Today is a really big day in our home!!
Our littlest princess is 4!!
To celebrate such a joyous, miraculous occasion,
we just have to take a trip down Memory Lane because,
for starters,
so many weren’t part of Ruby’s miracle journey
no doubt, others don’t really remember….
Then of course,
there are some who haven’t ever seen
a miracle up close…
But most importantly, we as her family…
need to remember…
because it is in remembering what
God has done that we are able to
trust Him for what He will do
in the days ahead!!
Found in the corner crib at an
orphanage in June 2011
by our daughter
who was leading a missions trip
with her daddy….
Ruby was just over ONE year old
only weighing 6 pounds.
Most of the six pounds was the water in
her sweet head from the very rare form
of Multiloculated Hydrocephalus.
Her frailty beyond imagination.
Emma scooped her lifeless body
running to daddy gasped,
“We have to do something daddy –
if we don’t – she’s going to die!”
And so began the miracle journey….
The power of God through prayer
and fasting!
Oh the prayers
and oh, yes, the fasting!
I will never forget Dw phoning me
and desperately pleading with me,
“Get your bloggy friends to pray
Linny – she’s going to die!
We have to pray!”
And so many of you joined around the
world to pray for this precious
dying baby –
we cannot ever thank you enough.
Of course at the time we had no idea
that she would eventually be our daughter….
But God.
Her skin draped over her bones…
and her eyes pleading…
“Help me!”
Over a year old and 6 pounds
– can we even grasp it?
Alei, a young woman on the Missions Team loved on Ruby….
Dw went to the director and advocated over
and over and over and over and over for her
care, for her medical treatment,
for frequent feedings…
he pleaded with the director –
“Don’t let money stand in the way –
Linny and I will do anything for her!”
Two weeks later, through tears, he headed toward
Ghana to do yet another pastor’s conference.
He hated leaving this tiny baby girl behind.
She occupied his thoughts all day long.
A full week later as he and Emma
landed back in the United States
there was an email waiting,
“Pastor Dwight, you said you and Linny
would do anything for her….
Would you even be willing to adopt her?”
After Dw had left the country for Ghana,
the director had had a doctor review
the medical testing Dw had taken her for
while he was still there…
Upon reviewing the results,
the doctor had told the director that there
was no hope for this baby.
“Don’t bother with her,
she’ll never do anything.”
Of course, the director knew that God
could do anything as she prayed and hoped
for a miracle!
She also knew this baby desperately
needed a family…
Of course we could hardly contain our joy –
We would love to make her our daughter
and we will name her Ruby Grace –
convinced that she is a precious gem
from the very heart of God.
Two and a half months later Emma and
I boarded a plane to do the
in country paperwork process
to bring Ruby home…
After 7-1/2 weeks in country as
Emma and I prepared to head home
Ruby looked like this:
Besides the power of God through the prayers
of precious friends around the world,
I’d say “family” is the very best medicine!!
As we headed home to America she was almost
18 months old and 12 pounds
Landing in Phoenix
and immediately daddy whisked us to
three more brain surgeries ensued
{I had taken her for her first brain surgery
at a missionary hospital in Uganda
to buy her time as her situation was so compromised!}
Brain Surgery number 3,
November 2011 Phoenix Children’s
Her life hung in the balance and things
were very tentative. Dw was even called back to the
hospital in the middle of the night one time.
Just look at Ruby gripping Emmy’s hand.
Ruby adores her and I believe with all my heart Ruby
knows that Emma began the rescue!
Two months after her fifth brain surgery
at almost 2 years old, Ruby learned to hold
a bottle all by herself!!
We cheered and celebrated!
Miracles were everywhere!
Sweet Ruby-girlfriend:
knowing that your life had been horrific
before you came home,
mommy knew how important it was to
‘wear’ you…
and did we ever!!
By day in your sling
and by night
you slept curled up against me
{she still does}…
At 2:30am you were up each day…
{totally normal for treasures with significant brain trauma}
and mommy and you managed for 18 months
until you finally gave mommy the luxury of sleeping in
until 4:30 am….
