 1.67 kilos  {3.68 pounds}
Thank you for your prayers.
They are working, but it’s obvious that they are still needed.

Some standard items to compare the sizes…

Bee’s iphone….

and a medicine dropper….


My wedding ring on Little S’s foot….

The bigger S…at 1.67 kilos next to a card that is the size of a credit card….

We told these little treasures that they are 
actually famous because people around the world 
are praying for them, 
that we love them and no doubt, 
God has an amazing plan for their lives….

Please keep praying!

17 thoughts on “Little S…

  1. Continuing to pray! And yes, what a wonderful idea to swaddle them together! I was a nursery nurse and we use to do that with our twins and they were always more content. 😉

  2. In my world this tiny babes would probably be nestled in an incubator rather than having to struggle with the realities of a harsh world. Will be praying and so glad you get a few days to hold, love and pray for them.

  3. Boy oh BOy am I so glad God had me see that article about another set of twins who were in similar circumstances. Thanking GOD for allowing me to be used in some small way for HIS GLORY today. Keep us posted. Our prayers are with the two little babies.

  4. Hi! I'm amazed by what I'm reading and about your actions in Uganda. May God bless you greatly!

    I myself is going to Uganda in May for three weeks. I'm going to go to Masaka and meet the children of my orphanage that is a part of The Mirembe Orphan Project. It's all fairly new and I was wondering if you had any tips on how to do the best thing possible for Ugandan orphans. I went to Uganda for the first time in 2011 and I doubt I saw everything, but I saw a lot. Enough to make me start this NGO.

    But since you've been to Uganda so often, and have your daughter serving there. Do you have any suggestions, tips , anything to reach out to the people of Uganda. I also plan to move there in late 2014.

    May God bless you and you family!

  5. My heart has been wrecked for these precious little ones this week! Today I was reading and felt The Lord gave me this verse to pray over them, Isaiah 41:10 "fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I am praying that The Lord would strengthen their little bodies and uphold them!

  6. Oh my heart. So precious! I'm feeling very much drawn to these two for some reason. My heart is racing reading and seeing their pictures! Please continue to let us know how they are doing! I wish I could hold them and give them comfort.

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