Many Hands…

Today we headed 
to lend a hand with whatever needed to be done…
Auntie Emma visits often and they were 
thrilled she had arrived!
The second they saw our vehicle they were 
jumping up and down.
Had I known their response, I would have 
tried to video them…
They are all lovable little treasures.
Their enthusiasm made us all giggle.
The day began with the kids 
having to do chores:
Awwww, come on, 
who ever wants to do wash when you have a
team of ladies who brought fun stuff to dig into,
some of the ladies are familiar friends
everyone, even the ladies just want to play?
Of course we definitely know the old sayin’

“Many hands make light work”

So with our many hands added to their many hands,
we scrubbed together with the big treasures,
talking and laughing,
while the little ones played hauled water for us
{in theory anyway}
and within a couple of hours we had finished up
clothes for 36 is not exactly lickety-split fast.
and laid them out to dry…
And then it was time for the real
fun to begin…

{more soon, this mama is tuckered}

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