It has been a real treat to read the stories bloggy friends have sent how
Almighty God answered their specific prayers. There is nothing like reading
someone else’s story to be reminded that He cares about each of us and He
cares about the specifics!!
Here’s a beautiful example from Sue…
She writes:
We have an old suburban. It has over 200,000 miles on it, but I love it as it
fits our whole family.
Over the past year it has given us trouble. Little things here and there. Four or
five times it has just quit on us – sometimes even driving down the highway it
has just died mid-stream!
Each of those times we could never get it to start back up. It’s been
very frustrating. Even when a mechanic has said it’s “all fixed”,
it has happened again.
Well we live in rural Pennsylvania. We had only been living there a few months and
had been blessed to find an Amish farmer that sells raw milk and cheese.
So sweet they are! It is about a 25 minute drive from our home.
I was out one day getting milk. My husband travels quite a bit and was out of town
(getting milk is usually his job). My oldest kids were off in college.
My youngest two were home, neither of which can drive.
I turned the engine off, got out of my car, and went to buy from the amish farmer. I
came back to the car, turned the key and it wouldn’t start. I mean nothing. No clicking, no whirring, no nothing – just dead silence!
I prayed, “Lord please! Not now! We are new here, my husbands away,
my big kid drivers are away, I know no one.” I tried again and nothing.
I started to panic. What was I going to do? Amish farmers could not help
me with my car!
I prayed and cried out to the Lord….still nothing.
I should add that it was the middle of summer and I just been to the grocery store….
spoiled food was on my mind as well.
All of a sudden The Lord put it on my heart to go pop the hood and lay hands
on the battery.
I laughed – but I was willing to try anything!
I laughed because the battery was new and that was never the problem in the past.
I laughed because I was sure those Amish family members were going to be chuckling
through their windows at the sight of me.
I laughed because I didn’t think
that God would be interested in saving me
from this silly predicament.
But I did it anyway.
I got out and lifting the hood I put both hands on the battery and prayed,
“Lord, please put your mighty power in this battery so my car will start!”
It was an earnest, humble prayer.
Climbing back in the car and turning the key it started right up! I almost couldn’t drive
my eyes were so full of tears!
I stand amazed at what He did that day!
I drove home and told everyone about the miracle I had been a part of that week.
I had never seen a miracle up close and personal but I’m definitely
convinced that I had now.
Love the BIG God we serve!
If you have a personal story to share about how God answered a
very specific prayer of yours, please send it to:
Subject: Specific Answered Prayer
Perhaps your story will be used in the future!
Oh this is awesome. I am being very encouraged by these stories, too. I am not having as much energy lately as I would like. But stories like this remind me that God is still working anyway.
Linny, Thanks for thinking of encouraging your readers in between all the other things that fill your day.