And the baby girl who struggled for so long
now was basking by the pool in the beautiful
desert of Phoenix…
And one day you smiled for real!
And you haven’t quit!
You love life!
You love being loved!
You love!
You’re working so hard in all your therapies
we are so proud of you!!
You are astounding everyone….
And the girl
“Who would never do anything?”
Well Ruby and mommy even
have their own special secrets…
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, words completely fail
your mommy at this moment.
I only have tears.
your mommy at this moment.
I only have tears.
Humbled by the privilege of having you
as our daughter…
as our daughter…
Forever grateful to God for affording us
this enormous joy.
You are the greatest gift this
well-seasoned momma and daddy could
have been entrusted with…
and today we celebrate
Almighty God
and all He has done….
The God who created the world,
set the stars in place and made the oceans roar –
He created you precious
Ruby Grace Saunders
for about a billion very, very special purposes
when those medical professionals were saying,
“Don’t bother with her.
Forget her – she’ll never do anything”…
God was listening.
no doubt,
smiled from ear to ear,
slowly shaking His head side to side
and confidently said,
Miss Ruby sure does love her friends…
and I will read every single birthday wish to her…
and no doubt she will shriek and giggle
and do her “friends” sign….
So please wish her a Happy Birthday!
She’ll love it!
Happy Birthday precious Ruby!!! I love reading about all of your accomplishments and adventures from North Carolina. You are beautiful!!
Happy happy birthday to your WATCH THIS girl!
Birthday hugs to you Miss Ruby,
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday sweet Ruby Grace! What a joy it has been to follow along your journey. HE most definitely knew… but after all HE always does. <3
Happy Birthday Ruby!! God loves you so much, and so do tons of folks around the world! You are a special little lady!! 🙂
You are such a special treasure Miss Ruby! We pray you have the Happiest of birthdays. We are rejoicing in God for all that He proves through your life. Much love to you, Ruby Grace!
Loved the trip back down memory lane, remembering all the amazing milestones you have reached, sweet girl! You are loved by many who will likely never gaze upon your face in person on this side of heaven…Happy Birthday big girl!
She is the most beautiful girl! I have followed Ruby's story from the beginning, and I love seeing how God has worked in her life! He is amazing! Happy birthday, Ruby! You have a smile that lights up a room!
Happy Birthday Miss Ruby. You are a treasure for sure. God is just showing off through you and we all love watching it and praising Him and cheering for you!!! Keep it up girl. We love you and hope to meet you in person some day.
♪ ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪ ♫ Happy Birthday to you ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday dear Rubyyyy ♪ ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to you ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪. And many more !!!!!! ♪ ♫ ♪
Oh Ruby girlfriend…happy, happy birthday. I have been following your progress since the very beginning. You are truly a gift from God and a miracle baby.
Happy Birthday, Ruby Grace! You have the most amazing family & an above and beyond comprehension Father God! It's so wonderful to watch miracles unfold for you. Enjoy being a delightful four year old princess. Love from Kansas.
That was awesome! I LOVED it! God bless Ruby over and over AND God bless her FAMILY over and over and over again!!!
Happy birthday to your sweet little one! <3 It's been a pleasure to "watch" her grow up these past few years! =)
Happy Birthday, precious Ruby! What a sweet miracle you are – a treasure beyond words. Blessings!!!!!
Happy birthday Ruby. Hope you have the best day ever! Tell mommy you want lots of yummy cake. Peggi
Happy Happy happy birthday, sweet girl!
Happy birthday, Miss Ruby! I was on the trip to Uganda when your daddy and sister found you! I can still remember your daddy holding you singing sweetly to you! You are precious beyond measure and dearly loved!
Happy birthday Ruby Grace!
Happy Birthday Miracle Girl! Ruby, you are such a joy to watch. I hope your special day is as special as you are!
