The Ugly Side

Recently I noticed one of our treasures seemed to have a very different expression.  I studied the expression, finding it difficult to read.  Each day I paid attention.  The countenance was very unusual and I wondered what was going on.

A few days passed as I continued to watch.  When this one caught me staring at them they stared back.  I could tell that their face was reading mine.  It concerned me, but there was much activity and little time to just talk.

Finally, yesterday, the timing was right and I had a few quiet moments alone as I questioned,

“What’s wrong honey?  Your face is telling me that something is troubling you.”

Tears burst from their eyes instantly!


Through sobs they blurted,

“I dreamed you left me on the street and never came back.”

Oh.  Such grief.  Unimaginable.

My heart felt so sick.

Tears welled in my own eyes.

“Oh sweet one, mommy will never, ever leave you.
Not in a million years.
Not ever.
You are mine always.
You can’t get rid of me if you want to.”

I held them as they sobbed for literally almost an hour.

Such grief for one so young.

No doubt, this is the ugly side of life.

The side of grief that must come out, needs to come out, has to come out,
but oh, the heartache.

How does one really process this horrendous reality?

As the moments passed I questioned more, “Have you dreamed it before?”

“I have been dreaming it every night.  
I can’t go back to sleep.  
I wake up crying sometimes.”

I held this little treasure of ours for a long, long time.
Snuggled together on our big bed.
Whispering how much we love this one and how sickened I am that they
have ever had to experience such pain.

As I held our precious treasure I realized this is the exact time of year that they 
were abandoned. That ugly moment when despair met hopelessness and they 
were abandoned on an incredibly lonely road. 

No doubt, they are remembering the moments in the innermost {and very powerful}
recesses of their memory.

The worst fear ever envisioned possible did come true for them.

How do we assure them it won’t happen again?

That it can’t happen again.

That it will not ever happen again!

I prayed, struggling in the torment of the gripping truth of what
abandonment means to each of our children.

In my own frailty I reminded them that we brought big brother home 29 years ago and never changed our mind.  We brought big sister home over 25 years ago and never changed our mind. And on and on I went reassuring that we never changed our mind.  Not ever.  No matter even when some were naughty or unkind or mean or anything else.

And somewhere in there another treasure of ours had been observing a bit of this discussion, unaware of what was being said or what was going on.  This other treasure could just could tell something powerful was being addressed and suddenly this other one began to sob.



A bigger sibling picked this second one up and brought them to me where I held them both on the my lap, all the while Ruby was resting between my legs.  All four of us wrapped together on my bed.

Literally a giant ball of family.

We sat like this for a long, long time.

Me whispering.


Praying softly.

Singing a tiny bit.

Holding the three tightly.

“Mommy and daddy will never change our mind.  
You’re stuck with us forever.”

Somewhere in there the biggest sister came in.  Her own eyes welled with tears as we
all talked together for a while.  Then her words spoke:

“Even if something were to happen to mommy and daddy, we’re family.  We stick together.
No matter what.  Forever.”

My eye filled with tears.

Large families.

Grown treasures with their own treasures.

But we’re family.

So much ugly truth broken through by the solemness of such holy moments.

Faithful God.

Ministering to our little ones broken hearts.

How grateful I am for the privilege of being the mommy who
gets to snuggle young broken hearts.

Thankful every second for the overwhelming grace of our gentle God.  

32 thoughts on “The Ugly Side

  1. We have one child that gets moody and emotional each anniversary of this child's abandonment. We're working on getting this child to use their words. Time stops for an entire month and we deal with the emotions daily. It gets ugly. We're praying that when it comes around again next time we can help this sweet one grieve and heal…..

  2. Time heals all wounds is all I can think of to say. My daughter was 5 when we adopted her. She is now 12. In the last month or so she finally realized she is with us forever. She is now a bubbly preteen who teases us and laughs with such a carefree manner. The first 6 years she was pretty quiet and it was hard to engage her in conversation. It was so sad and frustrating. It is so heartwarming and at the same time heartbreaking that it took 6 years for her to feel at ease with us and trusted that we would do what we said and we would be hers forever. So happy your little one is able to open up to you. Hugs to you and your precious treasures.

  3. God bless each precious one….. those with families and those without…..and pray that He wipes away their tears and eases their pain. Much love to you Linny and your sweet babies. This broke my heart. Little ones and all that they have to endure. xoxoxoxo

    1. Some days lizzielou I can barely wrap my head around what each of our children have had to endure. Their stories are so yukky. Some of them remember and talk about it….some have it buried away…may God continue His healing work.

