Immovable, Unchangeable, Unshakeable, Unstoppable

Today I was going to share about our Gluten Free journey {which I will soon}
but I felt like there was someone out there in the bloggy world,  lurker or friend
who needs to hear something specific from what the Lord has been working in my heart.

So here goes….

Recently the kids and I have been talking a ton about the Promises of God.

What actually are the Promises of God or at least what are some of them?

What do they mean?

Why are they important?

What difference do they make to each of us?

Of course, we have been studying it because we want to really understand
what it means to have a Promise from God.  

Because truly, there are all kinds of promises from Him that we can cling to…
like the promise of the Rainbow.

After God destroyed the world by flood, He covered the sky in a rainbow and said that
that rainbow represented His promise that He would never again destroy the earth by

Every time we look at a rainbow we can know that He means what He says,
“I’m not going to destroy the world by flood again.”

Anyway, in studying the Promises of God, we were looking particularly at
a Promise that is very important to our hearts.  We have talked about it a ton.

It is a promise.  In fact it’s a crazy story, for another day, but suffice it to
say that there has been no doubt that this promise was from God.

We knew that we knew that we knew this promise was from Him.

Until suddenly the circumstances changed.

Isn’t it dumb how when circumstances change we can become concerned that God’s changed His mind and is taking back His promise? 

I mean, seriously.

We *know* that God doesn’t give a promise and then take it back….

After all, then it wouldn’t be a Promise.  

So as we have been meditating, studying, praying and talking about
the Promises of God….suddenly something hit me and I went,

“OHHHH RIGHT!!  I get it!”

I hope this makes sense, because it makes perfect sense to this silver-haired
chica over here in the beautiful desert…

But you know how something can be so obvious, that when it comes to your mind,
you say, “OH!  Of course, that’s right!! I didn’t even think of that…”

It’s almost like the revelation took you by surprise – yet it was there all along.

And quite honestly, when talking about the promises of God….
the ‘rubber hits the road’ and it’s only the promises of God that count.

So here’s what was revealed to me in a very powerful way:

When we have a promise from God,
circumstances can change, storm clouds can cover the sky,
the situation can look sketchy at best,
But God has not changed His mind!! 

He never changes His mind.

*That’s* what makes it a Promise from God!!!!!

Promises from God don’t change, because God doesn’t change.

Not now.

Not ever.

Not even when culture shifts.

Not even when storm clouds roll in .

Not even when circumstances change.

And for the record,
it is impossible for God to pull back a promise and say,

“Haha!  Just kidding.”

He would never!! An earthly father could be very cruel and do something like that,
but not our loving heavenly Father.

He is immovable.

He is unchangeable.

He is unshakeable.

He isn’t waffling.

He is unfailing.

He’s never blown by the wind.

He doesn’t flip flop {like:  hmmm, this sounds good, no-no, this over here sounds better}.

Ominous storm clouds can roll in.

God doesn’t change His mind – He’s rock solid.

Once He gives a promise, He doesn’t do, 

He does not lie.

A promise from God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

His promises are unstoppable.


No matter what.

9 thoughts on “Immovable, Unchangeable, Unshakeable, Unstoppable

  1. Well I needed this today! For some reason after the prayer and fasting last week I've had such big doubts, disbelief, and have been battling being down in the dumps. Thanks. I'm already gluten- free. 😉

  2. All God's promises are yes and Amen! I keep close the promises He has given to us……declaring them, praising God for them…BECAUSE like you said, He does not go back on His promises….no, never.

  3. Ever since you posted that verse in Joshua about God keeping every word of HIs promises to Israel, I've been thinking a lot about God's promises. And at the very same time, I've been wrestling with niggling doubt and fear that His promises don't really apply to me. (Yes, I've been a Christian for 31 years as of 2 days ago, so you'd think I'd be done doubting. But I'm not. Yet.)

    Hearing the truths of God over and over, whether in my Bible study, on the radio, from church, from a book, or from your blog posts, is important in building up my faith and defeating my doubt. Each time I hear His truth and ponder it, it's like one more pathway from my brain to my heart is developed.

    God's promises are true. Every one. He set His bow in the sky to remind us of that. A God who keeps promises and gives beautiful reminders of that fact to HIs children – now that is a gift.

  4. i so needed to hear this! my daughter is lying in her crib in her orphanage, becoming non responsive,health and strength waning and all is stalled with the process to bring her home! there has been no news since that terrible news 2 weeks ago, just silence. All i can think of is that special night when the Lord asked me "Are you ready for the child that I have for you?" i answered yes and now she waits. i needed this reminder that He does not take back His promises, so so needed this! thank you! my first daughter, Abigail has been home from China 9 months and everynight when we say prayers she prayers in her baby way for her waiting sister. then she wants to sing "FIshers of Men" . tonight i could barely sing to her for the tears as it hit me what she is saying with that little song, the heart of a missionary at the tender age of 2 after only being home and free for 9 short months! it is so good to remember that He will bring our little one home and He will not change HIs mind!

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