We have been talking a ton lately here at
our Place Called Simplicity
about praying specifically.
It is exciting how many have begun to do it and have
seen God answer in amazingly crazy ways!
Well here’s a powerful story to illustrate the point –
and it’s been freshly added to our Memorial Box as well!
I have heard from countless people that they never understood that
they could ask the Lord for seemingly insignificant things.
I’ve also heard over and over, “I don’t want to bother God.”
As though God only has time when
we have super-sized requests!
Sweet friends!!
Almighty God,
the maker of heaven and earth,
the God who made you and called you into being…
that very same God longs for relationship
with every one of us –
no exceptions!
And if it’s important enough to you that it crossed your mind
and lingered for a bit –
then it’s important enough to mention to Him!
Well here is a story about something specific that we pray for
often in our home….
This past March I was leaving to lead a sweet team
of women to serve
a home that will soon be filled with
special needs treasures
and existing to
Love the Broken,
Strengthen the Weak
Encourage the Weary.
Anyway, just before leaving I found out that
there was an up charge to get our seats ahead of time
on the flight.
{Ridiculous in my opinion,
but whatever,
it is what it is.}
Dw told me to pay the charge to ensure
seats closer to the front for Liberty and I.
I didn’t want to do that.
1. Because I hate spending money that doesn’t have to be spent.
2. It’s the basic principle
{It’s just totally ridiculous to have to pay for seats ahead of time!
And yes, I know I already said that.}
Dw was being sweet as he knows how
{because of the MS}
I can get pretty sick if I am in the back of the plane
and it’s experiencing turbulence.
He mentioned it a few times
and thanking him thoroughly
I told him that I would just pray and trust the Lord.
I’m not a hero guys.
Not at all.
I just felt that the Lord had this
and we would be exactly where He wanted us to be –
with no charge.
Even if that meant the back of the plane.
The only thing I prayed for was
God’s favor.
So at the airport on the day of departure
we were given our seats.
We were together toward the back of the plane.
On a little side note,
Ruby’s alarm for her seizure med was going off in my phone
just as we were told to shut our phones down.
The mom in me just had to let Dw know.
So I quick texted him to remember.
{Totally silly, since I was leaving for 3 weeks and would not
be able to remind him, but you know how it is as a mom!?}
He texted me back that he was on it
and then I was in the middle of texting him that I
loved him and the flight attendant came by
and rather harshly said,
“Shut your phone off NOW!”
We weren’t taxiing to the runway but merely
backing up from the gate so not looking up,
but attempting to finish the text I said,
“I am.”
He barked,
Whoooa dude.
I shut my phone off without finishing the text.
After take-off I felt like the Lord told me to
go and apologize to the flight attendant for not
complying with the instructions.
Immediately when the ‘fasten seat belt’ sign went off
I went to him and humbly said,
“Will you please forgive me for texting after
I was told to shut the phone off?”
He look dumbfounded.
He shrugged, “It’s okay.”
I replied, “No, actually, it’s not okay. I am to obey
authority and I would ask you to forgive me, please?
Would you?”
He nodded and said, “Yes.”
I thanked him and went and sat down.
Liberty and I settled in for our long flight.
If I want the favor of God
{and man}
I better be obeying the rules!
At meal time, the flight attendants were handing out all the
specially ordered food
that accommodates dietary needs.
Weeks before our departure I had requested “Gluten Free”
for Liberty and I
so I wondered why we weren’t brought our meal trays
with the others.
The flight attendant who I had apologized to was
“our” flight attendant.
As he brought the meals that night
I asked if there happened to be a gluten free one
as Liberty and I had ordered that.
He was sooooo nice {so thankful I had apologized}
and went on to tell me there wasn’t.
Oh me.
He went on to say, “I’ll see what I can do.”
Ten minutes later he returned
with a salmon dinner on a glass plate…
compliments of
First Class
that was gluten free!
Liberty and I giggled and giggled.
Talk about the favor of God!!
At breakfast, on his own,
he brought a container full of fresh fruit from –
you guessed it –
First Class.
We praised and thanked the Lord for His favor!!
{And I wondered what would have happened if
I had not asked his forgiveness?}
The weeks serving passed and Liberty and I stayed on for a bit
to spend time with Emmy.
After weeping our way through the hugs,
Liberty and I made our way to the airport.
Checked in and waiting for our flight to leave
I noticed that the seats we had just been
assigned were low numbers….
like 11A and 11B.
I was hopeful that we would not be at the back of the plane.
As we boarded Liberty was in the front and
we had basically started into the plane
I was maneuvering my carry-on luggage
when Liberty almost immediately put her
backpack down on a seat.
I was wondering what in the world she was doing!!
Had she lost her marbles?
Glancing up I saw…she was at the seats we had
been assigned and they were in Business Class!!
Oh my.
We could not stop giggling and thanking the Lord
for this tremendous favor!!
We had not paid anything extra for anything
and here we were sitting in Business Class at the
front of the plane.
The second flight was even better!
This time as we boarded the flight attendant looked at our
ticket and said,
“Turn left!”
We were in the front First Class.
I’m still giggling.
It was that wild and crazy favor of God!
“For you bless the righteous, O Lord;
you cover him with favor as with a shield.”
Psalm 5:12
We have placed the menu
{pictured above}
in our Memorial Box
as a reminder of His undeserved favor!
Thanks for your words today. I read your blog often but today I needed to read this. My daughter has been having a hard time lately and I have been praying for God to change her situation. God as of yet has not answered our prayers am I discouraged yes, But your words today have encouraged me to conitue praying and believing that he will in his time. Blessings on you.
Brenda, Keep praying!! The answer is coming! When my kids are having a hard time, one key for me is to fast as well as pray!!
And The Lord of Heaven and Earth giggles with us! I think He loves it when we notice these gifts and says "You think that was good? Watch this!"
Isn't it crazy? He is so loving toward us, it boggles my brain!
All I can say after reading this is AMEN!! So be it!! God's favor exceeds anything we can ask for EVERY time!!
You are so right! When I read your words they were a zinger to my heart – "God's favor exceeds anything we can ask for EVERY time!!" Powerful!