  4. ….tears <3 "Thank You Lord for giving Linny & DW such hearts for these precious treasures….hearts that hold them the way You hold us…in such love and safety….oh bless them, Father. Thank You for these precious saints….who give witness to Your great love…to allow us witness of their lives and how deeply they abide in Your hands/Heart! Oh that the world can see what life is like with these precious forever treasures! Praising You this day for this precious family! In Jesus Name" <3 So love you, Linny….thank you for sharing these deep moments with all of us. Oh how we glean from you and your experiences…your heart! Such love! Such Comfort! Praying for each of you unceasingly!!! <3 Such Joy!
    "The Lord your God in your midst,
    The Mighty One, will save;
    He will rejoice over you with gladness,
    He will quiet you with His love,
    He will rejoice over you with singing.”
    Zephaniah 3:17

  5. Oh sweet friend, I am giving thanks that your children are being held tight by a mom and dad and family that will never send them back…never abandon them. Praying that all children have a home where they are loved and wanted. Our one son who died 9 years would struggle greatly on certain "anniversaries". Memories and strongholds hidden so deep inside causing so much pain. Praying for your sweet treasures, friend.

  6. Linny, that just broke my heart! I cannot imagine the sadness of going threw that. I'm praying that my daughter doesn't ever remember any of her "China" time. She was 22 months old so it likely could come thru. You are the most awesome mom and God has you right where He wants you – to love and reassure His children! Thank you for being real with your post. Love your heart! Tricia

  7. Amen! How thankful I am too… to be blessed with so many dear treasures. And thank you for sharing and helping me to reassure our little treasures that "they are stuck with us"! FOREVER!

    I love one of your bigs coming in and saying that "we are family no matter what happens"!

    And that gets a second "AMEN"!

    1. The big coming in was huge. And yes, you, like me, are the 'stuck' kind of parents. xoxo Love you thankful I have had the privilege of hugging your neck – not once – but twice!

  8. Oh my wow. Thank you, Linny. This is so powerful. Even though my kiddos are nonverbal, I know they feel and experience grief just the same. I needed to be reminded.

  9. Oh I am living this right now. Even just tonight with one of my treasures. Each time the sadness, memories, fear attempts to sweep them back we get the privilege to point them to the cross and be a safe haven for them. It is so painful to watch and experience, but oh the joy when we see His redemption, His hands cup their precious faces and whisper that they are safe and they are loved. We get to set a banquet table with His promises, His truths, His love and lead them to taste and see that it is indeed good so very good. Love you and your family and love that I get to journey with you, it means more than you will ever know.

  10. You were still, with them, reminding them through a reassurance of your faithfulness and permanent commitment, that God, too, is faithful and permanently committed to them. Trust in one, can encourage trust in the One.

  11. So powerful, Linny. I ache that I have to over and over reassure our 100% commitment….that no naughtiness, nothing will take that commitment away. Like you, I say, "You're stuck with us!". 🙂 Those wounds, so very deep.

  12. Linny, somehow God wanted me to pray for you about something even though I didn't know what it was. So, now that I know a bit of it, I will pray some more!
    Sandy in the UK

  13. This post makes me weep. I am so glad you noticed and waited for the moment to seek that precious child out, and that he or she was brave enough to tell you the truth. When I was small, I had two horrible dreams but was too afraid to tell my parents for fear they would be angry. As a child, I didn't have the understanding to know that the enemy of my soul was trying to plant lies deep inside. I dreamed those dreams and dealt with the emotional aftermath for decades, only dealing with them in my late 30's. As a mama of one little one, I've made sure to let my son know he can tell me anything no matter what, and that if it involves a bad dream, that sharing with me will help us fight lies with the truth. And he knows that when we share it outloud, that any power it had will vanish when we take it to Jesus and let Him shine His light on it. I wish my own mom had caught on, but she had no idea I was wrestling with repeated nightmares for so long until I told her recently. I am so very glad God gave you the wisdom and discernment to sense something was going on. What a gift to not have to carry such a heavy burden alone.

    1. I am so sorry you weren't able to share until you were in your late 30's. Many moms are unable to 'hear' what their kids aren't saying….I pray often for the Lord to show me what's going on…and admittedly, there have been a couple of times I wish I hadn't prayed that – LOL. xo

  14. Linny, I woke up this morning thinking of your children and their fears. I remembered that we had found something that has really helped two of our children with their fears. One of our children was afraid Mom and Dad might leave them so we got a heart locket and put my husband and my pictures in it to remind her that we would always love her and take care of her. She has worn it every day for the last two years and it has helped her a lot. Our other child was afraid to go upstairs alone at night so I made an angel necklace for her out of beads I had. This child has only lived with us for a year and has some very legitimate reasons to be afraid. I told her that she could wear the angel necklace to remind her that Jesus and her guardian angel are always with her and will take care of her. This child says she is no longer afraid of the dark and she can go upstairs alone if she has her necklace on. I was thinking that for a boy, a circular locket with a clip to go over a belt loop might work too. We got the heart locket necklace really cheaply on ebay from Hong Kong and we put it on a long black silk cord so it would be easy to put on and take off. Here is a link to the necklace we got.

    Here is another link to a book shaped locket that might be better for a boy.

    1. I LOVE that idea!! I am on it!! I think it will be just what each need. I am thinking of giving them each one for Mother's Day – so they *know* Mommy will NEVER leave them. Not ever. I will keep you posted but thank you so much for sharing it!!

    2. What a great Mother's Day gift for your kids. I am praying the lockets help your kids to remember that you will always love them and will never abandon them.

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