Tag: Nehemiah
Nehemiah’s Celebration
Yesterday our sweet Mr. Nehemiah Judson celebrated his 11th birthday! {His 2nd birthday home!!} What a joy this fellow of ours is. We are hopelessly smitten. I know I say that about all my treasures, but seriously, this guy just brings such joy to our family. Easy-going. Unselfish. Kindhearted. Tender. Lover of God. Quick wit….
“Farm” Stories
A year or so ago I wrote about our unexpected “harvest” from our own backyard and the dates are growing nicely this year as well! So excited! As I mentioned in that post, we embrace our new city lives, but every now and then we talk about the joy-filled days of chickens, roosters, goats, barn cats,…
“He Just Busy?”
Even Though Oceans Apart
“It” Is Back
Lit Matches Under Our Nails
Nehemiah Did It!
Farmer Girl Meets City Life
I have to laugh to myself… The Lord is completely amazing. I grew up in the city, but every single day longed for the country. After closing Dw’s law practice and heading to seminary, we eventually pastored our first church and had a beautiful rolling hilled property on 21 acres complete with vast woods, gorgeous…