Meriam Update…{Plus A Sweet Deal}

I am so grateful for the response to yesterday’s post about Meriam’s horrific situation.
There is no doubt that Almighty God is up to something – stirring the hearts of
His people for a precious woman and sister in Christ in chains in a
Sudanese Federal Prison.

So many of you have shared the link to the post and I am certain that if
Meriam knew of your efforts she would be so thankful!

In the meantime the Sudan embassy has released an official statement that
they are in full support of the actions of the court, which can be read here.
The official statement is downright ludicrous!  It will make you even more

Meriam’s husband, Daniel Wani has been very thankful for the rising show of
outrage at his wife’s sentencing and told CNN:

“I want to thank everyone for this stand.  
It’s looking like it had an effect.   Perhaps it will result in the 
judgment being overturned.”  

Update:  Meriam’s husband is a United States citizen and after I published the post
yesterday two sweet bloggy friends, Beth and Elizabeth {crazy, same name!}
wrote and shared with me the link to a White House petition on Meriam’s behalf.  
If a petition has over 100,000 signatures the White House is forced to respond to it.

All one has to do is register to sign.  There are all kinds of White House petitions
going on a regular basis.  There is no threat to your safety to sign and I have never
been contacted in any way since registering to sign a different petition
 about a year or two ago.

So here’s my question for today:

Would you please sign the White House petition on Meriam’s behalf 
and would you then please ask your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, 
and anyone else you can think of to sign as well??  

The sooner the White House petition has the 
mandatory 100,000 signatures –  the sooner 
the White House is forced to respond!!  

And an interesting side note –

Anyone 13 or older can participate 
and sign the White House petition –
it says so right here!!  

Other governments have expressed outrage at Meriam’s horrific sentencing…
we need the government {which Meriam’s husband is a citizen of} to swiftly

It is said that Meriam will face her 
100 lashes 
in the next two weeks!  

Meriam and her new baby Maya.  

Can you even imagine? 

Okay, now I had an idea…

and I want to, shall we say, sweeten the deal…

because I know that there are a few folks out there that might timidly think,
“I shared yesterday about Meriam, I don’t want to bother my friends today.”

All I can say is that Meriam is still sitting in a jail, her legs shackled, 
because she is a Christian.  Meriam is facing 100 lashes in the next 2 weeks…
we cannot be afraid of what people will think if we continue to advocate 
for Meriam’s release!!

So here’s my sweet deal….

I hopped on the web site and ordered another Perpetua DVD – the DVD that makes
me sob {literally} each time I watch it.  Meriam and Perpetua have so much in
common.  Perpetua was even living in North Africa at the time of her martyrdom!!

I would like to give the DVD to one of you.

All you have do to be entered in the drawing for the Perpetua DVD 
is share this post – yesterday’s doesn’t count, sorry! 

Please asking friends, family, co-workers, etc. to sign the White House petition….
if I had known about the White House petition yesterday I would have 
included it in the post yesterday.  

But I didn’t.


The White House petition is very, very important.

Your signature counts! 

It really does!  In fact, if you keep refreshing the petition page you will see
the numbers slowly climbing!

After sharing this post about the White House petition, then just leave a comment on
this post or leave a comment on the Facebook blogpost link saying that you shared it….

The DVD is supposed to arrive Tuesday.  The kids and I will have a drawing and
randomly pick one of you who comment about sharing today’s post
to get the DVD that we love so much.  We will get it in the mail to you asap.

World Magazine had an excellent and very informative article about Meriam here.

Lastly, here are the other ways {from yesterday’s post} that you can help Meriam:

1.  First, please stop and pray for Meriam…for strength,
grace, peace, health, favor, protection and her immediate release.
2.  Please also pray that Meriam will not be given her 100 lashes!
3.  Write or call the Embassy of Sudan and politely request 
that they release Dr. Meriam Ibrahim and her two children, at:
Embassy Of The Republic Of Sudan
2210 Massachusetts Ave
Washington DC,20008,
Ph: 202.338.8565
Fax: 202.667.2406

4.  Call the White House to urge President Obama to speak out against
 Dr. Ibrahim’s treatment in Sudan and to request she be 
given an immediate visa to travel to the US with her children,
who are US citizens because their father is a US citizen. 
{Meriam just gave birth to a baby girl in prison in the last couple of days 
and has her 20 month old son with her as well.}
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414

I called yesterday morning and spoke to a Switchboard comment operator 
who was very kind and took down the information.  
I will be calling each day until 
Meriam is released or until I hear that the administration has 
done something to allow Meriam to come to live with her 
American citizen husband. 

In fact her death sentence violates International Law!!
5.  Spread the word.  Ask family, friends and prayer groups to pray 
and take action {like sign the White House Petition} for Meriam.
Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, 
and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.
Hebrews 13:3

21 thoughts on “Meriam Update…{Plus A Sweet Deal}

  1. Shared it on facebook.. I'm Canadian and was able to sign up and sign the petition.. Shared your post but also we the peoples as well letting Canadians know I could sign it as well. I read the website and it doesn't say anywhere that you have to be American to sign so I'm going for it!

  2. CNN has been talking about this tragic situation with Merriam. How difficult would it be for Anderson Cooper, all of the shows to direct people to the petition. I signed it, as have my family and friends. God bless and be with this precious family. Our God Is Able.

  3. Just read a BBC report that the government is freeing her…It is said to be against their constitution and the
    there are several countries pressuring the Sudanese government…This is great news….Keep praying that this
    government does release her and her son and doesn't turn back on what they are reported as doing.
    Love from NC

  4. Thank you for this reminder….I just signed and posted on my FB. Poor Woman…that is so rough. It's one thing to be in prison, and another to have your children suffer with you. May God bless and strengthen her. Thank you again for this reminder.

  5. Thank you for following God in this! Our family is on our knees! We shared your post and link on our Facebook page as well as the Facebook page for the church my husband pastors. Meriam is going to be part of my husband's sermon tomorrow. Praying that God can move mountains and get her and her family to safety!

    1. When I read that you had shared it on your church's FB page I was so moved! Exactly how the body stands together – thank you!! And tell your husband thank you for telling the church about it – we 'kneel' together!

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