Nehemiah’s Celebration

Yesterday our sweet Mr. Nehemiah Judson 
celebrated his 11th birthday!
{His 2nd birthday home!!}
What a joy this fellow of ours is.
We are hopelessly smitten.
I know I say that about all my treasures,
but seriously,
this guy just brings such joy to our family.
Lover of God.
Quick wit.
Sweet spirit.
Just love him so much!

As always, we started with breakfast in bed…
waffles delivered by the waffle-bearer….
{seriously this littlest brother always has a different get-up on}
{Nehemiah loves bacon}
and hash browns…
I regret I didn’t get a group shot…
But everyone was singing and cheering him on…
including our favorite missionary and LM
singing from overseas and Ruby was giggling
cause Ruby l*o*v*e*s* birthdays! 
The day was filled with all the fun that Nehemiah had envisioned….
including playing lots of Legos!
 I have many thoughts about precious him rolling around my head….
thoughts that need to be verbalized…
and will share those soon as I pray about exactly to share them.
But suffice it to say, 
we cannot ever thank the Lord enough that this 
son of ours is home.
He is a delight to everyone who meets him.
And frankly, we get to.
Yes, we do.
We get to love him up close.
We get to show him the enormous love that 
Almighty God has for him.
We get to tell him how loved and wanted he is.
We get to.
How blessed we are.

Nehemiah would love any birthday wishes you would send his way.

He’ll grin his sweet, kind of shy grin.

So wish-away – if you are able!

29 thoughts on “Nehemiah’s Celebration

  1. Dear, dear Nehemiah,
    Happy Birthday to you! You are an absolute blessing… a true miracle! Legos are great, aren't they? It sounds like you had a pretty good day. Thank you for loving God… you are teaching many by your example. I guess your best present is having your brother home safe in the United States of America. He is so proud of you… it shows in the pictures when he hugs you. Hope you have lots of fun being 11!! With love, Gretchen in Oregon

  2. Happy Birthday, Nehemiah!!!! You are a very handsome boy and very clearly one of the true joys of your mommy's life. Have a terrific birthday and enjoy being 11!! Next year will be your zodiac year, so an even bigger birthday!!!! Have fun!

  3. Nehemiah! We cannot wait to meet you! We have apple trees that need to be picked and a horse who would love to charm them from you! Come on up with your momma and papa and your precious family and we'll celebrate your birthday here too! Happiest Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday sweet Nehemiah… Praising God that He made you! What a precious gift you are to your family! Praying you have a great day!

  5. Happy Happy 11th Birthday sweet Nehemiah – 11 is a great year! We have a sweet 11 year old Elijah who LOVES to play legos! you sure would have fun together. you could eat bacon together too 😉

  6. Wow! Your mom had a long list of wonderful words to describe you! (And she said she had even more to say! I bet that makes you feel special!) Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy birthday, Nehemiah! So glad you had a great day! From your mom's post, you sound like an awesome young man and that sweet smile sure does make me want to meet you one day. I hope 11 is a good year for you! God bless! 🙂

  8. Happy birthday, incredible Nehemiah! I've been impressed by your kind-hearted attitude since I met you this winter. You are clearly an overflowing blessing to each of your family members; they ALL adore you! We, too, are thankful God has made you a Saunders and pray His divine providential direction and love on your life. May each of your days, you be zealously God's, enjoying Him as you go. Hope you have another outstanding year! With love, the Dobeshs

  9. Happy Birthday, sweet Nehemiah! You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I am so glad to see you a part of this beautiful family.

    From Tara in Texas

  10. Oh Happy Birthday Nehemiah! Your birthday is nearly on mine! Mine is coming this week.
    I always notice how wonderful your smile is when your mom puts photos on the blog. I hope you always have a smile on your face, but especially in your heart!
    I hope you have piles and piles of blessings this year.
    Love in Christ,
    Sandy from The United Kingdom – or England to be precise.

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