Recently I encouraged my bloggy friends to write a story about the faithfulness of
God in their lives – no doubt, God is at work all around us – we just have to stop
and celebrate!! And think about it – hearing each other’s stories would be used to
build all of our faith!
I don’t know about you, but I need good stories of God’s faithfulness and how
He is working behind the scenes on our behalf when we pray specifically!!
I have received quite a few stories and will be sharing them in the days ahead…
So here is Nicole’s beautiful story….
My name is Nicole and I’m a pastors wife. We have 4 kids, two of which were adopted.
Here’s one of my specific prayer stories:
My husband and I had been blessed with two biological boys and a sweet china
princess. Our daughter really wanted a sister who is also Chinese.
We checked into adopting from China again and found that we no
longer qualified. I continued to pray and really began to feel like we
were suppose to adopt again, but how?
It got to the point that door after door shut in our faces. Had I heard The Lord wrong?
Was I going crazy? Then one day during my prayer times I read in the Old Testament
about a man who kept asking The Lord for one more sign.
So, I put my Bible down and asked God to show me one more time.
I also told God that if the answer was no, I would not bother Him about it again.
Two days later, I was grocery shopping when my phone rang. It was a lady
from an adoption agency who got my number from a friend. She said she
wanted me to pray about something.
She continued, “I know you have adopted from China before and I know you
know sign language. There is a family in another state that just got back from
china with a little girl who is deaf and they are having trouble bonding.
Would you and your husband be willing to pray about adopting this little girl?”
We prayed all weekend and the following Monday we went to get our second daughter!
Praise God! He can move mountains! He does not put desires in our hearts for
our hearts to be broken, but to bless us, His children!
Nicole’s right friends, He does not put desires in our hearts for our
hearts to be broken, but to bless us!
And friends, if you have a story to share about your specific prayers being answered,
please email the story to:
Subject: Specific Prayers
This is Awesome! Thank you for telling about it.
Thanks for encouraging us for specific prayers Linny. It has been a good reminder to me that I need to do more of that…less worrying if it is God's will or not, which affects my asking and trust. But letting Him decide if it is His will.
So, I am looking forward to seeing how He is going to answer!
Big hugs,
Sandy in the UK