Ending the Week With a Shout of Joy

You all know how we love to talk about miracles at our Place Called Simplicity!!!

I think it might just be my most favorite thing of all to shout about.

photo by:  Dean Smith

I don’t know about you, but even with all I’ve seen, heard of and witnessed,  I still have to remind
myself again and again that He will do what He promised, that He will provide,
that He will see us through whatever it is we are going through!

Our faith can wane so easily!

No wonder our Miraculous God told the Israelites to gather rocks and place them in significant
places to remind them of all the things He had done for them.  Then He told
them to not only remember the stories, but to tell them to their children and
their children and their children…commanding them to pass them on so we would remember.

There is no doubt that the Lord wanted us to tell each other of the things He has done
for us…to share the joy, to celebrate Him and to stir our doubting hearts with faith!!

Early this morning I read a story online and the title alone grabbed my heart.

I mean, how often does any news site declare a title like:
{and by the way the link is now down – ha!}

Mom’s Prayer Restarts Son’s Heart

I found the link at another site later today, which in reading to the kids aloud,
I could not contain myself as the tears dripped down my cheeks.

The link above explains the story…a 14 year old and two friends fell through ice on a lake in
Missouri.   The boy, John Smith, was under water for 15 minutes.  For 27 minutes CPR was attempted.

At the hospital, after her son had been dead for a full 45 minutes, Dr. Sutterer allowed
his mom into the room.  When the boy’s mom entered the room she began to pray loudly
and in no time, his dead heart started…

Oh friends – our powerful God, in that instant heard that mom’s heart’s cry and touched her young son’s heart and Dr. Sutterer later wrote:  

His heart was jump started by the Holy Spirit 
listening to the request of his praying mother.

Another doctor also said, “It was a bonafide miracle.”  

I can’t help but wonder – how often do we give up because it seems like it’s too late?

How often have I given up?

I mean how many times in life does it look impossible.

But our God declares – 

“With me NOTHING is impossible!!”

Even a dead heart can start after 45 minutes!!  


And that’s the best way to end a week!! 
He is the God of the impossible!
Believe with me!

9 thoughts on “Ending the Week With a Shout of Joy

  1. Thank you Linnie for this. For the reminder that God is still in the miracle making business. I know and believe that one day I'll be hugging Brock and telling him in person that his mama NEVER stopped loving him!


  2. Dearest Linny, It has been so long since I have visited your blog; I had lost it but our dear sister Renee gave it to me again. Girl I really needed to read this as I go in for a complete hysterectomy tomorrow and at 62, major surgery and the recovery is not sounding fun! I am going to have to get caught up with you and your family-how long ago did you leave Colorado for AZ? So glad Renee and Joel got to visit with you. I'm going to make sure that I'm still a follower. Blessings to you and yours!

    1. I had wondered where you were??! So thankful to have you back. I will be praying for tomorrow for you. We moved when I landed with Ruby in Nov. 2011. I never went back to our home in CO…her medical needs necessitated us being near a major neurological institute for her brain surgeries. Dw went back to CO, resigned our church, packed up our home and I never went home even for a night. WE love Phoenix and love our Ruby girl – Win/Win. Welcome back. xoxo

  3. We live right by this lake and followed the story closely. Posted it on FB, hoping people would share this amazing miracle!! So glad you took the time to share the story too. God must have big plans for this kiddo! 🙂

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