Remember a few months back?
A call was put out to help build an orphanage {click here to read it}
for the treasures who are part of IVO’s Frontlines+ feeding
program because one of the little treasures had had his
bandaged finger eaten off by a rat as he slept?
After the need was made known, many, many,
many of you kindhearted folks rose to the occasion.
We were completely giddy, delightfully joyous and
absolutely overwhelmed by your generosity!!
Faithful God working through our orphan lovin’ friends!
Today Emma has written a beautiful and
extremely important post…
You can read and see some pictures right here…
Can't wait to see pictures of you guys in action. Praying for you all as you step out in faith once again.
janet and gang
Whatever happened with the little one's finger? Was it saved?