You, Linn, and Dwight are such special special people, your entire family is blessed, and I know in my heart, all of these miracles, with all the kids, could not have been done without the abundant love you share. Blessings, blessings on you and your family. Happy Birthday, Ruby
Oh Ruby! You are an absolute delight…I can tell. I would LOVE to someday meet you in person. My family and I had the pleasure of praying for you from way back in 2011. We rejoice with you for God's faithfulness! Xoxoxo xoxoxo
Happy Birthday Sweet Ruby Grace!! You are a blessing to all. Your beautiful smile lights up a room wherever you go. I hope I get to bump into you again sometime soon. Sending you lots of love and hugs!
A gem from the Hand of God to your family…..
I am praising God for you and what you are
going to do in your life to Glorify God…
Love from NC
HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS, you precious angel!!!
Happy Birthday dear Ruby – you are such a sweet blessing!!
Sweet Ruby, so thankful for the lessons you are showing this world from our Father!! And so thankful for your family and the transparency with which your Mommy shares to help us other Mommies with our own treasures. Happy Birthday beautiful girl! You are so loved!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIRACLE RUBY!!!! We have watched spellbound as God has been doing His thing!!! You are so very loved! By Him, your family, and your friends around the world!!! Precious girl, happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday Miss Ruby! Truly, you are a miracle!
Happy, HAPPY birf-day, sweet miracle girl! Ruby Grace, you are LOVED!
Happy Birthday you sweet beautiful girl!
Happy birthday Ruby
Dear Sweet Ruby Girl,
I'm so blessed to hear your story, God's story through your life. Praying for a wonderful birthday full of shrieks and giggles and family. Here is looking forward to another year of God's miracles in you!!
Happy Birthday Sweetness!!! In your beautiful eyes shines the love of our Lord Jesus – Shine on precious Ruby, Your smile lights up the world.
my name is Ava I am 8 years old. I LOVE your story so much it really touched my heart. Your story will definitely stay in my mind when I adopt my own children someday. Happy Birthday miracle Ruby Grace!
Ava Grace
Happy birthday, beautiful girl! You won't. remember me, but I will never forget you! I love God's way of giving gifts. When He gave your family the incredible, precious gift of YOU, He also gave you the incredible, precious gift of THEM! What a beautiful, perfect match. And because your Mama shares with us, we all get to give God glory for your wonderful life. Love you, sweet girl! Enjoy your day!
Thank you for the reminder that God can do anything!
Miss Ruby…Happy Birthday. I am so excited see all the photos of you from beginning to know and your adorable smile and happy eyes just make me giggle and shed some happy tears for you. You are a special girl whose God is a God of miracles and loves His children all over the world. Love you and hugs to you on your birthday. May God bless you and your dear family today and always!
Happy Birthday Ruby! I didn't realize I almost shared a birthday with such a special girl (mine was 6/15). I just love it when your momma shares all of your happy photos and your AMAZING accomplishments! You are here for a purpose – and I think that purpose is to change to world one heart at a time.
Those smiles… oh, those smiles!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Happy Birthday KB from Ruby!!
Happy birthday, dear one! You show us the joy of the Lord's redeeming Love. I am so glad your momma shares you with us.
Happy Birthday sweet Ruby. You are living proof that nothing is impossible with our God. H handpicked your family for you and knew you were going to do amazing things. Thank you Linny for sharing this precious girl with all of us!
Happy birthday, sweet, sweet miracle of God!
Happy Birthday you precious and most beautiful daughter of the King!!!
Happy B'day sweet sweet Ruby! You are such a reflection of God's love. God bless you and your amazing family!many many more lovely years to come….
Oh sweet Ruby – You are one little life…but a tiny life showing this great big, entire WORLD how BIG our God is! Keep on proving those doctors wrong! Keep on smiling and bringing joy wherever you go! Happy Birthday sweet girl! Now go enjoy some yummy cake! 😉
Happy 4th Birthday Miss Ruby Grace from your friends in the UK xx
We love that Ruby has friends around the world!! Thank you for being one of them!!
