Since my treasures and grandtreasures are only home a
couple of times each year,
y’all are just gonna’ have to bear with me…
I can’t help myself.
Hang out with us for a few minutes
and you’ll totally see why I’m so hopelessly smitten…
Making cards for our family’s
most favorite missionary *ever*.
People keep saying little Mr. Stone Wolfer looks
like his Uncle Graham,
However Ruby keeps saying,
“I don’t care who he looks like,
would that Stone Wolfer baby
please, please, please stop grabbing me?”
We celebrated Autumn’s birthday a few days early…
{cause she probably loves parties more than the little ones}
Little sissy helping style big sissy
Nothing is more entertaining than the giggles and hysteria
we had from some old home movies…
we even were able to Skype
Emmy in to watch for a bit…
The pure joy we had watching them should probably
be illegal. Too much fun.
And of course, torturing everyone for
a sorta’ kinda’ family picture
Missing really bad:
{Ryan, Tyler, Sarah, Little Miss, Baby Boy Blue, Little Man, Emma, and Savannah}
Oh for the day when we can all be together for some
super-sized large family fun.
that is awesome! enjoy!
Aaaw, I love the photos!
Beautiful family!