A big happy birthday to the very smiley Miss Ruby Grace! You truly are a little gem 🙂
Happy Birthday sweet, precious Ruby Grace! We've been praying for you since we first read here about you when your big sister found you and loved you. What a miracle you are! Believing that God has BIG things for you!
Amazing, Linny. God is just amazing. What a precious gem she is indeed! Tears in my eyes, but wishing Ruby Grace the happiest birthday in the world! She is beautiful.
Happy Birthday Ruby Grace! It has been soooooo much fun watching your story unfold and watching Jesus work in your life! You are such a precious little girl and I hope you have an amazing day celebrating your birth and life! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Ruby! my daughter turned 4 last week, 4 is such a fun year.
This is an old song my mum used to sing me to sleep with…
Little children, little children, who love their Redeemer,
Precious jewels, precious jewels, his loved and his own,
Like the stars of the morning, his bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright gems for his crown.
The whole earth is full of his glory!
Oh my goodness…I recognize some of the words – I am going to have to search it and see if I can find the tune on YouTube – I used to sing that song when I first met Jesus as a little girl…WOW!! I am so grateful you reminded me!!!
Happy Birthday Ruby!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Ruby! Your story brought me to tears. The love of your family is amazing. The love of God is even more amazing. Your life is amazing! Hope you had a great day.
Happy birthday, you precious gem! Your smile is contagious and life is more beautiful with you in it. You touch everyone's lives with your strength! You are living proof of God's miracles! May you always astound us with your exuberance for life and learning!
Happy Birthday! no words to say it all but that God is Good.
So glad for you and your family to be a part of this miracle.
Sandy in the UK
Happy Birthday Ruby. What an inspiration you and your story are! lots of love from Tas, Australia.
Ohhhh…sweet baby! Happy, happy day! Thanks be to God for this amazing little gift of a girl!
Happy birthday, beautiful RUBY!!! You truly are a lovely treasure!!!
My daughters and I are shouting Happy Birthday really loud, so you can hear us from Toronto Canada!
Have a great day, sweet girl!
Happy birthday Ruby Grace!! So proud of all your miraculous accomplishments! Hope you have a fun day riding around in your princess car and spilling water out of cups!!
Haha!! She didn't spill any water cups, but she did ride around in her car!!
Happy birthday, dear Ruby! It has been a privilege to pray for you and rejoice with you and your family along the way as God performs miracle after miracle. Your smile is incredible and I love reading about your latest adventures when your mommy posts on the blog!
Ruby, until today I have not known you or anything about your story. Thanks to the wonderful world of technology, I know your name, I've seen your beautiful smile that surely lights up an entire room, and I have read your story. You are certainly a gift from God and He has incredible plans for your life. We celebrate you and the miracle that you are today. Happy Birthday sweet Ruby! A true treasure indeed!!
Shannon – We are so thankful that you were able to hear Ruby's story!! You are so right – her smile is infectious!! And if you were watching – you would see for yourself, when we walk in a room, people are just drawn to her!! Seriously. No doubt, drawn to the miracle-working God who made, sustains and love our precious Ruby!!
Happy Birthday Ruby from Oregon!!
Happy Birthday, Ruby Grace! I love checking in and watching your God given accomplishments. You are amazing, Ruby Grace! "This is Amazing Grace!"
Happy Birthday Ruby!! Your story is so inspiring!
Happy Birthday precious Ruby!
Happy, happy birthday Ruby! Love and hugs – the bourkes
Happy Birthday, sweet Ruby!!
Happy birthday hugs and kisses from the Llewellyn's! Your smile is beautiful and contagious!! You are surely one of God's gems!
Someday, Lord willing, you and Dennis can see her in person!! She is a contagious – for sure!!
happy birthday Ruby from North Carolina <3
Happy, happy b-day to you, sweet Ruby! I've read your story several times, but the way your mommy told it today sent chills all down my body. SO happy you are thriving AT HOME with your forever family!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Ruby! You are a beautiful, grace filled little light of God! Lots of love to you on your birthday! May you never cease to amaze us. hugs!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl! I have followed your Mommy's blog for some time now and the posts about you always bring me the greatest joy. You restore my faith in God every time I see a pic of you! Thank you little princess.
Happy birthday, joyful girl!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I loved your story so much that I shared it with my 3 kids, my husband and my parents. What a beautiful girl you have turned into. You are a testimony to Gods great love. There were those that would have cast you aside but God used Emma to reach out and rescue a world changer. WORLD CHANGER GO GET EM.
We are grateful that Ruby's story was shared with your treasures and your husband and parents!! God's love for the orphan, His healing for those deemed "Special Needs" and His mighty power are a sure testimony through Ruby's life – to God be the glory!! And you are so right – she surely is a WORLD CHANGER!! Love it!!
Happy Birthday princess! What a joy and blessing to watch you grow!
Happy Birthday Miss Ruby. I have followed your journey since your mom has been posting about you. Thanking God each and every day that He led this family to you. Have a wonderful family!
Happy Birthday Ruby!!!!!
Happy Birthday precious Ruby Grace. You are such an inspiration to us all! xoxo
P.S. God is good and your parents are such amazing people
Happy happy birthday sweet Ruby Grace. You have God's light and love shining all over you. You are such a blessing to your family and I am so glad I get to see your journey through your mommy's blog. You are adored and cherished by so many.
Happy Belated Birthday from Maine Ruby Grace! You are a beautiful gift from God to so many! I hope you had a fabulous birthday with your family.
Happy Birthday Ruby!! June 16th is my birthday too!! Thank you Mama for sharing Ruby's story! I am so blessed to know that orphans are being loved and cared for. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Thank you for being Ruby's family. 🙂
Happy Birthday Shimmi!! So fun that you share the day with our miracle girl!!
Happy Birthday Ruby!
We are so grateful for how God has protected & provided for you through the gift of family & his sustaining grace!
Your life is a testimony of his greatness & we're thankful to be witnesses!
Happy Birthday to one of God's finest miracles#
Ruubyyyyy, I loooooooove yoou! It's Danica and I'm so thankful for you. You are my sweet friend whom I so enjoy visiting. Thanks for loving on my kids, too. You truly are a gem; God says so; He used your family to save you and give you hope. Happy 4th birthday, sweetheart!
We are going to have a giant shindig for her this summer to celebrate in a BIG WAY!! You and Jeff and the kids wanna' come?? (hint-hint) xoxoxox
AMAZED by our faithful God! Totally AMAZED!!! So very thankful for the gift of Ruby in your life and the gift of your family in Ruby's life! I still to this day can hardly believe the transformation… totally miraculous! What a miracle her life is!:) Praying for you all!
Truly amazing!
Happy Birthday sweet Ruby Grace! You are truly a miracle blessed by God. How wonderful to see all that you can do and thanking God for it all. Keep working hard sweet girl! Much love from Arkansas..
Happy Birthday sweet Ruby!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Ruby! Belated means late but I think it will be okay since it is still your birthday week. 😉 In my house, we teasingly try to each have a birthday week instead of just a day! I know birthdays are special thing your family too, so I think they will go for it! Happy Birthday WEEK, sweet girl!
Your house sounds like our home!! We drag them out and often they turn into birthday week-ends or weeks!! Nothing like celebrating the joy of God creating each one!!
Just beautiful. Tears are rolling. What a precious, precious miracle she is. Happy birthday darling Ruby. Your strong spirit is awe-inspiring, and no doubt, you will move mountains.
Happy happy birthday from Rio de Janeiro Brazil, sweet Ruby! You are a such a champion sweet girl, wishing the best for life.
Happy Birthday Sweet Ruby! You are our miracle baby! Keep showing off your milestones!!
Happy Birthday, Ruby, from the Mason family! You don't know us, but we are forever changed by your story. You are a miracle and are very loved!
Mason family, So sweet of you to say that Ruby's story has changed you – all glory to the Lord!! I wish everyone could hang out with her for a few days and see the favor of God on her – it's miraculous!